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UPC Cisco EPC3925: Enabling True Bridge Mode - A Simple How-to Guide



  • Registered Users Posts: 6 MaCXyLo

    i think it would be very helpful, if we start a theard to collect information about the differences between the countrys.

    Device: EPC3208G
    Firmware Name: epc3208g-E10-5-v302r125562-130611c.bin
    Firmware Build Time: Jun 13 17:23:52 2013
    Country: Germany
    Provider: KabelBW

    My detination is, to get a shell on my device.
    Long term goal: Write a tool, to make it easy to unlock all functions.

    It also have a ethical point for me:
    my ****in' network belongs to me.
    a authority in my country called "bundesnetzagentur" want setup a law to control my home network.
    They want to change the termination point of the provider's from the phone / tv box to the router / modem.
    My provider is technical already in a position to control my home network absolute completely.
    I can't accept that.

    [nothing edited] - Administration.asp
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    var secModes = ["router", "bridged"];
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    var sConnect = "";
    var sysname_old = "";
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    <!-- 2 -->
            alert(invalid_sysname + characters_error);
            return false;
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    //    var pass2 = cf.sysConfirmPasswd.value;
    <!--  -->
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            secMode = "router";
            secMode = "bridged";
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    <!-- 2 -->
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                return false;
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
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            return false;
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            return false;
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            return false;
            alert(invalid_domainname + number_error2);
            return false;
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
                return false;
                    return false;
    <!--  -->
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
        var MtuSize = cf.wan_mtuSize.value;
        if ( (MtuSize != 0) && !(MtuSize>=256 && MtuSize<=1500) ) {
            return false;
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
    			cf.sysPasswd.value = "";
    			cf.sysConfirmPasswd.value = "";
    			alert(msg_invalid_password + characters_range);
    			return false;
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    			  cf.sysPasswd.value = "";
    			  cf.sysConfirmPasswd.value = "";
          		return false;
    		if(cf.sysname.value!=sysname_old && pass1=="")
    			msg+=addstr(msg_blank, msg_password);
    			return false;
    			alert(invalid_sysname + characters_error);
    			return false;
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    				return false;	
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
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    <!--  -->
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    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
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    	var dummy_pw = "123456" ;
    	var dummy_pwv = "abcdef" ; 
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    <!-- 2 -->
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        // ; // 0: No Access, 1: Read Only, 2: Read Write
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            setDisabled(1, cf.wan_dns1_1, cf.wan_dns1_2, cf.wan_dns1_3, cf.wan_dns1_4);
            setDisabled(1, cf.wan_dns2_1, cf.wan_dns2_2, cf.wan_dns2_3, cf.wan_dns2_4);
        // ; // 0: No Access, 1: Read Only, 2: Read Write
        // ; // 0: No Access, 1: Read Only, 2: Read Write
        var section_UserAccessWebPage_17=2;
        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_17 == 1)
            setDisabled(1, cf.wan_mtuSize);
        // ; // 0: No Access, 1: Read Only, 2: Read Write
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        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_17 == 0)
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            setDisabled(1, cf.remote_management[0], cf.remote_management[1], cf.http_wanport);
        // ; // 0: No Access, 1: Read Only, 2: Read Write
        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_26 == 0)
        var section_UserAccessWebPage_28=2;
        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_28 == 1)
            setDisabled(1, cf.upnp_enable[0], cf.upnp_enable[1]);
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        var section_UserAccessWebPage_95=2;
        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_95 == 1)
            setDisabled(1, cf.sysname, cf.sysPasswd, cf.sysConfirmPasswd);
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        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_95 == 0)
        if(section_UserAccessWebPage_95 == 0 && section_UserAccessWebPage_26==0)
        sysname_old = cf.sysname.value;
        if(vlan_ModeEnable == true)
            setDisabled(1, cf.working_mode);
            setDisabled(0, cf.working_mode);
        if(eRouterIPV6 == 1)
            setDisabled(1, cf.wan_mtuSize);
            setDisabled(0, cf.wan_mtuSize);
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            secMode = "bridged";
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    <!-- 2 -->
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        show_hide("mtuSET",(secMode == "router"));
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
    <!--  -->
        var dflag = (cf.preWorkingMode.value == 0);  
    <!-- 2 -->
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 0 -->
    <!-- 2 -->
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
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         sConnect = secConnects[cf.connection_mode.selectedIndex];
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             secMode = "bridged";
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    						<table class="std">
    								<td nowrap width="118">
    									<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(va_wlan_manage);</script>
    								<td nowrap>
    								<INPUT type="radio" id="wlan_enable" name="wlan_enable" value="enable">
    									<B><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbenable1);</script></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    								<INPUT type="radio" id="wlan_enable" name="wlan_enable" value="disable">
    									<B><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbdisable1);</script></b>
    			<table id="i_igmpEnable" class="nav">
    					<td class="bwhead" >
    					<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(va_igmp);</script>
    					<td class="bwhead1">&nbsp;</td>
    					<td class="nav1">&nbsp;</td>
    				<tr height="3px">
    					<td class="Item1"></td>
    					<td class="Item2"></td>
    					<td class="Item1"></td>
    					<td class="Item2"></td>
    					<td class="Item3">
    <!-- 0 -->
    		<td class="help">
    					<td valign="bottom" height="24">
    						<SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href="help/h_Management.htm" class="submenu" target="_blank">
    						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vhelp);</script></A></SPAN>
    <table class="bottom">
    		<td class="Footer1">&nbsp;</td>
    		<td class="Footer2">
    			<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">showSave();</script>
    			<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">showCancel("Administration.asp");</script> &nbsp; &nbsp;
    		<td class="Footer3">&nbsp;</td>
    <input type="hidden" name="preWorkingMode" value=1>
    <!-- 2 -->
    <input type="hidden" name="h_remote_management" value=disable>
    <input type="hidden" name="h_check_WebAccessUserIfLevel" value=2>
    <!--  -->
    <!-- 2 -->
    <input type="hidden" name="h_upnp_enable" value=disable>
    <!--  -->
    <input type="hidden" name="h_wlan_enable" value=enable>
    <!-- 0 -->
    <!-- 2 -->
    <input type="hidden" name="h_user_type" value=common> 
    <!--  -->


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    Hi MaCXyLo,

    Welcome to!

    While your device isn't an EPC3925, it appears that it's quite similar as far as the web interface GUI goes.

    Have you tried injecting the HTML using Opera 12.x (12.16 is the latest version before they changed to Google's Blink browser engine)?

    Below are screenshots of your HTML code in action using my EPC3925 as a base. Click to enlarge them.

    Not edited:


    If you done that already, what was the result when you hit "Save Settings?" It should either work or you could end up with a 403 Forbidden error. If you got the latter, then there's nothing that can be done on this end. You should therefore attempt to contact your ISP to have them bridge it for you remotely, which can be done if they're willing. A guy from Romania did it with his ISP (UPC Romania). Here we're with UPC Ireland.

    EDIT: The EPC3208G doesn't appear to be a proper router as it only comes with one Ethernet port, etc. Can't you use your own router/switch with it as it is right now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 MaCXyLo

    Dear DECEiFER,
    thank you for responding.

    i insert the following code of you (used Opera 12.16):
    <!-- working mode -->
    <div id="WorkingMode">
    <table class="std">
        <td nowrap width="95">
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            <select name="working_mode" size="1" id="working_mode" onchange="selectWorkingMode()"> 
                <option name="router" value=0><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbencap4);</script>
                <option name="bridged" value=1><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbencap5);</script>

    The Menu appears, but when i press save settings nothing happen.
    It falls back in the old view of the menu, that's all.
    Did you change something else on 'my' code?
    I also try to copy the "full code". Doesn't work properly.
    Try also to change different value's - no success.
    My coding skills are limited.
    EDIT: The EPC3208G doesn't appear to be a proper router as it only comes with one Ethernet port, etc. Can't you use your own router/switch with it as it is right now?
    This device would be delivered as a modem from my provider - in fact it's a router. (NAT is included + enabled). It's absolutely ridiculously.
    I called my provider:
    they say, that i must reconfigure my router to setup "access-point-mode" or rent a other device (a technicolor device with integrated wlan (in my basement, beton + steel - very useful)).


  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    Hi all,

    I'm about to upgrade to the 50Mbps package from the 30Mbps one and if I do so I'll be getting a new modem/router. Do you guys know what the likelihood is of getting one that's capable of acting as a true bridge? I mean, what are they giving at this point?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I'm about to upgrade to the 50Mbps package from the 30Mbps one and if I do so I'll be getting a new modem/router. Do you guys know what the likelihood is of getting one that's capable of acting as a true bridge? I mean, what are they giving at this point?

    Technicolor TC2700. The supply of EPC3925 devices is thin and unless you can convince them that you need one, there's no chance of it, sadly. The TC2700 is not able to true bridge.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Technicolor 2700. The supply of EPC3925 devices is thin and unless you can convince them that you need one, there's no chance of it, sadly. The TC2700 is not able to true bridge.

    I see...thanks a lot for your answer.
    I think I might as well upgrade anyway because my epc2425 is...well...very bad.

    Is the TC2700 a decent router at least? Or better than the

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    I see...thanks a lot for your answer.
    I think I might as well upgrade anyway because my epc2425 is...well...very bad.

    Is the TC2700 a decent router at least? Or better than the
    That I cannot be sure of. My parents' had one for a month or so before upgrading to Horizon. Now the TV box is an all-in-one.

    You can use the other method of bridging, it's still good for the most part. Stick your router in the DMZ of the TC2700, turn off everything, any firewall options, wireless, the lot, and you'll be fine. It'll be nearly as good. Most noticeably you'll have no way to change IP without a MAC cloning/spoofing feature in the TC2700 (same as with the EPC3925) and there will be an extra local hop (usually of less than 1ms) going to the Internet.

    EDIT: Let me put it to you this way. If you buy or own a decent router, I'd faux bridge before using the TC2700 outright. Even if it is better than the EPC3925, it won't be by much. Here's a thread on it posted in by people who do have it:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    MaCXyLo wrote: »
    Dear DECEiFER,
    thank you for responding.

    i insert the following code of you (used Opera 12.16):
    <!-- working mode -->
    <div id="WorkingMode">
    <table class="std">
        <td nowrap width="95">
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            <select name="working_mode" size="1" id="working_mode" onchange="selectWorkingMode()"> 
                <option name="router" value=0><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbencap4);</script>
                <option name="bridged" value=1><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">dw(vbencap5);</script>

    The Menu appears, but when i press save settings nothing happen.
    It falls back in the old view of the menu, that's all.
    Did you change something else on 'my' code?
    I also try to copy the "full code". Doesn't work properly.
    Try also to change different value's - no success.
    My coding skills are limited.

    This device would be delivered as a modem from my provider - in fact it's a router. (NAT is included + enabled). It's absolutely ridiculously.
    I called my provider:
    they say, that i must reconfigure my router to setup "access-point-mode" or rent a other device (a technicolor device with integrated wlan (in my basement, beton + steel - very useful)).

    The only thing that I can think of is that the POST variables for your router are different...or that it never supported bridging in the firmware and/or hardware. It would work otherwise. If that's the case then I'm afraid that you're just going to have to put up with it unless you can get something better from your ISP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    That I cannot be sure of. My parents' had one for a month or so before upgrading to Horizon. Now the TV box is an all-in-one.

    You can use the other method of bridging, it's still good for the most part. Stick your router in the DMZ of the TC2700, turn off everything, any firewall options, wireless, the lot, and you'll be fine. It'll be nearly as good. Most noticeably you'll have no way to change IP without a MAC cloning/spoofing feature in the TC2700 (same as with the EPC3925) and there will be an extra local hop (usually of less than 1ms) going to the Internet.

    Well, worst case scenario I'll be at the same point I'm at now but with a faster speed (50/5 vs 30/3), faster wifi (N vs g, although I'll be using my own router's wifi), faster ethernet (1Gbps vs 100Mbps) and I guess the rest will remain the same. I guess settings allow you to change the usual stuff, right? (disabling firewall, wireless networks, etc).

    Thanks again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    Well, worst case scenario I'll be at the same point I'm at now but with a faster speed (50/5 vs 30/3), faster wifi (N vs g, although I'll be using my own router's wifi), faster ethernet (1Gbps vs 100Mbps) and I guess the rest will remain the same. I guess settings allow you to change the usual stuff, right? (disabling firewall, wireless networks, etc).

    Thanks again.
    I can't recall if there are firewall settings but sure, it would allow you to. The rest, absolutely, you can turn off WiFi. Turn everything off, including UPnP. I just like to save as much as possible on the workload. Once your router is in the DMZ, it won't need anything like that and everything including port forwarding, firewall, wireless, etc., will be handled by your router for all the devices connected to it. It shouldn't be a problem!

    I edited the post that you just quoted above, take a look for more information.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    I can't recall if there are firewall settings but sure, it would allow you to. The rest, absolutely, you can turn off WiFi. Turn everything off, including UPnP. I just like to save as much as possible on the workload. Once your router is in the DMZ, it won't need anything like that and everything including port forwarding, firewall, wireless, etc., will be handled by your router for all the devices connected to it. It shouldn't be a problem!

    I edited the post that you just quoted above, take a look for more information.

    Cool, I'll go ahead then. I recently bought Apple's Airport Extreme, not sure if you know it, but anyway, that's what I'm going to use no matter what they give me. It's got some fancy stuff I like and very good coverage overall, plus wifi ac, that's why I'd like UPC's router to be as "invisible" as possible. Bridge mode would be desirable, mostly because I'm kind of a control freak and prefer it to act just as a modem:D but if it doesn't really increase ping noticeably and I won't notice any difference performance wise I'll disable all the features and forget about it.

    My current EPC2425 is ok except for the fact that it's got slow ethernet, which can be limiting.

    Again thanks, I'll post my impressions next week when I get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    Cool, I'll go ahead then. I recently bought Apple's Airport Extreme, not sure if you know it, but anyway, that's what I'm going to use no matter what they give me. It's got some fancy stuff I like and very good coverage overall, plus wifi ac, that's why I'd like UPC's router to be as "invisible" as possible. Bridge mode would be desirable, mostly because I'm kind of a control freak and prefer it to act just as a modem:D but if it doesn't really increase ping noticeably and I won't notice any difference performance wise I'll disable all the features and forget about it.

    My current EPC2425 is ok except for the fact that it's got slow ethernet, which can be limiting.

    Again thanks, I'll post my impressions next week when I get it.
    Ah yeah you need those extra DOCSIS 3.0 channels. The EPC3925 is DOCSIS 2.0 and only comes with one channel for the down and one for the up.

    How come you're only getting the 50Mb pack? The minimum now is 120Mb, unless you're on one of the bundles?

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Ah yeah you need those extra DOCSIS 3.0 channels. The EPC3925 is DOCSIS 2.0 and only comes with one channel for the down and one for the up.

    How come you're only getting the 50Mb pack? The minimum now is 120Mb, unless you're on one of the bundles?

    Hmm I'm on the Broadband+Home Phone bundle ->

    The minimum is 50, isn't it? for 37 euros. The next one is also 37 but limited usage.

    I must say I don't have a phone, the only reason I'm on this bundle is because I didn't see any option without the phone. Am I wrong? Any other better options? If I can go to a higher speed without the phone for the same price I'll do so...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    Hmm I'm on the Broadband+Home Phone bundle ->

    The minimum is 50, isn't it? for 37 euros. The next one is also 37 but limited usage.

    I must say I don't have a phone, the only reason I'm on this bundle is because I didn't see any option without the phone. Am I wrong? Any other better options? If I can go to a higher speed without the phone for the same price I'll do so...
    Nah, I'm on Broadband + Phone also. It was cheaper at the time when there was an option to go without, believe it or not. I too don't have a physical handset plugged in so...same boat.

    Yeah you're right also about 50 being the minimum again. A few weeks ago they didn't have it listed. They made the new packages 120 and 200 and that was it. I'm on the old 100Mb + Phone pack for €47 per month. I could upgrade to 120Mb + Phone for €44 per month but it'd mean singing on for 12 more months so I'm not going for it. 100Mb is fine. The upload is the same regardless and until that changes for the better, I'm good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Nah, I'm on Broadband + Phone also. It was cheaper at the time when there was an option to go without, believe it or not. I too don't have a physical handset plugged in so...same boat.

    Yeah you're right also about 50 being the minimum again. A few weeks ago they didn't have it listed. They made the new packages 120 and 200 and that was it. I'm on the old 100Mb + Phone pack for €47 per month. I could upgrade to 120Mb + Phone for €44 per month but it'd mean singing on for 12 more months so I'm not going for it. 100Mb is fine. The upload is the same regardless and until that changes for the better, I'm good.

    Yeah the 12 months contract is the real problem for me too, specially because I might move out within the next half a year or so. However I've heard you don't have to pay any fees if they can't provide coverage on your new address. I hope that is true :D

    I've been wondering whether I should upgrade to 50Mbps or more, but mostly because I don't want to want to upgrade in the future and have to request yet another modem paying 45 euros again. However I believe the other two options (120 and 200) use the same technology, right? It should only take a call and a few minutes to upgrade if I wish to do so in the future.

    By the way, what's going on with the second option? 120Mbps with 30GB usage limit? That doesn't make much sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    mariotr87 wrote: »
    Yeah the 12 months contract is the real problem for me too, specially because I might move out within the next half a year or so. However I've heard you don't have to pay any fees if they can't provide coverage on your new address. I hope that is true :D

    I've been wondering whether I should upgrade to 50Mbps or more, but mostly because I don't want to want to upgrade in the future and have to request yet another modem paying 45 euros again. However I believe the other two options (120 and 200) use the same technology, right? It should only take a call and a few minutes to upgrade if I wish to do so in the future.

    By the way, what's going on with the second option? 120Mbps with 30GB usage limit? That doesn't make much sense.
    No, it doesn't, haha. You'd tear through that in a day if you weren't careful. And if you are careful, why bother?

    The modem will be EuroDOCSIS 3.0 for all the speeds currently on offer so yeah, you can upgrade anytime without getting a new modem. However, they'll reset your contract if you do. Always a new contract. It's UPC's gift to you for choosing to upgrade and pay them more money.

    I like 100Mb. I could do fine even with 50Mb or 70Mb (like Eircom do nowadays if you're in a FTTC area). The biggest thing for me is upload because I do like to upload YouTube videos as big as can be and for things like uploading stuff to the cloud for friends, etc. Also, I like to dabble in online radio, so maybe one day there will be a decent enough upload to allow for 500 connections at a decent bitrate and I can start an empire of...ah who am I kidding. But it'd be cool so you could house some Linux boxes to run some game servers, a web server, and a radio server. Right now 10Mb would do that but you'd have to manage and allocate the bandwidth tightly.

    When I first signed up to UPC, it was in January 2012, and I had 50/5. I loved the 5Mb upload. I was living in Tralee for college before then and was stuck at 800Kbps because UPC don't cover the town. It was a nice upgrade, I loved it, but now that I have 10Mb, I couldn't go back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mariotr87

    Lol :). My usage is lighter, at least speed wise. I'm a netflix heavy user, I can do 200gb a month without downloading anything. Also spotify and other streaming services. I play online video games from time to time, for which I don't need huge speeds either, just a good ping. Apart from that, the typical stuff; browsing, YouTube, downloading certain tv series from time to time if they are not in netflix and that's it.
    However when I want something I want it now, so more speed is always good. I would stay on 30mbps if I were paying less, but 44? That's the price for the 120 unlimited one nowadays...I was being ripped off. Plus the 500gb monthly limit, which I never exceeded but got close a couple of times, and as you said I don't like being careful :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭advertsfox

    Doing this soon. Picked up a TP-Link TL-R460 router to go with my current TP-Link AP that's coming off my own EPC3925 - the NAT, oh my god the NAT is horrendous!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 JackHarley

    By the way guys, if you're on an older modem and you're worried about being "upgraded" to one of those terrible new Technicolour modems, you can just call up and specifically ask that they give you an EPC3925, they'll be happy to accomodate the request since right now the technicians carry three different modems and just install whichever one they feel like (Technicolour, EPC3925 and some other that I've forgotten the name of). Sometimes they don't have one or more of the modems on them though (ran out, etc.) so you need to make sure to call up first so the tech brings an extra with them and keeps it for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭advertsfox

    advertsfox wrote: »
    Doing this soon. Picked up a TP-Link TL-R460 router to go with my current TP-Link AP that's coming off my own EPC3925 - the NAT, oh my god the NAT is horrendous!
    Done and done, vast improvement over the network especially in terms of DLNA / uPnP steaming (my number 1 concern).

    Opera worked for me, Chrome wouldn't let me replace the source and apply - might just keep Opera Portable around for HTML editing during website builds.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    Anyone get a firmware upgrade? Mine came in last night, I noticed what seemed to be a random reboot and when I checked, I saw this:
    Current Software Revision:	 epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125572-130412c_upc
    Firmware Name:	 epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125572-130412c_upc.bin
    Firmware Build Time:	 Apr 12 14:05:19 2013

    I noticed that one of the posters in this thread in May from Romania had that exact firmware version. However, the upgrade to it hasn't impacted my ability to set bridge mode, whereas it did for him.

    Anyone else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,158 ✭✭✭loki7777

    Current epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc
    Firmware Name: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc.bin
    Firmware Build Time: Jul 27 21:06:28 2012

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    loki7777 wrote: »
    Current epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc
    Firmware Name: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc.bin
    Firmware Build Time: Jul 27 21:06:28 2012
    It could be a phased rollout. Mine happened in the AM so keep an eye if you're awake at that time and if not, keep checking when you're awake in the mornings to see if it has gone through and whether your bridge mode is still good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    Anyone looking option to do the same to Thomson TWG870 have a look here, just found a way of enabling bridge mode.
    Should also work on Technicolor TC7200

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Anyone get a firmware upgrade? Mine came in last night, I noticed what seemed to be a random reboot and when I checked, I saw this:
    Current Software Revision:	 epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125572-130412c_upc
    Firmware Name:	 epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125572-130412c_upc.bin
    Firmware Build Time:	 Apr 12 14:05:19 2013

    I noticed that one of the posters in this thread in May from Romania had that exact firmware version. However, the upgrade to it hasn't impacted my ability to set bridge mode, whereas it did for him.

    Anyone else?

    Still rolling with the old one:

    Bootloader Revision: 2.3.0_R1
    Current Software Revision: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc
    Firmware Name: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc.bin
    Firmware Build Time: Jul 27 21:06:28 2012
    Cable Modem Status: Operational
    Wireless Network: Disable

    Will keep and eye.

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,925 ✭✭✭Agueroooo

    Current Software Revision: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc Firmware Name: epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc.bin Firmware Build Time: Jul 27 21:06:28 2012
    will also keep an eye

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    If I requested a 3925 1) Would they send one out? 2) Would It have bridge mode option available without injecting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,502 ✭✭✭thefinalstage

    Asm wrote: »
    If I requested a 3925 1) Would they send one out? 2) Would It have bridge mode option available without injecting?

    Nope. Your best bet would be asking for a Thomson TWG-870U and following the instructions in this thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭whosedaddy?

    just had my TWG-870U replaced today (VOIP issues) and got a 3925 instead.

    it has the epc3925-ESIP-12-v302r125561-120727c_upc firmware.
    and it has bridge mode available and it does allow switching.

    Don't have router to test bridinging tho (as thomson wasn't known to be bridegeble until now..)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    So I could try request one. Thanks.
