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3rd year away

  • 20-09-2012 7:14pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18

    Hey all, just started in DCU this week doing Business Studies International with Japanese and I was wondering what the story was with the 3rd year away?
    I heard somewhere that you need like a certain amount of money before going?
    Cheers for any help!:D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Duffah wrote: »
    Hey all, just started in DCU this week doing Business Studies International with Japanese and I was wondering what the story was with the 3rd year away?
    I heard somewhere that you need like a certain amount of money before going?
    Cheers for any help!:D

    You'll need about 10000euro in your bank account or proof that you have access to the money around the Feb of the year you'll be going.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 Duffah

    Cheers Konata!.. Better start saving so! Damn.. Haha.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 406 ✭✭AnnaKin

    Konata wrote: »
    You'll need about 10000euro in your bank account or proof that you have access to the money around the Feb of the year you'll be going.

    Is that just for the Chinese/Japanese? :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    AnnaKin wrote: »
    Is that just for the Chinese/Japanese? :pac:

    Yup. It's less for European countries. I don't know the exact figure but it'd still be a couple of grand anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,031 ✭✭✭Cravez

    You can work up to a maximum of 28 hours part time if you are studying in Japan. But the lecturers don't really want student's to be working part-time and want them focusing on studies, or trying to get a scholarship instead of working. Again, doesn't always work out that you'll get such a scholarship so working might be an option.

    The Japanese Government can give grants to potential students who are studying in Japan, where they can give a monthly stipend amount while you are in study. Google 'JASSO' for find out more. There are only a certain amount of guarantee's who can receive the grant, but the number is a lot more than a scholarship.

    The Irish grant can be given to you while you are studying in your year abroad if I am not mistaken.

    But obviously saving up as much as you can yourself is the first and most important thing as all options might not be available to you.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    You can work up to a maximum of 28 hours part time if you are studying in Japan. But the lecturers don't really want student's to be working part-time and want them focusing on studies, or trying to get a scholarship instead of working. Again, doesn't always work out that you'll get such a scholarship so working might be an option.

    The Japanese Government can give grants to potential students who are studying in Japan, where they can give a monthly stipend amount while you are in study. Google 'JASSO' for find out more. There are only a certain amount of guarantee's who can receive the grant, but the number is a lot more than a scholarship.

    The Irish grant can be given to you while you are studying in your year abroad if I am not mistaken.

    But obviously saving up as much as you can yourself is the first and most important thing as all options might not be available to you.

    We were told that the VISAs we get for Japan don't allow us to work AT ALL. Only the EU students can work part time.

    And yes, you can still get the maintenance grant if you're entitled to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 Duffah

    Konata wrote: »
    We were told that the VISAs we get for Japan don't allow us to work AT ALL. Only the EU students can work part time.

    And yes, you can still get the maintenance grant if you're entitled to it.

    Presumably this doesn't include work placement? Unless we'll be doing that for free?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Duffah wrote: »
    Presumably this doesn't include work placement? Unless we'll be doing that for free?

    There's no work placement. You go to university in Japan.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 Duffah

    Konata wrote: »
    There's no work placement. You go to university in Japan.

    Oh right, I was a bit thrown off by this, "You will spend a year studying and/or working in a country where your chosen language is spoken."
    Do you mind me asking Konata, how long ago did you go on your year away?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Duffah wrote: »
    Oh right, I was a bit thrown off by this, "You will spend a year studying and/or working in a country where your chosen language is spoken."
    Do you mind me asking Konata, how long ago did you go on your year away?

    Haven't gone yet :P I'm going into 2nd year. So all my information is fresh! :D

    The working bit refers to the INTRA placements for students studying Irish. All the other languages you go to university in your chosen country :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 Duffah

    Konata wrote: »
    Haven't gone yet :P I'm going into 2nd year. So all my information is fresh! :D

    The working bit refers to the INTRA placements for students studying Irish. All the other languages you go to university in your chosen country :)

    AH! I assumed you graduated a few years ago, how mistaken I am :P Bit disappointed now.. then again, I don't fancy working a 12 hour day! :L
    Anything else you care to share about it? Do you know what decides which university you're sent to?
    Cheers for the info btw!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Duffah wrote: »
    AH! I assumed you graduated a few years ago, how mistaken I am :P Bit disappointed now.. then again, I don't fancy working a 12 hour day! :L
    Anything else you care to share about it? Do you know what decides which university you're sent to?
    Cheers for the info btw!

    It's your own preference and then your results that decides. Afaik you put down your 1st, 2nd etc. preference for universities. Then they start with the top person in the class (ie best overall results in 1st & 2nd year) and give them their 1st preference. Then onto the 2nd person etc. etc.

    No problem :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 Duffah

    Konata wrote: »
    It's your own preference and then your results that decides. Afaik you put down your 1st, 2nd etc. preference for universities. Then they start with the top person in the class (ie best overall results in 1st & 2nd year) and give them their 1st preference. Then onto the 2nd person etc. etc.

    No problem :)

    Ah I thought as much! Thanks again and I 'spose I'll see you on campus sometime:pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23 anto475

    Actually about the year abroad, I'm starting Second Year IR atm and I was wondering when we hear anything about it? My friend's in ITT and she got a talk about Erasmus there the week she went back, any ideas?
