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Its about time - 10 Green Bottles



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Well, results show a much better than expected placing of 22nd in Keeper Challenge so I'm pleasantly surprised with that but even happier with the steady performance and time. I'll have to target sub-3 next year :rolleyes:

    Its been a decent run week since then as I'm trying to jump back into Jackyback's marathon training plan in order to put a bit of structure on my meandering. I'm signed up for a local 10km next week but no hopes of a PB off limited training and a rolling course. It'll purely be a run for fun. The Great Limerick Run Half Marathon beckons on the May BH W'end as the next real target. I don't plan on being in a pool until June so no Tri plans in the short term.

    Mon 11/3/13 8km run commute 0:43
    Tues 12/3/13 Tempo Run 1:05 - 15mins easy, 30mins @ 4:45 (Actual 6.5km 4:48,4:46,4:41,4:37,4:29,4:29,4:33/km) 5mins @ 4:30, 15mins easy
    Wed 13/3/13 0:35 easy
    Thurs 14/3/13 12km intervals 1:00 - 10mins easy, 5x2 min leg opener(tempo 1min /easy 1min), 5 x 1km @ 4:20 + 90 sec recovery(Actual 4:18,4:23,4:23,4:39 (uphill),4:25(downhill)) 1.5km in 6:40, 2 min warm down
    Fri 15/3/13 11km easy 1:00

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    My nice plans for long runs and cycles over the long weekend were blown out of the water by a bug that drained me so pretty miffed with that but what can one do. :o

    Mon 18/3/13 Approx 50km easy cycle with neighbors, 2:15, 22.8kph. Started late afternoon in sun but froze in shorts with no gloves for a finish. Felt much better afterwards.
    Tues 19/3/13 8 km run commute 0:43
    Wed 20/3/13 12.9km Tempo Run 1:00 4:39/km :eek:
    Plan was 10mins easy, 35mins @ 4:45, 5mins @ 4:30, 10mins easy
    Actual middle section was 8km at 4:37, 4:21, 4:21, 4:15, 4:16, 4:16, 4:14, 4:17/km and 1.3km at 4:04/km
    Tues 21/3/13 8 km run commute 0:43

    The tempo run came out of nowhere. I was avoiding it all day and had even just polished off a plate of lasagna and oven chips 25mins beforehand :eek: Dropped Mini-me to football and headed off into the sunset. After an easy warmup I ramped it up but noticed it was real easy to get leg turnover up to pace so ignored the watch for the next half hour and just ran by feel. It was like an out-of-body experience :D Motored along quite comfortably the entire time. Back in time to collect Mini-me and smiles all round from both of us. We do like our exercise :D. Still amazed by those numbers :) Happy days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Catchup time again

    Fri 22/03/13 - long day driving to Wexford/Carlow with work. flaked :(
    Sat 23/03/13 - 1st aid course for Cubs all day. No exercise and still tired from Fri :(
    Sun 24/03/13 - Monaleen 10k run. 45:0x?
    Disappointed with this as I wasn't organised enough. MrsB and No 1+2 were doing the walk which was to start an hour and a half before hand and I was looking after Mini-Me. However the start of the walk was delayed and I had to chase around looking for someone to keep an eye on Mini-Me when I was supposed to be warming up. In the end I had to abandon him on a high stool at the bar as the gun went and I had to chase out the door and through the carpark after everyone :eek: Crazy stuff. And then my legs just didn't want to know about it so it was grim the whole way. I didn't pick up a signal for over a minute so my Garmin recorded 9.67km in 43:49 (4:31/km) but the official clock was 45:33 :( Plus I was chasing a buddy (Kevin7) for ages but couldn't real him in and another neighbour who's only running a few months was close on my heels so I was not a happy bunny afterwards. And Mini-Me hadn't even called me a pint by the time I got back to him.......................:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Sorry - got interrupted in the middle of my last catch-up so...........

    Mon 25/03/13 - 8km commute run - slog
    Tues 26/03/13 - 10.9km run. Was supposed to be tempo with several km at 4:45/km but could only manage 3km before reverting to 5:00/km - another slog
    Wed 27/03/13 - Rest. Sulked :o
    Thurs 28/03/13 - 8km commute run
    Fri 29/03/13 - 85km cycle, 3:30, 24.2kph. Off for Good Friday so went for a nice spin out Scariff direction with The Commuter. Nice, relaxed, enjoyable :)
    Sat 30/03/13 - brought No 1 to a football blitz out the county and intended heading off for a run and leaving her to it but ended up watching her play 3 games in a row. Nice, relaxed, enjoyable :):rolleyes:. Headed to Sligo afterwards on a glorious day for 3 nights at a very nice Beach House which was very close to a very very nice Beach Bar and sure, when in Rome.............;)
    Sun 31/03/13 - 19km long run, 1:35, 5:00/km. 4 laps of a nice circuit on a fresh day. Heaven
    Mon 01/04/13 - 8km run. 2 laps - 1 slow with MrsB, 2nd faster.
    Tues 02/04/13 - Rest
    Wed 03/04/13 - 8km x 2 commute runs
    Thurs 04/04/13 - Rest
    Fri 05/04/13 - 8km x 2 commute cycles. 13.3km Interval run, 1:05, 4:53/km incl 6x1km @ 4:18/km
    Struggled at the end and don't know how I managed a tempo run at this pace a few weeks ago. Was supposed to do more but tired from commute and feeling a dodgy pain in my left heel:confused:
    Sat 06/04/13 - 75km+? cycle, 3:15?, 24+kph? messed up my Garmin so no proper details. Very cold 7am start with ice forming in water bottle as a result. Out with the Commuter again plus 1 other. Nice cycle and glorious day but then a very late dinner party (4:30am) meant I was wreaked again :(
    Sun 07/04/13 - Rest. Wanted to curl up in a ball for the day but a winning Munster HC match and a leisure centre visit put a nice sheen on the day. Even managed 5 x 100 off 10min :eek: for my troubles. Haven't swam in 6 months+ and its like I never could :(
    Mon 08/04/13 - 8km commute run

    Where am I going.................................:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 09/04/13 - Rest
    Wed 10/04/13 - am Tempo Run and pm Cycle
    15.2km run, 1:11, 4:40/km, Avg 139bpm. 2km WU, 11km@ 4:45-> 4:20, 1km@4:01, 1.2km WD. Happy with this decent effort as tempo mostly <4:30/km
    50km cycle, 2:00?, 25kph?, 115bpm? Out to Broadford and back via Parteen with Kevin7 but he punctured and my times are skewed as a result.
    Thurs 11/04/13 - 2 x 8km commute runs. Like a drowned rat after second one. Long way home on the train in soaked runners. Tired :(
    Fri 12/04/13 - 8km commute run
    Sat 13/04/13 - Long am bike 77km, 3:05?, 25kph? 110bpm?
    Out with Kevin7 again and feeling very flat. Out to Killaloe, Tuamgraney, Broadford, Parteen. Felt like I had someone else's legs on the long drag coming out of Broadford so decided to trash them:rolleyes:. Again with a Kevin7 puncture so time slightly skewed.
    Sun 14/04/13 - Long am run 21km, 1:49:23, 5:12/km, 139bpm
    8km easy @ 5:23, 6km @4:50, 7km @ 5:20ish.
    Had intended this as a progression run but was still feeling tired from week and cycle so didn't work out. I was struggling into the wind on the return leg and quads were burnt out so pulled the plug and just concentrated on doing the distance.
    Quite tired at the end of the week but reasonably satisfied with the slight building of cycling and running compared to previous weeks/months. I haven't done a long cycle and a long run on the one weekend plus a proper double in quite a while so I'll take that as an ok build week. :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    a nice week there Red.

    any races planned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Well my 'good' week came back to bite me as I crashed and burned as a result after it :mad:

    Mon 15/04/13 8km run commute. Quads locked for the rest of the day :o
    Tues 16/04/13 Rest. Had to :o Wiped out
    Wed 17/04/13 Rest. Travel to Wexford. Still tired :o
    Thurs 18/04/13 Nothing. Motivation low and working long hours
    Fri 19/04/13 Nothing but as a result my calves went into cramp for 2 hours during a site visit:eek:
    Sat 20/04/13 Nothing. Calves still fairly shot. Limping around.
    Sun 21/04/13. 1 hour easy run. Feeling better
    Mon 22/04/13. 8km run commute.
    BennyMul wrote: »
    a nice week there Red.

    any races planned?

    Thanks BM but obviously my 'step up' resulted in a 'step down' :o

    Thinking of doing the Samsung Night 10km run on Sunday with MrsB for something different and have the GLR HM the following week but not as A race. I'm in survival mode this year with a lot of commuting to Dublin but am considering signing up for the Lost Sheep. I need something to aim for but have been fairly restricted on time and energy. Hopefully I can swing a bit more training and get back swimming soon :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    RedB wrote: »
    Thinking of doing the Samsung Night 10km run on Sunday with MrsB for something different...

    Hey Red, I'm planning to jog around this to erase my recent IM "run"...let me know if you decide to suit up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Tues 23/4/13 8km run commute
    Wed 24/4/13 Rest
    Thurs 25/4/13 8km cycle commute and 11km? run
    Fri 26/4/13 10km? run and 8km cycle commute
    Sat 27/4/13 69km cycle, 2:47, 24.7kph, Avg 119bpm, Max 162bpm
    Out towards Broadford and over the Gap to Killaloe and then out the R499 and up to Killoscully and Newport. Just the right amount of hills and distance with the Banker. Felt a bit empty afterwards but a Communion that afternoon/evening sorted that out.
    Sun 28/4/13 Samsung Night Run 10km 45:00
    Abandoned the kids late afternoon and headed for Dublin with MrsB. Got a peach of a parking spot on the corner of O'Connell St and changed in a nearby pub. Met up with Izoard who had kindly collected our numbers and goody bags on Friday. He must work part time in the Diplomatic Corps as he had selected a Small tech top for MrsB without any prior knowledge which I must admit wouldn't have been my choice! However, the angels were smiling on us as it was a perfect size and everyone was happy. Wandered down to the starting pens and followed Izoard into the sub 45 area in good time which I felt slightly awkward about but in hindsight it was perfect. I tried for ages to get a signal for my Garmin but to no avail. There was a group warmup that was a bit strange and we couldn't hear much of the directions. I was getting cool standing around and was glad to finally get moving. It was different with everyone in the high vis tops but there were a lot of slower people that I needed to duck and dive around as we got moving. A nice atmosphere up and down O'Connell Street and I got a nice pace going on the Quays. I only got to record 8.5km on the Garmin and even then I didn't use it much and just ran by feel. We had one shower and it was slightly cool as it got darker but not too bad. I seemed to be moving up through the field the whole time but it was a bit congested at times. It was a very twisty turn-y course especially over the second half with a few contraflow sections and sharp bends. I missed the KM markers and ended up running within myself until the final KM. I was surprised afterwards to see the splits and HR as it felt comfortable.
    (8.5km) Avg 4:19/km - 159bpm
    The finish clock was just turning to 0:46 but my chip time was 0:45:00 which is fair enough given my current state. I didn't see Izoard after the start but he put in a tasty time only 2 weeks after his IM so 'chapeau' as he would say himeself:). It was an enjoyable experience booting around the city in the dark with the floods of hi vis vests everywhere and a decent bit of support as well. MrsB enjoyed it as well and still had enough energy to put in a days shopping the following day while I was at work :rolleyes:
    Mon 29/4/13 - Rest
    Tues 30/4/13 - 6km easy, 30:14, 5:02/km, 143bpm

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    RedB wrote: »
    Wandered down to the starting pens and followed Izoard into the sub 45 area in good time which I felt slightly awkward about but in hindsight it was perfect.

    I, on the other hand , felt no-such akwardness, but should have been nowhere near that pen...:)

    Good running!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Wed 01/05/13 - Rest
    Thurs 02/05/13 - 8 km run commute
    Fri 03/05/13 - 2 x 8km run commute
    Sat 04/05/13 - Rest. Had hoped to cycle but skipped a group early start and then had no further opportunity as MrsB went to a Wedding and left me in charge :rolleyes:. Had hoped to join the UL Gym and have a swim but the pool was closed :o. The kids however did the GLR Kids runs in UL so there was a bit of craic in that and they all came home smiling.
    Sun 05/05/13 - Great Limerick Run Half Marathon.
    Side story - A nice civilised start time of 11:45am meant I was able to drop No1 to her Athletics training in UL and drop No2 and MiniMe to my Mother's in Dooradoyle from where they were going to cheer me on later around the 5.5M mark. No 1 was to get the bus cross town on her own over to the Mother's after training and I was to meet them all there afterwards. This was an unauthorised :rolleyes: arrangement that MrsB wasn't aware of and No1 had never been on a bus on her own before but sure, what could go wrong. Well apparently there was a 'big race' in town that day and the bus only took her as far as the city centre where she ended up wandering around trying to find another bus to take her the rest of the way. With road closures, crowds and no local support, this was not a good experience for her and even though she got there after a bit of messing I felt bad afterwards. Trying to juggle all family activities is a challenging business when we're all going different directions and this was unacceptable. No harm done but the bigger picture stuff needs to be kept in mind too. A slap on the wrist for me :(.
    The other story - meanwhile I rocked up to the start area and bumped into MCOS and a buddy who were also doing the HM. Had a quick chat and then went looking for my brother who was a late entry but couldn't locate him. The usual long WC queues were skipped down a quiet laneway, a few quick stretches and saluting familiar faces. It was a lovely warm sunny day and a good atmosphere all round although there seemed to be less people than previous years. I spotted the pacer ballons and tried to make my way up to them at the start but couldn't get there. Given my lack of long runs I was anticipating a 1:40-1:45 time but was going to hang onto the 1:40 pacers (4:44/km) if I could. I took off at what I thought was a decent pace from the gun and spotted AKW close to the pacers but still couldn't get to them. I gradually moved up to them over the next 2-3km but AKW had pushed on by then. I was feeling quite warm at that stage and I was glad to get water near Old Crescent. I ended up pouring half it over my head/neck over the next few km as I started to feel very hot. I introduced myself to the pacers Menoscemo and ClaraLara who naturally were top class and very helpful :). An interesting route and spotted MCOS again at Raheen where I enjoyed the nice downhill stretch but no sign of the family where I expected them :( Back into the city centre and I pulled ahead of the group slightly but started to struggle to maintain the pace comfortably once we went through 10km. Thankfully the sun went it around then. By the time I was at 14km I was feeling the squeeze and Meno shouting 'only another 25mins to go' soon after wasn't helping :D! I could sense the group pulling me back in and I was glad I was in front of them as I'd have fallen off the back otherwise. I kept 10-20m ahead at the Gaelic Grounds 16km mark and I was starting to struggle with form and breathing when we hit inclines. We were passing Marathon runners so I drew solace from the fact that I've been in their position and that's a deeper pain that I didn't have. The North Circular Road seemed to go on for ages and I'd have probably eased up slightly there if it wasn't for the group :o I knew I was pushing my limits but I figured that's what I was there to do. I passed some neighbours supporting at 19km and that forced me to grin and bear it. I knew I could survive the last km but getting there was the hard bit as I balanced my depleting reserves of speed and endurance. Finally I got to Sarsfield Bridge and autopilot kicked in. Head up, eyes on the horizon, shoulders back, relax, let the strides go, breath. Turned the last bend and pushed for the final section. Searching to see the HM timer. Stop the watch 1:39:14.
    Grabbed a barrier and took a minute to recover. Was feeling pretty wiped out and numb. Afterwards the legs started to get heavy and stiffen quickly and I should have stretched them properly but didn't.
    21.17km, 1:39:14, 4:41/km, Avg HR 154bpm
    4:49/km 138bpm
    4:26 149
    4:51 155
    4:48 155
    4:37 157
    4:40 156
    4:34 157
    4:34 156
    4:46 156
    4:49 156
    4:33 154
    4:31 155
    4:50 155
    4:52 155
    4:44 153
    4:43 156
    4:41 154
    4:39 155
    4:40 156
    4:37 156
    (170m -3:48 161)
    Overall I was very satisfied with that as it was only 14secs off my PB from last year when I had a lot more training done.:)
    Mon 06/05/13 Long Cycle 71.22km, 2:38:10, 27kph
    Out towards Nenagh and back with a loop to Boher. A decent mixture of easy, steady, TT and a nice hill at the church past Birdhill. Happy with that.
    Tues 07/05/13 8km run commute. feeling it in the legs today. Tired.

    And this morning I signed up for the Lost Sheep HIM in on 14th Sept so I've 16 weeks to get myself back in proper Tri shape. Now, its time to go learn how to swim again!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Fantastic run there Red!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Well done Red, you put ina great effort on Sunday.
    Once you got a head of us we had to make it our mission that you stayed ahead!! I shouted up 'Stay ahead Red' a few times but a lad in a red top kept looking back and asking why I was always picking on him :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Congrats on your PB!! Well done you! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great stuff Red, very solid running.

    I'll have my work cut out to keep you in sight @ Lost Sheep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Wed 08/05/13 30min Swim. Approx 1km? Finally joined UL Gym for 4 month summer membership. Started out with fins to get back into it slowly and added paddles. Just worked on breathing, position, basic technique and trying to get a feel for the water again after several months absence. Felt nice and easy but was still breathless quickly. Going to ramp it up slowly as I get frustrated easily in the pool. Did 50m at the end with no toys and my limbs felt like straw. No strength :o

    Thurs 09/05/13 8km run commute. Felt good for a change.

    Fri 10/05/13 1:15 Hill Run/0:30 Gym/ 0:30 Swim
    Had to do some work in Newport so took the opportunity afterwards to do a hill run on Keeper. 7km up to the high dogleg bend beyond the treeline in 0:43
    with a lot of heavy breathing but got into a rhythm after 3km. Nice easy 0:32 6.5km descent around the loop. Felt good afterwards.

    Took a first visit to the Gym in a very long time for a basic weights session concentrating on upper body work. A nice swim session after with 500m fins, 500m fins and paddles. Did 2 x 50m FS as a test at the end. Went flat out to make 1:00/50m :o.
    Izoard wrote: »
    I'll have my work cut out to keep you in sight @ Lost Sheep!

    Yeah but with swim times like the above it'll be eyes in the back of your head you'll need to keep me in sight :D (and don't start me about my bike speed :rolleyes:)

    Sat 11/05/13 - Rest. Went to Dub for family Communion. Slipped on steps and landed on my back :eek: Doesn't seem to be any serious damage but dodgy. Very bad nights sleep in family hotel room :o

    Sun 12/05/13 - Rest. Had hoped to get long run in but didn't happen :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Ouch! I hope you're okay from that fall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 13/05/13 8km commute run, 0:42:xx, 5:27/km, Avg 146 bpm
    Tues 14/05/13 0:20 Gym 0:20 Swim
    A lightning visit to UL while Mini-me was at Beavers. Probably should have just concentrated on one area. Upper body weights, 3x100m fins, 3x100m fins and paddles, 2x50m fc.
    Wed 15/05/13 0:45 Core, 8.11km commute run, 41:34, 5:07/km, Avg 142 bpm. 0:45 Turbo
    I now commute to Dublin a couple of days a week by train and finally took the opportunity to get some core work done during that journey. I had my running gear anyway so I set up in a doorwell at the very end of the train and got in a semi-decent session of core and stretching to the amusement of my fellow regular commuters. Planks, Squats, Situps, Bandwork, Stretches and well warmed up and ready to run once we arrived. :) Worth doing.
    That evening I dragged the Turbo out of the shed where its being rusting away since it was accidentely left out in the rain a year ago. It had dried out and the display was mainly working but the windings were grating a bit so I didn't trust the numbers. Just did a simple high rpm session (100+). Happy just to be on it.
    Thurs 16/05/13 0:30 Gym, 0:30 Swim.
    Managed to get to UL before heading to Wexford with work. More upper body weights, 3x100m fins, 3x100m fins and paddles, 2x50m kick, 6x50m fc. My abs area was stiff and sore later probably from the weights and my lack of core strength. First time to consider foam rolling my stomach! :D
    Fri 17/05/13 8km commute run, 41:4x, 5:08/km, Avg 147 bpm, 0:25 Weights, 0:25 swim
    Squeezed in another UL visit on my return from Dublin as the pool was closing for the weekend. 3x100m fins, 3x100m fins and paddles, 6x50m fc off 1:30-1:45.
    Sat 18/05/13 Long Progression Run, 18:32km, 1:30:03, 4:54/km, Avg 141 bpm
    Started out as a LSR but found myself in an easy tempo where I was moving fluidly in a strange train like fashion. Click click click click with low effort. I relaxed into it and just tried to keep a low HR and stick with it. Found myself maintaining it and increasing pace with little effort so turned it into a a bit of a progression run at the end. Nice enjoyable run but I paid for it later as I felt drained and a bit cranky.
    5:16/km 154 bpm
    5:11 148
    5:05 133
    5:09 132
    5:06 135
    4:57 136
    4:59 137
    4:53 137
    4:56 136
    4:58 139
    4:53 139
    4:49 140
    4:50 140
    4:45 141
    4:35 145
    4:34 145
    4:49 147
    4:35 151
    (320m) 4:54 154
    Sun 19/05/13 Long Cycle, 80km, 3hrs, 26.5kph.
    Went out with the Banker and Alps who've both been putting in a lot more KM than I have in recent months so was hoping just to hang on as I was still feeling a bit flat with slightly dead legs. Out to Rear Cross via Murroe and the back of Glenstall, Toor, Newport, Birdhill and a short hop up the hill there beside the Church for the craic. Did ok on the hills but was tending to drift off the back whenever the hammer went down. Forgot to restart Garmin after a puncture so only approx data.
    Mon 20/05/13 8km commute run, 0:43?
    Tues 21/05/13 AM Brick 0:45 bike, 0:15 run. PM 0:45 Turbo
    Working in Thurles so managed a quick hour before heading over. Beautiful morning. Out towards Birdhill but turned early. Nice session. First brick in a long time.
    Turbo was a basic pyramid. 5min WU, 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 Mins hard intervals (260W?) with 1 min easy (160W?) between them and 5min WD

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I now commute to Dublin a couple of days a week by train and finally took the opportunity to get some core work done during that journey. I had my running gear anyway so I set up in a doorwell at the very end of the train and got in a semi-decent session of core and stretching to the amusement of my fellow regular commuters. Planks, Squats, Situps, Bandwork, Stretches and well warmed up and ready to run once we arrived. Worth doing.

    Now that's what I call an efficient use of time :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Wed 22/05/13 2x8km commute runs

    Thurs 23/05/13 0:30 Gym 0:30 swim
    Upper body weights and 2000m row (8min)
    300m fins, 300m fin and paddle, 10x50m fc (6 off 1:30, 4 off 1:45)

    Fri 24/05/13 1:00 Cycle, 0:45 core, 0:45 commute run
    Milestone day as I cycled 31km to Limerick Jctn to get train, then did core workout on train and now just have the commute run to work to knock out to round up a decent 2.5hr cross country (literally) session before work :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Fri 24/05/13 1:00 Cycle - Return leg naturally meant I had to do another 31km home. Was tired and the road was busy so won't be rushing back to repeat this. Meant to say previously that I'm trying to use the tribars more so happy that I've put in a few spins where I've stayed down on them for a change.

    Sat 25/05/13 1:00 1500m Swim.
    Tired so skipped a long run and took the girls to the pool and managed a decent swim. 300m fins, 300m fins and paddles, 14x50m fc (6 off 1:30, 4 off 1:45, 4 off 2:00), 200m fins.

    Sun 26/05/13 100km Cycle, 3:45, 26.5kph
    Out with the Banker on a nice morning. Boher, Cappamore, Rear Cross, Toor, Newport, Birdhill, Killaloe, Parteen. A few hills and happy to round it to 100 for the first time this year. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Mon 27/05/13 8km commute cycle, 10.5km run - legs not good after previous day's cycle and low energy :o

    Tues 28/05/13 10.5km run, 8km commute cycle - legs still not good and limited energy :o

    Weds 29/05/13 1:00 Brick 1:00 Swim
    0:45 cycle @ 31kph 0:15 run @ 4:36/km. A glorious sunny day but breezy on the outward leg towards Birdhill on the tribars. Burned it up though on the way back with tailwind. Steady run but blowing a bit. Only saw pace afterwards :)

    2200m swim - 300m fins, 300m fins and paddles, 20x50m fc off 1:30, 300m fins and paddles, 300m fins
    Happy with this as managed to extend the main set in control with minimal gasping. Swim fitness slowly coming back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Thurs 30/05/13 8km commute cycle, 1:30? LSR 16.5KM? 5:30/km?

    Stayed over in Dublin with the in-laws again and got in a run on the way there. A glorious evening so extended it. Started off sluggish but eased into it then.

    Fri 31/05/13 10.6km run, 0:56, 5:20/km, 8km commute cycle.

    Have next week off so heading to Kerry tomorrow. It'll be mad setting up but the weather forecast is reasonable so looking forward to it. Bringing the wetsuit, bike, etc so hoping to get some sessions in :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wot, no report!?! Good to meet you there (briefly), you certainly had trans down to a t;)
