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[Eve] Very damn dead here lads...

  • 28-09-2012 2:15pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,924 ✭✭✭✭

    I noticed this forum is deader, then my neighbours. And they are permenant graveyard tenants...

    Lads on don't play eve anymore? I know I stumbled a few people playing it "building pc" and "Motor" forum, but no action here. :(

    I bet there are no Irish corps?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,372 ✭✭✭im invisible

    <Eve is offline>

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    I noticed this forum is deader, then my neighbours. And they are permenant graveyard tenants...

    Lads on don't play eve anymore? I know I stumbled a few people playing it "building pc" and "Motor" forum, but no action here. :(

    I bet there are no Irish corps?

    We've tried Irish corps before but they don't work, there are a large number of Irish in certain alliances though. A good few of us use the Irish channel in game but it can be quiet also from time to time.

    With public eve-o forums, corp/alliance forums and kugu/fhc available it means boards forum is simply a reference point for most.

    Have noticed various oldies coming back to Eve recently and populating the Irish channel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    I suspect that it's quiet here because Eve is suffering from Free2Play competition, just like all the other subscription based MMO's out there.

    Personally, I've been wondering in and out of the game since around 2004. I've always been a casual player, because honestly I don't have the time to devote myself to being a 'hardcore' player and this may mean that I may play a few hours one week and none the next - and that's just a waste of money if you're on a subscription. As a result, while MMO's like STO are nowhere near as good as Eve, they do allow for this type of casual gaming.

    And so, as active subscriptions fall, then you're likely to see fewer people talking about it here.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,924 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Don't really think free2play has anything to do with it. The current payment plan for eve is the best one I ever seen in any mmorpg.

    You can pay monthly sub for a proper mmorpg experience, or you can buy plex to sub your account with in game currency. I can't say it's expensive now. Sub thing should be the last thing to bitch to eve players I guess as most of eve players have around 3 accounts and manage to plex 2 of them every month. Some people have around 6 accounts...

    Anyway, it's around 25days since I started to play and I have to say I absolutely love it. I am in very nice little mining corp, but for now it is doing everything for me that I need. Starting from zero I already got 2xretrievers, 1 covetor, just bough fully equipped drake for some pew pew messing and still got around 400mil in account.
    I missed on power of 2 deal though :(. I wanted to get second account yesterday. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Don't really think free2play has anything to do with it. The current payment plan for eve is the best one I ever seen in any mmorpg.
    The law of supply and demand would tend to disagree with you on this point.
    You can pay monthly sub for a proper mmorpg experience, or you can buy plex to sub your account with in game currency. I can't say it's expensive now. Sub thing should be the last thing to bitch to eve players I guess as most of eve players have around 3 accounts and manage to plex 2 of them every month. Some people have around 6 accounts...
    And, ignoring for a moment that you'll still have to pay at least monthly subscription fee in a market full of free2play MMOG's, to raise enough ISK to keep two accounts running, not to mention actually use all three (up to a total nine characters), how many hours a month would you have to devote to the game?

    This is the issue; Eve increasingly is something that can only be played by hard-core (PvP) players who probably have no full-time job, let alone other family or social commitments, and if not it's not a very good proposition for your average consumer in today's market. That's not to say that this does not have a market, even one that will sustain it for the medium term, but it's a niche market increasingly under pressure from competition.

    Personally I do think that the number of players is decreasing. If most players have 3 accounts, as you say, then by that logic there's only about 100,000 active players of Eve and any growth in active subscriptions may be largely from the existing players rather than new ones. That's not sustainable in the long run.

    CCP probably do have to address this in the long term, IMO.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,924 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    The law of supply and demand would tend to disagree with you on this point.

    And, ignoring for a moment that you'll still have to pay at least monthly subscription fee in a market full of free2play MMOG's, to raise enough ISK to keep two accounts running, not to mention actually use all three (up to a total nine characters), how many hours a month would you have to devote to the game?

    This is the issue; Eve increasingly is something that can only be played by hard-core (PvP) players who probably have no full-time job, let alone other family or social commitments, and if not it's not a very good proposition for your average consumer in today's market. That's not to say that this does not have a market, even one that will sustain it for the medium term, but it's a niche market increasingly under pressure from competition.

    Personally I do think that the number of players is decreasing. If most players have 3 accounts, as you say, then by that logic there's only about 100,000 active players of Eve and any growth in active subscriptions may be largely from the existing players rather than new ones. That's not sustainable in the long run.

    CCP probably do have to address this in the long term, IMO.

    what a crap statement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    what a crap statement.
    Really? Then let me know how many hours it would take a player, who according to you, has three accounts and is able to fund two with Plex, to amass the better part of a billion ISK (if not more) per month to do so, not to mention ISK to cover lost ships and equipment?

    How many hours per week do you play?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,924 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Really? Then let me know how many hours it would take a player, who according to you, has three accounts and is able to fund two with Plex, to amass the better part of a billion ISK (if not more) per month to do so, not to mention ISK to cover lost ships and equipment?

    How many hours per week do you play?

    i dont know how much, but on sunday i had some free time so i afk mined in retriever with very poor skills ( i play only 3 weeks ) and i managed afk mine up 110mill, while reading forums, playing borderlands2, watching movies. me and misses were shoping in the morning locally, then we had a lovely dinner, later we had a lovely "gigidi", walking the dogs, helping misses to clean up house etc.

    So if noob like me managed to make so much ISK in one day with a basic ship, then person with 3 proper accounts can make A LOT MORE, then i do. 2 hulks/covetors + hauler can mine up enough isk for plex easily. Plex use to be 250mil... now it is around 500-600mil.

    And yeah, i do have a job too, unfortunately last weak i got hit in working hours due to it being a very quiet now ( i do only 25-30 hours per week now ).

    I am not saying this game is carebear friendly. you have to put some time in to. Its not a game for masses too. I prefer it being sub based, because i love to pay for my content and play it, not hit a barrier every 10 minutes and being forced in to buying content. I play a few games which are F2P and in a way they work, but when it comes to games like Darklight or Tribes ascend, you have to farm sooooooooooooooo long to get basic stuff, where it just makes sense just to buy damn stuff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,444 ✭✭✭Dohnny Jepp

    Really? Then let me know how many hours it would take a player, who according to you, has three accounts and is able to fund two with Plex, to amass the better part of a billion ISK (if not more) per month to do so, not to mention ISK to cover lost ships and equipment?

    How many hours per week do you play?

    With 3 accounts you can make a billion in a couple of hours in faction warfare.

    You can make 300 mil per hour doing sanctums in nulsec.

    You can make serious isk market trading.

    Also incursions can make serious isk.

    You can passively/semi passively supplement your isk making by Planetary interaction or investments.

    It's easy to make isk in eve. But making isk can be very very boring, Losing it is much more fun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Plex are 673mil sell in Jita and rising at the time of this post..... :mad:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,924 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    R0ot wrote: »
    Plex are 673mil sell in Jita and rising at the time of this post..... :mad:

    People stockpiling it. It reminds me of property boom in Ireland. After Xmas it will drop. Though something that is 20eu in real life costed only 250mil in eve was just a piss taker in my books. I would not be surprised that there are lots of people with enough plex to do them till the rest of their lives.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    People stockpiling it. It reminds me of property boom in Ireland. After Xmas it will drop. Though something that is 20eu in real life costed only 250mil in eve was just a piss taker in my books. I would not be surprised that there are lots of people with enough plex to do them till the rest of their lives.

    It's actually FW's fault. Suddenly a lot more players have access to A LOT more isk very easily from a basic alt. It will take a nerf to faction warfare plexs to fix this.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,444 ✭✭✭Dohnny Jepp

    R0ot wrote: »
    It's actually FW's fault. Suddenly a lot more players have access to A LOT more isk very easily from a basic alt. It will take a nerf to faction warfare plexs to fix this.

    The changes have already been made, and will be introduced this month. I can't remember off hand all that is being changed. The most significant change is that the LP store is capped at tier 3. Or the isk cost is capped to tier 3 levels.

    Either way the the nerf will bring it in line with other isk making options.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 237 ✭✭Komsomolitz

    Funny enough that FW nerf made me stop playing eve. Spent all my isk on a super, got bored of it and couldnt be arsed "working" for isk so i just let my sub run out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,444 ✭✭✭Dohnny Jepp

    Funny enough that FW nerf made me stop playing eve. Spent all my isk on a super, got bored of it and couldnt be arsed "working" for isk so i just let my sub run out.

    Depending on when you bought it you could sell it for significant profit now. nyx's have been selling for 30b+ on the eveo forums lately.

    Like yourself I'm taking a break from it. Eve's depth can be a bad thing, sometimes it becomes more work than a game.
