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Vocals Wanted for Prog Rock/Metal Band Dublin

  • 18-10-2012 1:02am
    Registered Users Posts: 26

    Guitarist, Bassist and Drummer all in our early 30s looking for a vocalist that can be heavy, powerful or melodic depending on the song. We play original music and weve all been playing for 15+ years but just together for the past few months now, rehearsing near Dublin city centre.

    Our influences would be fairly diverse just for example... APC, Tool, QOTSA, Joy Division, The Cure, King Crimson, Failure, Don Caballero.

    Ideally we would want a vocalist who can also play an instrument for textures, like keyboards, samples or anything that could be interesting but its not too important really.

    If you'd be interested in coming into the rehearsal studio and giving it a try then let me know and Ill send on some demos of our stuff and likewise if you have any demos send them on and well have a listen.

