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Sub 3 Muffin Man

  • 18-10-2012 11:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭

    Scrap the long intro waffle... Its a sub3 log until the following are achieved...
    Sub3 marathon
    Sub3 10k swim




  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Apart from a few lovely dips in the Med, I took 2 glorious sugar munching weeks off exercise after Barcelona. It felt suitably gluttonous even by my own Muffin Man Standards. Enough sinning to fill a few pages of the confessions thread! Last week I started back gingerly with a couple of easy short runs and my mothers bodypump class which left me positively aching for days afterwards. I got a short swim in too and felt like a rusty ship's anchor.

    So far, this week has been a little better but still not good.

    Monday: 12.33km easy run with a mate including 5*30 second cadence drills. Avg pace 4:54, HR 147. Enjoyable run nattering. He is aiming for the GLR too and has taken on some American Coach. I'm taking the self coached approach so it will be interesting to see how this pans out.

    Tuesday: Its a good morning to swim at the Arena as its quiet. A straight 6*400 off 7:30 in on 6:43/6:42/6:28/6:33/6:33/6:56. I paced the first 2 like a warm up and pressed the next 3. I died a death on the last one. Generally felt like I had no length, no power, no roll, legs sinking etc etc.. The Barcelona swim is still a mystery to me :o

    Wednesday: 13.71 sodding km in the rain. I felt drained of any energy. The breeze felt like a gale, inclines felt like mountains. I checked my cadence a couple of times and was plodding along at 82bpm. It was a struggle just to complete this run. Pace 4:56, HR 153. I just couldn't keep the HR down.

    Thursday: 20 minutes on the rowing ergo at 1:55.6/500 and 22spm, power 226w avg. Steady piece pushed towards the end. Its about the limit of what I can muster on thedreaded machine at this point. 40 minutes on the treadmill followed. It sucked. I hate the treadmill. I struggled for the first 25 minutes but then just HTFU'd and stayed on the thing. Pace 4:30, it felt extremely laboured. Next up 45 minutes yoga. My quads were a little shot from the machines which made some of the poses even shakier than usual. I lacked concentration for this class and fell off balance a few times. I'll get it back. Overall an ok workout. I felt the impact on the core which is good :)

    Muffin Man weighed in at 79.4kg last week. Still getting the sugar fixes but reduced the volume. 72kg is the very ambitious target for the Great Limerick Run in May. I've never seen the scales read anything under 75.5... :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    I'll get onto the mods on the A/R forum and see if they will allow you move your log back! Don't hold your breath now but I'll put in a good word for you :)

    Did you follow a marathon specific program for Berlin? Are you going to race anything shorter like 10k/10 milers or halfs in your build up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Come run Boston in 2014. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Over the last 4 years since beginning this multi sport lark, swimming has come on leaps and bounds, cycling always solid but running has consistently been my weakest split (even without cramps) and the thorn in my side to being decent age grouper!

    Swap around the words swimming and running and you could be talking about me. We should have babies.;)

    For the last two years you've undertaken a hell of a lot of racing. You've had some good results, but I still think your IM and marathon times in those two years are some way off your true potential, and it's probably a good idea for you to give marathons your full focus.

    With a PB less than a minute outside a sub 3 in Connemara, I'd be amazed if you don't smash 3 hours in 2013. It's a nice round number to get under as well, and once achieved I think further time gains will be easier to come by.

    Good luck with the training!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Welcome to I hope it goes well for you ;-)

    Great to hear you're a date set too. Will we be getting an insight to the wedding planning like we got for the new house renovating? ;-)

    Theres no doubt in my mind you're good for sub 3, id reckon a hell of a lot lower once its the key focus.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Best of luck Muffin Man, glad to see you sticking to logging your exploits around here. Next time i am down your way i will make sure i have a pair of runners in the car and a bag full of muffins:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    The main goal of the year however is on June 7th. Caz and I will get hitched!!

    Am i going to be pageboy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Congrats to ye both,

    Also planning on Dondea and GLR myself, if your looking for company on a long\long run give us a bell,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    The main goal of the year however is on June 7th. Caz and I will get hitched!!

    Excellent. Delighted for you both. Will Oakley be sponsoring the event? (HM flashback :rolleyes:)

    Nice targets so enjoy the challenge :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @TRR - don't worry after the marathon the log will get funky and groovy for a multi sport summer! Yes I will do a warm up race or 2 . Probably s 10k and a HM. A litmus test to see what simply higher mileage or kilometerage has yielded. A positive benchmark will instill a lot of confidence with a layer of speed and PMP work to add.
    @hoochiedoubledee - I wouldn't rule it out. I love Boston. Must check entry reqs ...
    @JB - Tell you what. We will test youin the pool vs shotgunjunior. Ye have about the same arm span so it would be fair. Simple 50m including a tumble turn. Best form wins. Ill get some of the fish to judge...
    @bennymull - deadly. Ill give you a bell soon
    @RedB - If JB wins that little challenge he can choose the sponsor!
    @Bambatta - Get suits. Show up. Done!

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Running focus? Sacked as mod.

    Yee finally get your tri forum and now you're all opening running logs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    @Bambatta - Get suits. Show up. Done!

    This is also my plan.

    Best of luck with the new log and targets. I'll be following with interest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Best of luck with the running Mike. Sub 3 is there for the taking.

    Best of luck with the big day also. Congrats.

    Looking forward to seeing how GFW goes for you. Some tasty climbs on the bike by all accounts too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Best of luck with that. Sounds like you have a fun calendar ahead.

    Might give the Donadea 50km a whirl myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Here you go....and my understanding is the qualification times are the same for 2014. Sub 3 and you're grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,518 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Good luck with the new goal. One thing you should be mindful of, is avoiding peaking for the Donadea 50k. Because it will be your highest mileage (and will likely require a substantial amount of effort (though obviously not when compared to an Ironman) you want to ensure you don't leave it all in the forest, before Limerick. Keep the taper before the event as minimal as possible, and get back into training afterwards as soon as you can. This may mean taking it handy during the event itself, but you gotta figure out which one is the real goal (which is of course the wedding! Congrats!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @RQ - Yes run focus but its a multi sport log really :)
    @KC - Sound running advice as ever KC. I don't intend to treat Donadea as a goal, even though its my first 'ultra'. Its simply a benchmark to get the running volume up. The only aim is to complete it as a nice comfortable pace and finish it hungry for a go at Limerick. I'll taper for a week and resume training within a week.

    Swim Squad
    Its been weeks since I swam with the morning group and I knew this would not be fun. The gang has since swollen to take over 4 lanes. I thought about dropping down a lane when I saw DaveR1 get in but figured I'd just suffer my way through it. Suffer I did.
    600m warm up including some catch up drills. Then...
    8*50m max effort off the bat!! Way to toast us before the set even starts!
    It was carnage after that.
    5*200m off 3:30 and 6*100 neg split off 1:45
    4*50m 'recovery' as 25 kick 25 backstroke
    2*100m max effort off 3. In on 1:23/1:23
    100m swim down
    3,100m total

    I felt OK on the initial fast 50s but the 200s were a case of hanging on for dear life. Not that I was hanging onto the fish, they were gone. I swam in no mans land between them and the pack. I made the RTs with maybe 10 secs to spare but I could feel my pulse through my neck. It was supposed to be endurance 2 effort :rolleyes: The 100s were not as bad but I was wrecked after them. The kicking recovery 50s was no recovery and my heart was still racing ahead of the fast 100s. I basically muscled through them. The Coach smiled when he called for a PB +5 sec effort. I nearly burst a blood vessel getting within 10 secs on the second rep. Despite the suffering I did the 100 swim down with as good a form as I could.

    I had this evening free and was going to go to the running club interval session. I only get to attend once in a while and try to seize the opportunities as the come. The session plan was speed reps of 45 and 90 secs. I don't think my legs are ready for that yet, plus the swim this morning toasted me proper... The joy of being self coached. No pressure... yet :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    It's a big challenge but one you'll be well capable of.

    But this thread makes me want muffins and I'm trying to eat well this week :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Long Easy Run
    It was a mild sunny autumn morning. Perfect running conditions. 90 minutes 18.87km. 2 laps of suburbia. I was breaking in a new pair of Adidas Supernova Response 21s. They are a psychedelic luminous yellow with silver stripes and I felt a bit conscious of them. The main aim of "easy" was to keep the effort under 150HR for base development. The first lap was fine but I struggled to keep it down despite the pace dropping off by 10-15 sec per km after the hour. I had a stitch for 20 mins too despite only having water before I left the house. In truth it felt a million miles from sub 3 form but its a start...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Best of luck and congrats, mcos - sub 3 will be no bother to you - I'd say the wedding is likely to cause more stress:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short one

    2 swims: 5.5km
    4 runs: 55.8km
    1 row: 5.2km
    1 yoga class

    3 weeks from Barcelona. Recovery done now, time to embrace the winter training. I wanted to run today but after 1.5 hours of back twisting forward, backward, sideward and combo trampoline summersaults with shotgunjunior I chose to lie on the couch and allow my vertebrae click back into place. Its been 3 weeks since I sat on a bike. Thats the longest absence since I opened my knee after running down a steep wet trail in 2009. The tired tri bike has been disassembled and tidied away for the winter and spring. The muddy mountain bike cleaned, checked and moved to the shed for the odd commute and trail fun over the winter. The reliable roadie hasn't been touched for a few months so that was given some TLC and moved to the attic along with the turbo for some post long run spin downs and the occasional group cycle.

    I got some new toys for the pool since I'm the only pleb down there without them. Fins to practice and strengthen my kick. A pullbouy to eh, I'll figure out something to do with it. A pair of paddles as I've seen the fish use them and was enthusiastically informed one morning they help build swim specific strength and give you a heightened feel for the stroke. The only thing with the pair I got is that they look like shovel heads in comparison to the tidy ones I see scattered on the pool deck. I'll try them out this week if I can work out what to do with the tubing :rolleyes:

    The other bits were some shoes. A pair of Adidas that I tried out yesterday. They feel different to last year's Supernovas but that may be down to being new and having normal laces instead of stretchy lock laces. The other pair I have to break in are a pair of Asics DS Trainers. A bit annoying though as I had only bought my first pair of DS Trainers a couple of months ago and left them in a transition tent in Spain :mad: I've since emailed in hope.

    Right then, on with the Muffin Man goes sub 3 mission! Hmmm.. speaking of Muffin, Caz has a banana bread in the oven... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I think you'll figure out the pull buoy easily enough since it goes between your legs. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Weekly Objectives:
    2 Swims intro tech in one session
    6 runs and circa 70km
    Run drills
    Longer easy row

    Medium Easy Run
    Another lovely mild evening. I was breaking in the DS Trainers. They felt like running on clouds immediately. Comfortable, light and responsive. Best shoe I've tried in ages. 74 minutes split between the city streets and suburbia. I enjoyed the trot around town and my base hr felt more controlled. By the time I hit the inclines of an active suburbia I had to reduce the pace to limit the cardiac drift. Overall 15.36km at 4:48 pace and 144hr. I had various little aches going on from the trampoline antics yesterday. I guess its not the safest cross training! I felt better tonight. Maybe the few drills I did before the run helped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Solo Swim Session
    Its fun and rewarding to drum up your own set and then execute it :)
    200m swim
    200m pull buoy
    100m swim
    200m power paddle
    100 swim
    5*400m off 7:30 in on 6:26/6:25/6:23/6:25/6:28
    4*100m kick with fins
    100m breast stroke

    3,300m total

    The warm up with the toys was interesting. I opted to swim 100 after the pull and paddle to feel the effect of them. After the pullbuoy I really noticed the weight of my hips dragging and the drag of my legs sitting lower in the water too. I took the paddles very easy. The speedo power paddles are very large and I instantly felt the workload on the shoulders. I had researched their use on you tube and taking a broad sense of the advice, kept it easy. The 400s were at the high end of aerobic in that I was working hard without hitting red. I thought I probably should be going off 7 if I could hit them all sub 6:30 but I'll leave that jump until I'm a good deal fitter. That won't happen on 2 swims a week, which I deem as a bare minimum to maintain current form and fitness.

    I wanted to go for a run after work but a hellish day at the office followed by a call to babysit my crazy niece afterwards killed that ambition. I also hit a low and made 3 visits to the vending machine too after 2 weeks clean :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Just get straight back on the wagon MCOS! I always find im most at risk when i fall off, its like "ah sure ive already gone bad, why not just have 10 more!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Medium Easy Run
    A 2 lap steady trot around suburbia. Its my last week of all easy and easy really should be feeling easy. The first lap was just that. I happily kicked my way through fallen autumn leaves. It felt loose and comfortable. Lap 2 however proved that I have a long way to go. I had to focus on keeping my heart rate down and it shot up on any form of incline. Ill know I've made progress when I can keep the hr down running over a short flyer by my house. I have to inject some tempo and speed next week to avoid becoming a single speed looker :-) Overall 16.31km in 76 min, hr 144, cadence again a lazy 84

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Footpod or did you count to 6,384 :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Weekly Objectives:
    2 Swims intro tech in one session
    6 runs and circa 70km
    Run drills
    Longer easy row

    1 Swim 3.3km :(
    2 Runs 32.4km :mad:

    For various reasons I have nothing to report for the last 4 days of the week :( The 'Prep' phase of this chapter hasn't been good but I'm positive still

    I'm drawing a line under it as no point complaining about what is not done :)

    Onto Winter Training then...

    Weekly Objectives
    2 swims - 1 group, 1 solo work + drills - target 6km
    6 runs - 3 easy, 1 session, 1 long, 1 short tempo - target 70km
    2 hours S&C with row, yoga, run drills,
    Ideally a short easy bike spin too

    Medium Easy Run
    I generally like Autumn but it got dark very early today and it was wet by the time I hit the road. A northerly breeze made it feel cold enough to stiffen the knuckles and turn on the nose tap. I had been feeling rather ashamed of myself after stepping on the scales 2.1kg up on last week knowing it was sheer sloth. I did spend most of yesterday on the couch watching James Cracknell documentaries of his incredible adventures which didn't help. Couple that with an eye on the DCM tracker this morning however and I was suitably motivated :) I had to check the ego though and rein the effort back to a controlled base development. 2 laps of suburbia. 16.24km at 4:47 pace, HR 144. It felt ok for an hour but unsurprisingly finished somewhat laborious. Nothing but consistency will get the fitness back. No more excuses...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tempo Reps
    12.51km including 4*1km at tempo effort with 3 minutes recovery. My legs are not up to interval pace yet so I used a tempo effort to keep a sort of lid on the first intense session in a long time. I ran easy for 15 minutes to warm up then got stuck into the work. It was cold but I wasn't long heating up. The reps
    3:53 - avg hr 163
    3:52 - avg hr 165
    3:53 - avg hr 167
    3:51 - avg hr 169 - max 174

    Overall it was a good session but I felt a little stiff from the run drills I did before yesterday's run. Particularly down to the lunges I suspect. The effort was steady enough but the cardiac drift shows the lack of fitness. I finished the last rep at the upper end of threshold. The DS Trainers felt very good for this run too. It felt like a bit of a shock to the system but will be nothing compared to the shock it will get this weekend...

    I had intended to do a cross country run on Saturday for a bit of craic. I had my eye on the 6km beginner event as I've never done XC before and am in no shape for a race. This was all good until the club bumped me up to the 10k event into a team for the Senior XC County Championships aka the deep end :eek: I'm expecting this to hurt and anything better than coming dead last and falling face first into the mud several times will be a result. Although it might not be a bad idea to do so to hide my blushes as I trail in long after my team mates :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad
    Had several comments like "welcome back", "well stranger?" etc... A fair indication that my absence was noted. Looking back on my diary I have averaged 1 swim per week for the last 8 weeks. As stated earlier in the log, 1 swim is enough to limit the loss of form and fitness, although you will still lose both. 2 swims is minimum to maintain where you are in terms of form. 3 swims to maintain or gently progress fitness. I thought about hopping into the next lane with 1:55/100 RTs but the Coach eyed me suspiciously enough to stay put in the fast lane. I joined the tail of it and struggled from there...
    10*50m easy including sculling drills
    7*200m/100m neg split of 3:30/1:45
    8*50m hard off 1:20
    4*50m breast stroke
    4*50 kick with fins
    200m easy
    3,500m total

    The fish, DaveR1, the Tecnician and some tiny young wan bolted off and did their own thing finishing the 200s almost 50m ahead of me. I hung onto the feet of the only other girl and barely made the RTs for the main set. I mean, I struggled to hold 1:40 pace throughout. It almost felt like a continuous swim. To make matters worse, a slight niggle I had in my right shoulder over the last 2 months seems to have gotten worse and was quite stiff and sore afterwards. The 50s max effort killed me and I barely hit 39s for them. DaveR1 summed it up afterward when he looked at me and said with a smile "you can tell you are way off form!". Not only was I way off the pace but this was confirmation that my stroke had gone to pot also :(. Its depressing how fast you can lose everything you worked hard for in the water :mad:. The Coach knew the young wans name and said something to her as she hopped out. She was clearly one of the superstar fish using our set for "recovery" :rolleyes:. My only consolation was that my nemesis, who was equally absent recently, was swimming in the next lane...

    Medium Base Run
    Another 2 laps of suburbia side stepping groups of tiny ghouls, witches, mad scientists, clowns and monsters :). Thankfully no flying eggs this year but I kept away from punk land. It was cold out, misty too with the moon bright but half shrouded. Good eerier conditions then for a Halloween run. 16.51km at 4:44 pace, hr 144, cadence 84 again. Lap 1 felt good, I kept base endurance effort comfortably even on hills. My first cadence check was 85, progress! Lap 2 was less comfortable. The cadence checks dropped to 84, the pace dropped right down to hold the effort steady on hills. My calves and hips felt tight and I was working too hard for this zone for a finish. Maybe it was down to actually hitting sessions this week :). One thing is for sure, Saturday is going to be a trip to Sufferville.

    I was barely in the door when the little scary motley crews started to call :). I basically sweated into the first couple of witches hats. A couple of boys then thought my psychedelic yellow green runners were the coolest things they had ever seen. They actually lost interest in the fist fulls of marshmallows and jellies I was holding to get a better look at the shoes! The Adidas definitely do not feel as good as the DS Trainers. I liked the 2011 model of the Response shoe but the 2012 version feels stiffer and harder. Maybe I just need a few more runs to break them in...

This discussion has been closed.