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Sub 3 Muffin Man



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    What marathon are you targeting, and when?

    And....I pride myself on my ability to subsist on nothing but crap, and I can match most people's volume of single setting crap consumption, but in you I do believe I have met my match.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @Hoochiedoubledee - The plan is the Great Limerick Run on May 5th. Its right on my doorstep. I might do Dublin too but going to follow an actual plan for Limerick. I'm 2 days off crap yay :)

    Short Easy Run
    A lunchtime meander around town with my work run buddy. It was a hillier route than usual and he was panting beside or behind me after a few weeks off. Easy chatting pace for me, 9.27km at 5:07 pace, hr 140. I'd have expected the heart rate to be lower than that but that's where I am for now. Lots of dodging traffic and busy brunching suits. I felt good and it felt like an all day pace. I'd have happily continued on out the countryside but life pulled me back.

    Row & Yoga
    There are 5 concept 2 rowers at the gym but just one was available and it was sandwiched between 2 tall guys who looked like rowers. I sat down to hear the whirrrrr either side of me, coupled with a long synchronised 20-22spm rhythm. Usually its the banging of the chain at 30spm for a few frenzied minutes before the usual punter tires themselves out. These guys looked like they could sit there all day. I was suddenly back to my rowing days where I'd often be sandwiched by two giants on the machine. I matched their stroke rate and their pace too, 1:56-1:58/500m. It sank its teeth in after 15 minutes but thankfully the lads got off before I hit my intended half hour. Average 1:55.9/500m for 7.8km and I was wrecked!

    I did a bit of stretching while shooting the breeze with waterpolo boy and DaveR1, both of whom have embraced cross training for the off season. I was still sweating by the time I limbered up for yoga. I found the class tough tonight. I was sweating during many of the uncompromising poses and was caught wheezing during the breathing drills. I find the asthma is kicking in earlier each winter and lasting longer the last few years :rolleyes: Anyway, 45 minutes later and I was ready to go home to my bed... good workout :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I have introduced rowing into my wu and wd in cross training, soon gets the blood flowing. Is sub 2mins per 500 conisdered decent?

    Oh having a coffee and a large MUFFIN right now in honour of your thread title:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Is sub 2mins per 500 conisdered decent?

    Depends how far below 2 you are. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sub 2 minute pace on the ergo is easy enough to hit for a couple of minutes and if your stroke rate is up around 30. My brother was never a rower but he can hold it for a half hour rating 25-26 spm. As gibbo said too depends on how far below. 15 minutes at 1:59 pace would be a good sweaty cross training workout. 15 minutes at 1:59 pace holding 21 strokes per minute would be even tougher and more of a full body workout too.

    I used to hold 1:56 pace for an hour at 20 spm with heart rate capped at 155. Its tougher than it sounds! One ergo goal id have would be to hit 16k in an hour.

    A typical interval session would be 10*500m at 1:36 - 1:38 pace with 60 second recovery. Its the only pain I can remember that hurts more than VO2 turbo or track reps! It was nothing in comparison to what the heavyweight guys could do though!

    Id recommend rowing as cross training for swimming and running. Hard to beat it for the overall fitness you gain. It worth learning good techunique to get more from it too

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Medium run with spicy bits
    I had to fly out of the office to make this session, particularly as I wanted to run the 3km to it as a warm up to the warm up. It was wet and cold but Coach had a session in mind to heat us up. The warm up is good, drills and short strides where we built through 1st to 5th gear. The main session was:
    4*3 minute LT effort with 2 minutes recovery
    4*1 minute VO2 effort with 1 minute recovery
    3*80m sprints all out

    None of the fast boys were about so I was kind of on my own for the 3 minute reps. I ran strong in the right hr zone 165-175 ish. The average pace was a bit quicker than 10k pace or right on an ideal 10k pace :). The 1 minute reps were fine for the first 2 until Coach made me give her and 2 of the lads a 20m head start. I burned some matches for the last 2. The sprints were basically for Coach to observe and give people tips on form. I haven't sprinted all out in a long long time. It was just as well we had a good session and I was well and truly warmed up. I hit a max heart rate of 183 which is about 97% of max. I could feel the session on the run home but I kept the pace really easy. It was worth hooking up with the group. I enjoyed the session and got an invite to join a good run group on Wednesday morning. 15.8km all in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    New Weekly Objectives
    3 swims - 1 group, 1 tech +work, 1 aerobic
    6 runs - 3 base, 1 long, 1 easy, 1 session - min 80km
    S&C - 2 hours inc yoga, row, zumba, cals, stretching

    1 swim - 3.2km
    5 runs - 63.8km
    1 row - 7.8km

    Way short of target again. 4 weeks into the log, an Ultra around the corner, and I have yet to log a long run. I missed it again at the weekend. I basically sat on my ass with a headache on Sunday feeling sorry for myself after polishing off a donor kebab, garlic cheese chip and a full selection box at 4am. It was a good night out with the tri club gang though :)

    The P&D plan kicks off with an 86km week. I plan to be able to do that comfortably which means getting a few weeks at that volume plus a recovery week done before it kicks off.

    New Weekly Objectives
    Find the mojo again... for real!
    3 swims of any kind... just get 3 done!
    6 runs. Long run top priority.

    1 of each done today...

    Short Aerobic Swim
    Simple 2km steady at lunchtime. It was slow. I felt like a brick.

    Medium Base Run
    The usual Monday 2 laps of Suburbia. 16.5km at 4:43 pace, hr 145, cadence checks 168. Legs stiff an tight. Form ok for first lap but struggled thereafter. Hills and wind were not my friend. Cold out but sweat running off my eyebrows. Needed the inhaler to calm my wheezy chest again afterwards, not good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Base run with 4*1km PMP reps
    Cold dry calm evening. I was looking forward to this for some reason, perhaps just to get a first feeling of the planned marathon pace. Taking Ceepo's advice on board I aimed for approx 4:10 pace for the reps. Its an odd pace as its not easy, sweet spot, interval, LT, VO2. All of these are perceived efforts I could identify in advance of doing the session then come what may. I haven't "run" a marathon in over a year an a half. Yes, I have completed 3 but 2 were IM "runs" and the other was a failed sub3 attempt at Berlin which also involved plenty of walking. Its a new PMP, not the bare essential for sub3, but a pace that will ensure sub3. I ran 25 minutes easy to warm up and did the session in the local industrial estate for a pan flat loop.
    Actual Reps
    4:07 at 159 avg hr
    4:06 at 156 avg hr
    4:05 at 157 avg hr
    4:03 at 161 avg hr max hr 166

    I had 3 minutes rest in the watch from the last time I did this which was too much. I'll change this to 2 minutes for next week. I started each of the reps too quick, then slowed down too much. I tried to establish the rhythm and effort for the target pace but ended up accelerating and decelerating continuously. The Garmin comes into its own here. The average pace metric is good to regulate the effort on flat terrain. Overall the reps were all done within the PMP range. They were not as comfortable as they will be on the day. I couldn't imagine putting 42 of them back to back but then this is what its all about :) 14.66km all in

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I was supposed to meet the sub3 group for a run this morning. I'm calling them the sub3 because they have all run sub 3 (2:4x-2:5x) and represent a clear opportunity for me to join the club. I'm the only non sub3 in the group. Apparently training with people at or above your level is bound to bring you on. If their target race distance is the same as yours, bingo! The plan was, run starts at 7. Be there or be square. I was square :mad: I hit snooze and hopped out of bed in a mad rush at 0653. I was out the door within minutes only to find, ironically, the car windows frozen over. Run missed.

    I contemplated doing one myself but in truth I needed the group motivation to get going. Since I was at the Arena and togged I dived into Yoga. It was a scrum and just when I thought the room was full, a girls soccer team arrived in! I think I concentrated harder to avoid falling over and starting a domino effect :D The soccer girlies fell about and got the giggles whihc made it twice as hard to keep balance. 45 sweaty minutes later I didn't feel like the morning was a complete loss.

    Medium Easy Run
    I couldn't let the run go. I pinned the plan* for the next 5.5 weeks to the fridge door and it guilted me into togging out for a very easy run in the cold rain. No watch, approx 15km on RPE. Not the worst but I felt tired.

    *The plan (apart from building base volume) is to add a couple of PMP 1km reps each week and then run the St Stephens Day 10 miler at that pace. A 16km PMP run going into the marathon plan would be a good mojo start :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Whats your threshold hr on the run Mike?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @JB - about 172

    Short Easy Run
    Cold, crisp and calm, generally nice conditions for a run. Headed out for a lunchtime trot around the town with my work run buddy chatting like ould fellas on bar stools. Its a newer hillier route and he was making a better fist of it than the last red faced, post sun, sea and sand attempt. We have just one shower at work though so he peeled off after 8km to use it first and I took it another 2 hills. 10.04km of pleasant running at 5:05 pace, hr 140. All good :)

    Row, Yoga, Swim
    30 minutes on the C2 ergo at 1:54.7/500m and 22spm. I felt strong for a change for the first 10 minutes. No rowers beside me this week. It was back to the 5 minute chain bashers for company :rolleyes: The second 10 minutes started to get rather though. I lost a bit of form and start "pulling" first instead of driving my legs and hanging off the handle. The last 10 minutes became progressively grim but I knew that once I hit 1km to go I'd finish no matter what. 7.86km done and I was bloody wrecked again.

    45 minutes yoga class next. It was far less crowded than yesterday which was good. She held some of the lower back and ab exercises that bit longer tonight which pinched. I'd swear I felt a millimetre of progress in flexibility but can't be sure...

    I felt like a few lengths to cool down before I finished up. There was a white collar boxing tournament on at the Arena so the pool was quiet enough, well the public lanes. 5 of the other lanes had kids zooming up and down the pool doing kicking drills with fins. It really looked like they had little outboard motors on their feet! I started off steady and although form wasn't great, found a decent rhythm. My arms were heavy from the rower but I felt reasonably good up to 800m. Then my heart rate climbed and I had to fight a bit to maintain stroke length. I was working pretty hard at 1200m so just decided to push the last 300m harder. Overall 1,500m in 24:45 which isn't too shabby given the lack of swim fitness. My shoulders were on fire for a finish. Overall a quality 2 hours of cross training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad
    Demoted myself to the middle lane. I could probably hang on in the fast lane but I'd rather suffer leading out than drafting blindly. To warm up I did Griffin100's kick challenge plus some for 600m total. To be fair I had fins on again as without I'd have held up the lane and Coach wanted to keep things moving. I made sure to tread water at the opposite end to where he sat.
    The main set:
    4*200m/150m/100m/50m off 3:55/2:55/1:50/hard
    8*50m stroke count
    6*50 backstroke

    3,300m total

    Id felt good leading out actually. I kept a rock steady 1:36 ish pace. It was a solid 2km of endurance work keeping my mind on form. It was the right decision as I knew I'd have faded to a thrashy stroke mid way through the set in other lane. I was getting consistent rests and stretching the rest in the lane. I guess this was how waterpolo boy feels in the fast lane. The stroke count 50s averaged 32 strokes with a low of 30. It was hard work actually as I was determined to swim and not just glide. Overall good session, the lower RTs was good. I might stick to them for a few more sessions until I feel fit enough to join my nemesis again :) Intended a run at lunch but a fire drill killed that. I'm not bothered though, long run tomorrow morning is the key session of the week. It looks to be freezing too..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short Easy Run
    It was a long day with visitors over yesterday. Late then when I eventually got out for a run. I didn't fancy running too late at night as I wanted to be up and awake for shotgunjunior's rugby match this morning. So an easy 9.5km lap of suburbia on feel. No numbers just an enjoyable run on a cold humid night. In truth I sort of chickened out of the long run and put it on the long finger for today. Its 2 degrees outside and its lashing... penance will be served later today, especially after watching the little lads sliding about in near freezing mud this morning :o:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Long Run - NOT :mad:
    I won't attempt a long run on Sunday evening again unless I really have no choice (or the sun is shining on an unusually balmy summer evening). It is my least favourite time of the week to train. I'd rather chill, watch a movie early and get an early night ahead of a new week to start it fresh. I've decided I'd rather HTFY and get it out of the way at silly o'clock. Shotgunjunior bagged a couple of tries in the freezing cold this morning and was full of energy after he thawed out. It was a lovely evening just hanging out, playing games and listening to the rain bouncing off the windows. By the time I laced up for a run however, I had zero motivation for it.

    It was cold, dark and miserably wet. I cursed my laziness for rolling over the last 2 mornings instead of facing a chilly dry dawn. Nevertheless I got on with it. I had 3 laps of suburbia planned, circa 24km. After lap 1 and struggling to keep my heart rate down I started to feel wheezy. Half way through lap 2 my chest started to tighten and I found hills more difficult than usual. I passed my door to start lap 3 but bailed after a few minutes, my chest felt wheezy and short of breath. I was soaked to the skin despite the layers. 18.9km put down so it was well short of a long run. Regardless of distance it felt like junk. Usually I don't mind gnarly conditions and normally embrace them. My spirit and more so my chest rebelled today. On a brighter note it was a decent week overall...
    New Weekly Objectives
    Find the mojo again... for real!
    3 swims of any kind... just get 3 done!
    6 runs. Long run top priority.

    Mojo is in generally the bag, I just have to reach in and pull it out now :)
    3 swims - 7.4km
    6 runs - 84.6km :)
    1 row - 7.8km
    2*Yoga sessions
    Weight Check: 78.7kg - down 0.7

    The swims were generally short sessions but I hit the pool 3 times and that's a start! I finally made it to a target volume running which is progress. The worst session of the week was the long run which is crap but the rest was decent quality. Eating chocolate watching NFL live now, all is good :)

    New Key Weekly Objectives
    Stay in mid lane on club swim sessions
    Do the long run early in the weekend, min 2 hrs
    2 extra 1km PMP reps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Any chance you could get the 2hr LSR done midweek? Last time I did a marathon, I moved my LSR's to midweek (granted my work time was flexible), but it meant a lot more time with the family at the weekends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad
    Plans for the mid lane spoiled by the coach. I reluctantly joined the back of the fast lane for a main set of:
    16*100m off 1:45 in on 1:29-1:30
    8*50m hard
    6*50m choice easy

    3,000m total

    Overall I was pleased to hang on, albeit to the slower fish who were dropped by the lead trio. The pace up front was hot. Waterpolo boy and the mako (new tiny girl who can match water polo boy so I'm calling her the mako shark) were showing off doing fly ahead of the tecnician :eek::eek: I was stoked just to stay ahead of CSS pace for the lot. I finished the set with a red face and swallowed lots of water doing a back stroke cool down. Enjoyable in a sadistic, not yet fit enough for this sh!t, kinda way... :)

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Any chance you could get the 2hr LSR done midweek? Last time I did a marathon, I moved my LSR's to midweek (granted my work time was flexible), but it meant a lot more time with the family at the weekends.
    Tried this before. Training for 1st IM I did the LR on Wednesday mornings on a few occasions. Felt rather pleased with myself in the office first thing having it done. At the time I remember dropping it because I had a beast of a turbo on Tuesdays and silly o'clock (5am) was the same any morning anyway. This time around I plan to have a medium LR midweek which will peak at 2 hours. Ultimately its about getting the LR done at silly o'clock anyway so as not to impact on Life too much :) Midweek is always an option. It would mean moving the "hard" session of the week to silly o'clock at the weekend. In the end, its just a case of getting it done one way or the other!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim with Toys
    My own session. Felt good to create a good set and execute it.
    200m swim
    2*200m pull buoy
    2*200m power paddle
    4*400m off 7 in on 6:42/6:42/6:34/6:31
    1,000m straight kick with fins
    200m breast stroke


    The pull buoy taxed the shoulders and I missed my legs. The paddle roasted the shoulders and 200 was plenty. I swam the 400s steady but they became hard work. The long kick took concentration. The breast stroke is the longest continuous breast stroke I've done. All in all it felt like a quality session.

    Short Base Run
    Fresher pace for this hilly loop of the city as I didn't have my work run buddy for company. It was a beautiful crisp, sunny day but cold too. I ran at the upper end of base and sustained the effort for the 10.05km. Good run, I felt strong and almost fit :)

    Base Run with 6*1km PMP reps
    Same as last week but I added 2 reps to this session. It was pretty cold out and I was layered up, hat and gloves too. Once again a longer 30 minute warm up and then into the work. I went through a weird low patch of energy towards the end of the warm up and wondered if I'd even get through it.
    Actual Reps
    4:04 at 153 avg hr
    4:06 at 155 avg hr
    4:05 at 154 avg hr
    4:07 at 156 avg hr
    4:03 at 159 avg hr
    4:03 at 161 avg hr max hr 165

    I was too anxious for the start of the reps and went off too hard for each. I managed to rein the effort back and controlled it marginally better than last week. I reduced the recoveries from 3 to 2 minutes also. The work was all within PMP pace and heart rate range. Overall progress. 16.99km all in :) Realised I forgot my keys on the cool down and I was thus locked out. Thankfully got a lift to the Bro's for the spare key but I was an hour more in sweaty cold gear than I needed to be, muppet :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    200m swim
    2*200m pull buoy
    2*200m power paddle
    4*400m off 7 in on 6:42/6:42/6:34/6:31
    1,000m straight kick with fins
    200m breast stroke


    Funkin' hell. I don't mind telling you, you're an inspiration. When I hurt in the pool I think of your times and toughen up. That's some set (especially so for a lad who isn't even supposed to be swimming!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Funkin' hell. I don't mind telling you, you're an inspiration. When I hurt in the pool I think of your times and toughen up. That's some set (especially so for a lad who isn't even supposed to be swimming!)

    ^^^^^^ what he said.

    I've a 400m TT with Mr Tango in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping to get close to 7 mins, breaking 7 mins would be a dream. As jimmy mcgee would say different class :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Funkin' hell. I don't mind telling you, you're an inspiration. When I hurt in the pool I think of your times and toughen up. That's some set (especially so for a lad who isn't even supposed to be swimming!)
    griffin100 wrote: »
    ^^^^^^ what he said.

    I've a 400m TT with Mr Tango in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping to get close to 7 mins, breaking 7 mins would be a dream. As jimmy mcgee would say different class :)

    All the more impressive when you consider he's swimming long course (at least he usually does), which adds at least 5sec per 100.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Medium Group Run
    Finally met the morning run group at the Arena. Just 3 of us down. Not as chilly as last night so I felt over dressed. An hour very easy with the lads chatting and getting to know each other plus 15 minutes on top myself. 15.15km total at 4:57 pace. Both of these runners are very experienced and slow meant slow! In truth it was enough for me as I felt yesterday's effort. Good to run with company, I must make it a regular thing.

    @Kurt Godel - cheers big ears :)
    @Griffin100 - I remember when sub 7 was my goal for a 400TT, stick with what you are currently at, sounds like you are progressing!
    @BTH - Yes I swim LC but here doesn't interested have you doing 400s off 6:40? :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    @BTH - Yes I swim LC but here doesn't interested have you doing 400s off 6:40? :eek:

    Yup, 4*400 on 6:40 seems to be a regular thing with him alright. Actually handy enough once you pace it right. Its the 4*100 on 1:40 followed up with 4*100 on 1:35, followed by 4*100 on 1:30 that is the real ball breaker :D

    Short course makes a massive difference though. I'd struggle with that pace in a 50m pool.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Stop lads, ye're making me sick :D

    Some serious swimming there.

    Are you missing the bike Mike?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Are you missing the bike Mike?

    I am sure he longs for those 4hr turbos and efforts at 90/95% threshold....not:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    That's why I said bike and not turbo!!!! ;) :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Aerobic Swim
    A short easy swim this morning. 2,400m at 1:45 pace. Simply maintaining long strokes and focusing on rolling. Took about a km to get properly warmed up, swam well for a km and then it went a bit pear shaped.

    40 minutes on the Concept 2 rower at 1:57.6/500m, 21spm and 10.2km. I kept a lid on the effort early on with the ambition of hitting 10k. It was very tough from 30 minutes onwards. My arms, shoulders, quads and back were pumped but I was also wasted. Yoga was a real effort afterwards, however I was actually too tired to get distracted and a lazy focus got me through it.

    @pgibbo - yes dude, missing the bike. I was running with an experienced sports science lecturer yesterday morning and she said its a difficult thing to neglect your strength for a while to focus on your weakness!
    @JB - yeah missing the turbo like a hole in the head!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    A bit of poetic license there :pac: Can you call it a weakness when a training run in Connemara goes that close to sub 3????

    I guess it's relative to your bike and swim, but your standalone run times are very healthy. Perhaps it's the cramps that are the limiter or maybe pushing a tad too hard on the bike? IIRC you're tri run splits are a good bit outside their standalone times. No doubt you've analysed it all and I'm probably spouting BS :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad
    Work is manic and quite stressful lately. I awoke at 0355hrs and couldn't get back to sleep. So I pottered about reading, prepping lunches etc and actually had time to sit in the car park at the Arena listening to the radio before it opened to the public! I was one of the first in the water for a change. I attempted to hop into the middle lane again but the Coach vetoed again and banished me back to the fast lane. It was just me, the technician and DaveR1, marvellous :rolleyes: I knew I would basically be swimming on my own as these two fish spur each other on.
    The session:
    18*50m warm up, every odd 50 breath one side every 4, even 50s were backstroke (improving but takes a lot out of me for a warm up)
    4*50m, 4*100m, 4*150m, 4*200m rest being 20 secs from first swimmer in
    8*50m hard
    200m breast stroke

    3,500m total

    The main 2km set with increasing distances promised to be tough and it didn't disappoint. The 50's and 100's were grand. I couldn't make up the 5 seconds on the technician but not to worry. The 150's were hard work and I was beginning to burn up. They came in on 2:15-2:17. The 200's hurt like hell. I was in on 3:02-3:04 but I had to throw the kitchen sink at it not hold onto those times for the last 2 reps. I was flat out determined not to lose sight of the 2 fish. They were swimming something like mid 2:50's giving me virtually no rest. I was wrecked and looked at Coach in disbelief when he called 8*50 max effort off 1:05. I hit 40-41 for the lot and despite smashing myself for the last one could only hit a 38. I was in bits, hanging over the lane rope with my tongue out. I guess the row last night and early morning didn't help. The breast stroke felt lovely and easy after all that...

    Easy Lunchtime Run
    I had intended joining up with the club for a fartlek run after work but I knew I wouldn't make it out on time. I was also fading by midday. It was a very easy run around town in the light cold rain. It woke me up. My upper body felt like a lead weight and my legs too were not happy. 10.1km The easy run suited better as I felt really tired after work. Long run tomorrow is the key run of the week and needs to get done :cool:

    pgibbo wrote: »
    A bit of poetic license there :pac: Can you call it a weakness when a training run in Connemara goes that close to sub 3????

    I guess it's relative to your bike and swim, but your standalone run times are very healthy. Perhaps it's the cramps that are the limiter or maybe pushing a tad too hard on the bike? IIRC you're tri run splits are a good bit outside their standalone times. No doubt you've analysed it all and I'm probably spouting BS :D
    Over the last 2 years my run has consistently been my weakest split. I've ruled out going too hard off the bike as I really managed the effort in Kilkee, Athy and Barcelona this year. I've also cramped up in the quads in Marathons. Caz reckons I'm just prone to them. No harm in building the run durability and base fitness though. Sub3 has been a goal for a few years now and its one I want more than any other time goal. If I can repeat the feeling I had in Conn 2011 for GLR 2013, I'll get a result I'll feel as good if not better about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Short Run
    I had an hour window to get a run in plus a shower before heading out for the Bro's 30th. 11.5km steady with no watch just mulling over a few thoughts that made the run fly by. Hardly felt like I did anything at all. Steak and Alcohol ensued..

    Long Aerobic Run
    3 laps of hilly suburbia and a short run into town to collect the car. For the first 40 minutes I felt great. I felt light on my feet and had bags of energy. I thought this is the difference that a 9 hour sleep and some breakfast makes to a long run. I'd usually have 6 hours kip and no breakfast. It was wet and grey miserable weather. I kept a lid on the effort for 2 laps sticking to base running and at 75 minutes pushed on to the next gear. The hangover also pushed into gear and the run became a more of a chore. I also calculated that I didn't have as much time as I thought to get the car and ended up finishing the last few kms at 4:30 pace. Overall 26.64km in 2:04, hr 141, cadence 171 average. I was happy to get a long run done but not happy with the cardiac drift.
    New Key Weekly Objectives
    Stay in mid lane on club swim sessions
    Do the long run early in the weekend, min 2 hrs
    2 extra 1km PMP reps

    4 swims - 12.2km
    6 runs - 90.34km
    1 row - 10.2km

    The Coach got in the way of my mid lane plans. Swimming sessions were tough and Friday particularly took a lot out of me for a swim set. Running went to plan. I got the 2 hour LR done but should really have it out of the way on Saturday morning if I can. All in all a good week. I'm missing the bike but not missing biking in this weather.

    New Weekly Plans
    Swim Consistency
    Run Consistency - +15 mins on LR, +2*1km reps on midweek session
    Easy Turbo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad
    Another tough one. Session:
    12*50m easy warm up with drills
    14*50m swimming "downhill" with smooth strokes
    10*150m off 2:40 with last 25m of each backstroke
    6*50m as 25 all out 25 easy
    200m breast stroke


    The Mako lead out and took no prisoners on the 10*150s. I toasted myself to hang on. The last 3 reps hurt. The backstroke is recovery for the fish but for me to flip onto my back and keep up takes a fair effort. My lungs were on fire for a finish and my shoulders balls of lactic. The 6 fast bits afterwards were ok as the second 25m of each 50m was enough to get some oxygen back. Tough but good session :)

    Medium Base Run
    2 laps of suburbia on a damn cold and wet evening. I was in no mood for it and my body felt like lead. I thought about bailing on lap 1 but pressed on to get it done. Hills were a struggle. The rain dripped off my nose. My chest wheezed. I was almost heel striking. Posture was that of a 90 year old. All in all not great. I need to get my long run done on Saturday to allow the body recover with a lighter session Sunday. 16.53km at 4:48 pace, hr 140

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