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Sub 3 Muffin Man



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Easy paced marathon with an 8km warm down at the end, not a bother to you Muffin Man.

    edit: that must be cruel on you, as i typed this an ad flashed up top on here with those new flavoured kit kats. Talk about tempting a man when he is trying to stay off the stuff:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Wednesday: easy day
    Swim steady 2,400m
    Run easy 8.35km

    Long day at work so short windows either side. The swim was solid in a quiet lane but the run anything but.. Bad heart burn every few minutes and zero energy. The sign of a bug taking hold and today as a result has been a wipeout. Called superwoman in a mood and she put things right back in perspective with her fractured shoulder blade and 4 weeks out of work,ouch! In true superwoman style though she asked me for a loan of my turbo for a few weeks since I'm not using it anyway!! I was thinking of bailing on this Ultra due to zero long runs done but after that call I've drenched my shame with a whole keg of HTFU...:o

    Ahh, you'll be grand - I'm in exactly the same boat, with zero long runs done, but looking forward to it as good preparation for the hell of an IM marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    15 Days : 18 Hrs : 39 Mins

    tick-tock tick-tock

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    15 Days : 18 Hrs : 39 Mins

    tick-tock tick-tock
    Some one is raring to go !

    No running this week. Forget moaning. Dory Dory style running weekend coming up. Also, shotgun junior has a match Sunday. 3 sets of yoga sun salutation sequences for every try he gets and another 3 if they win. Ireland vs Wales tomorrow. 20 minutes turbo for every try we score and a further 30 minutes for the win. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hey there Mr. Stud Muffin! ;) 32 days down, 5 gallons of orange juice drank, no sweets or chocolate consumed, 5 delicious dreams about chocolate, 2.4 pounds lighter, and only 93 days to go!! Whoop whoop!!! :D You holding up okay?? Feeling good?? Any thoughts of using any of your sins, or are you waiting for me....cuz that ain't gonna happen. :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hey there Mr. Stud Muffin! ;) 32 days down, 5 gallons of orange juice drank, no sweets or chocolate consumed, 5 delicious dreams about chocolate, 2.4 pounds lighter, and only 93 days to go!! Whoop whoop!!! :D You holding up okay?? Feeling good?? Any thoughts of using any of your sins, or are you waiting for me....cuz that ain't gonna happen. :cool:

    Major test tomorrow. Will be making chocolate rice krispies buns with shotgun junior tomorrow for his birthday.. The smell alone will kill me! I'm 4.5 pounds lighter!! Just about holding up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tech swim set
    Jealous of these great reports of interested's group sessions so I unbottled some of that inspiration to break my own stroke down. I haven't done technique in ages and it was harder than I anticipated.
    400m easy warm up
    6*50m single arm catch up
    200m swim reinforcing the point of the drill
    6*50m fists
    200m swim...
    6*50m ripple
    200m swim...
    6*50m hypoxic (4 breaths per length)
    200m swim...
    6*50m swim smooth unco drill
    200m swim...
    3*200m pull buoy/100m swim
    3,800m total

    Really good session. The unco was particularly tough to do 50m at a time but the swim after really zoned in on the core and rotation of the trunk

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Stage 1: Long Run - Complete
    My first long run and I intended to stretch it a bit to test the legs ahead of the Ultra. Out the door at 0630 and it was cold and calm. The frost shimmered under a bright half moon and I plodded along easy at 4:50 pace for 15km wishing I was back in bed. At about 20km bright orange jet streaks appeared across the sky as the sun peaked over the horizon. The temperature lifted a few degrees and I eventually warmed up.

    At 2 hours my hips and calves were starting to tighten but I was full of running. I didn't have breakfast so I was fuelling on a gel with a good swig of ice cold water every time I passed my gate. At 30km others were out putting down the miles to distract me. Any distraction was magnified at this stage. The boost from the gels, the low sun to the easy, the fading moon to the west and the jet streaks were now white. Every tune with a good beat in my ear lifted my spirits. It was simply a glorious morning to be out running and I pushed on a notch to 4:40 pace.

    There is a small steep flyover by the crescent shopping centre that bites at the 20 mile mark of the marathon. It is over quickly though. This morning it had to be negotiated 10 times during the run. I barely noticed it on my sleepy first pass but 3 hours later I felt like crawling up it. The last 8km took some focus as the screws that hold the hamstrings in place spun tighter and tighter. I pushed the pace to 4:30 for the last 5km to finish feeling strong. The emergency gel was 2km from home but I took it anyway for insurance. Way to start a day with a 4 minute negative split marathon (1:41/1:37) :) I feel good about running today :D
    42.5km in 3:19:09, average HR 144

    The next stage depends on how Ireland fare today. A brutal day might mean no turbo. A convening win may mean a 90 minute+ spin :cool: Either way superwoman is commandeering the turbo this evening so any cycling over teh next 4 weeks will be on the good ole roadie :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Wow that's some mornings work put in :o running a marathon all on your own, starting in darkness. Beautifully described too. It's something I absolutely love about our sport, being out side so much, you are so much more in touch with nature and the changing of the seasons. This is a lovely time of year too as life starts to return to the fields/ditches etc... Light also begins it's quest to regain dominance over darkness.

    Ireland just got a second whoop whoop! Looks like you might as well get the turbo set up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wow that's some mornings work put in :o running a marathon all on your own, starting in darkness. Beautifully described too. It's something I absolutely love about our sport, being out side so much, you are so much more in touch with nature and the changing of the seasons. This is a lovely time of year too as life starts to return to the fields/ditches etc... Light also begins it's quest to regain dominance over darkness.

    Ireland just got a second whoop whoop! Looks like you might as well get the turbo set up :)

    Ooooo, El D....nice lyrics!!! ;)

    And shotgun, you may have just inspired me to do tomorrow's 16 mile run in the early morning light.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Stage 2: Easy turbo - sort of complete
    Ireland won and scored 3 tries so the plan was 90 minutes. Actual: 70 minutes very easy. It was a combination of boredom and legs just not interested. My left Achilles was a bit sore too so I figured I had enough done. 34.6km. Early start again tomorrow before Alex's match and the madness of a kiddie party. Stage 4, the yoga is entirely dependent on the U8's in the morning!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wow, you really know how to pack a lot into a day! I know where I would be after a 42.5km run, and it wouldn't be anywhere near the turbo! Hats off to you, sir:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Stage 3 & 4 - avoid Sin #1 - not complete
    Didn't get up early enough to complete the Dory Dory style 1.5 marathon weekend test. Still passed my 50km minimum target for the 2 days. A tight win for shotgunjunior's U8's this morning means a half dozen yoga salutation sequences before I soak in a bath of Epsom salts. Left Achilles not happy with me. Head pounding too after a day with a posse of sugar fuelled eight year olds in party/wreckage mode.

    However the main news is that I succumbed to the small mountain of rice krispie buns and as such handed hoochiedoubleD the steering wheel. She just has to drive home safely now and its all hers...:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Stage 3 & 4 - avoid Sin #1 - not complete
    Didn't get up early enough to complete the Dory Dory style 1.5 marathon weekend test. Still passed my 50km minimum target for the 2 days. A tight win for shotgunjunior's U8's this morning means a half dozen yoga salutation sequences before I soak in a bath of Epsom salts. Left Achilles not happy with me. Head pounding too after a day with a posse of sugar fuelled eight year olds in party/wreckage mode.

    However the main news is that I succumbed to the small mountain of rice krispie buns and as such handed hoochiedoubleD the steering wheel. She just has to drive home safely now and it's all hers..:cool:

    I am verklempt. ;):):cool::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A couple of swims
    1.5 hours - 5*1km off 18 steady
    Had to negotiate some traffic in the lane. Decent swim, reps in on 17:10-17-25. Looking forward to the tech set again this week as s I feel my stroke is a bit sloppy

    1 hour - 3km aerobic, 6:01 400m, 100 breast stroke. I mistook the days and though I was rejoinirng the swim group. As such I had no plan. I felt too sleepy to create a session so simply got in and swam for 53 minutes straight. DaveR1 hopped in then and I did the first of his set of 400s with him in 6:01. I had woken up with an ache at the back of my neck and down the right side of the middle of my back. It didn't hinder the swim but feels worse now after a day at the office. Not going to do the planned run and put a heat pack and some gel on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim pain cave
    Might seem like a short innocent set but it hurt
    200m easy warm up
    2 sets of the following with a 2 minute rest
    400m off 6:30
    2*200m off 3:15
    2*100m off 1:30

    Set 1 in on 6:08, 3:06, 3:08, 1:24, 1:30
    Set 2 in on 6:07, 3:01, 3:03, 1:25, 1:28

    Plenty of traffic in the lane so the session involved some extra hard surges to pass a group of 3 working in a line. The sets are cruel. The tempo just gets harder and it finishes with lactic setting in. I was dreading the second 16 minutes and wondered how far I'd get before I missed a mark. The torpedo emerged after the second 400 and asked what I was doing. I couldn't speak, I was breathless. The rest had her on my tail and I had to go deep just to keep the pace up. I didn't want to drop off in her presence. I learned earlier today she used to coach a friend of mine and former competitive swimmer back in the day when she was an elite. I've also watched her coach the young swim club fish and she takes no prisoners. After I nearly coughed up a lung when the last 100 was done, she asked why I didn't tumble turn?!! :o:cool: I replied that I can't do them at that speed particularly in a busy lane. She started to offer some tips but saw that I was totally spent and left me be.

    The Achilles has has a few days rest now so hopefully back running tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You really need to learn to tumble turn. It will complete you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @DoryDory - I sure do, and I surely will!

    Short aerobic run
    Basically a test of the Achilles. I felt good and fresh as to be expected after a few days off. A little heavy though. I've been eating far too much to keep the chocolate craving at bay. Lent starts next week so I'll give up all forms of crap then. I thought it was OK for the first few kms and skipped along. I even planned a second lap. 20 minutes later however it had tightened up and I walked the last 200m home. Just a precaution. 8.25km at 4:33 pace. Half an hour of yoga planned before sleep

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Strain down my back - no swimming
    Strain on the Achilles - no running, 50k next week???

    Very very annoying :mad:

    A bike in the rain in the morning it is then...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Strain down my back - no swimming
    Strain on the Achilles - no running, 50k next week???

    Very very annoying :mad:

    Ah fork, sorry to hear that mcos.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Strain down my back - no swimming
    Strain on the Achilles - no running, 50k next week???

    Very very annoying :mad:

    A bike in the rain in the morning it is then...

    come out to killaloe and join us for the can still register in morn at st annes school until 10am, cycle is at 11.15, at least you'll have company :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Trig1 wrote: »

    come out to killaloe and join us for the can still register in morn at st annes school until 10am, cycle is at 11.15, at least you'll have company :D
    Sounds like torture actually but not enough of a window to get it done before 2pm. Have fun. Might join you another day

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Strain down my back - no swimming
    Strain on the Achilles - no running, 50k next week???

    Very very annoying :mad:

    A bike in the rain in the morning it is then...

    The roller is your friend. Whenever I aggravate my achilles I find the roller is the only job. Mind it, give it some TLC and it should be okay dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    The roller is your friend. Whenever I aggravate my achilles I find the roller is the only job. Mind it, give it some TLC and it should be okay dude.

    +1 and the tennis ball on the arm of the sofa while watching TV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 420 ✭✭KentuckyPete

    Yep - keep at the roller. Massage the calf and achilles under the desk in work too. Wear support socks as much to keep it warm as anything else. Hope to see you Saturday - I had an achilles / calf problem and didn't run at all for 12 days up to last Friday so I'm a bit nervous too

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Yep - keep at the roller. Massage the calf and achilles under the desk in work too. Wear support socks as much to keep it warm as anything else. Hope to see you Saturday - I had an achilles / calf problem and didn't run at all for 12 days up to last Friday so I'm a bit nervous too

    Cheers lads. KP & BB67 I'll still be there and on the sub4 bus Sat, how long I'll last, who knows. Fortune favours the brave... or crazy! 12 days, eek, I'm going nuts after just one frustrating short run in a week:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Endurance swim
    Monday evening madness. The swim club kids own the pool until 7 leaving just one lane for everyone else. I got in at 6:10 and surveyed the crash test dummy situation at either end. There were a dozen in the lane up to all sorts. A teen girl doing drills under the watchful eye of her Da, An IMer mate, 2 couples :rolleyes:, a one length wonder who liked to spread himself at the wall like he was in a jacuzzi, a slaloming back stroker, a hulk breast stroker, a few others and moi. I did recognise one stroke amongst the collection that looked more like business but he was far more patient than I.

    I hooked up with my tri buddy for the remainder of his set. It got me through a half hour of flying elbows, searching for a free spot to place a hand at the wall, lots of breast stroke, the waterpolo lads diving across the lane to retrieve a ball and some hairy overtakes. I was sussing my back niggle out so no sudden surges. I got sick of the wall clingers so I put the fins on for a few lengths of kicking with the first 5m of each length hard :D.

    At 7 it was like a shark had entered the water. The chords of kids hopped out in masse and shrieked their way to the showers. At last a peaceful lane more or less all to myself. I set myself the task of a long pyramid alternating pull buoy & swim as I progressed. I found a nice rhythm without the waves and flailing limbs and hit cruise control. The only break I took was to switch from swim to pull and to get a sip of water. I felt really good but it was soon new territory for me and my shoulders started to burn. The pyramid was a good choice as counting down for the last 20 minutes really helped. I made a mental note to bring more water or even some carbs next time I try this. Very pleased with the session :)

    5*200 easy
    5*100 moderate with 10 secs rest
    800 kick with fins
    5*100 choice strokes
    100 pull 100 swim
    200 pull 200 swim
    300 pull 300 swim
    400 pull 400 swim in on 6:46/6:39
    300 pull 300 swim
    200 pull 200 swim
    100 pull 100 swim
    Total 6,000m in 1:47 my longest swim ever :)

    What used to be a 'long swim' ...
    5*100 kick with fins
    15*200 off 3:45
    5*100 kick with fins
    Total 4,000m
    My shoulders were a bit stiff from the long swim last night so the main set was at an easier pace. Simple session but quality. Reading the swim smooth book and applying a few things which is giving me a better feel for the water. Really considering some 1-1 lessons

    Short aerobic run & Yoga
    My Achilles felt OK so I wanted to test it. Straight out the door before pancakes and 2 laps of suburbia in mind. Lots of runners out and predominantly women, whatever that is about. I almost thought I was in the clear for 15 minutes and the legs wanted to run. The strain was still there and by 30 minutes felt stiff. By 47 mins it was sore and I walked home:mad: Its not painful, I could have finished the intended 75 minutes but I thought it would have done more damage than good. It feels like someone gave me a good kick in the heel. Instead I hit the roller again and did a half hour of Yoga (the down dog hits the spot) before I consoled myself with pancakes ( without my beloved nutella).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    wow, tip of the hat to you sir! Can I ask how far you'll need to do in (weekly) training before your 10km attempt?

    Wall huggers are the bane of my life. Usually people will accommodate if you point out this is the fast lane, but the wall hugger displays no courtesy or common sense. Fair game for tumble turn practise, I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Ha, I had a go at the pool manger in UCD recently about lane etiquette which resulted in an e-mail to every member and increased signage re lane segregation. You still need the support of the lifeguards though to make it work. I've been hiding in the slow lane recently with my 2min 100m but I should really be in the medium lane, as was pointed out to me by a breaststroking pensioner recently :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @Kurt - no idea to be honest. More than likely one long swim session per week up to 2+ hours to practice fuelling. Then 3 other swims of which Ill favour OW and technique. It will probably be a focused swim block over a month leading up to the 10k. If I can stay with Fazz on the SBR this time I won't be far off where I need to be for that block :)
    @Griff - Problem with the Arena is that so many clubs use it and it seems to favour, Limerick swim club, Limerick Masters and the High Performance squad. There are times when you have an entire 50m lane to yourself though too. I'll probably have a word with the lifeguards next time. While I was doing some kicking lengths I had to throw a ball out of the lane every time I passed a certain point :rolleyes:

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