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Household Charge Mega-Thread [Part 3] *Poll Reset*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    Are there any other laws you break?


    I'm not a roll over slave. I use my brain and exercise my free will.

    The lawmakers of society made the rules for us to abide by and not for them. The elite don't pay these forms of tax. To say they do is just plain ridiculous, because it's our tax that gives them the high life and pay for everything they live for.

    Why on Earth should you pay household tax? Good riddance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭Slick50

    donalg1 wrote: »
    I would have thought that those types of things should be getting dealt with by the Social Welfares Fraud Departments.
    Who is supposed to collect the tax on all the undeclared earnings?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Sure they might decide to put a tax on people blowing hot air.

    If they go down that road, there'll be one or two of ye here paying a very big premium.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    If you want an elected representative that doesn't have to adhere to a whip, then vote for an independent.

    Or someone that will adhere to election campaign promises--Oh wait.:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Anyone with a private house will have to pay.

    Even though they spent their whole life paying out hard money to attain their goal(that is, the people luckly enough to get their mortgage paid off within their lifetime). You hit the nail on the head there, dx, but why discriminate against one sector of society, is that not unconstitutional?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    And you can turf this shower out three years from now.

    It's a democracy. We can vote in whoever we want. If enough people voted for a party that advocated firing all the civil service, you'd get that.

    1)Vlad, I think there will be too much damage inflicted on our country, both socially and economically, to be in any sort of position of growth, within the next three years, I really would love to be proved wrong.
    2)It's a democracy only every five years, Vlad. In between that five years, joe citizen aint got no say in anything, simple as. Our lives are, literally in the hands of the government. By the way, explain to me, why, in a democracy, that a TD cannot vote what is in his/her heart(what they know to be right, and what they promised their constituants, who, without their vote, the would'nt have got in, and I know about the whip system, which is a throwback from the British, so dont go there, please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Ghandee wrote: »
    Number of years since introduction of HHC, = 1
    Number of prosecutions (never mind successful ones) = O
    Number of sanctions and threats carried out, = O

    Hogan's full of hot air, he is not renowned for his compassion, if he could do something to non payers, he'd have did it by now.

    I suppose we could count those as further broken promises though, something they are actually decent at.

    Just to add to that, G, I know that I seen kenny and gilmore sniggering in the background anytime that the opposition is trying to speak up on behalf of the public, but hogan, does anyone else notice the way he laughs at us, anytime he is in front of a camera, or am I just paranoid.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    I never got any follow up demand and I don't know of anyone who did after paying or any letters to dead people belonging to me. Stuff about old people and dementia is just the same nonsense that we had before on here.

    You are a real sensitive guy, are'nt ya? Very mature.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Am Chile wrote: »
    It seems Labour party members/workers are receiving deserved heat on the ground over the family home tax.

    Yeah, fcuking right they should, AC, the lying ba**ards, telling lies to the most vunerable of people, as I said before, people who really believed in the tradition of the labour party, not to mention the promises that gilmore made, on their(the party members) behalf, and, of course, the various backbenchers had to row in behind him, but I was very proud of Keavney for sticking to his word, and it wont and should'nt be forgotten. Also, with the whip system, gilmore knew that he was going to potentially ruin the careers of some labour party TDs, that will never be voted in again, so why would the want to stay loyal to someone like that. My new years wish, would be, if this government were to fall before they do any more damage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Ghandee wrote: »
    I do.

    My moral duty.

    Remember what Enda said?

    FCUKING A, Ghandee.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Aquarius34 wrote: »
    Forgive my ignorance here, but is the "household charge", the property tax proposal ? I didn't read the whole thread, it's awful long.

    If it is I will LMAO. These people are unreal. As someone said to me the other day,, "next they will tax the air we breath". Oh wait, don't we have carbon tax?

    Just don't pay the household tax that's all. ffs I don't even pay attention to this type of thing at all. If the tax man comes to your door, let him. You don't have to answer the door.. Don't answer it. If they call the police. Lay in the living room and cry with laughter. People use your brains.

    I'll pay it, if all the elite will :D

    I enjoyed your post, it had great humour, made me laugh, well done, and your dead right:):).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    And if not FF, someone else then? Bearing in mind that by the time the next election comes round the LPT will be long established providing a steady stream of income for the Government.

    And if they are dumb enough to get rid of it you do realise that they will have to replace it with some other tax dont you?

    I have to say that it did'nt take long for you and your people to get to get on first name terms with the PT, (LPT). as was mentioned when it was first proposed.

    Anyway, that not withstanding, You say that they will have to replace it with some other tax, well, why not try SFs proposal of a wealth tax for a couple of years to see what that yields, why not give them all a chance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    I am sure with Revenue involved it will be far higher than 50%, they may have a 50% compliance rate to begin with however, this will increase over time as will the fines and late payment charges that Revenue will be taking in. ;)

    Just one thing that I would like to mention at this stage. You mention the compliance rate and the involvement of revenue. Well, when revenue send a bill, just to break it down for you, and when they find that, maybe more than fifty per cent of people,(thats a very conservative estimate)don't have enough left from their wages, when the employer tries to deduct the PT/LPT, they will, naturally have to be audited. So, when revenue find that ordinary citizens don't actually have what is going to take to pay Property Tax remaining in their wage packet, what do you thing is going to happen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    And who will replace this government FF again well that would be brilliant wouldnt it get the party that screwed us all back in power.

    But, donal, you have to admit, that mr kenny, gilmore & co. knew, that introducing a Property Tax and water tax in the worst recession since the 1920s, at a time when a lot of people were on the breadline, not to mention at least three businesses a week going bust, and at least six suicides a week in this country, was going to be a fcuk up, it was just like setting a scene, whereby someone like FF, were going to potentially get back in to power. Would you concur with my statement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    Yesterday you asked what you could do if you are unhappy with the level of property tax set by the Council, just wondering what they do up North if they are unhappy with their levels, or are they all blissfully happy with the tax system up there given that it is so amazing? (allegedly)?

    In comparison to what we can expect, Yes, amazing is the word.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    Remember it was 19 years ago now, and remember how utterly stupid you would have to be to base a tax system today on the economic situation 19 years ago.

    Still laughing at the last one Ghandee, though fair play.

    Hey donal, I'd like to ask you, 19 yrs, 119 yrs, why would your morals or your princples change, except to be oportunistic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse


    Pretty much a blatant double standard you got going there Ghandee, a tad hypocritical too I would say.[/QUOTE]

    Why would you think that donal, considering it was you who said that morals could very well change in the space of 19 years, or was that just in the case of enda kenny?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Ghandee wrote: »
    Have a read at what Leo said.......

    Wasn't nineteen years ago either. ;)

    Maybe he was wrong too?

    So, if he was wrong, Enda was wrong, Reilly has been wrong now so many times I've lost count, and shatter (as a top end lawyer) got the childrens referendum wrong, perhaps they shouldn't be running the country?

    Fcuking A again, G. As Del Boy would say, perfec.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    I wouldnt think that will happen now Ghandee./QUOTE]

    All things being equal, donal, not many of us would have thought that a government that we elected would have put the people last, in any consideration.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    I would have thought that those types of things should be getting dealt with by the Social Welfares Fraud Departments.

    Wrong again, unless, of course that the person involved in fraud was on social welfare.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    Based on the list of tax defaulters published regularly I would say Revenue are doing ok at tracking down the tax dodgers.

    Even you, donal, would have to admit, that the revenue, on auditing an ordinary person, who for reasons of just being poor, working or not, could not afford to pay a property tax, would not actually publish said person as a tax defaulter, as it would really only serve to make a laughing stock of the revenue, and in turn, the government.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    donalg1 wrote: »
    Remember it was 19 years ago now, and remember how utterly stupid you would have to be to base a tax system today on the economic situation 19 years ago.

    Just to make an ananolgy, 19 years ago, I loved my wife very much, and that was after 16 years of marriage. To-day, I still love my wife, moreso, if thats possible. Why should any kind of circumstances alter a persons principles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,833 ✭✭✭Hijpo

    Just a few questions, what happens when the councils set the rates and not revenue? Does the revenue still collect it or the council? Does the council tell the revenue how much to collect? That will be a disaster we all know the level of communication between two institutions in this country is like two deaf mutes having a convo over two cans and a string, How accurate are the county boundaries for the councils? Is it possible for 1 house to be billed twice at different rates because of the boundaries?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,021 ✭✭✭✭dxhound2005

    Hijpo wrote: »
    Just a few questions, what happens when the councils set the rates and not revenue? Does the revenue still collect it or the council? Does the council tell the revenue how much to collect? That will be a disaster we all know the level of communication between two institutions in this country is like two deaf mutes having a convo over two cans and a string, How accurate are the county boundaries for the councils? Is it possible for 1 house to be billed twice at different rates because of the boundaries?

    Why are you concerned about these details? Just do nothing and it will go away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    Why are you concerned about these details? Just do nothing and it will go away.

    Is this the stance the govt has adopted.

    What have they done so far?

    Who' has been prosecuted yet?
    Who had seen their employer deduct money from their wages by force may I add?
    Who has had the money deducted from their bank accounts by the govt?

    As far as I'm aware no street lights have yet been turned off?

    All threats by the govt, none of which have been carried out......

    Perhaps they're hoping we'll just 'go away' too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,926 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Brian Hayes has said that we are "nearly" at the end of tax cuts and that the Public Sector cuts will begin shortly.

    This will result in the weakest members of society again suffering --

    The rich can afford the security necessary to protect their property but the poor cannot. The Govt has closed Garda Stations, Post Offices and Hospitals all around the country. These will effect the everyday lives of the poor and the middle income families (who have now become low income by the way)

    Now they are proposing to cut Garda numbers which will again lead to the weakest suffering.

    As I said earlier in this thread there are too many cuts in too short a time. We cannot cut and tax our way out of a recession. Man up Enda and go back and tell the E.U. that we have had enough and that we need more time to pay and also a writedown. Do it now before the country is gone too far to recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭Slick50

    donalg1 wrote: »
    Remember it was 19 years ago now, and remember how utterly stupid you would have to be to base a tax system today on the economic situation 19 years ago.

    Still laughing at the last one Ghandee, though fair play.
    19 years ago the economic situation wasn't that different to today, the country was just beginning to emerge from recession.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,021 ✭✭✭✭dxhound2005

    darkhorse wrote: »
    Just to make an ananolgy, 19 years ago, I loved my wife very much, and that was after 16 years of marriage. To-day, I still love my wife, moreso, if thats possible. Why should any kind of circumstances alter a persons principles.

    A few weeks ago you declared you would rather burn down your house than pay up. Are you sticking with that declaration now?

    Having just been introduced to your wife vicariously I am already in great admiration or her. Living with you and your massive persecution complex must demand a great level of fortitude on her part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,833 ✭✭✭Hijpo

    Why are you concerned about these details? Just do nothing and it will go away.

    You blabber on about why we should pay the tax and the rath incurred for not paying, yet you dont want to tell us anything about it. I want to know for future reference, so ill know what to expect, so i can plan ahead. Surely you dont leap blindly into situations without prior knowledge of terms and conditions? Id say the fraudsters have a field day with you. Let me guess, your payig the tax because you have no financial problems especially not now that an african king is sendin you 1,000,000,000 euro ;-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,021 ✭✭✭✭dxhound2005

    Hijpo wrote: »
    You blabber on about why we should pay the tax and the rath incurred for not paying, yet you dont want to tell us anything about it. I want to know for future reference, so ill know what to expect, so i can plan ahead. Surely you dont leap blindly into situations without prior knowledge of terms and conditions? Id say the fraudsters have a field day with you. Let me guess, your payig the tax because you have no financial problems especially not now that an african king is sendin you 1,000,000,000 euro ;-)

    I wouldn't fall for those scam merchants. Nor would I listen to scam merchants here telling me I am above the law because I own private property.

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