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Household Charge Mega-Thread [Part 3] *Poll Reset*



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Bruthal wrote: »
    Quite clearly saying it wont affect me, fuck everyone else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,422 ✭✭✭✭Bruthal

    dvpower wrote: »

    There is no time limit on thinking of responses.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    Bruthal wrote: »
    To sum up, the pro "tax people until they have to cancel the sky sub", just like like enda and crew, tell us we have to make sacrifices. And in common with enda and co, have to sacrifice little or nothing themselves.


    Quite clearly saying it wont affect me, fuck everyone else.

    Didn't the TD's, ministers, etc award themselves extra money in pay and expenses in their own budget, while they cut 3.5 billion from their 'subjects'.

    When questioned on it, answers ranged from 'we inherited your mess' to 'northern bank' and 'Jean McConville'

    They won't extract any further funding from my home, they may not like it, 'but they'll just have to get on with it'.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,422 ✭✭✭✭Bruthal

    Ghandee wrote: »
    Didn't the TD's, ministers, etc award themselves extra money in pay and expenses in their own budget, while they cut 3.5 billion from their 'subjects'.

    When questioned on it, answers ranged from 'we inherited your mess' to 'northern bank' and 'Jean McConville'

    They won't extract any further funding from my home, they may not like it, 'but they'll just have to get on with it'.

    The reply to my last post was a smiling face, just like the faces of the ministers you mention, with all the sacrifices they call for, directly benefiting their pockets.

    So it seems the similarities between government ministers vested interests with extra taxation, and some posters here, wouldn`t be too cynical to suggest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    donalg1 wrote: »

    Donal what are you doing here?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭Am Chile

    Ghandee wrote: »
    Latest report from the 'what's left tracker' from the Irish league of credit unions makes interesting reading.

    Released this morning it reports that:

    1.59 million are now left with €50 after paying their essential bills each month, that's down from the previous €100:eek::

    It's time some folk in govt (and this thread) copped themselves on to fcuk. :rolleyes:

    I'm looking forward to some suit wearing govt/revenue A-hole ringing my doorbell now.

    Reading this survey given the prsi changes, the cuts in child benefit/the cuts in carers allowance its no surprise people are down more money post budget-people will need to protest and protest more then just a usual protest march, people will need to stop ringing Joe Duffy and ringing local radio shows complaining about things and get and do something, what I think is really needed is a national stoppage day of action, the Irish ferries dispute in late 2005 saw a national day of action at that time-I recall many people walked off the job in the afternoon that day and took to the streets in mass numbers (myself included ) that it what is really required out of people to fight back, a march on a saturday will have no effect on anything, a national stoppage is whats really needed, the 700.000 who didn,t register or pay the household charge last year who are hit further with the recent budget will have to ask themselves how far they re willing to take things.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Stop dreaming - there will be no national stoppage.

    Now, get back to work and pay your taxes ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,926 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Wonder how they define "essential bills"? Does your Sky+HD bill and your broadband get included in this calculation? :pac:

    Heard a man talking about people only having 50 euro left per month.
    He said that even if he had 5,000 euro left each month he still wasn't paying it as it was wrong to tax a family home.

    People are not buying into this Property Tax scam lads.
    They know where the money is really going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    Tax is theft.

    They are playing with fire on this one!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Aquarius34 wrote: »
    Tax evasion is theft.

    They are playing with fire on this one!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,535 ✭✭✭Vizzy

    Ghandee wrote: »
    Section 5 me hole.

    I hope you don't say that to your cellmate

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,926 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Vizzy wrote: »
    I hope you don't say that to your cellmate

    The cell will be a very safe place.
    There will be so many in it we won't be able to move, like sardines.
    I hope the building has been started. It would be disappointing to be sent hope because they had no place for us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭Slick50

    Again, define "entertainment". Are people so hard up that they have to sacrifice coke and hookers to pay their bills?? :eek:
    You're suggesting that this 1.6million people are in poverty because of their coke and whore habits!!!!!

    You obviously can't justify demanding further taxes from these people, and settled for trolling instead.
    You won't impress me unless you can outdo the one who is going to burn down his own house. Or the one who is going to jump off a cliff. Or the other one who is going on hunger strike. It better be good.

    That's good coming from someone who took umbrage at the online taunts aimed at Shane McEntee.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    Originally Posted by Aquarius34 View Post
    Tax evasion is theft.

    They are playing with fire on this one!

    dvpower wrote: »

    Remember to tell Enda and co that the next time you bump into any of them.

    Do as I say and all that.......

    Fear of exposé forced Noonan's tax admission

    Mr Noonan has sought to claim credit for coming clean about Fine Gael's illegal under-the-counter cash payments to staff.

    He did this by falsely giving the impression that his disclosure, timed for RTÉ's 9pm News on Friday, was further evidence of Fine Gael's desire to own up to past illegality.

    Mr Noonan has also attempted to deflect attention from Fine Gael's illegality by trying to implicate other political parties in what is substantially an unrelated issue.

    In his RTÉ interview, Mr Noonan succeeded in moving the issue from questions of hypocrisy over Fine Gael's blatant tax evasion onto the "pick-me-up" system of political funding. This system has been public knowledge for at least three years.

    It is a mechanism whereby goods and services are supplied to political parties but paid for by party supporters or their companies. The companies then illegally claim these payments as business expenses.

    But the truth behind Mr Noonan's so-called "coming clean" is that he and his advisers panicked and decided to try to limit damage to the party after receiving a specific query from the Sunday Independent on Friday morning in relation to under-the-counter cash payments.

    Yesterday, as RTÉ was still reporting that Mr Noonan "had not hidden" Fine Gael's tax evasion, Fianna Fáil's Dermot Ahern said the claim that Fine Gael was trying to make a clean breast of it "does not stand up to scrutiny".

    He said that, given that every political party has had to make an exhaustive examination of its affairs in the last few years in response to requests from tribunals, "it is neither credible nor believeable that such a huge black hole in Fine Gael's affairs has not been obvious for some time".

    He said: "Fine Gael has traded politically on its supposed probity for the last 10 years. Its long-serving Finance spokesman Mr Michael Noonan repeatedly lacerated all and sundry for shortcomings in their tax affairs. It now transpires that moral indignation in public about evasion was all the while paralleled by systematic tax fraud in Fine Gael headquarters."

    Yesterday, Fine Gael deputy leader Jim Mitchell said he did not know if Fine Gael would have disclosed its Revenue settlement on the under-the-counter payment issue had it not received a query from the Sunday Independent. "I don't know the answer to that," he said.

    Bizarrely, he laughed as he added: "We'll make it up to you when something else big comes along."

    But as Fine Gael yesterday still tried to portray itself as the party brave enough to reveal its tax evasion, its deputy leader actually sought to play down the significance of the scandal.

    Mr Mitchell, who has built his reputation on the issue of tax evasion, did admit he was "embarrassed" that at a time when his Public Accounts Committee was grilling the Revenue Commissioners in relation to the Dirt scandal, Fine Gael itself was secretly negotiating with the Revenue to reach a settlement in relation to its own tax evasion over a nine-year period.

    But he went on to draw a distinction between "mortal and venial sins", saying: "In order of magnitude, what happened in Fine Gael is not the same as somebody going to the Isle of Man with a bag of money, or expecting large wads of cash in return for a favour."

    The scandal revolves around Fine Gael's forced admission that it gave £120,000 in illegal under-the-counter cash payments to its staff over a nine-year period to 1995.

    It paid £111,110 to the Revenue Commissioners in 1999 for unpaid PAYE and PRSI, interest and penalties arising from the payments. Fine Gael now hopes its dealings with the Revenue have been resolved, but the taxmen may yet impose further penalties.

    On Friday morning, the Sunday Independent contacted Fine Gael's secretary-general Tom Curran, and put specific and accurate details of the scandal to him. After a long pause, he said: "I have no comment at all." He referred us to the party's press office.

    Its press director Niall O Muilleoir initially attempted to dismiss our information as "unbelieveable" but nevertheless undertook to check our facts in what we expected to be the usual confidential manner.

    An hour later, at lunchtime on Friday, Mr O Muilleoir claimed he was unable to contact Mr Curran to check our story. At that stage we added an additional question about how the revelation would square with Fine Gael's reputation as a party "tough on tax evasion". A nervous-sounding Mr O Muilleoir undertook to answer our questions before 4pm on Friday.

    We then contacted the former Fine Gael leader John Bruton, under whose leadership much of the illegality occurred, and put our queries to him. He said: "That's a matter for Fine Gael at this stage. I wouldn't have any information about anything." At 5pm on Friday, Mr O Muilleoir, at this stage in party headquarters with Mr Noonan and other officials, spoke to the Sunday Independent on the telephone, admitting: "There's something in it, all right."

    He said the Irish Times and RTÉ had made unspecific queries to his Dáil office about "something big happening in Fine Gael". RTÉ, he said, wanted to know "if a big financial scandal is going to break in Fine Gael".

    The Sunday Independent then contacted Mr Noonan on his mobile telephone to seek his assurance that Fine Gael would deal with this newspaper in an honourable fashion. Mr Noonan hung up without uttering a word.

    At about 6.30pm, Mr O Muilleoir, speaking on the phone, said Fine Gael had received further media inquiries, only one of which, from the Sunday Times, had specific details of the scandal. He said: "There's TV cameras outside the door ... "

    It seems the Fine Gael hierarchy decided they did not want the scandal to break in a Sunday newspaper.

    Fine Gael, therefore, decided to issue a three-page statement in time for RTÉ's 9pm News, owning up to its illegality while at the same time attempting to move the issue on to the pick-me-up system of political funding.

    Yesterday, Mr Ahern said it was interesting that Mr Noonan should attempt to introduce the issue of PMUs as a diversion.

    He said: "If Fine Gael had any genuine concern about the issue they should have followed Fianna Fáil's example and made a full disclosure to the Revenue Commissioners in June 1998."

    Its ok lads, none of the FG party got jailed for that, they'll hardly imprison any of us for our paltry sums :rolleyes:

    I notice DXhound with all the revenue defaulter links never got around to posting a link to this story. Hardly surprising though, the brain has been washed with Jeyes fluid several times over at this stage bny the party heirachy.

    Ah the FG party and its supporters..... hypocrytical to the end!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Ghandee wrote: »
    I notice DXhound with all the revenue defaulter links never got around to posting a link to this story.
    lol. He must have missed that 12 year old story.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    dvpower wrote: »
    lol. He must have missed that 12 year old story.

    No, but I feel the need to remind you about it when you get over zealous on bandying the term 'tax evader' about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    dvpower wrote: »

    How immature can you get to quote me and edit what I said in the quote.

    Who do you represent? Who are you speaking for? Where do you think you get your moral authority from? Given the fact you make ridiculous farce statements?

    You seem to forget the simple truth. I don't need to pay tax to anyone, I don't despite living as a slave doing so. I am making sure I will not be paying tax in future. I was not put on this planet to pay to live. I was not put on this planet to feed the rich or work for the rich. I certainly was not put on this planet to submit and be a slave to this system.

    This tax scam has put the nail in the coffin for me. I am only waiting for someone to come to my door about this. I am not going to back down from it. I know people who have sellotaped their letterbox. People are not falling for the bull**** anymore. The truth is tax is theft and they want our taxes so they can live of them. I'm not having it anymore. It's as simple as that. I don't give beggars money and I will not be giving elites money either.

    So you sir can sit and spin on that!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Ghandee wrote: »
    No, but I feel the need to remind you about it when you get over zealous on bandying the term 'tax evader' about.
    Why? :confused:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    Ugh Michael Noonon, :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    What about all the taxpayers money you are getting. Why should we have to pay for you? You could be a little bit grateful instead of moaning all the time.
    darkhorse wrote: »
    How did you you know that I was a TD?

    To be fair to dx, what he is talking about is, the fact that I am on medication for a condition that I have, and I receive it monthly for free, through whats known as the Long Term Illness scheme. On the flip side, the cost of the amount of tablets that I am on works out at less than ⅛ of the amount that I would pay in tax.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Aquarius34 wrote: »
    How immature can you get to quote me and edit what I said in the quote.

    Who do you represent? Who are you speaking for? Where do you think you get your moral authority from? Given the fact you make ridiculous farce statements?

    You seem to forget the simple truth. I don't need to pay tax to anyone, I don't despite living as a slave doing so. I am making sure I will not be paying tax in future. I was not put on this planet to pay to live. I was not put on this planet to feed the rich or work for the rich. I certainly was not put on this planet to submit and be a slave to this system.

    This tax scam has put the nail in the coffin for me. I am only waiting for someone to come to my door about this. I am not going to back down from it. I know people who have sellotaped their letterbox. People are not falling for the bull**** anymore. The truth is tax is theft and they want our taxes so they can live of them. I'm not having it anymore. It's as simple as that. I don't give beggars money and I will not be giving elites money either.

    So you sir can sit and spin on that!
    Sellotaped their letterboxes, have they?

    Fcuking genius :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    dvpower wrote: »
    Sellotaped their letterboxes, have they?

    Fcuking genius :pac:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    dvpower wrote: »
    Sellotaped their letterboxes, have they?

    Fcuking genius :pac:

    How are the other geniuses getting on, at acquiring our details through third party utility bills etc?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭darkhorse

    Wonder how they define "essential bills"? Does your Sky+HD bill and your broadband get included in this calculation? :pac:

    Warning. Entertainment is not allowed under this regime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭Slick50

    Ghandee wrote:
    Its ok lads, none of the FG party got jailed for that, they'll hardly imprison any of us for our paltry sums
    Do you have your Dáil/stroke/get out of jail free card, up to date?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭Aquarius34

    If no one pays the property tax, they'll have to start building a lot of prisons. Who will they get to build them? Where will they get the money to build them? Who will be managing them if we all end up in prison then? Who will run the country when we are all in prison and most importantly who will then pay the taxes when we're all squashed in confined prison cells?

    Pay your taxes!!! If you don't you're going to prison.
    Otherwise pay the fine, it's only 15,000, (if you're late it's another 2,000)
    Next year we'll raise property tax only slightly. 500 Euros. Don't worry about two years time because that's two years away from now.

    Money, Money, Money, all he wants’ is your money, he doesn't care if you bleed or starve to death. He just want's your money.

    You just can make this shiit make up!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,183 ✭✭✭dvpower

    Ghandee wrote: »
    How are the other geniuses getting on, at acquiring our details through third party utility bills etc?

    Dunno. Probably find out in March.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    darkhorse wrote: »
    Warning. Entertainment is not allowed under this regime.

    Only if your in Doha, riding your desert orchid.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    dvpower wrote: »
    Dunno. Probably find out in March.


    Another waste of paper.

    I don't give a fcuk what they send me our threaten me with.

    No means no from me, and when they try to steal it, I'll get my earning's taxed in the north.

    Let's see them deduct it from a first trust account lol.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee

    Aquarius34 wrote: »
    If no one pays the property tax, they'll have to start building a lot of prisons. Who will they get to build them? Where will they get the money to build them? Who will be managing them if we all end up in prison then? Who will run the country when we are all in prison and most importantly who will then pay the taxes when we're all squashed in confined prison cells?

    Pay your taxes!!! If you don't you're going to prison.
    Otherwise pay the fine, it's only 15,000, (if you're late it's another 2,000)
    Next year we'll raise property tax only slightly. 500 Euros. Don't worry about two years time because that's two years away from now.

    Money, Money, Money, all he wants’ is your money, he doesn't care if you bleed or starve to death. He just want's your money.

    You just can make this shiit make up!


    Don't forget, if no one can sell or transfer property due to non payment, that leaves a hell of a lot of properties that will flood an already crap market, and house prices will take a further nose dive again.

    Like everything else these **** have put their hands to, its a direly thought out plan by a jolly band of imbeciles.

This discussion has been closed.