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The Lion's Roar - "Vita Perseverat Sursum"

  • 30-10-2012 12:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭

    Well after being asked my a few people if I would continue my log and after realising how I get inspired to train by reading other peoples logs, I've decided to start a new one for my 2013 season.

    The old log is here --> Tri-ing my best

    The title of this log is pretty straight forward. The Lion is me (couerdelion), the roar is because I'm shouting my intentions which is the the Latin stuff - "Vita perseverat" means life goes on and sursum means it's going upwards - scaling new heights. It's in Latin because I'm pretentious although the phrase might not actually make any sense at all to a Latin scholar which instead makes me stupid.

    Last year (2012 season) I put some of my targets for the season on my log to get them into the public domain. I'm a big believer that the simple act of making something public helped me last year to stick to the training that I needed to ensure I had a chance of hitting the targets - and as I hit my targets then I'm going to try this approach again for 2013. This is a bit different and potentially more embarrassing as they are going into the first post and not hiding in the middle.

    My 2013 season started three weeks ago and I'm following the phases that are in the "Triathletes Training Bible". I start with 5 weeks in the preparation phase of training before moving on to my base phase.

    Training Week as penciled in looks like this:

    Mon: Swim / Weights / Yoga
    Tue: Swim / Run / Turbo
    Wed: Run / Weights / Yoga
    Thu: Swim / Run / Turbo
    Fri: Run / Yoga
    Sat: Long Cycle
    Sun: Long Run

    It looks a lot written down but it isn't. Not counting the yoga (sure- it's only a stretching session :) ) it's around 10 hours a week.

    I reckon now is as good a time as any to put down my goals and what I'm hoping all the hard work over the coming months will produce next season.

    Firstly and most importantly by the time the 2013 season starts (May 1st 2013) I want to be weighing in at <90kg. I'm currently 108kg (110kg 3 weeks ago) so 20kg will be a decent drop and although I'll still be way off being considered a light weight for my height and build that's a fairly low number for me. It will have me around 14st 2lbs. When I left school I was around 15st and used to get called stick insect as I was pretty skinny - I'm carrying more muscle mass these days too so I'll probably look super skinny. But the weight loss will no doubt help in the bike and run too and it's free speed that those I will be competing against will have to work really hard to achieve in fitness gains.

    Time wise I did put some 2013 prediction in my 2012 targets - I know that goals need to be attainable and realistic - god knows I spent enough time studying that stuff - but looking at my previous goals I now actually think they are a bit on the soft side considering that I hit last years goals.

    I hit 1:14 for a sprint in the last race of the year and 2:35 for an Olympic so knocking four minutes off the sprint time and five minutes off the Olympic is roughly only a 5% decrease. Whilst I'm sure many triathletes would be happy with that, as I still think as I'm pretty new to the sport then my increases can and should be more significant and if I meet my weight loss targets then the targets should not be difficult to hit at all.

    With this in mind I'm going to re-jig the targets to the following:
    2013 Targets - Revised


    Swim 12.xx
    Bike 29:xx
    Run 19:xx
    Total: <1hr 5 mins


    Swim 25:xx
    Bike 63:xx
    Run 39:xx
    Total: <2hr 15 mins

    Are they challenging enough now? Too right they are! They are aspirations that would be lifting me towards the front of the middle of the pack.

    The Sprint targets would basically have me looking at a 15% improvement on my Fingal Sprint time from last year. That will be tough. The Olympic target is pretty much the same so another tough target.

    Discipline by discipline...

    The swim is where I need to improve the most. I didn't swim any where like enough during the middle and end of last season, but when I was swimming regularly at the beginning of the year my swim was coming on leaps and bounds, so I feel that if I get the regular sessions in over the winter I will improve my speed and my endurance. I set an 800TT time early last year of dead on 14:00 mins and felt that I faded towards the end so a 750m time of 12:xx looks to be something I should be capable of. The Olympic time is much more of a challenge with it being 20% faster than my CK Tri time last year but I know that if I put the time in the pool and an effort to increase my muscular endurance it will make this goal a possibility and something I believe I can achieve.

    The bike is slightly more achievable. I hit 30:xx in a club TT this year and with less weight and a higher power to weight ratio I'm confident that I'll become one of the better bikers within my age group. With this aim in mind I've started training with a local cycling club and will also try and get to a stage where I'm participating in the club races in 2013 (and not making a fool of myself!).

    The run is my weakest event in comparison to most of my age group. I have already stated that the loss of weight will help here and I honestly believe it will make a big difference. Based on the information out there regarding weight loss and improvements in speed then my current 46min 10km time should be down to 42mins without any increase in fitness. 42 mins to < 40mins seems a lot more attainable than 46 to sub 40. I think that proves beyond doubt that weight loss really does need to be a priority. I am not going to get fixated on weight loss being a magic pill or anything like it. I still need to work hard and hit my sessions to improve.

    I do not believe that this is a case of biting of more than I can chew and setting myself unrealistic targets. I honestly think I'll be writing a review of the 2013 season next year and I'll hit each target. Make no mistake I'll have worked hard to do it, but I will succeed!

    When looking at 2013 goals last year I had decided that my aim was to qualify for my age group for the Euros in 2014 and that will still be the case. Rather than trying to qualify through the national series I will try to qualify through a one off race so I am not waiting around to find out if I've qualified. I know AG racing is a joke to some but it's something I want to do. I'll also be attempting to get at least 100 points in each of the national series races I enter (in the top 30% of TI finishers). Hitting my target times or close to them should hopefully make that a formality.

    I've penciled in a few races for next season but until the calendar is published I can only guess at the dates and what races may make up the National Series and Championships. Once the calendar is

    On top of all this I am also taking part in a charity triathlon event "Up and Over Tri" -

    To quote the website:
    Up and Over is an 11 day Ultra Triathlon that’s being undertaken by three “athletes” in order to raise funds for Irish Autism Action & The Irish Cancer Society. It will take place from Aug 22 to Sept 1 2013 and will go Up and Over the country!
    It will involve 3 different sports.
    1. Day 1 is a 5km swim in Portlaoise Leisure Centre’s 25m pool.
    2. Following on from that is a 5 day cycle from Mizen Head in Cork to Malin Head in Donegal . There will also be a cycle with members of the public on the 3rd day in Connemara, Co Galway.
    3. Finally the athletes will leave Oranmore in Co Galway and will spend 5 days running to Dublin City, the highlight of this will be a public marathon/half marathon going through Offaly, Laois and Kildare!
    I'm happy that my swim and bike will be fine. The run really worries me. I've never done a marathon, let alone 5 back to back! Hopefully that should change and I'll be doing a half marathon in December as a warm-up for perhaps a spring marathon. Really looking forward to the challenge though!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Good man CdL, a great opener. Laying it all down for next season, great to see, all the best with the targets; I'm sure you will nail them throughout the season. A busy year coming up by the looks of things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    So, I’m now 5 weeks into my preparation phase of training and have just one week long before base starts.

    “Preparation” phase is meant to ensure that the sessions I have planned fit in with my life and that I’m of a certain fitness level ready to get down to some hard work. It has gone well so far and I have most sessions fixed now and am able to ensure that I work and play around them.

    Swimming – This is probably the hardest to fit in as it has to be early mornings usually. Thursdays club swim is fine. I’m getting up and making that and I get one in at the weekend too. I need to be hitting my Mon/Tue morning ones more regular though.

    Cycling – Hitting every session on this. Tue and Thurs is Trainer Road. A hard focused effort for an hour each time. Saturday mornings is with Lucan Cycling Club. Last year most of my cycling was done with the Tri club. This had a wide range of abilities and we always go at the slowest persons pace so sometimes it was just a recovery spin for me. These Saturday spins are a lot tougher even with the added benefit of being able to hide in a group. Hills are the worst, everyone races up them, on Saturday I had nothing left in the legs as we hit a hill nr the end. Load of the group came past me. Still at least I feel like it is making me stronger. I also finished this week with a simulation of a team time trial from Maynooth to Lucan. 3 of us hammering it and taken turns on the from every minute or so. I was fine until we hit Salmon’s Leap coming out of Celbridge when I drifted off the back – damn hills!

    Running – Going fine, hitting the key sessions and it’s easy enough to get the runs in during lunch. Sundays LSR is currently up to 14km in the lead up to the Waterford half marathon.

    Others – I’m doing quite a few hours extra on non Swim/Bike/Run related activities this year. I’ve started Bikram Yoga and am really enjoying it. I’m trying to hit 3 x 90 minute sessions a week to help with flexibility and general wellbeing. I do feel a lot more relaxed from doing them and have a bit more flexibility. Core strength is up too. I’m also foam rolling 4-5 times a week for 10 minutes or so. Hopefully this will help in injury prevention.

    Weight loss is still on going. Down to <107kg now so over 3kg lost in the last few weeks. Happy with that. It’s a downward trend that will hopefully continue.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Its actually a 7.6k swim;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,119 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey dude, best of luck with all your goals! That "Up And Over" seems mad :) and something you will never forget. I know that you are dedicated and enthusiastic and that will bring you a long way towards your goals. Two questions:

    1) IMO diet/what you eat is paramount when trying to shift the weight. What is your plan in this regard?
    2) You are doing the Bikram which is right beside me-what days/times are you doing and do you find it a bit expensive?

    BTW well done on the 3kg drop last week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hey dude, best of luck with all your goals! That "Up And Over" seems mad :) and something you will never forget. I know that you are dedicated and enthusiastic and that will bring you a long way towards your goals. Two questions:

    1) IMO diet/what you eat is paramount when trying to shift the weight. What is your plan in this regard?
    2) You are doing the Bikram which is right beside me-what days/times are you doing and do you find it a bit expensive?

    BTW well done on the 3kg drop last week.

    Cheers El D.

    1) I'm logging my diet and trying to keep a defecit regardless of excercise. The reading I've done suggests this is the best way rather than aiming to create a defecit solely through excercise. I don't feel short on energy though probably because I've loads of fat to use up :o. I do need to get a bit more disciplined - as soon as my routine goes awry my diet follows.

    2) I do Mon & Fri at 6:00pm and Weds at 8:00pm. Yeah, it's not cheap @ €99 a month but I find it beneficial and feel great about 30 mins after. I'm not great at it by any stretch but I feel more flexible and my stability/core strength seems improved too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    6th and final preperation week done - and probably my worst week out of the six. I was on a course all week and ended up working at the same time - early mornings in the office meant I didn't swim, short lunches meant I didn't get to the gym and late evenings back in work meant I had no time to catch up. I managed to get a couple of the cycles in during the week and then did the club cycle with Lucan on Saturday - up over the embankment wasn't fun! and did around 85km in total. Did the Gerry Branigan Memorial Cycle today and another 85km altogether. Yesterdays ride was at a quick enough pace - I got stuck behind a few people and got dropped on the way up to Blessington so had to get my head down and chase them down (which I did succesfully) also found I had a decent amount of energy for the hills later in the ride. Today was a more sedate pace as I kept my wife company at the back - we were left behind around 10km in and she spent the rest of the ride whinging about the hills (I thought it was fairly flat) and the condition of the roads :) I think we averaged around 25kmh still so not too bad.

    Base period starts tomorrow and I'll be switching to logging more frequently so I feel more accountable if I miss a session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 12th November

    Monday morning swims are just about getting in the water and building up my 'feel' at the moment. Not pushing it yet. So this was a quick 30 mins/1300m as I had to get into work.

    200m FC
    200m Pull
    400m Kick w/fins
    200m pull
    200m FC
    100m BrS

    Lunch: S&C Session.
    10 mins run at an easy pace to warm up - 1.75km
    Leg Press - 135kg (3x5)
    Row - 75kg (3x5)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 55kg (3x30)
    Straight Arm Pulldown 31.75kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    I haven't done heavy weights for a while so was surprised how much strength I've lost. Hopefully muscle memory will kick in and I'll be back up to old levels soon enough.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga. Sweated a lot. Enjoyed it as usual as it's 90 mins where I can just switch off and not think about anything else going on in my life. Could feel the earlier weights session in my legs when trying to hold some of the poses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 13th November

    Morning: Missed swim session - had to be in work early so didn't get the time to go to the pool.

    Lunch: 40 min run at 5:20 mins per km pace. Sweated a lot.

    Evening: Trainer Road session - 8 x 4mins low speed, high force. Simulates hills where you can't keep cadence high and have to grind up them. Also a few thoughts that this kind of training helps to transfer gym strength to bike strength and help with connective tissue strengthening too. Had upped the FTP I was working against to 245 and found it attainable. I will probably up again for Thursdays session.

    Foam Roller session: Missed. Ended up logging on and working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 14th November

    Morning: Another missed session - this time running. I'd decided to miss it the night before as the other half was struggling with a back injury and she wasn't sure she would be able to drive to work.

    Lunch: S&C Session. Pushed the weights up where I could
    10 mins run at an easy pace to warm up - 1.75km
    Leg Press - 145kg (3x5)
    Row - 80kg (3x5)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 60kg (3x30) - tough!
    Straight Arm Pulldown 33.25kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga. Sweated a lot. After doing weights I was finding it difficult to lock my thigh to get the balance for some of the poses. I also hate Camel pose with a passion.

    Thursday 15th November

    morning: Club swimming session. Missed. Third morning session in a row missed. I am bad at getting up in a morning but it's usually a conscious decision to turn the alarm off and turn over. I couldn't even remember the alarm going off till the other half's alarm woke me up and it was 6:50. I feel embarrassed logging that I've missed sessions. More on this further down...

    Lunch: 40 min run at 5:12 mins per km pace. Sweated a lot again the front of the treadmill was soaking. Incline at 1%.

    Afternoon: I had to nip out and meet a friend for coffee in the early afternoon and started feeling a bit off when walking back. As I bent over to tie my shoe lace I confirmed what I thought as my eyes started watering - sinus infection. Nipped into chemist for tablets. Hopefully I've caught it early enough.

    In retrospect I'd been feeling a bit of a headache for the last couple of days but put it down to dehydration and I think this has been affecting my sleeping hence the poor sleep quality the last couple of days <60%. I measure my sleep quality using an iPhone app - Sleep Cycle. It seems to know when I've slept well and wakes me up gently depending on the phase of my sleep. There really is an app for everything!

    Evening: Got in and went for a lay down. Wasn't sure if I was able for the planned session. In the end I decided to get up, give it a go and see how I went.

    Trainer Road session - I'd said on Tuesday I was going to put the FTP up to 250 as I felt it was easy enough at 245 so I did.

    Session was Lamarck. 1 hour with a 3 min ramp to max FTP during the warm-up and then 4 x 10min @ FTP with 2 min rest interval in between. I hit the 4 @ averages of 259, 259, 266, 274. During the last one my laptop went to sleep so I had to stop and try and start it again which cost me 40s at 0 power. Worked hard to make up the average.
    I think that's probably the hardest session I've ever done. Sweat was pouring off me (seems to be a regular thing!) and I had to dig deep. I usually struggle to get my HR up to 140 but it hit 150 during the fourth interval.
    Graph here -->

    It was also weigh in day today. Thursday means that any weekend excesses are gone so less chance of a bad week. Weight today was 105kg. 5kg down in just over 6 weeks and the lowest I've been in about 6 months. We'll see if it's only down to the illness next week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Friday 16th November

    Rest day today so just a Yoga session this evening. Sinus's still at me during the day and everytime I bent over in work I got a throbbing headache from the pressure. Mentioned to the instructor that I might be struggling on any of the poses with my head below the shoulders and she told be just to give it a bash. Ended up being fine. It was hot in there though today, I know some call it hot Yoga but I was positioned in front of the thermometer and it hit 56c at one point. First time I've sweated and it smelt of amonia during a class - possibly not enough carbs in the last couple of days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Saturday 17th November

    Tri Club Cycle. One of the lads decided a few weeks ago that we would have a cycle today from the NAC up to the top of Sally Gap and back. So it was arranged that I'd miss the cycle club cycle and meet up with the lads instead. In the end the lad who's idea it was didn't turn up, some excuse about being sick...

    Set of at a handy enough pace and into Clonnee. A couple decided early on they were going to do something different so they turned off here to do Hill of Tara area. We carried on into Lucan then up to Newcastle. Met up with anoer club member here and carried on up through Saggart and up the embankment. We then took a left a short distance after the Blue Gardinia pub and started to climb. We'd kind of agreed that we would go at our own pace and then stop and wait every now and again. Once we got to Kippure Estate (as a group) next stop was the top of Sally Gap. I took it steady and it was fortunate that another group was doing the same run as I could use them as markers to chase down. The last 200m or so was a killer, I was looking for a bailout point in case I had to stop but I managed to keep the pedals turning.

    We waited at the top for the group to form again and then we had the descent (my favourite part!). I went flying down and I don't think I touched my brakes at all until the bridge, the next few km's after that was done pretty quick too and all the way back down the embankment and down from Saggart.

    At the bottom we stopped for coffee at Avoca (and a Rocky Road :D). Just after Newcastle a couple of us stopped formore fluids and let the rest go on with the hope of catching them - in the end I got a puncture coming in to Lucan. I changed it quick enough but couldn't blow it up. took it to Staggs and they tried but my first spare was faulty. My second one they fitted for me for free (great service!). Felt like a long climb then up Laraghcon Hill and then we turned through Ongar and down back to the Nac.

    Long day but good miles in the legs. 107 km done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Good luck with your plans, all very specific which is good!
    Few questions though -
    1. What height are you? (You were considered skinny at 15 stone!?)
    2. Is the LUFC buyout a good thing in your opinion? I'm concerned about the financial position of the prospective buyer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Basster wrote: »
    Good luck with your plans, all very specific which is good!
    Few questions though -
    1. What height are you? (You were considered skinny at 15 stone!?)
    2. Is the LUFC buyout a good thing in your opinion? I'm concerned about the financial position of the prospective buyer.


    6ft 4in - long limbed too so when I was skinnier I also looked quite lanky. Still if it makes going up hills easier then I'm all for it.

    I dunno. I'm worried it'll be another Blackburn / Venkys. No win in 8 I think it is though now and the uncertainty isn't helping. If they're promising investment and produce the cash in January I'll be happy. A good run could easily see us make the play-offs and then its a lottery - if we get some of the luck we're owed we'll sail through them! We don't belong in the Championship, in the 80's perhaps we were rightly second division, but the support we have now (which I think will go back up when Bates leaves) is much bigger than a lot of Premier teams.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Sunday 18th November

    Long Slow Run. 17km at an easy pace. Weather was terrible - cold and rainy. Gave me an excuse to wear my new running jacket. I knew it wasn't that breathable so ended up like running in a bin bag. But it was a toasty warm bin bag and the rain and cold didn't get through at all. Wore my love lilac running gloves too. My wife is convinced they are womens - but they would need to be for a women with huge hands - they kept me warm any way.

    Got into a nice rhytm listening to Oakenfold - Four seasons (Winter) and just enjoyed the run. It was the kind of day when I might have been tempted to scrap the run and stay in front of the fire but I when I was running I was thinking of the sufferfest acronymn- IWBMATTKYT - "I will beat my ass today to kick yours tommorrow"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 19th November

    Lunch: S&C Session. Pushed the weights up on the leg press but had no iphone with me so unsure of where I was before. In the end I guessed right but could have gone heavier in all of them. I added a rep to each set.

    10 mins run at an easy pace to warm up - 1.75km
    Leg Press - 155kg (3x6)
    Row - 80kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 60kg (3x30) - tough!
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 33.25kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga.Got their late and the class had started so turned around to go home when the instructor gave me a shout to join in. Changed quick enough and back in for second set of breathing excercises. Only spot left was right at the front of the class. Balance felt pretty good today and was feeling much more stable throughout. After doing the weights I was still finding it difficult to lock my thigh to get the balance for some of the poses though - more fatigue than anything else. I also managed camel pose with a back bend greater than anytime before.

    Swimming is off the cards at the moment till my sinuses are back to normal

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    IWBMATTKYT <<< Im printing that out and taping it to my handlebars for turbo. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Oryx wrote: »
    IWBMATTKYT <<< Im printing that out and taping it to my handlebars for turbo. :)

    It's great motivation!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 20th November

    Hectic day in work so no chance of doing much early morning or lunch time.
    So evening was a trainer road session; Huffaker.


    6x3-minute VO2max intervals done in 2 sets of 3 intervals; rest between the intervals is 3 minutes and rest between the sets of intervals is 8 minutes; warmup includes 4 high-intensity priming efforts.

    To increase my power during short, intense efforts & to expand my aerobic (doesn't require sugar) capabilities in place of or in addition to low-intensity aerobic mileage/hours. Big training benefit in minimal time.

    FTP level I'm working against was raised again. Session was tough. Not in a "I'm going to puke" sort of way but it really is a case of mind over matter in these.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 21st November

    lunch: 5km run at 5:18 pace followed by S&C session - weights up again

    Leg Press - 165kg (3x6)
    Row - 82.5kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 65kg (3x30) - tougher!
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 36.25kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Was meant to be Yoga tonight but sinus are back at me with a vengance, bad headache everytmie I move my head down. Looks like tomorrows club swim is out the window too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    weights up again:
    Leg Press - 165kg (3x6)
    Row - 82.5kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 65kg (3x30) - tougher!
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 36.25kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Can I ask what is your goal with the weights element of your training?
    It seems like an unnecessarily heavy amount of weights for a triathlete. And from the little I know of weight training, sets of heavy weights and low reps are more suitable for bulking up, whereas sets with light weights and high reps are more for endurance.
    Considering triathlon is an endurance sport, and you say you want to lose weight, my advice for what it's worth would be to treat the leg press, row, etc. similar to the hamstring curl.
    Coming closer to the race, perhaps you can start to worry about explosive power, but right now with your target races so far off, it's not something I think you need to be worrying about.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    zico10 wrote: »
    Can I ask what is your goal with the weights element of your training?
    It seems like an unnecessarily heavy amount of weights for a triathlete. And from the little I know of weight training, sets of heavy weights and low reps are more suitable for bulking up, whereas sets with light weights and high reps are more for endurance.
    Considering triathlon is an endurance sport, and you say you want to lose weight, my advice for what it's worth would be to treat the leg press, row, etc. similar to the hamstring curl.
    Coming closer to the race, perhaps you can start to worry about explosive power, but right now with your target races so far off, it's not something I think you need to be worrying about.

    I'm following Friels outine plan so the first six weeks were all about getting the body used to handling weights again - what he calls "Anatomical Adaptation".

    I now have the first four weeks of my base phase doing low reps - high weights to build "Muscular Strength". It's a short enough phase and the only way to get stronger is to lift bigger. Without a lot of extra calories it's hard to put on muscle.

    After that I switch to "Strength Maintenance" so less weight / more reps / more sets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 22nd November

    Sinus's still at me so took a day off. The day before I posted a HTFU message on Facebook to another club member. Not the best timing.

    Friday 23rd November

    My official rest day so just a yoga session. Finally managed to get into camel pose properly. I hate back bends but am getting there!

    Saturday 24th November

    Too icy for club cycle. So...


    WU: 300 FC (Moderate pace), 400 Pull, 300 FC (Moderate pace), 200 kick w/board & fins
    Main: 10 x 100 FC : Swim Interval (SI) = "T" Pace + 15s
    CD: 200m BS, 100m BrS

    Struggled on main set and had to knock t-pace back 15s to come in on time and still get a rest. Slowed from a first 50m of 39s to 56s by the last 100.

    Straight from swimming into a 5km run. Easy pace.

    After lunch and a rest I started a Turbo and got to 30 mins before my wife through me out of the kitchen to bake my 1yr old niece a birthday cake.

    Sunday 25th November

    Morning was a meeting for up and over Tri, then straight to my niece's birthday party. Stayed off the wine and beer and avoided the birthday cake (it was a joint party for me too!).
    Home and sinus headache still at me so went for a lie down. Decided I was just feeling sorry for myself so got up, running jacket on, vicks round the nose, and ipod in the pocket and off I went for a 15km easy run. It was wet, cold and generally awful. Jacket leaked slightly on inside of elbow crease but other than that upper body was toasty warm. Shorts didn't do much for keeping my legs warm unsurprisingly.

    Legs hurt from the hot shower when I got back - reminded me of school and Saturday morning rugby matches on icy fields.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 26th November

    Lunch: 5km run at 5:18 pace. Starting to up run volume now whilst in base phase so rather than a 10 min run to warm-up before S&C I'm doing a minimum of 5km.

    Leg Press - 167.5kg (3x6)
    Row - 85kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 67.5kg (3x30) - tougher!
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 38.75kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga. Good session. Keep meaning to bring my HR monitor just to see how much of a workout it actually is. Not epecting too much!

    Tuesday 27th November

    Lunch: 10km easy run @ 5:15 pace

    Evening: Turbo - Trainer Road "Haeckel". 3 x (4 x 3 min Force intervals at 90%-105%FT). Not too bad but it really is 80% mental 20% physical most of the time.

    Weight now down to 104kg so still heading the right way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Evening: Bikram Yoga. Good session. Keep meaning to bring my HR monitor just to see how much of a workout it actually is...!

    Thought about doing the same myself. I reckon the range during the class would be quite emphatic :)

    Good stuff on the weight loss

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thought about doing the same myself. I reckon the range during the class would be quite emphatic :)

    Good stuff on the weight loss

    Cheers,yes I reckon during Stick pose it's sky high. I've just chucked it in the bag so I'll measure tomorrow night and post a link.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Wednesday 28th November

    Lunch: 5km run at easy pace - 5:00min km - 25 mins
    Then straight into S&C and up again on most of the weights. It's not that I find them easy, just trying to push the weights in this short 4 week period.

    Leg Press - 170kg (3x6)
    Row - 87.5kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x30) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 70kg (3x30)
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 38.75kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga - Took my HR monitor with me to see what kind of workout I was getting. Surprised me that it was as tough as it is. Can definitely see the distinct difference in the graph between standing and lying poses too. Two major peaks in the second lying part are camel.

    Compared to yesterday turbo -

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Thursday 29th November& Friday 30th November

    Not feeling great so took 2 days off - also knew I had a half Mara coming up on the Saturday so I guess I could call it taper...

    Saturday 1st December

    Waterford Half Marathon -
    I did the great north run around about 15 years ago and got a time of about 2:15 from memory. I did no training for that and just relied on rugby fitness. Idid the distance last year as part of Tri an Mhi but cramped within first km and ran/walk to a 2:18:07 half. So I knew with the little training I had done I was still pretty sure to get a PB.

    When the numbers were posted out it mentioned there was going to be pacers and I had been thinking which ones to position myself behind. Original thought was just to beat 2 hours. But I thought that might be a soft target and settled on trying to keep pace with the 1:45 pacers. Got to the start and saw one of the other 'Up and Over' gang and he told me he was starting with the 1:40 pacers and would then try and hang on and keep infront of the 1:45 pacers. Seemed like a plan so I joind him with the 1:40 group.

    The race started more or less on time and we were off. The pacers were about 25m in front by the second roundabout and from then on they slowly moved further and further away. I settled into a rhythm after the first couple of kms being over taken on uphills and over taking on the downhills and flats. I was worried about my HR - I was thinking high 120's was around my threshold but I was averaging 140's and decided to stick with it and hope I was going too hard and going to blow up later. After 9km there was a sharp left hand turn onto the road back and what seemed to be the first major hill - checking the graphs afterwards shows I'd already done two similar hills but this just seemed more hilly.

    The road back seemed more undulating then the way out and the other 'Up and Over' runner caught me going up one fo the hills. We had a quick chat and then I dropped back as he went away from. A few km later on a downhill section I caught him and we had another chat. He was worried about beating 1:50 and I told him we still had sub 1:45 in us. We hit another downhill section and I upped the pace. Back on the main road and I was maintaining pace but others around me were speeding up as we had less than 5km to go and I was being passed regularly enough. A 180 degree turn into the park nearly had be cramping but I kept the pace going and hit the finish line in 1:43:37, just a few seconds in front of the other 'Up and over' team mate who also PB'd.

    A new PB and a target to start chasing down.

    HR ended up avg 144 which makes me think I might need to revisit my zones as I was under the impression that this high for me was firmly Vo2 max zone. Training Peaks link -

    Sunday 2nd December

    Swim -
    WU: 200 FC, 200 kick, 200 FC w/pull, 100 FC, 100 kick, 100 FC w/pull.

    6 x 50 FC t-pace 15RI
    2 x 100 FC N/S* 20RI
    4 x 50 FC t-pace 15RI
    200 FC N/S 40RI
    4 x 50 FC t-pace 20RI
    2 x 100 FC t-pace +5s 15RI

    CD: 100 BS, 100BrS

    Tough enough. Was going to cycle and/or run too today but legs are still in bits and wife has organised family dinner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Monday 3rd December

    Lunch: 5km run at 5:24 pace. Legs still tired from Saturday but were fine when running.

    Upped some of the weights again in this penultimate maximum strength session - I move onto strength maintenance from next week.
    Leg Press - 172.5kg (3x6)
    Row - 90kg (3x6)
    Swiss Ball Crunch (3x40) w/20kg plate
    Hamstring Curl 70kg (3x30) - tougher!
    Straight Arm Pulldown (3x6) 38.75kg
    5 min spinning at 90+rpm to finish.

    Evening: Bikram Yoga. Good session, 90 minutes flew by as usual and it got rid of some of the aches and pains.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Tuesday 4th December

    Lunch: 10km run @ 5:30 pace. I've a blister on my toe from Saturday which doesn't make running pleasant at the moment.

    Evening: Trainer Road Turbo session working VO2max. 3 sets of 3x2min Peak & Fade Power Intervals from 120-110%FT; 3RBI/6RBS. Struggled on the last one and was breathing pretty heavy on the last few.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Just had a look at your trainer road history there, some tough workouts there! Need to remember some of them names so I can make sure they are not on my plans!
