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Putting down the spoon



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Friday AM: Slept in so just a quick straight swim of approx 1200ms

    Friday Lunch: A lovely day so decided to go out and have a go at my 20k route. This was a little better than usual as I took it out steady and picked it up after 10k. I have a tendancy to go out too hard and then justify a little rest for a few k in the middle before a final push so this was more or less steady hard for most of it. I was close to holding 32kph but a tractor coming the other way scuppered that as I had to pull in. Came in at 31.1kph for the 20k

    Saturday Afternoon: A lacklustre run, I had originally blamed getting out later than usual and hunger for my problems but looking back the last time I had a poor long run there was another hard bike the day before. I had to stop and turn around after 5k as I didn't feel well, coming to the turn for home I started to feel a little better and threw in another 5k past the house, bumping into Gibbo and trying to keep with his easy pace finished me off and I left it at 15k - 5 less than planned. 15k at 5.16 pace AHR - 134

    Sunday Morning: The wife was out last night so didn't get out till around 10ish. Out to Furbo and back for 60k, it was only a little faster than the 77k I did last week so it shows the benefit of drafting. We had family over later who had already booked houses in Kenmare for the Lost Sheep so I was shamed into booking myself a house. Starting to look forward to it now though

    Monday Morning: Another cycle today, 50k. I had to drop in the new Hobbit DVD into town (not bad but beginning to feel dragged out - perhaps 2 movies would have been enough). Thats 2 days in a row the headwind has been on the way back, its nearly always the other way - a bit more of this would suit me as its the fag end of Kilkee that always breaks me

    I have now been informed the missus is going to Limerick with the girls this weekend - christ I have no social life these days (dont really miss it either when I see the horrors she is going through :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    You need to be quicker off the mark and arrange weekends away, months in advance so you can go off training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    I'll be going for a pedal around 7:15 this evening. I know it doesn't usually suit but if she's away this weekend.............:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Nah I wont even have started telling the young lad his story at that stage, as mentioned I will always struggle to get out in the evenings. In a week or two I will hope to do a hard bike on Wednesday evenings as throwing them in on fridays is killing my runs on saturdays

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Tuesday AM: 1500m in the pool.

    Tuesday Lunch: Intervals 7 x 800 with one minute break - I hate these but got them done at least. Garmin battery was going on me straight away so I turned off the gps but I am doing these long enough to know what time I need to be coming in at. My main problem was going out too fast on these and dying a death towards the end but all completed at around 4.00/4.05 minute pace. Probably a harder work out than if I had stuck rigidly to the Garmin

    Wednesday: Nothing - a late night email asking me to cover a meeting in Dublin took its place. With only one meeting I thought I would get a bike in that evening but I foolishly got talked into collecting some stuff for the kids rooms in Ikea. No way would I get out training without getting them assembled - having set them up twice wrong from a vague instruction sheet the training session was lost and I took it out on some poor councilor canvassing at the door who could hardly string two words together

    Thursday AM:
    1700ms in the pool, tested the waters with some sets off 2.10, not too bad but got lazy and left it at 5, I expect I should be able to struggle through some more. Finding it hard to get motivated in the pool

    Thursday Lunch: First hands on the knees submission in a long time, I broke at 8k into the tempo run. I was a little mad after as I could have got another k at that pace in and then I can usually trick myself into finishing off the final kilometre, but there is a few drags at 8k and that was it for me. So 8k at 4.26 pace and then a short break and 2k at just over 5 minutes pace to give me 4.34 pace for the 10k. AHR - 167. Looking forward to an easier week next week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    i read that as 7 x 800 in the pool !! :eek:
    fair play you seem to be getting a good bit done

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    woody1 wrote: »
    i read that as 7 x 800 in the pool !! :eek:
    fair play you seem to be getting a good bit done

    so did i, and was mighty impressed at the 4:00 time!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    woody1 wrote: »
    i read that as 7 x 800 in the pool !! :eek:
    fair play you seem to be getting a good bit done
    mossym wrote: »
    so did i, and was mighty impressed at the 4:00 time!!

    Yes 800m is an unusual distance but the road works out nicely to be between two houses and flat - if I add the extra 200m I would introduce a drag into it which wouldn't be my style at all ;)

    7 x 800m off 4:00 would be a particularly sadistic Interested swim set unless he had Mako sharks in the lanes

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    Looking forward to an easier week next week

    Sounds like your easy week will be starting tomorrow if herself is away ;)

    You should think about doing your long run earlier in the week. Join me on Saturday then for your tempo run. I won't let you bail early :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Sounds like your easy week will be starting tomorrow if herself is away ;)

    You should think about doing your long run earlier in the week. Join me on Saturday then for your tempo run. I won't let you bail early :pac:

    An easy 2 hour 4.15 paced run for you is what I would hope to hold for a 10k race after a nice fat taper at this stage of my season, not a regular saturday afternoon jaunt. You would probably expect me to hold a conversation as well with you about how heavy AKW has got :eek:

    Might be around yet this weekend anyways - shes well worked up with worry over another big night out on the piss. Her voice was gone until thursday after last weeks session - fags and gossiping are not ideal prep for a primary school teacher.

    The young lad is being potty trained as well so I certainly am putting pressure on her not to go, like fools we thought a doggy potty would do the job, hes carrying it around everywhere calling it Barney :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    A couple of 30 minute runs at 4:15 to 4:20 would do you the world of good. You're well able for them too. I wouldn't mention it if I didn't think it was in you. After a week or 2 they would feel a lot more comfortable.

    I'll be biking Sunday morning. Will keep you posted. Just an easy one this week.

    Potty training - the joys. Thankfully all that is done and dusted with Finn. Once you get over the first week of it should be fine thereafter - based on n=1 :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Friday Am: Approx 1200m in the pool

    Friday Lunch: Got a phonecall while just heading off for a spin on the bike that a mate was going to call in as he was passing by. So about 12k before I had to go back to the house

    Saturday Lunch: While the missus ended up not heading away, she decided to go in and do a days work prepping for monday :confused:. While the granny would gladly take pudsy for a year if she was let, Anna is a different story as the two grannies had breathing incidents with her back in the early days. So I knew she wouldnt be comfortable with the two of them so I snuck off for just over an hour while they were both asleep. 13k at 5.12 pace AHR - 140

    Sunday AM: 60k out to Furbo and back - a glorious day! I tend to overdress for these early morning bikes as I was roasting on the way back once the sun came out. Not a bad cycle - a reasonable headwind on the way back. I got home and the wife must have been feeling guilty over not getting a decent run in yesterday (I think she got a longer run in) so she sent me off again for a run. I nearly backed out but off I went. I had forgotten how hard these are and I was nearoy killed trying to hold 5 minute ks. The legs loosened out after 2k and I was gradually going into the 4.40's pace. Nearly 3 hours training in the end of it all, which saved a poor weekend for me. Augers somewhat well for a run off the bike at Olympic distance but I couldn't imagine another 13k at that pace for a 1/2 Ironman

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Between work and a visit to the Zoo (Giro) next weekend, next week is going to be poor so I postponed an easy week till then

    Monday: Very rarely can do anything on mondays but I did sneak out to the shed with the young lad after work and finally fix the knotted chain on the Pussywagon. Attached the bike trailer on and brought him for a quick 10k to make sure everything was still working

    Tuesday AM:
    Forgot my swim shorts when I arived in the pool, first time doing that in years - a shave and then home again

    Tuesday Lunch: Got these intervals done at least. With the Garmin this week I realised I was giving myself an extra 10 seconds or so recovery than I thought. I decided to run with it anyways :P 8 x 800m at @ 4 minute pace with 70 seconds recovery which is 1 more than last week. Managed to hold 3.55ish with the wind comfortably and was struggling to hold 4.00 on the way back each time. Good session I wasn't confident of completing these beforehand so was glad to get them done.

    Wednesday AM: Struggled with this, not surprisingly as I haven't swam since last friday

    Wednesday Lunch:
    I had a go at my 20k TT route on the Pussywagon, no place really to put the Garmin 500 so I just stick it in the back pocket. Wind was unkind and main fast section was into a headwind so I knew the pb was doubtful. Coming up to the slow section at the bottom of our narrow road a truck had broken down and there was a few cars stuck behind. So nothing else for it but to sit up, unclip and walk up around them. Speed at that point was 29.5kph, with the wind at my back for most of the rest of the way home I probably might have squeezed over 30kph. Trying to decide would I have been as quick on the road bike - probably not as I as managed to stay down on the bars for all of it.

    Thursday AM: Again I was late for the pool, while Pudsy can sleep through a hurricane, Anna is much lighter and I don't want an alarm waking her. Need to get the lead out in the pool, I keep saying I will be grand for Kenmare as I will do loads of swimming in Portugal before it but Kilkee will be a disaster if I dont get the distances up. Nothing too much wrong with my speed but endurance will be an issue. Approx 1700m swam

    Thursday Lunch:
    Another failed tempo run. Started out too quick and was really struggling from early on, while I could perhaps easily work harder on my swimming and biking I think my legs could do with an easy week on the running front. First 3 were in at 4.22 pace, the 4th k has a drag so I slowed down to 4.48 for that one, not long after that a torrential shower was about to come down, with the phone with me I started back looking for cover. 10 minutes of crouching under a tree while the rain teemed down and then ran home for 8.6k at 4.31 pace, I wouldnt have held that pace without the break

    Friday AM: Not late for the pool today but due to arrangements on fridays I have to be home before 8am so I usually leave it, I decided feck it I will run down for a quick 396m time trial to see where I am at. As expected theres nothing too much wrong with my speed, 6.34 for the 396ms which is only 7 seconds of my pb. Paced it well today so it was probably as good as I could have expected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice going on the swim TT. Spotted you returning form the pool this morning.

    Are you going to the Giro next week?

    As for crouching under a tree for 10mins............Leave the phone at home :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Nice going on the swim TT. Spotted you returning form the pool this morning.

    Are you going to the Giro next week?

    As for crouching under a tree for 10mins............Leave the phone at home :D

    I had hoped to swing a work meeting and go to Belfast for the team time trial but I am up there again on the 27th for another meeting so its not on

    I am up there next weekend in Dublin alright visiting friends, the expected finishing time of 4pm will cause huge issues if I do try and go as the wife and kids wont be too happy hanging around that late, being honest I am not as bothered about that stage anyways, I think either a time trial or a high mountain setting would be good fun as you would get some value whereas I would expect its blink and you miss them for sundays stage.

    Phone often dictates how long I have to run I am afraid so its almost a necessity to have it with me, would usually have it in a ziplock but didn't think i would need it yesterday

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Phone often dictates how long I have to run I am afraid so its almost a necessity to have it with me, would usually have it in a ziplock but didn't think i would need it yesterday

    You live in Ireland, right? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Friday Lunch: Not much time so 15k on the TT bike.

    Saturday Lunch: Not a bad run, legs were stiff starting out and towards the end again but there was some decent running in the middle of it. Barna woods towards the end of the run was lovely - green everywhere as the trees were in full plume. I went out to 5.03 pace going up the steep hills at the top of Ballymoneen but some low 4.20s got me back to 5 minute pace. 18k @ 5.00 minute pace

    Sunday AM:
    A wet and miserable morning and my blasted wife had gone for her run with my only rain cape. It ended up dying off after the first 3/4's of an hour and turned out to be a nice spin in the end of it all as I dried out fairly quickly. Out to Spiddal and back for 70k. Garmin HRM is gone already - useless - back to the Polar for me again

    Monday AM:
    I had hoped for more today with a brick run after the bike but two punctures ruined that plan. I also had to endure the humiliation of Gibbo and Bambatta watching me feebly trying to take the tyre off the wheel before they kindly stepped in to save me any further embarrassment.

    I let them off after the 2nd one as I had thought it was just a pump up again job but it turned out to be a slow puncture which gradually turned into a full blown puncture. I got a few ks by standing out of the saddle and stopping to pump every few minutes but it went totally and with no second tube it was walk home for the last 4k, I dumped the bike, shoes and helmet into a mates house who was gone and walked home. A few shakes of the heads from the neighbors who saw me walk past in socks and blue lyrca - they probably don't think it even looks odd for me as I am an eejit anyway for constantly running up and down doing repeats :o

    An easy week for me this week - on the road a bit and the weekend we are heading to Dublin to visit friends!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Have you fixed the puncture????? :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi cw. :D

    How does this strike your fancy?

    My treat for you and one boards friend if you're interested. ;) Let me know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Have you fixed the puncture????? :pac:

    Ya decided to stick the new tyre on, as per usual with no pressure of watching eyes it went on pretty straightforwardly if a little slow
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hi cw. :D

    How does this strike your fancy?

    My treat for you and one boards friend if you're interested. ;) Let me know.

    Ha I will take you up on that offer, perhaps it is just what I need to get my thumb out of my ass as regards the swimming with a 4k swim on the horizon, thanks for the offer

    As per usual I take an easy week too literally and I hardly did anything although I knew I wouldn't have much time anyways in fairness. I hate easy weeks, recovery weeks, taper weeks, I eat like a horse and feel fat and sluggish

    Tuesday: A planned rest day as I was working in Dublin

    Wednesday: A swim in the morning - 1500ms. I had planned to do a bike at lunch but with the miserable weather and no bike set up on the turbo I decided to fix the puncture instead. I got the green light for a quick run before Pudsy went to bed so down to the bridge and back for 5k that evening

    Thursday: I went to bed on wednesday night and forgot the phone, who would be rining me at this time of night anyways. Woke up the next morning and see the boss ringing me, texted him I was going for a swim and to ring me at 8.30. Turning on the phone after the swim I see a text to get to Dublin asap for meetings. So a fairly brisk drive was all I got later, 1000m in the pool

    Friday: 1200m in the pool in the morning and with the mother in law minding the kids I felt it was wiser to let her off early and cut her grass that she was constantly hinting at

    Saturday: No zoo in the end of it all, the friend was sick but still a busy day with a communion party. Had a window of 30 minutes before tea so 6k ran

    Sunday: The plan was 2 hours but I got hopelessly lost out the back roads of Monivea trying to take a short cut and would have been as well off cycling the full 77k in the end of it all. Soaked wet I asked a few lads at different stages how to get to Turloughmore and got the usual hurling GAA/hurling jokes from the natives before I got directions from them. 60k in total

    Hopefully back on the wagon from tomorrow but I am caught to get to Cork on one of the days as it got postponed from last week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Yay!! :D Now pick a boards buddy and we'll get you both signed up! Either distance....looks like a total blast. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yay!! :D Now pick a boards buddy and we'll get you both signed up! Either distance....looks like a total blast. :)

    Theres only one man that comes to mind when I think of a 4k swim and that is the dolphin himself Amphkingwest :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Theres only one man that comes to mind when I think of a 4k swim and that is the dolphin himself Amphkingwest :P you boys will be doing the 4k!

    <squeals with delight>

    Excellent choice! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    catweazle wrote: »
    Theres only one man that comes to mind when I think of a 4k swim and that is the dolphin himself Amphkingwest :P
    Dory Dory wrote: » you boys will be doing the 4k!

    <squeals with delight>

    Excellent choice! :)


    You will pay for this CW.

    How far is a 4k swim anyway? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    AKW wrote: »

    You will pay for this CW.

    How far is a 4k swim anyway? :rolleyes:

    It's approximately half of what I swam yesterday....but you two boys will be like rockets in rubber with that current they mention! Whoop whoop!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    but you two boys will be like rockets in rubber with that current they mention! :D

    Really don't know how to respond to this ^^

    CW you are SO lucky I have a teammate for the Endure 24 already, though I believe there may be a possible slot opening for a extra team member.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AKW wrote: »
    Really don't know how to respond to this ^^

    CW you are SO lucky I have a teammate for the Endure 24 already, though I believe there may be a possible slot opening for a extra team member.

    Endure 24 :confused:

    I quite like that show although I haven't sen any of the new ones :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AKW wrote: »

    Oh I would love that - not only am I served up with 12 hours of running I am also told its in Reading :eek:

    Extra Team mate - you doubting yourself and moving to a team 5?

    Suck it up AKW!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Nope, team of 3 going over.
