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Staying Motivated With Slow Progress & Injury Worries



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    October ends and progress continues. I set a target of 100 KMs of running over the month and I have completed 103 KMs (64 miles). Although I am STILL getting a little twinge of my old injury from time to time, I am feeling good. The 12 week injury lay-off may have helped me in some ways. Before the injury, I had constant issues with sore calves and shins. But since I came back, not a bother now that they've been given the chance to heal fully. Although I am a bit superstitious about saying that for fear it will blow up in my face in the next 1 or 2 runs....touch wood though!

    I want to change focus a bit with my November aims and not just concentrate on distance covered....I feel like I’m at, or very near, a training plateau now. I have worked my way back up to 10K runs 3 times a week slowly, and although I only reached 10K sessions on October 20th, I am thinking I need to figure out very soon how to get a bit more bang for my buck. I went researching training plateaus earlier this week and found a few interesting articles and I will try to take the concepts of this interesting article on board starting next week. Maybe do 4 shorter 8.5K runs instead of 3x10K runs to start with. But I'm not sure how that'll work out logistically yet.

    I have read tons of race reports from last Mondays DCM too and that has given me even more determination and inspiration to get out there training. I really, desperately want to be part of it all next year after having missed out this year. I was just thinking, after starting this new running craze of mine in late June 2012, which was 16 months ago, by my rough estimations, I have missed an aggregate of about 4½ months through one injury or another, which is near one-third of the total time....So I really need things to start going well for me on the injury front. I am an overpronator, especially in my right side, and that has never bothered me before in my life, but now it seems it’s the root cause a lot of my issues.

    Also in focus for November....I want to run a proper 10K race in December. In the 16 months, I have still only done 3 races and only one of them was over 10K which was last March. So I really want to do one in December - firstly to see how much I can knock off my time from last March (which was 52:20) and secondly to keep me motivated and focused in the dark and cold November evenings. This time last year, I was doing my runs in the mornings before work but this year I can’t. So evening runs may need extra incentive. Maybe I will also start updating this training log more often than just at the end of the month too.....and convince myself that you're all very bothered to read it - and frowning very strictly and crossly at me and the effort I am putting in.

    There isn’t a great lot of choice of 10Ks in December but at the moment I am tentatively targeting the RNLI Reindeer Run on December 1st in Marley Park – but at the same time, hoping some nearby road race pops up for nearer the end of the month, December 29th would be perfect, and I would do that instead. I'm not that keen on a race that consists partly of narrow forest trail. Been there....done that....didn't like it....give me a road race please!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    A new month, more structured training from now on and part of that will be a more regular (and shorter) log updates

    Started tonight as described above

    I purposely slowed down a bit from my recent runs 'til I test out for a week or two how my body reacts to slightly more frequent running (always paranoid about the injuries).

    8.5K done tonight at 5:52 per KM (or 9:26 per mile) pace.

    WTD: 18.33 Miles
    MTD 5.28 Miles
    YTD 487.9 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    The same 8.5K course ran tonight at 5:20 per KM (or 8:35 per mile) pace....which is too fast for me.....Must slow it down!

    Final Weekly Total: 23.61 Miles
    MTD: 10.56 Miles
    YTD: 493.18 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    My right calf is was sore today (I knew I'd jinxed it)

    Tonight, did a 5K recovery run @ 6:44 per KM (or 10:51 per mile) pace

    Really found it hard in the beginning to hold back from just taking off....I need to get batter at holding back....but I managed to hold back tonight....even when God himself tried to test me by making it start pissing rain after 1K.

    WTD: 3.1 Miles
    MTD: 13.67 Miles
    YTD: 496.29 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    40 minutes of cross training tonight. 3 sided planks, jump-squats, lunges, lateral leg raises, clams etc. I did a bit of this sort of stuff over the Summer but in truth, I've really neglected this kind of stuff way too much....want to do it twice a week from now on (even though I hate Hate HATE it). Found it hard work tonight but will try build it up to a one-hour workout over the next few weeks....and try do some research so that I can incorporate one new exercise every once in a while for variety. IF anyone has any tips, I'll love you forever.

    That sore right calf is grand now. Looking forward to being back outdoors tomorrow night. But I feel like I have the beginnings of a cold. Trying my best to battle it off. Not too worried about it just yet.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Tonight, ran 9K at 5:41 per KM (9:09 per Mile) pace - felt good.

    The legs felt a bit sore all day today after the squats, lunges etc last night, but they were grand after warming up.

    Now I've passed the milestone of 500 miles for the year. Not bad for me......considering I missed a month in the spring and practically the entire Summer through injury.

    WTD: 8.7 Miles
    MTD: 19.26 Miles
    YTD: 501.88 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Another 9K tonight at 6:03 per KM (9:44 per Mile) pace.

    Didn't feel good for the first 5K especially. Legs felt heavy and not great energy. Not sure why. I'm putting it down to bating that cold away tiring me out.

    WTD: 14.29 Miles
    MTD: 24.85 Miles
    YTD: 507.47 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    12K slow run this morning (leaving out the word "Long" for now :D )

    Pace was 6:13 per Km (exactly 10 minutes per mile). Maybe a tad fast for when I go longer. Dunno. I'm a bit concerned about the occasional shooting pain down either leg.

    Final weekly total: 21.75 Miles
    MTD: 32.31 Miles
    YTD: 514.93 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    6K recovery run at 6:53 per KM (11:04 per mile) pace

    Followed by 6x100m strides on a proper shiney professional running track

    34, 31, 29, 29, 30, 30

    Although I'll have to look at that again tomorrow coz I think I was doing slightly more than 100 meters.

    Still a bit worried about my legs!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Last night, 40 minutes cross training

    Tonight, an attempted 10K progression run. I say attempted coz my Easy and steady Ks were too fast, my 2 HMP Ks were about right and I tried 1K near the end at 10K pace and it was too slow (I'm blaming the wind :D )

    Overall average pace: 9:16 per mile (5:46 per KM)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    A lovely night for a run!! :)

    Very easy 10K run averaging at 10:40 per mile pace (6:38 per KM). I'm so uncertain what the difference in pace should be between LSR's, recovery runs and easy runs. Some reading required.

    I meant to do 6x100m strides at the end tonight but I thought I'd give it a miss. This last week or so, I am feeling symptoms of my Summer injury and it's making me nervous. I really don't want to do this, but I am considering taking maybe a week off as a preventative measure. I'll have a rest day tomorrow anyway and see how it feels up to Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    A 13K "LSR" this afternoon and although I was experiencing a slight bit of occasional pain yesterday, everything feels fine at the moment.

    I targeted a pace of 6:45 per KM (10:52 per mile). The first 2.5K or so were too fast but other than that, I settled into the rhythm and got the pace pretty much right for the rest of it.

    Overall, the pace averaged out at 6:38 per KM (10:40 per mile) again.

    Total ran this week: 24.75 Miles.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    6K recovery run @ 11:09 per mile pace

    The recovery run for me at the moment is mostly about trying to set good habits.

    Meant to do 6x100m strides at the end but I think it's best to avoid that for the moment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    T'was tough going trying to motivate myself to go out there in that coooold wind tonight....but aren't they the runs that always give you most satisfaction? :D

    7 Miles with 3 interval miles thrown in (which were 8:08, 8:33 and 8:02 per mile pace) with the other 4 miles averaging 10:25 per mile.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    7 easy miles at 10:12 per mile pace.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    9 Mile LSR @ 11:01

    Been building up the mileage nicely sine coming back from injury nearly 3 months ago. I think it might be wise to have a step back week now.

    Final weekly mileage this week: 26.75 miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    5 miles easy @ 10:00 per mile.

    6x180m strides at the end.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    7 mile progression run.

    9:57 wu,
    9:54 wu,
    10:17 wd,
    Half mile walk (I do this at the end of every run as part of warm downs but I don't count it in my totals)

    I think I'll lengthen this middle of the week run a bit starting next Wednesday.

    Now I feel it's time to pick a definite race to focus on:

    - Kilanerin, Gorey, Wexford 10K on January 4th appeals to me.

    - But I also have half an eye on Great Heath 10K in Laois on January 19th.

    - There's also the Piltown Turkey Trot 10K in Co. Kilkenny on December 8th as an option.

    Decisions decisions.

    I think I'll go for Wexford.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Juniorhurler

    Hey there laois man. Just happened on your post there when googling the details of the kilanerin 10k. I am local to this event and am entering it myself. If you are running it give me a shout and I'd be delighted to meet up at the course. Its always nice to meet a fellow boardsie.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Hey there laois man. Just happened on your post there when googling the details of the kilanerin 10k. I am local to this event and am entering it myself. If you are running it give me a shout and I'd be delighted to meet up at the course. Its always nice to meet a fellow boardsie.

    Hey.. Thanks. Yeah I think I'll do Kilanerin alright
    - all being well. Shur we'll catch up nearer the time. I hope it's a decent event? I'd be taking a bit of a punt on it really.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    7 miles this evening at 9:42 per mile

    Legs felt heavy and a bit of a struggle for the first couple of miles especially

    Tomorrow is a rest day for me so that's me finished for November. I set myself a target of 100 miles this month. Finished with 102.80 miles

    I think these little monthly targets are discouraging me from taking the step back week I probably should take. So I refuse to set a monthly target for December - except obviously I'd like it.........STOPPED ITTTT! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,210 ✭✭✭shamrock55

    Laois_Man wrote: »
    7 miles this evening at 9:42 per mile

    Legs felt heavy and a bit of a struggle for the first couple of miles especially

    Tomorrow is a rest day for me so that's me finished for November. I set myself a target of 100 miles this month. Finished with 102.80 miles

    I think these little monthly targets are discouraging me from taking the step back week I probably should take. So I refuse to set a monthly target for December - except obviously I'd like it.........STOPPED ITTTT! :D

    Im new to running and have been reading some of your posts, well done on your progress so far
    can i just ask when you say 7 miles at 9.42per mile is that your average pace per mile?

  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    It would appear the conversion from metric to imperial is just about complete;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    shamrock55 wrote: »
    Im new to running and have been reading some of your posts, well done on your progress so far
    can i just ask when you say 7 miles at 9.42per mile is that your average pace per mile?

    That's correct yes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Bulmers74 wrote: »
    It would appear the conversion from metric to imperial is just about complete;)

    Just putting on a face in public :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    10 Mile LSR averaging 10:54 per mile.

    29 Miles run this week.

    Not available to do my hard workout run on Wednesday so I'll have to shuffle my runs for next week around a bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Did an 8 Mile "easy" run tonight....and then pressed the wrong button on my running app by mistake and deleted it!!!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:

    Average pace was 9:44 per mile

    First 2 miles warming up felt really hard.....felt like there was a ton of lactic acid in my lower legs. But it was a very enjoyable run after that

    Anyway, this week is turning out to be a bit different. I've managed to get myself roped into a 5K race on Sunday morning which wasn't in my plans at all. But after initial hesitation, I actually think it's a good idea now because a) it's virtually in my back yard, b)I have never run a 5K race yet and c) I have run no race at all since the half marathon in June. So I'm looking forward to it now.

    It means the LSR I had planned for the weekend is gonna get all screwed up. But I'll do a good warm up by running to the race and then run home the long way after it. So I'll still get an 8 or 9 mile run done on Sunday.

    And if anyone here is in or near Carlow Town, shur come on down on Sunday morning and give the race a lash.....


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    So tonight, I delved into the Fartlek Pyramid Session prescribed by Blockic in the 2013 DCM Graduates thread the other day. Enjoyed that. Then ran a bit more and completed 7 miles. Wasn't really sure how fast I should be going but gave it sox so was probably a bit too fast! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    The legs, especially the left one haven't felt that good today - Feeling a bit too much like old injuries for my liking. So I went out tonight and did a 5 mile recovery run as slow as I possibly could...averaging at 11:42 per mile.

    I think I feel a lot better but I'll see how I am feeling tomorrow.
    No running tomorrow. Then I'll do a 20 minute or so warm-up before the 5K race on Sunday morning and if I doesn't feel right, I'm determined that I'll pull out and not be a stubborn mule like I have been in the past - this race doesn't matter to me that much.

    Fingers crossed it's OK.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    So....Ran the Carlow Regional Youth Services Jingle Bell 5K this morning.

    This was my first ever race over the 5K distance and the aim was to run a sub 25 minutes time.

    Finishing time: 23:03

    Very happy :D (even if them 3 seconds are annoying me a bit :().

    It didn't really feel like I was even gonna hit the target because while running a race, I always feel like every man and his dog are passing me out so I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at my watch passing the 3K marker. I wouldn't say it was comfortable because my breathing was all over the place and uncontrolled for the first 2-3 KMs. So I have plenty to work on! But very pleased and at least I now know my 5K pace (7:25 per mile or 4:37 per KM) and even more importantly, I have a fair idea how to improve on it next time.

    The worrying thing is, I am sore down my left side after it (there's always a downside with me isn't there :mad:)

    I ran an extra 4 miles beforehand and afterwards (combined) bringing my mileage for this week up to 27.15 miles.

    Also, when I was coming back from my long injury at the start of September, I set myself a target to try finish the year with 1,000 KMs under my belt. I am now 1,001.93 KMs for the year.
