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Request For Feedback: Bullying



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,437 ✭✭✭✭El Guapo!

    Fair enough. Maybe I'm wrong about what happened. In my view it was a bit over the top, but hey, if its not deemed over the line then thats fair enough. Just thought I'd point it out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,327 ✭✭✭Madam_X

    K-9 wrote: »
    While I'm not defending the abusive comments it was hardly a nice action to do and it was an exaggeration, maybe even a bit trollish.

    We must think of the children effected! ;)
    Yeh she probably knew it would rile people.

    Re: badmouthing famous people - should be fair game if they aren't pleasant people, that includes journalists. We all know Independent Newspapers is widely staffed by professional trolls. Leave out the comments on the female journos' looks though if she has the *audacity* to not be that hot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Dean09 wrote: »
    Fair enough. Maybe I'm wrong about what happened. In my view it was a bit over the top, but hey, if its not deemed over the line then thats fair enough. Just thought I'd point it out.

    When I looked at that thread I assumed the poster had made that post deliberately to elicit a reaction. I was fairly surprised the person then got upset and closed their account.

    What reaction did they think they were going to get to posting a story like that about their father - in After Hours? I think common sense has to prevail also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,437 ✭✭✭✭El Guapo!

    When I looked at that thread I assumed the poster had made that post deliberately to elicit a reaction. I was fairly surprised the person then got upset and closed their account.

    What reaction did they think they were going to get to posting a story like that about their father - in After Hours? I think common sense has to prevail also.

    Yeah but the way the high horse brigade jumped on her was OTT. You'd swear she said her dad was Josef Fritzel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,713 ✭✭✭HondaSami

    Dean09 wrote: »
    I'm not exaggerating anything. That's exactly what happened. And yeah people will get called out if they say something unpopular, but not in that way. It seemed excessively mean to me, and it looked as though she was being ganged up on to the point where she closes her account. That's not fair in my book.

    Do you know that's why she closed her account or you just guessing that's the reason?

    I read it there and the replies would be what anyone posting what she posted would expect to get imo. I don't think its bullying. People close accounts for all sorts of reasons, mostly private ones.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 The Optimistic Pessimist

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Well I see one problem with that TFK

    Call me P ;)
    so far I've yet to see any user get admin attention that didn't already go through a back and forth with local mods/cmod first.

    Well, that's just not true.
    That's how it rolls 99% of the time. It's damned rare anyone would come to the attention of any of the admins without them being flagged by local mods first because of issues with them locally.

    If they have "issues" with users locally, then they should be dealt with locally, at first at least. That's what infractions and bans are for. If and when neither of those two means of moderation are used and a member's first ban comes directly from Admin and is a permanent one, then questions need to be asked as to why that step was deemed necessary, especially as mods have the ability to issue permanent bans from the forum's they moderate themselves. I'm not saying that step is always taken just to circumvent the possibility of a user appealing their ban, but it does happen.
    Admin PM's are usually only when other avenues have been exhausted with someone. I say usually just on the off chance someone comes up with an example where this wasn't the case. I'll be surprised if someone does mind you. For a start the local mods wouldn't be too happy about it. If an admin PM'd an otherwise bang on person in one of the forums I modded I know I wouldn't and I'd not be alone in that.

    So, you'd be "surprised" if on the "off chance" someone came up with an example of a user being permanently banned from a forum on Boards by Admin, if and when all other avenues of local moderation had not been exhausted??

    Gas :)

    Wibbs, I was permanently banned by Admin from a forum when local moderation was not not "exhausted". A forum that YOU moderate in fact and not only was local moderation not exhausted, I had never received so much as an infraction on it, let alone be banned from it.

    In fact, the only moderation I ever received on that forum in seven years of Boards posting was when I was accused of derailing a thread by asking what was deemed to be a "whataboutery" question (I hadn't as it goes - what I actually did was use "whataboutery" after at the end of a post in an effort to explain why I had posed some previous questions that I had) and rather than argue on-thread (good boy that I am) I PM'd the mod making my point and was told that if I still had an issue with that their moderation that I was to take it to the Help Desk, which is precisely what I did.

    That thread was then ultimately locked by that very same mod who's moderation I was disputing,only now acting in their role as Admin (handy) and in their final post on the thread they made the following accusation:
    I have found roughly 15 posts by you complaining about tLL on After Hours.

    The above nonsense was obviously arrived at by the mod/admin searching my posts for dirt to throw at me in obvious attempt at retaliation for my daring to dispute their moderation. They were lazy though, as they obviously hadn't bother to read the actual content of those posts, as if they had, they would have seen that the vast majority of those posts were anything but complaints, nor even what could be considered to be even critical in tone.

    Even if I had done what was suggested I did, AH mods would not let it happen, as any users that I ever seen try and use AH as a platform to knock and berate the forum in question (or any forum for that matter) were always very quickly moderated for it.

    However, that flimsy accusation was later used as the main reason excuse in the Admin PM instructing me that I had been permanently banned from the forum, along also with the following laughable and equally untrue accusations:

    1."Bans have obviously not had the desired effect on you..".
    (I have never, ever had so much as an infraction on the forum and so there were no bans!).

    2."Admin have seen roughly fifteen posts made by you in After Hours where you were complaining about the forum..".
    (Wibbs repeated this nonsense accusation in Feedback a short time after it was first posted by a member of Admin and rather than go though those posts individually again here, showing how there was no "fifteen posts complaining about.." that forum, I'll just link to my reply to him back then, where I did just that: reply)

    3. "You started numerous threads in Feedback complaining about the forum and it's moderation. We see this as campaigning against the moderators and it will not be tolerated".
    (I NEVER started so much as a single thread in Feedback complaining about that forum and here is the proof of that.)

    4. "You have constantly trolled the forum and being disruptive over the years".
    (This is yet more nonsense as I have only ever posted in four threads on that forum in seven years. "Constant trolling" - puh-lease!).

    4. "The regulars of the forum do not like you".

    Now, this last reason excuse, while not true, is getting towards the REAL reason why I, a user that had no bans or infractions on a forum, was permanently banned from it. As said, I rarely posted there but any regulars of that forum, that I had contact with elsewhere on Boards, I got on very well with. Indeed, many regulars there were members of a private forum that I helped moderate and not once did I ever have any arguments with them and so the only users that Admin could have been referring to were four or five regulars of that forum (Three current mods, one ex-mod and one regular user) that often took issue with opinions that I had expressed elsewhere on Boards, strawmanning me on daily basis and so hence the following comments that came in reply to that post which was referred to as "derailing":
    I have as much interest in discussion feminism with you as I would with Kevin Myers.

    Another user replied:
    Fair enough but I thought it was a valid enough question and was interested in the answer, but you obviously have your history :)

    Nail on the head from the above user, to which they were met with the following reply:
    I have read enough of his posts on the topic to know his position and opinion and so feel no need to hear them again or enguage him on them.

    You see, this is the real reason that I was permanently banned from that forum and it's a problem not just on that forum, but on a a few forums on Boards and that is that quite often bans and moderation is driven and fueled by cronyistic cliques. It's no where near as bad as it used to be, obviously, but some forums / mods /admin are slower at shaken off old habits than others. Certain mods are just not very good at removing their own personal feelings when modding and some will even go as far as push and harass users off forums that they moderate, just for the very reason that they do not like them and/or their views.

    They do it very subtly but do it they surely do. Makes no difference to them that those users may not be doing anything wrong, as they see the forum as their own little playground to do as they please. Admin bans are perfect for dealing with these users as they will have no means of appeal and so there is little or no chance that the mod/admin will ever get found out. Just exaggerate what a user has done, make an excuse for not carrying out the ban locally and the chances are that Admin will believe there to be no smoke without fire and issue the forum ban citing "timesink" and "wasting moderators time" and or a bunch of other worn out cliches, that not all members of Admin would bother going to the trouble of checking the validity of, in order to double check if the ban was justified or not.
    who do you suggest admins the admins?.

    I can think of a few members of Admin who would be up to the task and where users would be guaranteed a fair and unbiased review of any Admin bans that have been issued, but it doesn't really matter who does it tbh, as any kind of granting of an appeal process for such bans would be better than none. Just the very fact that a member of Admin would know that when they issue a forum ban on a user, down the line they might just have to justify it, should be more than enough incentive for them to make damn sure there isn't an element of a personal grudge and / or dislike of a user and their opinions at the heart of the ban. Moderators have to qualify their forum bans and Admin should be no different, unless of course there is very good reason for not doing so like PM abuse, Spamming etc etc, but if it is just for on-forum posting and such (like it was with myself) then no way should a member of admin be able to issue such a ban and have it immune from being disputed.

    The current situation is ludicrous because even sitebanned users get to appeal their bans in the Prison forum, but yet if admin just ban you from one forum, there is no means of appeal. Come on, how can anyone see fairness in a system with a gaping hole in it like that. All that's needed to remedy this, is to allow admin bans to be appealed in he DRF. If someone has done something awful, they will be sitebanned sure and end up the prison forum, so what is the harm? It will give some transparency in an area where currently there is none and any improvement over the current situation would be better than the current cul de sac users find themselves in whenever they get a forum ban by admin. I'm sitebanned, so I'm not suggesting this so that I can appeal the permaban that was issued to me, I'm suggesting it because I know how it feels to receive such a ban, to know it was not justified and yet have no avenue open to me where I could appeal it.
    Other admins will stick their oar in if one of them goes OTT. Mods will kick up if one of them goes OTT. Admins have the beady eye on them from all sides, way more than mods do. Outside of that lot? The folks in the Boards office? Sure if it ever did get to that stage I'm sure that would happen but like I said I've yet to see anything like that.

    How would they even know. It's clear from my case that the Admin that stepped up to the plate, were just repeating accusations that they had been told (or read in a reported post thread perhaps?) and just presumed all must be accurate. I say this as a quick use of the search function and modutils would surely have shown them that all accusations which were made and were ultimately later used to justify the permanent ban, were false. That's not an opinion, that's indisputable fact.
    BTW if you think I'm on a defend the admins kick to toe the party line, I'd suggest asking others more longstanding of my history on this site.

    There was a time when you would not have stood back and let a user, that had not had so much as an infraction, get permanently banned on a forum that you moderated Wibbs. There was also a time when you would not have thanked posts that personally attacked users, suggesting they have mental health issues and needed to seek professional help (not that you were the only name I was surprised thanked that post) Being blackballed (for what was perceived by others, to be you) airing Boards's dirty laundry, has made you weary of just who and what you risk sticking your head above the parapet for and I understand that, you just want to move on and prove that that you can be a team player again but the Wibbs of old would not have walked on someone in order to achieve that. I hope you get that re-rack man. You sure seem to want it bad enough.

    Admin and mods pontificate about bullying and I'm sure it's genuine for the large majority of them (I really do) but it rings quite hollow for others. I have been labelled as being an insane, sad, mentally ill, misogynistic psycho, obsessed with women and one that should seek professional help. Not all in the one post mind, but all made by the same member of Admin. Scientologist whistle-blowers get a better send off than that. What were my sins again, that made that person feel justified in such a nasty personal attack? Oh I know, I suggested sexism was not a one way street in AH and boycotted, what I felt was an unjust thread ban. Hmm, maybe she should consider changing her avatar to something more apt.

    You would think that closing my account after they refused to let me dispute the forum permaban would be enough for them and they would cease their bullying, but no, they were still posting their personal attacks. Here's just one example:
    Is this discussion about AH or are we back to the frankly unhealthy obsession some had with a certain other forum?

    32 posts in seven years Ickle and never started so much as one Feedback thread in relation to it.

    That qualifies as an "unhealthy obsession" ??

    I think the real obsession, is the one certain ladies (and their buddies) had with one OutlawPete ;)


    There is no tl;dr version, I lied but apologies for the wall of text, as you see I don't get to say much on Boards as myself these days as while posting with all my many other accounts I have to watch I don't just blurt out that Springsteen is God or something and just give the game away. I will endeavor to keep all future correspondence to a minimum, somehow.

    My Feedback posts tend to get deleted very fast and so I have decided to try and make sure each one gets around 120 minutes of prime time exposure, so that the lovely members of Boards don't miss out. If they get removed before that time, then I'll just use another account (one I don't want uncovering that is) to repost them, deducting whatever minutes that the post was up for before being removed of course. You see, there is one thing I am indeed obsessed with and that is boycotting this mean awfully mean spirited siteban, that I have so generously been given. Merry Christmas, Pete

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,893 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    Ah Pete, you used to be cool. This obsession of yours is getting too weird. Find a new hobby, dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,437 ✭✭✭✭El Guapo!

    It really is an obsession at this stage.
    Just let it go and move on man!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,939 ✭✭✭goat2

    i would not report if some person give me a bit of grief, but i leave the poster know that i am not happy with personal attacks,
    and hope for the best,
    i think a warning is a good thing, and if they dont take the moderator seriously and just ignore the warning, a ban for a few days.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,159 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Honestly? FFS Pete give it a bloody rest. You went from "he seems well sound" to "WTF?" in remarkably, nay scarily short order. Your continued rants(and this coming from me is hardly a good indication) are getting beyond weird at this stage. As for not being treated "locally", you became an unreal and disruptive and obsessive timesink(tm) to the community again in pretty short order. To the point where other avenues were exhausted(and yes they were) and someone from the boards office had to say enough was enough. That's rare. Its beyond rare, you're the only example of the breed I can think of.

    That plus your continued rantings on the subject are plain for all to see. Once since June? How many times has one of your rereg accounts been banned at this stage? I can number 5 in what passes for my memory. No doubt another persona will be along shortly after this one is banned. At this stage you're like death and bloody taxes. This is hardly healthy. For you BTW.

    OK let's say we're wrong. Shít I'm wrong all the bloody time. So? Is according to you is a small group of online wrong gobshítes worth this level of focus? Hardly, if you truly believe what you're saying. In which case let it go for God's sake man and move on, chillax, do whatever makes you happy, but just let it bloody go. And whoever she was let her go too.

    Like I said "well sound" was your previous description. I'm not so blinkered to think that's not the most of you(and don't), but let the small obsessive bit go. Like I said for you.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 43,311 ✭✭✭✭K-9

    I did offer to help back in June and got an abusive and frankly bullying pm for my effort pete.

    Mad Men's Don Draper : What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,159 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Call me P ;)

    Well, that's just not true.

    If they have "issues" with users locally, then they should be dealt with locally, at first at least. That's what infractions and bans are for. If and when neither of those two means of moderation are used and a member's first ban comes directly from Admin and is a permanent one, then questions need to be asked as to why that step was deemed necessary, especially as mods have the ability to issue permanent bans from the forum's they moderate themselves. I'm not saying that step is always taken just to circumvent the possibility of a user appealing their ban, but it does happen.

    So, you'd be "surprised" if on the "off chance" someone came up with an example of a user being permanently banned from a forum on Boards by Admin, if and when all other avenues of local moderation had not been exhausted??

    Gas :)

    Wibbs, I was permanently banned by Admin from a forum when local moderation was not not "exhausted". A forum that YOU moderate in fact and not only was local moderation not exhausted, I had never received so much as an infraction on it, let alone be banned from it.

    In fact, the only moderation I ever received on that forum in seven years of Boards posting was when I was accused of derailing a thread by asking what was deemed to be a "whataboutery" question (I hadn't as it goes - what I actually did was use "whataboutery" after at the end of a post in an effort to explain why I had posed some previous questions that I had) and rather than argue on-thread (good boy that I am) I PM'd the mod making my point and was told that if I still had an issue with that their moderation that I was to take it to the Help Desk, which is precisely what I did.

    That thread was then ultimately locked by that very same mod who's moderation I was disputing,only now acting in their role as Admin (handy) and in their final post on the thread they made the following accusation:

    The above nonsense was obviously arrived at by the mod/admin searching my posts for dirt to throw at me in obvious attempt at retaliation for my daring to dispute their moderation. They were lazy though, as they obviously hadn't bother to read the actual content of those posts, as if they had, they would have seen that the vast majority of those posts were anything but complaints, nor even what could be considered to be even critical in tone.

    Even if I had done what was suggested I did, AH mods would not let it happen, as any users that I ever seen try and use AH as a platform to knock and berate the forum in question (or any forum for that matter) were always very quickly moderated for it.

    However, that flimsy accusation was later used as the main reason excuse in the Admin PM instructing me that I had been permanently banned from the forum, along also with the following laughable and equally untrue accusations:

    1."Bans have obviously not had the desired effect on you..".
    (I have never, ever had so much as an infraction on the forum and so there were no bans!).

    2."Admin have seen roughly fifteen posts made by you in After Hours where you were complaining about the forum..".
    (Wibbs repeated this nonsense accusation in Feedback a short time after it was first posted by a member of Admin and rather than go though those posts individually again here, showing how there was no "fifteen posts complaining about.." that forum, I'll just link to my reply to him back then, where I did just that: reply)

    3. "You started numerous threads in Feedback complaining about the forum and it's moderation. We see this as campaigning against the moderators and it will not be tolerated".
    (I NEVER started so much as a single thread in Feedback complaining about that forum and here is the proof of that.)

    4. "You have constantly trolled the forum and being disruptive over the years".
    (This is yet more nonsense as I have only ever posted in four threads on that forum in seven years. "Constant trolling" - puh-lease!).

    4. "The regulars of the forum do not like you".

    Now, this last reason excuse, while not true, is getting towards the REAL reason why I, a user that had no bans or infractions on a forum, was permanently banned from it. As said, I rarely posted there but any regulars of that forum, that I had contact with elsewhere on Boards, I got on very well with. Indeed, many regulars there were members of a private forum that I helped moderate and not once did I ever have any arguments with them and so the only users that Admin could have been referring to were four or five regulars of that forum (Three current mods, one ex-mod and one regular user) that often took issue with opinions that I had expressed elsewhere on Boards, strawmanning me on daily basis and so hence the following comments that came in reply to that post which was referred to as "derailing":

    Another user replied:

    Nail on the head from the above user, to which they were met with the following reply:

    You see, this is the real reason that I was permanently banned from that forum and it's a problem not just on that forum, but on a a few forums on Boards and that is that quite often bans and moderation is driven and fueled by cronyistic cliques. It's no where near as bad as it used to be, obviously, but some forums / mods /admin are slower at shaken off old habits than others. Certain mods are just not very good at removing their own personal feelings when modding and some will even go as far as push and harass users off forums that they moderate, just for the very reason that they do not like them and/or their views.

    They do it very subtly but do it they surely do. Makes no difference to them that those users may not be doing anything wrong, as they see the forum as their own little playground to do as they please. Admin bans are perfect for dealing with these users as they will have no means of appeal and so there is little or no chance that the mod/admin will ever get found out. Just exaggerate what a user has done, make an excuse for not carrying out the ban locally and the chances are that Admin will believe there to be no smoke without fire and issue the forum ban citing "timesink" and "wasting moderators time" and or a bunch of other worn out cliches, that not all members of Admin would bother going to the trouble of checking the validity of, in order to double check if the ban was justified or not.

    I can think of a few members of Admin who would be up to the task and where users would be guaranteed a fair and unbiased review of any Admin bans that have been issued, but it doesn't really matter who does it tbh, as any kind of granting of an appeal process for such bans would be better than none. Just the very fact that a member of Admin would know that when they issue a forum ban on a user, down the line they might just have to justify it, should be more than enough incentive for them to make damn sure there isn't an element of a personal grudge and / or dislike of a user and their opinions at the heart of the ban. Moderators have to qualify their forum bans and Admin should be no different, unless of course there is very good reason for not doing so like PM abuse, Spamming etc etc, but if it is just for on-forum posting and such (like it was with myself) then no way should a member of admin be able to issue such a ban and have it immune from being disputed.

    The current situation is ludicrous because even sitebanned users get to appeal their bans in the Prison forum, but yet if admin just ban you from one forum, there is no means of appeal. Come on, how can anyone see fairness in a system with a gaping hole in it like that. All that's needed to remedy this, is to allow admin bans to be appealed in he DRF. If someone has done something awful, they will be sitebanned sure and end up the prison forum, so what is the harm? It will give some transparency in an area where currently there is none and any improvement over the current situation would be better than the current cul de sac users find themselves in whenever they get a forum ban by admin. I'm sitebanned, so I'm not suggesting this so that I can appeal the permaban that was issued to me, I'm suggesting it because I know how it feels to receive such a ban, to know it was not justified and yet have no avenue open to me where I could appeal it.

    How would they even know. It's clear from my case that the Admin that stepped up to the plate, were just repeating accusations that they had been told (or read in a reported post thread perhaps?) and just presumed all must be accurate. I say this as a quick use of the search function and modutils would surely have shown them that all accusations which were made and were ultimately later used to justify the permanent ban, were false. That's not an opinion, that's indisputable fact.

    There was a time when you would not have stood back and let a user, that had not had so much as an infraction, get permanently banned on a forum that you moderated Wibbs. There was also a time when you would not have thanked posts that personally attacked users, suggesting they have mental health issues and needed to seek professional help (not that you were the only name I was surprised thanked that post) Being blackballed (for what was perceived by others, to be you) airing Boards's dirty laundry, has made you weary of just who and what you risk sticking your head above the parapet for and I understand that, you just want to move on and prove that that you can be a team player again but the Wibbs of old would not have walked on someone in order to achieve that. I hope you get that re-rack man. You sure seem to want it bad enough.

    Admin and mods pontificate about bullying and I'm sure it's genuine for the large majority of them (I really do) but it rings quite hollow for others. I have been labelled as being an insane, sad, mentally ill, misogynistic psycho, obsessed with women and one that should seek professional help. Not all in the one post mind, but all made by the same member of Admin. Scientologist whistle-blowers get a better send off than that. What were my sins again, that made that person feel justified in such a nasty personal attack? Oh I know, I suggested sexism was not a one way street in AH and boycotted, what I felt was an unjust thread ban. Hmm, maybe she should consider changing her avatar to something more apt.

    You would think that closing my account after they refused to let me dispute the forum permaban would be enough for them and they would cease their bullying, but no, they were still posting their personal attacks. Here's just one example:

    32 posts in seven years Ickle and never started so much as one Feedback thread in relation to it.

    That qualifies as an "unhealthy obsession" ??

    I think the real obsession, is the one certain ladies (and their buddies) had with one OutlawPete ;)


    There is no tl;dr version, I lied but apologies for the wall of text, as you see I don't get to say much on Boards as myself these days as while posting with all my many other accounts I have to watch I don't just blurt out that Springsteen is God or something and just give the game away. I will endeavor to keep all future correspondence to a minimum, somehow.

    My Feedback posts tend to get deleted very fast and so I have decided to try and make sure each one gets around 120 minutes of prime time exposure, so that the lovely members of Boards don't miss out. If they get removed before that time, then I'll just use another account (one I don't want uncovering that is) to repost them, deducting whatever minutes that the post was up for before being removed of course. You see, there is one thing I am indeed obsessed with and that is boycotting this mean awfully mean spirited siteban, that I have so generously been given. Merry Christmas, Pete
    Quoted for clarity Seeing as you want to make your point and keep it up here. I have to say IMHO it should be left up so readers can draw their own conclusions. Let the chips fall and all that. Like I say MHO and others/YMMV.

    PS I've no idea what a re-rack is and why I should want one. Though as I'm channeling Sid James I'm thinking enhanced silicone bewbs. Odd given I'm not a bewb man... :D

    *EDIT* and PPS I'm gonna look back with the benefit of time passing to see if I personally was acting the twat. If I was I'll mae culpa if needs be.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 The Optimistic Pessimist

    Ah Pete, you used to be cool. This obsession of yours is getting too weird. Find a new hobby, dude.

    Isn't it funny how those gong to the trouble of lying and labeling users as having mental problems are never told to get a new hobby, or told that what they are doing is weird, just those that dare defend themselves after being subject to such crap I guess.

    Maybe if it was you that was treated like I have been, you would think differently and I can assure you, if you were, I would not be on here dismissing your efforts at attempting to do so. Read my post and you will see that I am looking for a loophole to be closed that could affect other users of Boards, it's hardly going to benefit me when I am sitebanned.

    I have plenty of hobbies man - one post on the topic since June does not really take too long you know.
    K-9 wrote: »
    I did offer to help back in June and got an abusive and frankly bullying pm for my effort pete.

    You did in your arse. You accused me of the following:
    Pete was on a crusade against the Ladies Lounge very existence

    I asked you to provide one link to back up the above accusation and you couldn't. The only criticism I have of TLL (or ever had for that matter) was that of what I considered to be overzealous moderation when it came to the moderation of some men. For the simple reason that I was a victim of it when I was accused of derailing a thread. I was never on a "crusade" against the forum's "very existence" which is why you could not provide even one link to back up your claim when it was asked of you.
    Wibbs wrote: »
    Quoted for clarity Seeing as you want to make your point and keep it up here. I have to say IMHO it should be left up so readers can draw their own conclusions. Let the chips fall and all that. Like I say MHO and others/YMMV.

    Good, well all I ever wanted was an opportunity to appeal that permaban and show that the reasons given for the warranting of it, were untrue.

    I hope I have shown that, but it's hard to make some people see even the truth. None so blind as those that will not see and all that.
    PS I've no idea what a re-rack is and why I should want one. Though as I'm channeling Sid James I'm thinking enhanced silicone bewbs. Odd given I'm not a bewb man... :D

    A rerack is what one is awarded in a game of pool, if deemed to be genuinely blackballed ;)
    I'm gonna look back with the benefit of time passing to see if I personally was acting the twat. If I was I'll mae culpa if needs be.

    Grand, well I would be most interested to know if after all this time you still feel that a user with no infractions and / or bans should have been permanbanned from the forum. Especially when the excuses given were because I started threads in FB when I hadn't and that I posted "fifteen posts" of complaint in AH, when I never did.
    Wibbs wrote: »
    As for not being treated "locally", you became an unreal and disruptive and obsessive timesink(tm) to the community again in pretty short order.

    I posted 32 times (in just four threads) in seven years.
    I posted in 1 Feedback thread regarding the forum in that time.
    I only disputed 1 moderation decision in those years also.

    "Disruptive and obsessive timesink"

    Bollox quite frankly.
    To the point where other avenues were exhausted(and yes they were) and someone from the boards office had to say enough was enough.

    I refer you to the above Wibbs, why would Boards office get involved with anything that I did?

    I think you're confusing the time when the office got involved with users starting threads in FB to complain about TLL. I was permabanned by that stage, so to try and suggest that that had something to do with my being banned is quite frankly, more bollox.
    That plus your continued rantings on the subject are plain for all to see. Once since June? How many times has one of your rereg accounts been banned at this stage? I can number 5 in what passes for my memory. No doubt another persona will be along shortly after this one is banned. At this stage you're like death and bloody taxes. This is hardly healthy. For you BTW.

    Reregging after the fact has zero to with anything. How else can I post if I don't rereg?
    OK let's say we're wrong. Shít I'm wrong all the bloody time. So? Is according to you is a small group of online wrong gobshítes worth this level of focus? Hardly, if you truly believe what you're saying. In which case let it go for God's sake man and move on, chillax, do whatever makes you happy, but just let it bloody go. And whoever she was let her go too.

    Do you think I am sitting here stewing over what happened on for over a year, day in day out?? :)

    I seen this thread a few days ago and noticed your post saying that you would be "very surprised" if anyone could produce a user that was permabanned from a forum by Admin, when local mods had not exhausted their means of moderation and it made me laugh, as you I know and you know that that is precisely what happened to me, no matter how you try and suggest otherwise.

    That is all, so eh chillax yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Ah Pete, you used to be cool. This obsession of yours is getting too weird. Find a new hobby, dude.
    Dean09 wrote: »
    It really is an obsession at this stage.
    Just let it go and move on man!

    Excellent examples of bullying on thread for all to see ^^

    Regardless of Pete (whoever he is) having or not having a history with TLL, these kinds of posts are simply ganging up and bullying a member.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Tragedy wrote: »
    Excellent examples of bullying on thread for all to see ^^

    Regardless of Pete (whoever he is) having or not having a history with TLL, these kinds of posts are simply ganging up and bullying a member.

    Yeah, we need a quota of negative comments per post. Along with being offered counselling if we read something bad about ourselves, and hugs, and fluffy bunnies......

    He's not a member. He's a perma-banned serial re-regger who couldn't stop ranting about women and seems to have lost the plot further since his departure.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Nodin wrote: »
    Yeah, we need a quota of negative comments per post. Along with being offered counselling if we read something bad about ourselves, and hugs, and fluffy bunnies......

    He's not a member. He's a perma-banned serial re-regger who couldn't stop ranting about women and seems to have lost the plot further since his departure.
    Almost 21,000 posts and you don't even know one of the most basic sitewide rules;
    Don't abuse people personally – Attack the post, not the poster

    PS: Reading everything Pete has written in this thread and the linked thread, and reading the comments from others... he doesn't seem to have lost the plot, he seems to have become incredibly frustrated with mods and admins outright lying about and to him and the group mentality that can pervade parts of boards at times. Something I can entirely sympathise with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 The Optimistic Pessimist

    Tragedy wrote: »
    Regardless of Pete (whoever he is) having or not having a history with TLL, these kinds of posts are simply ganging up and bullying a member.

    Cheers for that, don't worry - it happens all the time.

    I closed my OutlawPete account after being so frustrated at not being allowed to appeal that ban. Tbh, I couldn't careless about that forum, but it's the principal of the thing, that certain mods and a member of admin could get away with saying that I posted things which I never did and that on the basis of those untruths, that a ban could be issued.

    When I opened a second account a short time back, I posted on a thread here in FB and here was my first post on the thread and as you can see, it is well thanked, including by mods and yet, as soon as it became clear that it was Pete, suddenly my points, after being well received and supported, where now being dismissed as "whataboutery" and I was banned from the thread and then ultimately sitebanned.

    Then, when I reregged to address accusations being made about me and twisting what I had said, the following posts were made by a mod and a member of Admin:
    Are you not aware of how you're coming across, Pete? That is to say you look insane.
    Beruthiel wrote: »
    Also, you might need to talk to a professional, your obsession with regards to women is bordering on psycho at this stage.

    Nodin wrote: »
    He's not a member. He's a perma-banned serial re-regger who couldn't stop ranting about women and seems to have lost the plot further since his departure.

    More personal abuse.

    You have been saying for years that I have said things about woman, but yet another that when put on the spot, can never justify your statements. If I said anything bad about women as a sex, I would have been moderated for it. I would have bans coming out my ears if I had said anything close to what you imply that I have, yet I have none, zero, zilch. Even the TLL ban, although based on lies, is not about anything I said about women, it's about them saying telling Admin I can become to much for local mods to deal with. The very notion of that considering how little I posted there, is truly laughable.

    I started over 300 threads on Boards and not one could be considered to be negative about women. Another user said what you did before and it was Gordon who came back and posted my tongue in cheek Multitasking thread when I asked if anyone could find one misogynistic thread by me.

    Keep attacking me and not addressing any points I raise, no change there, that's all you ever did, which is why debating you in AH was always a walk in the park. Perhaps you're still smarting from that, is that it (rhetorical question).
    Tragedy wrote: »
    PS: Reading everything Pete has written in this thread and the linked thread, and reading the comments from others... he doesn't seem to have lost the plot, he seems to have become incredibly frustrated with mods and admins outright lying about and to him and the group mentality that can pervade parts of boards at times. Something I can entirely sympathise with.

    Again, thanks for that. Appreciate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tragedy wrote: »
    Excellent examples of bullying on thread for all to see ^^

    Regardless of Pete (whoever he is) having or not having a history with TLL, these kinds of posts are simply ganging up and bullying a member.

    I don't know of any other way to say this other than there comes a point when perceived "Police Brutality" is really just "Suicide by Cop".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Overheal wrote: »
    I don't know of any other way to say this other than there comes a point when perceived "Police Brutality" is really just "Suicide by Cop".

    Regardless. Attack the post, not the poster. It's like the most basic rule but you have members who can ignore it at will as long as their target is unpopular.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tragedy wrote: »
    Regardless. Attack the post, not the poster. It's like the most basic rule but you have members who can ignore it at will as long as their target is unpopular.
    An exceptional circumstance is arisen here when someone circumventing their bans is attacking other users directly (mods/admins), they have the right to respond IMHO. If this was a case of someone getting attacked for their philosophical view or something I'd agree, but this is a poster that is levying attacks at other posters, and then playing the Victim card when a response is given. And of those responses, this is hardly the Thunderdome.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 The Optimistic Pessimist

    Overheal wrote: »
    An exceptional circumstance is arisen here when someone circumventing their bans is attacking other users directly (mods/admins), they have the right to respond IMHO. If this was a case of someone getting attacked for their philosophical view or something I'd agree, but this is a poster that is levying attacks at other posters, and then playing the Victim card when a response is given. And of those responses, this is hardly the Thunderdome.

    I am not attacking anyone, well not in the true sense of the word. I am attacking what people have said about me, sure but why wouldn't I? I am sick of seeing lies being posted. This thread is about bullying and that is exactly what has happened to me and others and it gets covered up regularly. I have no history of abusing people on this forum, hence no bans or infractions for it. I didn't make those users attack me personally, they are free to attack my posts and my opinions are they not? Suicide by cop my backside.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Overheal wrote: »
    An exceptional circumstance is arisen here when someone circumventing their bans is attacking other users directly (mods/admins), they have the right to respond IMHO. If this was a case of someone getting attacked for their philosophical view or something I'd agree, but this is a poster that is levying attacks at other posters, and then playing the Victim card when a response is given. And of those responses, this is hardly the Thunderdome.

    I don't see any of his posts attacking Insect Overlord or Nodin? Can you quote them please?

    In fact, I don't see his posts attacking anyone by name, and instead he only brought up his own personal history because it completely and directly contradicted what Wibbs was posting i.e. it was relevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    If they have "issues" with users locally, then they should be dealt with locally, at first at least. That's what infractions and bans are for. If and when neither of those two means of moderation are used and a member's first ban comes directly from Admin and is a permanent one, then questions need to be asked as to why that step was deemed necessary
    Which is why the banlist.php is so handy, as is the Prison forum, for seeing that. But I've had an eye into the Moderation end of the site for almost 3 years now and am very comfortable saying that if a user is sitebanned without a record, that user is bound to be a re-registration of a previously banned user. If a user re-reges to circumvent even just a forum ban, it results in a site ban. Circumventing a siteban turns any temporary siteban into a permanent siteban, and any discovered recurrences of the user will be sitebanned in the future. This is integral to enforcing the basis of social law in the culture/community:

    You are the user, not your account.

    Your post makes these claims like "I've only been moderated once in 7 years" and "*I* never said that", but my gut instinct says if I looked in my modutils panel I could spot some links between you and more than one or two troubled/banned accounts, outside of the main, and your post just confirms this suspicion of mine.
    They do it very subtly but do it they surely do. Makes no difference to them that those users may not be doing anything wrong, as they see the forum as their own little playground to do as they please.
    It is their playground. It just happens to be the case that the playground they helped build is immensely popular and growing year over year. Every once in a while a user will come along and take this concept especially seriously: that boards is not some community that someone nursed online from a server rack under a mattress but is some sort of digital nation that is compelled to accept all comers and - most importantly - they assume that the Freedom of Speech is an inherent right on the website: it is Not. Check the Terms and Conditions. You agreed to them, when you signed up (each time you signed up) and you agree to them "by posting on this site".

    Fact of the matter is you can (and apparently you have) go and make your own forum and make whatever rules you see fit. You can make your own playground, but this one is theirs. I'm quite fond of the slide over in the corner myself though so I just play by the rules they've asked me to. Pretty sure if I go piss on someone's sandcastle though that'll be the end of such good times.
    I can think of a few members of Admin who would be up to the task and where users would be guaranteed a fair and unbiased review of any Admin bans that have been issued, but it doesn't really matter who does it tbh, as any kind of granting of an appeal process for such bans would be better than none. Just the very fact that a member of Admin would know that when they issue a forum ban on a user, down the line they might just have to justify it, should be more than enough incentive for them to make damn sure there isn't an element of a personal grudge and / or dislike of a user and their opinions at the heart of the ban. Moderators have to qualify their forum bans and Admin should be no different, unless of course there is very good reason for not doing so like PM abuse, Spamming etc etc, but if it is just for on-forum posting and such (like it was with myself) then no way should a member of admin be able to issue such a ban and have it immune from being disputed.
    Makes sense... yet thats why we set up the DRF. If for some reason you feel the admins aren't making this work you can contact to speak to the higher ups, the ones who admin the admins. Admins can check the actions of other admins though, just as though other mods from the same forum could review the actions of a mod from their forum.
    My Feedback posts tend to get deleted very fast and so I have decided to try and make sure each one gets around 120 minutes of prime time exposure, so that the lovely members of Boards don't miss out. If they get removed before that time, then I'll just use another account (one I don't want uncovering that is) to repost them, deducting whatever minutes that the post was up for before being removed of course. You see, there is one thing I am indeed obsessed with and that is boycotting this mean awfully mean spirited siteban, that I have so generously been given. Merry Christmas, Pete
    This frankly sounds a bit off the wall and conniving to me, and again confirms what I already suspected; I'm sure if one was determined enough its a simple thing to seed multiple accounts for various disjointed forums with various postcounts ranging from the dozens to the thousands if one really was intent of having multiples. I could have just as well made several accounts over the years and who would have suspected; there are so many ways to div'y up 33.5k posts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I am not attacking anyone, well not in the true sense of the word. I am attacking what people have said about me, sure but why wouldn't I? I am sick of seeing lies being posted. This thread is about bullying and that is exactly what has happened to me and others and it gets covered up regularly. I have no history of abusing people on this forum, hence no bans or infractions for it. I didn't make those users attack me personally, they are free to attack my posts and my opinions are they not? Suicide by cop my backside.
    crude analogy, but the discourse here is a lot tamer than that, like I said.

    Unfortunately you make it so difficult to prove your record is clean when you admit to having an untold quantity of accounts on the website.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tragedy wrote: »
    I don't see any of his posts attacking Insect Overlord or Nodin? Can you quote them please?

    In fact, I don't see his posts attacking anyone by name, and instead he only brought up his own personal history because it completely and directly contradicted what Wibbs was posting i.e. it was relevant.
    By that same argumentum:
    Is this discussion about AH or are we back to the frankly unhealthy obsession some had with a certain other forum?
    Is not personal abuse.

    Frankly though, I haven't seen any personal abuse except to say Ickle's suggestion for a hobby was toeing the line, I am sure. I have seen a conversation centered around posters and not posts, yes, but this is feedback and thats hardly earth shattering (unlike certain longcats that warp time and space). I have no "Powah!" in here except to say, yes, I do think it would be nice of everyone to keep the underhanded jabs to a minimum and try to edge the decorum a little higher; this isn't even a thread that was supposed to spiral down into specific tit for tat episodic arguments I believe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Overheal, instead of posting negative supposition, perhaps you could research it (as you say you can) before you post negative things about another user.

    Your post makes these claims like "I've only been moderated once in 7 years" and "*I* never said that", but my gut instinct says if I looked in my modutils panel I could spot some links between you and more than one or two troubled/banned accounts, outside of the main, and your post just confirms this suspicion of mine.
    This frankly sounds a bit off the wall and conniving to me, and again confirms what I already suspected; I'm sure if one was determined enough its a simple thing to seed multiple accounts for various disjointed forums with various postcounts ranging from the dozens to the thousands if one really was intent of having multiples. I could have just as well made several accounts over the years and who would have suspected; there are so many ways to div'y up 33.5k posts.

    Overheal wrote: »
    By that same argumentum:

    Is not personal abuse.

    Frankly though, I haven't seen any personal abuse except to say Ickle's suggestion for a hobby was toeing the line, I am sure. I have seen a conversation centered around posters and not posts, yes, but this is feedback and thats hardly earth shattering (unlike certain longcats that warp time and space).
    Is this your attempt at running away from your prior post by changing the argument?

    You stated
    1) That Pete was attacking other users directly
    2) You implied that the people I quoted as breaking one of the most basic sitewide rules were users who were being attacked by Pete directly
    3) You claimed Pete was playing the victim card

    As far as I can see, none of these things are true and instead of backing them up you're just changing the argument.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tragedy wrote: »
    Overheal, instead of posting negative supposition, perhaps you could research it (as you say you can) before you post negative things about another user.
    I certainly could, given the time and the patience and the opportunity (please, let me go to bed, this was meant to be a bedtime post that has dragged on an hour or so), but the user's own admission confirms what I already suspected, that they are the operator of an undetermined quantity of unknown accounts for the purposes, if nothing else, of banging a drum about whatever the old issue was about.
    You stated
    1) That Pete was attacking other users directly
    2) You implied that the people I quoted as breaking one of the most basic sitewide rules were users who were being attacked by Pete directly
    3) You claimed Pete was playing the victim card
    Perhaps criticizing them is a phrase you would prefer as a correction?

    I have already addressed how I feel about the "Personal Abuse" on this thread, and now I'm beginning to believe this will spark a pages long debate about the definition of Personal Abuse. If you think my "conniving" observation is Personal Abuse, you and I are going to disagree. Especially given the fact its a criticism of the statement. OutlawPete knows that I've probably never had direct dealings with him, and OutlawPete knows that I'm a "Facilitator" and OutlawPete knows that before I was a Facilitator half the mods thought I myself was more trouble than I was worth myself (He also knows that Cloud, a founder, once sitebanned me (or tried to, but I apparently have Chuck Norris blood)), so OutlawPete should know that I am not at all personally invested in this debacle, and have no reason to personally abuse him, for I have neither love nor hate for the man, except to say I recall the name OutlawPete as a longstanding name around these parts, and I am terrible with names (better with avatars though)

    And franky, the victim card has been thrown down, whether correctly or incorrectly. I bid you good night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Overheal wrote: »
    I certainly could, given the time and the patience and the opportunity (please, let me go to bed, this was meant to be a bedtime post that has dragged on an hour or so), but the user's own admission confirms what I already suspected, that they are the operator of an undetermined quantity of unknown accounts for the purposes, if nothing else, of banging a drum about whatever the old issue was about.
    And if you have the means to prove that, you should wait until you do to post negative remarks about another user.

    Also, you implied that perhaps the reason for his initial site banning was running multiple accounts, however nothing he has posted on this thread, and indeed, nothing posted on any thread supports that supposition.

    So instead of waiting to find out, you post damaging 'maybe' statements.

    Not cool.
    Perhaps criticizing them is a phrase you would prefer as a correction?

    I have already addressed how I feel about the "Personal Abuse" on this thread, and now I'm beginning to believe this will spark a pages long debate about the definition of Personal Abuse. If you think my "conniving" observation is Personal Abuse, you and I are going to disagree. Especially given the fact its a criticism of the statement. OutlawPete knows that I've probably never had direct dealings with him, and OutlawPete knows that I'm a "Facilitator" and OutlawPete knows that before I was a Facilitator half the mods thought I myself was more trouble than I was worth myself (He also knows that Cloud, a founder, once sitebanned me (or tried to, but I apparently have Chuck Norris blood)), so OutlawPete should know that I am not at all personally invested in this debacle, and have no reason to personally abuse him, for I have neither love nor hate for the man, except to say I recall the name OutlawPete as a longstanding name around these parts, and I am terrible with names (better with avatars though)

    And franky, the victim card has been thrown down, whether correctly or incorrectly. I bid you good night.
    So, you didn't address any of the 3 points, and again tried drag the argument off in another direction.


    I understand that you entered the thread late at night and posted a mostly flippant remark however, instead of admitting that it might have been incorrect - you've now gone off on wild tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with anything anyone on this thread has posted in what seems to be an attempt at changing the goalposts without having to admit such. What you post counts, for better or for worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,136 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tragedy wrote: »
    So, you didn't address any of the 3 points, and again tried drag the argument off in another direction.

    Actually I did:
    1) Perhaps criticizing them is a phrase you would prefer as a correction?

    2) I have already addressed how I feel about the "Personal Abuse" on this thread, and now I'm beginning to believe this will spark a pages long debate about the definition of Personal Abuse. If you think my "conniving" observation is Personal Abuse, you and I are going to disagree. Especially given the fact its a criticism of the statement. OutlawPete knows that I've probably never had direct dealings with him, and OutlawPete knows that I'm a "Facilitator" and OutlawPete knows that before I was a Facilitator half the mods thought I myself was more trouble than I was worth myself (He also knows that Cloud, a founder, once sitebanned me (or tried to, but I apparently have Chuck Norris blood)), so OutlawPete should know that I am not at all personally invested in this debacle, and have no reason to personally abuse him, for I have neither love nor hate for the man, except to say I recall the name OutlawPete as a longstanding name around these parts, and I am terrible with names (better with avatars though)

    3) And franky, the victim card has been thrown down, whether correctly or incorrectly. I bid you good night.
    Let me know if that isn't clear enough.
    So instead of waiting to find out, you post damaging 'maybe' statements.
    The user from my now-understanding chose to close their account and no longer be a participating member of this site. My "maybe" initial assertions are hardly slanderous and were based of the Poster's own content. Please stop dramatizing the situation.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,056 ✭✭✭Tragedy

    Overheal wrote: »
    Actually I did:

    Let me know if that isn't clear enough.The user from my now-understanding chose to close their account and no longer be a participating member of this site. My "maybe" initial assertions are hardly slanderous. Please stop dramatizing the situation.
    1) Who has Pete criticised directly? Your original quote for relevance: "when someone circumventing their bans is attacking other users directly (mods/admins)"
    2) Answers nothing. Your original quote, for relevance: "they have the right to respond IMHO"
    Where has Pete attacked Nodin/Insect Overlord directly? Or 'criticised' them directly?
    3) Your quote, for relevance: "but this is a poster that is levying attacks at other posters, and then playing the Victim card when a response is given"
    Where has Pete thrown down the victim card based on users he 'criticised' in this thread responding to him?

    Wouldn't it be much easier to admit that your original post was wrong in it's totality instead of trying to defend the indefensible? I'm sure you can re-word and rework the meaning of your OP until it means what you now want it to mean, but it won't stop it being completely wrong.
    The user from my now-understanding chose to close their account and no longer be a participating member of this site.
    So your almost sure suppositions were incorrect? Which was my point, that since you have the tools available to check, you should before posting negative remarks.
    My "maybe" initial assertions are hardly slanderous and were based of the Poster's own content. Please stop dramatizing the situation.
    How am I dramatizing the situation? I don't recall mentioning slander, so you seem to be the one dramatizing my posts.

    You see Overheal, if you were an Admin and I was a user in dispute with you in DRP, you would at this stage be stating that the admin decision is final. That's despite the fact that you so far have been absolutely and unequivocally wrong.
    Which I suspect might have been something Pete was aiming at when he was posting about Admins and there being no oversight.
    People get so caught up in an argument (and another person) that they lose sight of everything but winning that argument ****, I know I'm guilty of it - but that's different than making a stand on principle even if they can appear similar. I don't think Pete ever expects to win the argument, but he does seem to genuinely feel that there is a point of principle involved in his situation and that rightly or wrongly, he will stand up for it.
