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Civil Engineering Work Placement - Where to look?

  • 28-12-2012 7:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Hey guys,

    I'm currently studying Civil Engineering and have a 3 month work placement to complete this coming summer. I've been trawling through the internet searching for possible companies but it's difficult to know where to look.

    Just wondering if anyone has any past experience here they would like to share?? I've heard of quite a few people who have landed full time jobs as a result of completing a summer placement programme or intern-ship with some of the larger engineering companies or consultancy firms so I'm thinking this would be a good kick-start for my career (Although that may be wishful thinking).

    If anyone could give me any help as to which companies I should be looking into for such a programme it would be a huge help as I am pretty much at a loss here at the moment.


