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Elvis goes Up & Over



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Run this evening and once again to HR, 8k at 131BPM.

    Took me at least 2k to get any feeling but i enjoyed it and desert island discs was on the ipod !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch and i mixed it up with front crawl, pull buoy and kicking with the float.

    Overall 2k and i worked on technique as much as i could. Legs were sore last night as i did a 5hr gig after my run and was stood in the one place for all that time.

    My stroke is becoming more natural now and i don't have to focus on it as much, working on actually kicking is next on my list.

    Turbo in the morning !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Kids up half the night so no turbo.

    I had nothing to do at lunch so decided to do a timed 750m swim.

    In 2011 750m was taking me 33 min:o today it took me 18:30min so there's improvement there. I was happy with the time and i'd love to get it under 17 min by the end of the year through fitness, working on my stroke and stronger kicking.

    Run this evening !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Kids up half the night so no turbo.

    I had nothing to do at lunch so decided to do a timed 750m swim.

    In 2011 750m was taking me 33 min:o today it took me 18:30min so there's improvement there. I was happy with the time and i'd love to get it under 17 min by the end of the year through fitness, working on my stroke and stronger kicking.

    Run this evening !

    That's great improvement Elvis.

    Did you have a Eureka moment or just hard work and perseverance?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    That's great improvement Elvis.

    Did you have a Eureka moment or just hard work and perseverance?

    I think i had a Eureka moment, but it was a number of factors i think that all seemed to fall into place around the same time.

    1. i noticed someone in the local pool doing lengths, the moved very slowly and stayed floating. I had a fear that if i don't turn over my arms and legs at a crazy pace i'd sink:o i slowed down and breathing was easier and i could keep going ( before that i had to stop every length )

    2. Nose clip ! Without the nose clip i was very uncomfortable in the water and afterwards. I've had a few nose ops and its still not 100% so this is a must for me.

    3. Pull Buoy ! I bought a pull buoy and started to do sessions with it. It allowed me to work on my stroke with less effort, work on my head position and breathing. I found that it helped my body position and how i go through the water.

    4. I've started to enjoy swimming. When i started i hated it but i now enjoy my swimming and i find it very relaxing. I now stay in the pool and do a bit extra rather than go to the sauna or the like.

    I'm still not 100% comfortable in deep water but thats a mental thing that i'll get over as time progresses.

    I know i have to work on my kick as i've been told its strong but i need to get it right and my stroke can get better. I'll get the go pro in the pool soon with my coach and we'll do some filming to see where i can improve.

    I'm off this evening to do my longest swim to date, 3k !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    3k swim done, the final 20 lengths were hard as my calves started to cramp up but i did it and am very happy with the progress i'm making in the pool !

    Calves are a bit sore so i'll have to see how i feel tomorrow with regards to what i'll do !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    5 Yrs married yesterday and we were heading away for the night so i grabbed a quick hr on the turbo when i got up, i would have done longer but i was stuck for time. HR was 122 BPM average which was spot on, i can feel better power in my legs and its only Jan so i'm positive on my bike and swim......the run will come with time.

    Anyway last night i stayed over and had a 9 course dinner in Macnean House in Cavan, its owned and run by Nevin is all i can say, best meal i've ever had and if that isn't Michelin Star food i don't know what is.

    I also grabbed a nice bath in epsom salts and read a few chapters of seven deadly sins while i listened to some laid back house music and had a glass of merlot:cool:

    This morning i had a 4 course breakfast, including porridge cooked in cream with Irish Mist whiskey on the top:D

    No training today and it was nice to spend time with the kids before i headed out to do a gig.

    Tomorrow i'll cycle the public run route for Up & Over and map them on my garmin which should clock up 70k odd.

    Run numbers will be low this week again BUT i did cross a big hurdle in swimming 3k so there are positives to take away !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭just-joe

    Your swim improvement is amazing! Inspiring stuff for a complete swim newbie!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    just-joe wrote: »
    Your swim improvement is amazing! Inspiring stuff for a complete swim newbie!

    Thanks !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I'm back !

    I was laid low there for a few days and didn't feel well at all, no interest in anything.

    Back on the saddle on Monday and i met with a nutritionist who is rebuildng my diet to get the weight off, blood sugars with no spiking and max energy for training.

    Its not just what i'll eat but when i'll eat so that i'm doing the right things. I'm throwing myself 100% into this and the 6 month countdown to Up & Over.

    I'm now giving in to this until the end of August, its going to be the main thing in my life until than and if i work hard and do what the nutritionist tells me then fingers crossed the charities will get a nice chunk of money and i'll see a new me and do a once in a life time event.

    Bring it on !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Ugh, went for a run yesterday evening and i ask sooooooooo cold i was wrapped up nice and warm but couldn't get warmed up at all. I lasted 4k before i had to come home and stand in front of the fire. I'm still not 100% and i think it will be another few days before i can get at it completely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I managed 9.5k run on Friday, i felt a lot better but building slowly as i'm still not 100% but want to start getting the numbers up as i'm getting worried already that i won't be ready for Aug.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I managed 9.5k run on Friday, i felt a lot better but building slowly as i'm still not 100% but want to start getting the numbers up as i'm getting worried already that i won't be ready for Aug.
    Don't let that kind of thinking get into your brain. On the tough days your body will be looking for an out so avoid a defeatist mindset at all costs. You need mental toughness to do this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Don't let that kind of thinking get into your brain. On the tough days your body will be looking for an out so avoid a defeatist mindset at all costs. You need mental toughness to do this.

    Thanks for that, it all boils down much work, so little time. I'll start and i'll finish the event. Now what sort of a state i'll be in at the end line who knows but i'll do it and i'll be smiling.

    Spet 1st when we finish is my son's birthday and thats his party so i can't miss that !!!

    Back in the pool at lunch and looking forward to it, i'll do a 1500m straight session to get the heat beating !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch, i aimed for 1500m but did 2000m. The 1st 1000m were awful. So hard and couldn't get stroke/breathing/kicking right. I focused and finished the session with a smile. Its good to be able to do a 2k swim on a lunch break !

    I have a locker and shower access now in work so i'll be running tomorrow at lunch, it will be a 7 to 8k slow HR session and i hope to do the same tomorrow evening.

    Its time to increase the numbers !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Went to the doc on wen and he thinks i have a thyroid problem, i haven't felt well for a few weeks and fingers crossed this will sort it.

    Anyway, nothing for a few days but got out today and did a 16k run to HR. Went well but HR was hard to keep down for the last 3k. First run with compression socks and legs feel well afterwards.

    Charity 5k in the morning and i'll push the kids just to get involved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Charity 5k done and it was a lot harder than usual as i was pushing the 2 kids in a buggy not designed for running. It was slow enough but fun. The final 700m was hell as its was uphill and pushing them:p

    But it was great value at 5 euro and was for Irish Autism Action !

    I'll be running at lunch tomorrow and off to see Train in Vicar St tomorrow night !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    7.8k done at lunch, i had no HR strap so i ran a little faster and judged a route to do when i have the HR strap. Once i can do this course in 1 hr then its spot on !

    As i said i pushed it a bit and i enjoyed it.

    Swim tomorrow at lunch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I gave the legs a rest at lunch and did a pull buoy session, 2k done and it was rather enjoyable. I worked on my stroke and breathing. I only breath out of one side and perhaps i should use the pull session to see can i work on breathing on both.

    Anyway, run at lunch tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Its been a while.............

    I've had a busy time with putitng together the gear for Up & Over but its all done now and off being made.

    Mrs Jones was away for a few days and daddy daycare was in full swing. I loved my time with the kids and i'm starting the see the advantages of not commuting now.

    The few days gave me time to think, time to reflect and time to eat crap:o ok the last bit was planned as i wanted to give my nutritionist feedback on how i feel when i eat well and when i eat rubbish.

    Wow there's some difference, i was bloated, tired and windy:p compare that to no spikes in my blood sugars, good energy and a silent backside !

    Re thinking, so far this year training hasn't been going well, food hasn't being going well and doubts have been set in my head. With the mammoth event i'm planning this isn't good. But all i can do is soldier on and put one foot in front of the other.

    I've applied in work to finish early one day a week from April onwards to allow for a long midweek session that will mean i can spend time with the kids afterwards. From reading Tunney's posts in recent days i can 100% agree that kids grow up fast and there's no point in training and racing and missing out on them.

    I've tried everything re my weight and nothing has really worked ( including me ) but i'm now working with a nutritionist & sports scienctist and i hope that this coupled with my training will be the key that will see the weight come off and see my actually look fit instead of " how does a guy that size do that" comments.

    I met with my nutritionist on Monday evening and all seems to be going well, i'm doing about 3kg in 3 weeks and i honestly feel a lot better. But its just a daily battle, food is a major problem for me. But i have to see that i'm getting all this help for free and make the best effort possible for them and for me.

    The training numbers have to increase, i have to get to bed earlier, the portion on my plate has to get smaller, but most importantly i have to start to believe that i will do Up & Over:(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Yesterday i swam, it was awful............1100m and i just couldn't get going right at all. It was just plain UGH.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Today was an 8k run at lunch, i'm lucky that i get a long lunch break with a good locker room and showers.

    My bloody HR wouldn't stay down, i was in the middle of no where screaming at my garmin to try and get my HR to drop. At times i was almost walking and it was head wrecking. But its another session done and a 3rd pair of Brooks broken in and added to the pile:D

    Swim before work in the morning & another 8k at lunch tomorrow.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Yesterday i swam, it was awful............1100m and i just couldn't get going right at all. It was just plain UGH.
    This happens. I wouldn't let it bother you. Just one of them days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    This last sentence could be me:
    The training numbers have to increase, i have to get to bed earlier, the portion on my plate has to get smaller, but most importantly i have to start to believe that i will do Up & Over

    I know exactly where you are coming from in regards to the training not going well and a need for increased numbers. You would think it would be easier having such a definite (and huge) target to use as motivation... but for whatever reason at the moment it's not - I'm fully committed to completing it but sometimes I need to give myself a real kick up the arse (ie. tonight I was meant to turbo - feeling a little under the weather so procrastinated but then got changed and went down staris to the turbo - bike has a flat tyre - woe is me, too much hassle to change it)

    For me, the launch night scared me a little into realising things are so close, then after that I've drifted back into the same routine and continue to miss training targets. I could blame work (under resourced, overworked + lots on at the moment means I'm working late and through lunchtime when I need to) but I know I'm making excuses. Current thinking is for me is to do the sessions I've planned over the next two days and then enjoy my week off - but to use the downtime to plan what I want to do during the rest of the year in much more detail than I have been doing and to set goals. I don't just mean goal setting in the sense of deciding what races I want to do/times I want to hit/training goals (I do that already but this year it's not working) but more about what I want in life and how the training and completion of this event will be a real step towards those goals and then feed these into smaller milestones.

    I know I work best when I plan and structure my day - unlike you I don't have kids so the chances of it being disturbed are much less (although can still happen!). So part of my time next week will be 'structuring' my perfect training week and putting continengcy in place so I miss less sessions. That might mean I run to work in a morning rather than leaving it till lunch and risking a meeting over running.

    I dunno if it any of this will work but I need to remember why I'm doing the event in the first place and as much as raising the money is important for me it's as much about proving something to myself.

    Anyways - sorry for the hijack :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I dunno if it any of this will work but I need to remember why I'm doing the event in the first place and as much as raising the money is important for me it's as much about proving something to myself.

    Thats it really, i might be doing this for me but at the same time i'm doing it for a bigger reason and if on 11 day may legs give up and i'm reduced to walking the final marathon or limping it then i'll do it. BUT the more quality training and eating i do between now and Aug 22nd, then the better chance if i have of crossing the end line is one piece ( kind of )

    As you say its about structure and i'm starting to build that structure with some morning session, lunch session and limited evening sessions where possible as its the evenings that seems to be pushed to one side. But i think when the time changes and i can get out on the bike straight from work i'll rack up some decent numbers that way.

    I'm commiting to 3 swim, 4 run and 2 cycle sessions in March as my weekly plan. I'll review this in April as the distances increase but i still must concentrate on my diet and what goes into my gob.

    I've decided my doing my other event on Dec 21st if i can get approval from the local shopping centre & Garda to collect funds.

    That way i've be focused the whole way up to Christmas and i won't "winter well" again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I normally start work at 8 but once a week i start at 9 & 10. Since Jan i've done the odd Turbo or run but i think this is an ideal time to swim.

    So i start this morning and got nice and simple 1500m session done in 41 min. A nice slow session at my U&O pace. I only stopped as i had to head to work, i think i'll go in a little earlier next week and increase this session to 2k.

    I'll plan to do 3 to 4k on the 10am start and use that as my weekly long swim session with the aim of hitting 5k by the end of May.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    My first double session day of the year ( yep just before the end of feb:o )

    8k run to HR and it felt really good, i enjoyed it and at no point today did i look at my Garmin and shout at it.

    Overall Jan & Feb have been a disaster ( mainly of my own doing ) yet i've done more in those months this year than i've done in any other year so there is a positive to take from it.

    March = structure = increase in number = progress

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Friday i was home early so i brought the kids to the park to play and had great fun running around with them, an enjoyable workout !

    That was followed by a nice bottle of wine later in the evening, consider Friday some mental training:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Saturday i was up early to allow Mrs Jones to go off walking. When she got back off i went to cinema with my little lad to see Wreck it Ralph, great film and great quality time with him !

    Got back and there was a family event to go to, i said.......nope

    Instead i changed and headed out on the bike, nothing too serious just a nice 45k at 28km pace which was really nice and good to get out on the bike.

    My diet is a lot better and when i got back i made a nice smoothie with rice milk, peanut butter, banana, flax seed and tofu.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Sunday i was early again before 9 so Mrs Jones could get out again. When she got back i headed out for my LSR, i had planned to do 20k and i did 20k.

    Pace is getting better considering i'm being held back by my HR, up until 14k its easy with the HR but after that it gets a lot harder when the body has to pump more blood to get energy to the legs.

    I brought some home made energy bars with me and ate as i ran.

    Good session and i was smiling all during it while listening to some good speech based Podcasts !

    Home for nice bath ( and another smoothie ) with epsom salts and out the door to bring the kids to Supermacs ( i had some chicken )

    Good weekend and has me in a positive mood starting the week !
