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Starting from scratch again

  • 03-01-2013 12:29pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭

    Aug 2012

    @80kg BW

    BP 105kg
    SQ 130kg
    DL 160kg
    MP 75kg
    C&J 95kg
    FS 105kg
    PP 90kg

    3.2km 11.43
    5km 18.35
    10km. 39.44
    500m row 1.33

    Jan 2013

    88kg BW. Age 26.

    Broken toe, ankle ligament problems, hip & glute issues, upper back issues, Bodyfat issues :D

    Plan is to ease back gently with light running, rehab, core work and some strength work. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be back in action and can start to get back into the shape I was in a few months ago, perhaps with more of a strength bias initially, want to improve my leg strength.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km jog - 30mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    30mins stretching and foam rolling

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 60kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x5 80kg
    1x3 90kg
    1x1 100kg

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 30kg
    1x10 40kg
    1x5 50kg

    Incredible DOMs in my quads and glutes from the run yesterday, it was my first bit of exercise in 10 weeks but even still I didn't expect it to be this bad...

    Bench felt okish, decided to test 100kg just to see, happy it went up relatively easily. Press felt very heavy from the start, will do it first next time to get an accurate picture but think my lat/trap issues will have to be sorted before I can go heavy again.

    Been reading a lot and thinking of running GSLP when I'm fit again, anyone any thoughts if you're reading this?? It's either that or WS4SB I reckon, I like the idea of the frequency method burpees and pullups on GSLP though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy run - 24.37

    Avg HR - 157

    Avg Pace - 4.55

    Hilariously high heart rate, can already feel my IT bands tightening up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 28.40

    Avg HR - 131

    Avg Pace - 4.46

    Felt like I was working harder than 131bpm, ran the 3rd km at 163 but the 6th km at 97!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    1000m row - 3.50

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    3x5 70kg

    3x12 7.5kg Seated DB “power cleans"

    3x12 25kg DB bench

    3x12 25kg DB rows

    3x12 15kg DB Curls

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    10km easy run - 50.10

    Avg HR - 155

    Avg Pace - 5.00


    30min rolling & stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km pace run - 27.34

    Avg HR - 164

    Avg pace - 4.35


    3x10 Squat to press 3kg med ball
    3x6 Single leg dead lift (each leg) 3kg med ball
    Plank circuit

    3x10 20kg KB front squat
    3x8 15kg DB single arm row (loading the hip)
    3x10 med ball pushup


    1x10 20kg
    1x10 35kg
    3x5 50kg

    3x12 35kg Lat pulldown (underhand grip)

    3x12 25kg DB bench press

    3x12 15kg DB curl

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    30mins rolling and stretching

    3x10 BW Chinups
    3x10 BW dips

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    30mins rolling & stretching

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    3x5 70kg

    3x12 40kg lat pulldown (underhand grip)

    3x12 25kg DB bench press

    3x12 15kg DB Curls


    3x10 Squat to press 3kg med ball
    3x6 Single leg dead lift (each leg) 3kg med ball
    Plank circuit

    3x10 30kg front squat
    3x8 20kg DB single arm row (loading the hip)
    3x10 med ball pushup


    5km easy run - 24.00

    Avg HR - 159

    Avg Pace - 4.48

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    3x5 72.5kg

    3x12 45kg lat pulldown (underhand grip)

    3x10 27.5kg DB bench press

    3x10 17.5kg DB Curls


    3x10 Squat to press 3kg med ball
    3x6 Single leg dead lift (each leg) 3kg med ball
    Plank circuit

    3x10 30kg front squat
    3x8 20kg DB single arm row (loading the hip)
    3x10 med ball pushup

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    3x10 med ball chop
    3x10 med ball side lunge
    3x10 med ball single leg DL

    Stretch/foam roll

    3x10 70kg rack deadlift
    3x10 Swiss ball pushups
    3x8/8 20kg single leg DB row

    3x6/6 12.5kg DB single leg DL
    3x5/5 7.5kg DB pushups
    3x10 45kg Lat pulldown (underhand grip with band around legs)


    6km easy run - 28.40

    Avg HR - 159

    Avg Pace - 4.45

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Bench press
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    3x5 80kg

    3x15 25kg DB Bench

    3x15/15 25kg DB Side bends

    3x10 17.5kg DB Curls


    3x10 med ball chop
    3x10 med ball side lunge
    3x10 med ball single leg DL

    Stretch/foam roll

    3x10 80kg deadlift
    3x12 Swiss ball pushups
    3x8/8 20kg single leg DB row

    3x6/6 12.5kg DB single leg DL
    3x5/5 8kg DB pushups
    3x12 45kg Lat pulldown (underhand grip with band around legs)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Bench press
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 60kg
    3x5 80kg

    3x12 27.5kg DB Bench

    3x10 17.5kg DB Curls


    3x10 med ball chop
    3x10 med ball side lunge
    3x10 med ball single leg DL

    3x8/8 22.5kg single leg DB row
    3x6/6 12.5kg DB single leg DL
    3x12 50kg Lat pulldown (underhand grip with band around legs)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 27.52

    Avg HR - 160

    Avg Pace - 4.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    3x10 med ball chop
    3x10 med ball side lunge
    3x6/6 med ball single leg DL
    Core drill

    3x10 15kg DB Squat and press
    3x6/6 medball mountain climbers
    3x10 ring inverted row

    3x6/6 12.5kg DB SLDL & row
    3x X-band walk
    3x5/5 10kg DB Pushup and row

    3x6/6 10kg DB side lunge
    3x8/8 25kg DB SL Row
    3x10 medball pushup
    3x10 SL glute bridges


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    8km easy run - 38.25

    Avg HR - 162

    Avg Pace - 4.48

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x10 medball SLDL

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 60kg
    3x5 82.5kg

    3x10 30kg DB Bench press

    3x12 55kg Lat pull (underhand)

    3x6/6 12.5kg SLDL & row
    3x6/6 medball mountain climbers
    3x10 ring inverted row
    3x10/10 SL bridges

    3x12 17.5kg DB curls
    3x15/15 25kg DB side bends

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    10km loaded run - 1.08

    Avg HR - 163

    Avg Pace - 6.52

    Equipment - Backpack w/ 45lbs

    Forced change of plan, next 5 weeks will involve a lot of running and walking with weighted backpacks over varied terrain. Will log anything that's worth it but will be out and about most days so should drop a few kilos.

    Rehab and strength will have to take a backseat but I'll try keep it going as much as possible, will be very careful with my ankle, lots of zinc oxide tape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    7.5km cross country loaded run - 1.35

    Equipment - backpack w/ 45lbs



    Bench Press
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 40kg
    1x10 60kg
    3x5 85kg

    3x12 60kg Lat pull down (underhand)

    3x12 30kg DB Bench press

    3x10 25kg DB single arm row

    3x8 20kg DB curl

    3x15/15 25kg DB side bend

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    3x10 medball SLDL
    3x10 medball Squat & press
    3x10 medball chops

    Bench Press
    1x15 20kg
    1x10 40kg
    1x10 60kg
    3x5 85kg

    3x12 60kg Lat pull (underhand)

    3x10 32.5kg DB Bench

    3x10 15kg DB squat to press

    3x12 BW Dips

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    2 x 2hr cross country loaded runs. Backpack w/ 45lbs


    3x10 medball SLDL
    3x10 medball Squat & press
    3x10 medball chops

    Bench Press
    1x15 20kg
    1x10 40kg
    1x10 60kg
    3x5 87.5kg

    3x12 65kg Lat pull (underhand)

    3x10 32.5kg DB Bench

    3x10 17.5kg DB Squat and Press

    3x15/15 27.5kg DB Side bends

    3x10 12.5kg DB Hammer curls

    3x12 BW Dips

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    10km hill walk - 2.5 hrs

    Equipment - light Daysack

    Sally gap area

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    8km cross country loaded run - 2.00

    Equipment - backpack w/ 45lbs


    Bench Press
    1x15 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    3x5 90kg

    3x12 70kg lat pull (underhand)

    3x10 32.5kg DB bench

    3x10 17.5kg DB Squat to press

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 28.30

    Avg HR - 145

    Avg Pace - 4.45

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    RE Upper

    3x15 60kg Bench Press

    4x10 40kg Military Press

    4x12 50kg Lat pull
    4x12 10kg DB 'power clean'

    3x10 30kg DB Shrug
    3x10 20kg DB Curl


    ME Lower

    1000m row - 3.45
    Kettlebell warmup

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x8 70kg
    1x6 90kg
    1x4 100kg
    1x3 110kg

    3x10 50kg RDL

    3x8 20kg DB Split squat

    4x10 green band wide arm Pullups

    Ab circuit


    20min easy run - 4km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    ME Upper

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x5 medball DLDL
    3x10 scap pushups

    Bench Press
    1x15 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x8 80kg
    1x6 85kg
    1x3 92.5kg

    Inc Bench
    1x15 20kg
    2x20 55kg

    4x12 60kg Lat Pull
    4x12 band pulls

    4x12 30kg DB Shrug
    4x12 15kg DB Curl


    RE Lower

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x5 medball DLDL

    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x8 90kg
    1x6 110kg
    1x3 120kg

    3x10 20kg DB Bulgarian split squats

    4x12 50kg BB RDL

    4x15 30kg DB Side bends

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    RE Upper

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x10 scap pushups

    1x15 20kg bench Press
    3x15 65kg

    1x10 20kg Military press
    4x10 42.5kg

    4x12 60kg Lat pull
    4x12 10kg DB 'power clean'

    3x10 30kg DB Shrug
    3x10 20kg DB Curl

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    ME Lower

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x5 medball SLDL

    1x10 60kg
    1x8 80kg
    1x6 100kg
    1x3 110kg
    1x3 120kg
    1x3 130kg

    3x10 20kg DB Bulgarian Split Squat

    3x10 60kg RDL

    Ab circuit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    ME Upper

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x10 scap pushups

    Bench Press
    1x15 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x10 80kg
    1x8 85kg
    1x5 90kg
    1x3 95kg

    2x15 25kg DB Inc Bench Press

    4x12 60kg BB row
    4x12 band pulls

    4x12 35kg DB Shrug
    4x12 17.5kg DB Curl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    ME Lower

    3x10 medball chop
    3x10 medball squat to press
    3x5 medball SLDL

    1x10 60kg
    1x8 80kg
    1x6 100kg
    1x3 110kg
    1x3 120kg
    1x3 130kg
    1x3 140kg

    3x10 20kg DB Bulgarian Split Squat

    3x10 60kg RDL

    3x15 30kg DB Side bend
