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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Awesome training going on here!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Swim this morning. I was a little stuck for time so didn't get my full session in. 200m x 8 with a few easy wu and cd lengths. 1750m total. My pecs and anterior delts have serious doms from yesterday's surfing, ouchy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Headed up to the forest trails in Coum this afternoon with mr.bally8 and the doggie. Can't believe I haven't been up there yet this year. So beautiful. Forgot how hilly it is. 4 mile walk, well i had to jog every now and then to keep up with mr.bally8. I am really slow at walking, don't like it at all. I can't understand why someone would walk when the could be running. In fairness to him, mr.bally8 is just recovering from knee surgery so it will be a long time before he runs again.

    Decided to run home while Stephen drove the dog back in my car (smells of wet dog now). It wasn't the best idea as I had trail runners on and ended up with blisters on my left foot. Still a nice downhill 5k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sat 22nd June
    Club spin around the lake. Nice early start of 7am for this one. Cycled into nenagh with two of the girls to meet up with 11 others outside the pool. Rained on the way in so we were already soaked before the cycle even officially started! It's funny how the longer distances don't seem as daunting anymore, just the speed at which the group goes at. Was happy enough for the first 40 or so miles. Had some moments where I thought it was too much and wouldn't be able to keep going for much longer but dug deep and soldiered on. The all of a sudden I went from being out front leading the bunch to rolling off the back as we went up a hill. Spat out and no way I was going to catch them again. I had nothing left in me. One of the lads came back and actually pushed me on and off for about 3 k until we met up with the others at the coffee stop in Mountshannon. Gulped down and energy gel, a mars bar and some sports drink and was ready to go again. Stayed with them for a good while but decided that I couldn't face the back road to Portroe at that speed. One of the girls had left her car in Killaloe and offered me a lift home. I was delighted to accept but then when we gotto the car park I decided I would continue on by myself. I made a pact with myself two weeks ago to stop giving up so easily and avoiding things which really challenge me. So off I went to prove to myself that I'm not a quitter.

    As I got to my gate the garmin said 69.57 miles and because I'm me I had to cycle past in order to bring it up to 70.3 :D

    Home totally soaked and wrecked but happy with myself for finishing even if I couldn't keep up for the full spin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Easy run on the treadmill this morning. 45 mins nice and slowly as the ole body is tired and creaky after yesterday's cycle. Happy to do this one inside and avoid the wind and rain.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8
    Is my bike ok Dr?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Can't see it...try again ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    My poor helmet :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Eh what the bleep happened ????

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Eh what the bleep happened ????

    Long story Elvis. Will give details when I'm on computer tomorrow. Short story is came down hard on club cycle this morning. When I came round I couldn't move and my back was killing me. Taken to a+e. Got the VIP treatment as my hubby a paramedic in limerick. All tests clear no spinal damage or bones broken. Very stiff and sore now but feeling thankful and lucky it wasn't worse.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Long story Elvis. Will give details when I'm on computer tomorrow. Short story is came down hard on club cycle this morning. When I came round I couldn't move and my back was killing me. Taken to a+e. Got the VIP treatment as my hubby a paramedic in limerick. All tests clear no spinal damage or bones broken. Very stiff and sore now but feeling thankful and lucky it wasn't worse.

    Wow get well, i thought it was in Scumlone !

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Did S take the pic of you on the spinal board? What a charmer! :D

    Glad to hear you're alright. Hope the bike came out of it OK.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    O my god solobally, glad ur ok. Jesus, it must have been some fall. Take it easy girl and hope you're back in top form soon... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wow, really hope you're okay. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Get well Soon Bally8..sounds sore...hope your ok!!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Thank god youre here to tell the tale. Yourself and RQ are going to have to set up a stuntwoman tag team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Get well soon, hope your not to sore today

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Finally have a chance to give an update. Sorry again- it's going to be a big one!

    Since I last logged training on the 23rd June I have:
    Cycled 70k on Tue 24th with the cycle club. These cycles are fast and furious and I'm beginning to love them. It's brilliant to be able to hang on longer and longer each week when the sprint finish happens.
    Ran- 8k on Wed 25th, nice easy road run
    Swam 1200m on Friday 28th
    Then cycled 80 hilly kms with the club on Sat 29th June. This was another good one. Slowly slowly but made it up the three tough climbs in one piece.
    Rounded off June with a 1 hr turbo followed by a 25min treadie run.

    So on to July:
    Went back to the club track session on 1st July. Happy to say they were all taking it easy after Kilkee. 3.71miles total followed by a quick 800m OW swim in Youghal.
    Tuesday 2nd was another lovely fast furious cycle in the awful lashing rain. Totally soaked and freezing afterwards. 31.51 miles. Managed 25.5mph for the last 5 miles! Amazed with myself for keeping up with them.
    Thursday 4th - managed to get up for a club am swim. Took it easy though with Athlone coming up. 1600m total
    Friday I went out for a lovely easy cycle just to spin the legs with a girl from the club. 15kms followed by a 3.5k easy run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Had a great day in Athlone I have to say. I drove up with another girl from the club and we had a grand ole chat along the way. Parked up and made our way to registration. Quick and easy in and out. I was delighted with the Tshirt. So often they are tents and waaay to big for women. It was nice to get a small one that actually fits and will be used. We met up with some other girls from the club and went off for coffee (not me I only drink water) and a bite to eat.

    After a while of lounging about we went back to our respective cars and got ready to go to transition. Cycled over which was my first time doing that. Felt a bit professional :D Transition scared me- it was miles long!! Running in my bike shoes always hurts my Achilles so I was nervous about how much damage today was going to do for me. Set myself up- it was very tight with the boys bikes so close to ours on the other side. Then climbed over the barrier (hurting my lady parts in the process:o- not the most elegant of moves!) Had another embarrassing moment falling backwards off a wall next- luckily the wall was very low but I still managed to fall back with my legs in the air!

    It was way too hot to put on the wetsuit yet so I went off to the toilet for the 5th time since getting to Athlone. No queue- brill! We then walked down to where we thought the start entry was only to find we were at the wrong end of transition and had to walk back again- I was in bare feet and the ground was so hot and sore! Bad idea. Couldn't hear the race briefing. Melted a bit more as things were running late and I was in wave 3.

    Finally amid the smell of burning rubber we were allowed in the water. All of a sudden we were off. I waited a few seconds to let the crowd off (how competitive am I? Not!). I was happy with my swim. I pushed it as hard as I could- usually I take it easy as I'm afraid of getting too tired. Two girls near me kept swimming across in front of me and I couldn't get away from them. Was a bit annoying but if I was faster I would have been able to drop them- I just need to swim more. My watch said 18:xx when I looked at it getting out of the water. Slow I though for the effort I had put in but fair enough for the lack of swim training this year.

    I thought I would never get to my bike in transition, I was running for ages! I didn't like it, I know it's the same for everyone but it was too long and tight I felt. Anyways the actually transition part went well I felt- no bother with dizziness, only a slight delay with the wetsuit stuck on my left foot. No problems with t-shirts- I decided to be brave and not cover up my flubber. Running to the mount line in my bike shoes was a mistake though- I wasted a lot of time and my bloody Achilles was not happy with me.

    Couldn't clip in, my foot kept slipping so wasted more time there. Eventually off, passing a good few people as I made my way out of the town. The headwind surprised me and I was annoyed to be going so slow. I need a bike computer to tell me what speed I'm doing as this guessing by feel is not working for me since the last one broke. Of course after the turn around I was flying- I think it took me 25 mins to go out and 17 to come back in! 42minutes for the cycle. Very disappointed with this as I have been living on the bike for the last few weeks.

    T2 involved me taking my shoes off and running with them and the bike in order to save my Achilles. Quick change over (so I thought) then off. Both transitions were terribly slow- so much time lost there it's not funny. Maybe I need to do some practice in this area.

    The run course was very tough, I found the hills were killing my calves and Achilles so in the end I just dragged myself around even though I wanted to give up. Loved the support along the way though. Was cool to have so many people along the course. The run course was short so I ended up with 25:32 for whatever distance it was.

    Finished in 1:33:52

    Disappointed but not down about it. These times are an accurate reflection of the amount of training I've done this year and my own abilities. I'll never be as good as some of the girls in the club but I think with training I can improve on my own times over the years. It's over and done with now and I'll pick up some point for the girls team in the National Series so that's good.

    TriAthlone is a good race but it's my second time doing it so I doubt I'll be back next year. Still it was well organised and a fun day out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    And so the crash

    I decided to join the cycle club's leisure group for a spin on Sunday. I wanted to get some miles in but thought the faster group would be too hard after yesterdays exploits. The spin started off great- I was really enjoying chatting with new people and cycling for leisure with no pressure. Such a change from my usual spins. About 24 miles we were cycling along in pairs as usual. I was on the outside when I saw the lady in front on the inside jam her chain and I thought to myself 'she is going to have a hard fall'. Next thing I'm lying on the ground with someone taking my helmet off and someone else asking me if I was ok. I happened to be crying too and I remember thinking it was a bad idea for them to take my helmet off. Some instinct told me not to move and when one of the guys said 'will we move her' I strongly told them 'do not move me!' My back was killing me. I was lying in the recover position and was afraid to move any part of my body. It was weird lying there only being able to see feet and people bending down to see if I was ok.

    I had no idea where my bike was, no idea what else was hurting or how long I had been down. I had to ask where abouts on the road I was (right in the middle on the centre line actually) . It was weird having cars drive past so close to my head. One of the girls got my phone out of my back pocket and rang my husband (he is a paramedic). As soon as he heard that I was not moving and had hit my back and head he told them not to move me and he rang an ambulance. Luckily he has pull and made sure the advanced paramedic came too.

    So I was collared and put on a spinal board and wrapped up in this blow up blanket thing. I have no idea who was there, where my bike was etc. I was a bit all over the place and trying my best not to cry. Once or twice I thought that maybe I should try get up and not be such a drama queen but deep down knew I needed help.

    Got taken care of pretty swiftly in Limerick a+e. X-rays of my chest and head. A few hours later they did a spinal rule out so they were able to take the brace off. My lower back was so painful that I ended up asking for some pain relief. After more x-rays of my hips, back and pelvis I was finally given the all clear and allowed go home.

    Bare foot and sore I walked like an 80 year old to the car. I was feeling very sick and sorry for myself. My helmet was in the car and I got a bit of a shock when I saw how cracked it was. Stephen said if he had known or if they had seen it in a+e I would have had to stay overnight because of being knocked out. He took great care of me all evening though and watched for signs of concussion or brain injury.

    So 2 days later I'm still very stiff and sore. It's like what I imaging whiplash might feel like- my neck muscles are very painful. I really don't know how I managed to end up hurting my back when I fell on my left or how my bike had scratches on both sides of the drops, or how I ended up where I did on the road. I suppose I'll get some answers when I chat to people who saw what happened.

    I had planned getting back on the bike this evening but I think I'm still too sore and swimming isn't an option. Hopefully I have a rapid recovery as I have the Two Provinces Triathlon on Saturday :eek:

    I'm so lucky though, it could have been so much worse. A woman the same age as me was hit by a car on the road near where I fell 2 weeks ago and she is paralysed from the neck down. My little bang is nothing in comparison.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Wow they were drastic measures to take to avoid going to Longford;)

    It was good that you knew not to move you, like an idiot i'd try and get up to look and see was my bike ok:D

    On Athlone, it wasnt a course for a PB really with the way transition was set up and the run with all the turns slowing you down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Jesus Solobally thank god you are okay. It must have been quite a shock. It just shows the importance of a helmet. I do not get on my bikes ever without one. I hope you are feeling a bit less sore now, missing the Two Prov this weekend wouldn't be the end of the world either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Jesus Solobally thank god you are okay. It must have been quite a shock. It just shows the importance of a helmet. I do not get on my bikes ever without one. I hope you are feeling a bit less sore now, missing the Two Prov this weekend wouldn't be the end of the world either.

    Thanks el director, in this instance the helmet without a doubt saved me from serious head injury.

    As for Longford I was unsure what to do so I went for a run this morning. The first bit of training since the crash. It went better than expected. Pain was bad but not unbearable. I was soooooo slow though. 5k in 32 mins!

    I finally got my prescription painkillers this afternoon and wow the relief Im getting from them is brilliant. I'm pain-free for the first time since Sunday. I'm so foolish for not getting them sooner.

    So race is on! I'll get round, it won't be fast, it won't be pretty but I'll get there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    God solobally, go easy missus. Fair play for sitting back into it, but look after yourself! *stern look*

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Thanks for the concern guys, I won't push it I promise :)

    Quick swim this morning to see how the shoulder would react. 500 easy metres. I was a bit stiff and sore and felt my back aching a little which caused my legs to be lower in the water but all in all I was happy.

    Back home I dawdled around avoiding the inevitable first cycle back since the crash. Eventually I ran out of important jobs to do and so set about getting ready. I have to admit I was scared. I've fallen before and got straight back out but this one has shaken me. Still I had to do it so I bit the bullet and did a 40 min easy spin into Nenagh and back. Glad to saw the body was ok on the bike, had a splitting headache but I think that has more to do with the heat than the fall.

    Packing up after lunch and heading to Longford with mr.bally8. I'm kind if hoping the temperature drops for the race tomorrow. Terrible I know, I should be struck down for wishing this fab weather away!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Glad to see your back in the saddle Bally8...take care of yourself!! are you racing tomorrow?? if so..again Take care and good luck!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Glad to see your back in the saddle Bally8...take care of yourself!! are you racing tomorrow?? if so..again Take care and good luck!! :)

    Yip I'm doing the two provinces tri in lanesboro tomorrow. Wouldn't call what I do racing :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Yip I'm doing the two provinces tri in lanesboro tomorrow. Wouldn't call what I do racing :D

    Good for you Solobally, I hope to be there myself, if I see a bandaged-head blonde I'll be sure and say hi :) Best of luck in your comeback race!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    The race will be good for getting you over your post crash jitters. Good luck with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Good luck tomorrow. Take care and enjoy it
