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Due September 2013



  • Registered Users Posts: 181 ✭✭happydayz8

    My litlle boys decided to make a little bit of a dramatic and early appearence by c section they are now just about 24 hours old. Unfortunatelt they are in specisl care and will remain there for the next two weeks. I got a little cuddle with one of them yesterday and should be able to hold both tomorrow. They are adorable and can't wait to go see them again. Itschard not havingvthem here and drwading leaving hospital without them. So girls, keep does legs crossed and don't wish your pregnancy over. They are best kept in your belly. Easy for me to say I know. Probaly the drugs talking :-) i hope you are sll doing well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    Happydayz8, sending you and your precious bundles oceans of luck and best wishes, congrats on their arrival! Hope you're doing ok? They were obviously impatient and couldn't wait to meet their mommy! :-)

    I can only imagine what you're going through right now but I don't doubt the hospital staff are taking excellent care of them. Soon they'll be home with you, to be smothered in cuddles. Xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭grarf

    Oh Happydayz8, wow, that IS early and unexpected. How many weeks? 33?
    Huge congratulations on your two bundles of joy, and I hope you and them are ok :) Soon you'll have them home, and these hospital weeks will be forgotten.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    Wow Happydayz8, congratulations!!! I hope you are feeling well and your boys are doing well. They'll be home with you in no time. Keep us posted on how you are getting on :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    Have finally started on 'the bag'! Well I have stuff piled beside it but it has not actually made it in yet :) Baby clothes and blankets all rinsed and dried and ready to go, car seat sorted too. Feeling very organised today. Now to just sort out baby's room - that is gonna be a big challenge!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭grarf

    McBubbles wrote: »
    Have finally started on 'the bag'! Well I have stuff piled beside it but it has not actually made it in yet :) Baby clothes and blankets all rinsed and dried and ready to go, car seat sorted too. Feeling very organised today. Now to just sort out baby's room - that is gonna be a big challenge!
    Same here, got clothes for myself and washed baby clothes so they're all piled up until I get the little suitcase/bag thingie down from the attic (himself can do that thanks). Car seat base is in the car too :D although we'll most likely be swapping it to OH's car but it fits anyway, yay.

    48 days to go, 20 more days in work.

    and it's roasting again! I love a proper summer, I really do, but god I'm melting, especially at night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    I still need nursing bras but otherwise my own bag is sorted. Have yet to wash the baby clothes.

    Cot and moses basket are all but ready, travel system is ready to be unpacked, all we need is now is a baby! 51 days to go, unless she decides to grace us with her presence early or late.

  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    congrats happydayz, hopefully they will be strong soon enough and you can take them both home!! Hope everyone is doing well, haven't been on here in a while.. Can't get over how fast time is going by!! Like the rest of ye, I am starting to get my hospital bag bits and pieces together just in case..

  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭clare82

    congrats happydayz...hope your feeling well and your babies will be home with u soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 181 ✭✭happydayz8

    The boys are doing great and my recovery is going well. They will let me out tomorrow. I'm an emotional wreck having to leave them behind and juggling my son and visits to the babies. Loads of tears today. Sorry for moaning here. Its not really related to the thread any more. I hope you're all surviving the heat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭corkgirl17

    moan away, that's what these threads are for!! Im sure i'd be very emotional if i had to leave my new babies in the hospital aswell, its not what you had planned!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 joasia1973

    grarf wrote: »
    thankfully it's a bit cooler today! I melted over the weekend. (didn't we all :P)
    7 weeks to go! :eek: time flies when you're having fun, eh.

    I find myself a bit sad these days that my family (who are back 'home' in Germany) aren't here to share this pregnancy with me - all I can do is skype with them, and send pictures. :( And while my Mum is coming to visit in mid-October to meet her first grandchild, my Dad apparently has other priorities and still hasn't said if he's coming over at all, seeing as there are more important things (like the annual sailing trip with the lads) on apparently :mad: (gobsh*te. I *knew* he'd do this - still hurts though!)

    Grarf , I know you may feel sad. I feel sad too as I lost my mum last year and my dad would love to see baby but he is sick and I hope I can fly home soon so he can see a baby then

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭lmullen

    9 weeks left! I'm exhausted and swollen and my 1 yr old only wants to climb all over me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Congrats Happydayz - 2 little boys fantastic stuff and double the hormones so go easy on yourself!! :D
    7 weeks to go for me and ive such mixed emotions about it all.
    Myself and hubby have seperated recently so everything is a bit disorganised and up in a heap. My little fella wasn`t getting much sleep with the heat/home disruption and when he would eventually sleep it was just for an hour or two, so ive been like a zombie for the last 3 weeks. 9pm is my new bedtime :o
    I couldn`t get any sleep last night, just couldn`t get comfy in any position, my belly is just massive.
    The forecast is for some cooler days thank goodness or i`d have to be resorting to begging Doc for sleeping pills :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    Hope you get some sleep Fri.Day!!!! Half thinking of begging the doc for something to help me sleep tomorrow at my apt!! Cannot remember that last night I had a good sleep, shattered & emotional!

    So 7 weeks and 3 days to go and my mum informed me tonight that she was about 4 weeks early with all 4 of her children :O And I was the earliest of all my siblings. Panic stations!!!!! It is now my mission to have my bag fully packed and at the front door by Friday just in case. It is just sinking in how little time we have left and just how much we still have to do.......I'm just hoping everything will fall into place over the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    happydayz8 wrote: »
    The boys are doing great and my recovery is going well. They will let me out tomorrow. I'm an emotional wreck having to leave them behind and juggling my son and visits to the babies. Loads of tears today. Sorry for moaning here. Its not really related to the thread any more. I hope you're all surviving the heat.

    Hope you and your boys are doing great happydayz :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭banbhaaifric

    Yay happydayz8 - am so delighted for you. And really pleased you are still posting in this thread too. It makes it so real that one of us now has actual, real live proper actually born babies!!!!!

    Oh my lord.:eek:

    It's a bit hard for it to sink in that we will have a little baby here at home in a few weeks......

    On the plus side, we have cleared out the spare room which we used as an office (I work from home) and have put a carpet down and upcycled the shelves I used for files and folders... maybe I'll post a pic... am inordinately proud of my work :o

    No bag as yet, no nursing bras, no mattress for the moses basket.... and hubby is away working again so the drive has gone out of me... tomorrow is another day I suppose.

    And on the negative side - i threw up all my breakfast yesterday and am back to feeling queasy and sick all the time. They are a bit worried because the baby is measuring a little bit small so I'm getting scanned every 2 weeks (which is nice :)), but nothing will grow unless I can get some healthy food into me.

    Am so glad to see everyone is pootling along nicely towards the due date though. Lordy it will be exciting come september when we start getting news of babies arriving!

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    Foot in my ribs .............. That is all

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    McBubbles wrote: »
    Foot in my ribs .............. That is all

    Lol!! Haven't had that yet. I did get hiccups in my backside last night though, that was funny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    Pat McGhee wrote: »
    Lol!! Haven't had that yet. I did get hiccups in my backside last night though, that was funny.

    Ha ha ha, that is really funny, I've not experienced the hiccups yet

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  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    McBubbles wrote: »
    Ha ha ha, that is really funny, I've not experienced the hiccups yet

    It was the funniest sensation, and went on for AGES!!! I could literally feel my inner bum twitch every few seconds.
    My first experience with the hiccups was only last Saturday, and have had them twice since. My favourite "symptom" so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭grarf

    yay for hiccups! our bean had it the other day, and it put the biggest smile on my face with every little 'hic' :D so, so cute.
    my phone app says: 40 days to go :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 opensesamee

    Time seems to be flying by so fast!! Scan showing baby over 4lbs visions of giving birth to a dinosaur!

    Have yet to experience hiccups!

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    Same size here opensesame and they're telling me she's small! Have to get a growth scan every 2 weeks now to keep an eye. I'm not getting myself worked up over it, she still has 6 weeks of growing to do, unless she's too comfy to come out! I reckon close to 6.5 / 7lbs by the time she makes her grand entrance, that'll do nicely :-)
    On the upside, at the first growth scan, we could clearly make out her face, all furrowed and indignant at the poking around, she even had a frown line on her forehead!! Definitely has my pout, lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭McBubbles

    How is everyone feeling? Coming up on 6 weeks to go here!!!!! Belly has gotten HUGE in the last week and is so tender and itchy. I also have a seriously active baby with really big strong movements (a good sign I know). Anyone else getting cramping/period like pains, getting them every day now. It feels like my body is gearing up for the big event!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭grarf

    4 1/2 weeks to go ... still feeling fine, thankfully, although sleeping is getting more and more difficult, due to sheer bump size and baby going mad at about 4 AM, regularly. Little scut. Good practice though, I suppose :)

    HappyDayz8, how are you getting on with your two bundles, are you all at home yet? I hope everything's going well and you're all happy and healthy! :)

    Has anyone gotten their reply from the maternity benefit crowd yet, I sent my forms off back in May and got a 'we have received your application' letter on May 30th, but nothing since! :( I'll ring them tomorrow, anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭banbhaaifric

    Just under 6 weeks to go here too and we are being told the baby is measuring small as well. She was up in the 50th centile for everything, and then took a nose dive a few weeks ago down to 17th for her weight... They are scanning me every 2 weeks now just to keep an eye on things but I reckon she should still make it to 7lbs which would be fine!!

    Only problem is the nausea and I'm back to vomiting occasionally also which is such a nightmare. I have just been endlessly pregnant for so long now (since may 8th 2012 basically..., I can't wait for it to end. Sorry - for a minute there I thought I was on the moan thread!!

    And might not be eliglble for maternity benefit so have delayed sending off the forms.... looks like september and october will be tight months - I hope the breastfeeding goes ok so at least one of us will be fed!!

    So we should do an overall list of us all no? It is going to be exciting when it all starts happening for us, and I'm not sure who is going when..... I'll start with me in the next post and maybe everyone can add if they want to :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭banbhaaifric

    Banbhaaifric - 10th Sept - Girl

  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭grarf

    Banbhaaifric - 10th Sept - Girl

    Grarf - 3. September - ? :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Pat McGhee

    Pat McGhee - 6th Sept - girl :-)

    Banbhaaifric, we've been told our little one is small as well, but I reckon she'll be between 6 and 7lbs when she's born and I can happily live with that. A few years back that was considered the norm!

    My bp is yoyoing too so have to get it checked twice a week. Can't wait for maternity leave to start, work is hectic and is starting to take its toll. Had to take a sick day today (unpaid) just to get a break!
