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Tindie Recently seen horror movies!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Demons 1985

    This was another re-watch, I seen few times now, everytime I see this one, always seem to re-watch second back to back.

    This movie builds some tension at the start of the movie, which gives a not pf a mystery feel to the movie.

    I liked how the plot started with the mask that cuts on the face, which later in the movie they seeing, bring evil force out of the screen and into the threater

    The tranformations was out standing, I loved, it's creepy and very gory at the same times, the efffect were amazing as were the make up effects.

    They did look scary at times and I loved the fact you may not know who will turn next as I jumped twice having no idea who as turned into demond.

    Also loved the last scene in the movie, normal I can't stand those scace scenes in the movie. this movie knew how to use it and it worked it.

    Great movie 8 out of 10

    Demons 2 (1986)

    This movie did take while to get going, there are far to many subs plots in this movie, they forcussed on to many other things in first 20 mins of the movie.

    That where the thing start to really happen, it mabye little over the plot and silly times, which I wish exaplained what that happens.

    I did enjoyed second part of the movie bit more then first half, I enjoyed of tranfromations was decent but not as good as first.

    I didn't feel find that gory, no were near as gory as the first and some effects looks a bit off in this movie however there were some decent effects here and there.

    The acting was not all that great, I just found that fighting scenes with demons just silly not even funny.

    5 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    American Mary (2012)

    I Heard moslty good things about this movie,

    I did found that the movie was very slow movie for first hour so, I was getting a bit bored and
    I wasn't really into the movie at all.

    However I did enjoyed the second part of the movie more

    There were some decent bloodly moments , nothing we not really seen before in others movies
    like this

    I say it was okay horror movie, nothing really stood out of him, I was little dissaponinted with this movie, It's did have some kind hype around it.

    5 out of 10

    Back Re-watchs

    Wolf creek (2005)

    With the sequel coming out soon, I didn't know it was going come out in
    four weeks time, so I thought it time to re-watch wolf creek.

    I remember when I first saw this movie, that wasn't to keen on it, as
    times as gone pass, I think this movie as grown on me a lot the more
    times time i watch, I seem to like it more

    I liked first half of the movie takes time to get to know they them
    with there fun , party before we get tortured.

    After the party they drive to hell there some great tense moment in
    this movie, which leads to edgeness.

    There were gory and nasty moment in this movie, that make people cringe

    Great acting from the whole cast

    7 out of 10


    Yet another re-watch,

    I have seen movie few times now, I not big fan of this movie, (Decent movie, I dont
    think it one of greatet movies)

    Well the movie start of little tense first but, it takes for anything to really kick and I first part of the movie little.

    You might say the wait it worth as Famour Alien stomach scenes, which one of best scenes in this series and of course one best horror/sc-fi scenes moments.

    The Alien it self was really well made, it was look great and very scary with those teeth.

    There were decent twist and turns in the movie, Which I really enjoyed

    I going to give this movie 7 out of 10


    What best movie to watch after Aliens, As I was still in Alien moved, I had this background, while bulding work was happing next door, drilling and hamming it's really hard to staty forcured in the movie.

    As I was partly watching movie, I have seen this few times before, Last time I sure I found it better then first however, Still time found first to be more fun then this movie.

    This movie also takes some times to getting but when it getting gong it actions never stops
    and I find Aliens looked bit diffrent in this movie. not in bad, it didn't look as scary as first movie.

    Welll still did look scary but decent effect however the ending was really predicable,

    Acting was great in this movie.

    6 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Cabin By The Lake 2000

    Not bad for a tv movies, had decent plot , I found some -what entertaninging ,

    I didn't find boring at all, it didn't really drag on it's flowed really well

    As this was tv movie, there wasn't any blood what so -ever in this movie but it's more about killer drowing his victims.

    The killer was creepy in one or two scene, some of under water were tad tense at times,

    This movie kind of gave me the stepfather vide.

    The ending for sure reminded me of the stepfather movies and acting was really good for a tv movie.

    6 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Mommy (1995)

    This sounded bit like the stepfather movies but much lower buget, which dose effect some parts of the movie.

    I found plot so-what intrusting but I found to be bit bland, it started off not bad but the movie never really picked up

    I don't think acting helped as I found everyone to be really wooden in this movie and other think that didn't is the fact some of the scenes in this movie were so dark, you could not make what the hell was going on.

    There was one think I did like, was one of death scenes with i thought was decent for this movie and another thing was that the ending was far to rushed

    2 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Alien³ (1992) (I think this re-watch) I know seen some parts of the movie, I could not remember much of the movie.

    I thought it first decent movie, I don't think it great as it is made out to be, Aliens was okay sequel, re-watch it last it, I didn't enjoy it as much as the last time i watched it.

    Aliens, If you watch back to back, Soon as Alien 3 start its already lost some fans, it's dose not make sense after second Alien movie.

    The plot was silly , , I could care about any of people in this movie, I actually the Alien killed them of sooner, they were pain in the beep!

    The movie drags for far to long and when Aliens scenes are far to apart in this movie
    and even Alien scenes, it look a lot diffrent in this movie then first two, it's didn't as scary or creepy either.

    The deaths in scenes made me laugh out loud, there was so bad, bloodly but I still found it funny, I don't much remember much blood of first two movies.

    Some of the effcts in this movie was really badly done as well, the acting was okay in movie, I could really care less for one in this movie, I was rooting for Alien.

    I was to keen on this movie ended, it was bit of cop out

    2 out of 10, Worse in the series for sure!

    Alien: Resurrection (1997) I don't know long I had this on DVD, I got the whole 4 box set on dvd but I never actually saw this before.

    I did hear nothing but bad comments on this movie, saying was even worse then the 3rd, So maybe that why never actually sat down to watch.

    I was actually really surpired with this movie, I found to be very entertaining from start to end.

    This movie really didn't take to long to get, the first two took some times and 3rd one to forever to get started.

    I found the plot a bit more intrureding and like how the movie flowed, there were a lot more Alien actions in this movie

    There some decent gory moments in this movie, which i really liked and liked how plot came to end.

    I found the people in this more likeable and yet I still felt sorry for Alien too

    6 out of 10, I rated this as same the second!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie (2014)

    This movie was about a person, who wants to re-boot an old horror series, in the movie world but added the big brother element to the re-boots.

    When he was casting, he finds the most messed up kids, from druggy to a killers, all into one movie, as soon they all come together.

    Actually, it take a while for the killing to start and when the killing dose start they are far to apart at times.

    However I found some of kills really cool, some decent kills that I really liked, one made look away.

    also there were few twist and turns in this movie, first twist okay but it just silly by the end of it.

    The acting was decent for slasher movie.

    5 out of 10 I didn't hate it but i didn't love either!

    The Black Water Vampire (2014)

    Here go again, with another Found Footage movie.

    First hour is was just re-make of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT , instead word Witch was Vampire.

    The set up of movie was same as ^.

    How they interview the people about Witch in TBWP, the same thing happens here, then they Vampire makes marks in the wood, just like the Witch made those signs in the wood.

    And did something mark there tent, yes, a bit like the rock signs out of the tent in TBWP and if that was not bad enough , the first hour of the movie, was very, very, very, very boring.

    However unlike THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT , they do show creature and the last 20 mins were things start happen. ( I was so bored by then, I could less what happens, I just wanted the movie to end.)

    When finally get to see the Vampire looked more like creature then anything, I didn't find it scary at all, I actually find it funny looking and every time appeared out of the blue , I laughed .

    There was small sub plot near the end of the movie, were one the campers were taken by it and lead to very strange but funny ending.

    I don't know if ending was meant to creepy but I found the scene odd but very funny at the same time.

    3 out of 10 if wasn't for last 15 mins, I would have gave it a zero!

    American Weapon (2014)
    This also know as Blood Shed not to be confused with the upcoming movie Blood shed (2014)

    Blood Shed is the story of six beautiful travelers who head to the mountains for a getaway weekend, only to be terrorized by a homicidal war veteran, who has been programmed to kill without remorse.

    It was another slasher movie, I was in slasher mood adn I just could not really get into this movie at all.

    I found everyone to be really annoying, the killing dose not take to start , first part of the movie pace was okay but the last half of the movie just dragged on.

    The kills was kinda of dull and boring, nothing new here, that we not seen 100 times before and done better.

    I found the killer to be so stupid in some scenes, ( a Girl goes into a car, he break into the car, then girl goes out the other door and then the killer, instead of going around car to get her, He goes into the car, to get out car.

    The acting was okay-ish, not bad acting but they so annyoing, you wish they died and the ending, well fit with rest of movie as the movie was just bland.

    3 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Second Sight (2013)

    Jet is a man who has a paranormal ability since he was born. But it makes him a freak among his friends.

    First 10 mintues of the movie were so funny, I could not stop laughing, I don't know if it was some of the effects, or the thing that meant to be scary but look so silly and bad at times it's was funny.

    I don't think 3D effect helped at all in 2D, as the 3D scenes looked really bad in 2D.

    The rest of the movie was very strange in odd way, it was not boring, it flowed really well.

    I enjoyed the twist and turns in the movie, thought they were decent, ending was very odd.

    The acting was decent from the whole, the ghost in this movie, was okay but didn't find them scary at all.

    I have no idea what to rate this movie, effect were really bad in 2D but I kind had soft spot for the plot and enjoyed the twist in this movie.

    As the movie made me laugh, well for all the wrong reason, I going to give it a

    5 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    My Soul to Take (2010).

    This as been on my watch list for some time, I kept pushing back with all the bad comments and reviews I saw.

    So finally gave it go last night!

    I thought the start of the movie was really good, I really enjoyed that part of the movie, it was bit confusing at the start, but that what made it more fun to me.

    For me that was the best part of the movie, I didn't think the rest of the movie was as good as that but I didn't find the movie boring at all.

    I thought it flowed really well at times, I don't think drag on at all. and found the death to bit boring at times, some blood moment but nothing gory.

    I didn't find anything scary or creepy in this movie, , I wasn't fan of the ending at all

    As I expected to be a really bad movie, that may have help me not being to let down by it, I didn't think was as bad some reivews made out to be

    It was one of weakest movie from Wes Craven you brought to Elm street and Scream movies.

    4 out of 10 , I liked the opening scene!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Bad Milo (2013) (Thanks for the recommedations DrunkerThanMoses)

    The plot may put some people off this movie, this movie is about Duncan you got creature in his A** and who ever cause Duncan stress, it will come out and kill them then go back into his A** !

    This movie was perfect for me , as these are my kind of movies, this movie had me laughing so much, I can not remember last time laughed some much at a movie.

    Milo was not that bad looking, it did look scary enough and in someway it looked kind cute as the same time.

    There were decent bloodly moment in this movie, which I thought were really fun not too gory.

    Soon as the Dad was on screen, I kind of knew were they were they going go with that, the fight scene was awesome, I was almost on floor laughing my head off.

    I saw the ending coming, I loved there be a sequel and the acting was pefect!

    Move over Gizmo, Milo here!

    For me this a Classic! . Going to give a 9 out 10 (Still not as good gremlins but better the Critters)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Cabin Fever 3 (2014)

    The first movie was not too bad, it grew on me over time, I was not big fan of the sequel

    This one, first if see the plot it bit of lie, as there is not cruise ship in the movie, it just bunch of teens on a boat!

    This movie as two stories going one, first about scientific who on another boat , who seem they got man they believe to have flesh easting virus.

    The other story is a bunch of teens looking for time by get drunk, stoned or laid .

    I don't think this movie was as good as first movie but it a lot more darker tone then the second movie.

    This movie was not to bad as it had decent gory moments which I really liked but I did found parts to be little dull.

    there acting were was okay times but I just didn't care about the, I Just they were all bit dull.

    I give a 5 out of 10 just for some gory moments!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Devil's Child (2007)

    Very slow movie, not much action in the movies, most of the action is actually off screen, You find hard to connect with anyone in this movie.

    The movie was far to long for me, Kind of drag in some parts, Found first half kind of annoying, With Josh playing the piano and the new born baby crying no-stop, got boring,

    Mum will starting to losing as she getting fed up of the new born baby, Odd small things happen, that Josh is doing, who is very creepy in every seen he is in.

    I didn't like the how movie ended at all, the movie stay on one level for all movie, never really pick up!

    5 out of 10 Disappoint

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Bad Seed (1956) First watch

    This must of be really scary back in 50's but some-how is still works

    Even of the start of the movie, you can tell, she a brat from hell,
    thing annoy her fast and think don't go to her plan You better run ,
    your be her next Victim.

    Loved the movie, I thought some part of the movie drag in place, it
    could have been a lot more shorter then was.

    The movie start of little slow for first half hour-ish, of movie, soon
    picks up again, then there some scenes that drag for bit to long, in
    some parts of the movie I was little bored at tines

    I really enjoyed the second part of the movie, a lot more going on,

    actor really get into the role, mother and Daughter both outstanding.
    Liked the way the movie ended

    7 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Bad Seed (1956) First watch

    This must of be really scary back in 50's but some-how is still works

    Even of the start of the movie, you can tell, she a brat from hell,
    thing annoy her fast and think don't go to her plan You better run ,
    your be her next Victim.

    Loved the movie, I thought some part of the movie drag in place, it
    could have been a lot more shorter then was.

    The movie start of little slow for first half hour-ish, of movie, soon
    picks up again, then there some scenes that drag for bit to long, in
    some parts of the movie I was little bored at tines

    I really enjoyed the second part of the movie, a lot more going on,

    actor really get into the role, mother and Daughter both outstanding.
    Liked the way the movie ended

    7 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    The Brood (1979)

    I have actually seen this once before, years ago, As it didn't really make impact on me that much, maybe I was to young to understand what happening on the screen,

    The movie dose not take to long to getting, I found the movie flow really well from the start to end.

    There some great suspense moments before first death of the movie but after that, suspense dies down a bit.

    The death were really good, I thought they kind of brutal for the time and I really the last part of the movie.

    The last few scenes of the movie was great, the licking baby scenes was gross and nasty and very crazy, loved it, it's was like scene from one your own nightmares,

    The acting was great from the whole cast,

    8 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)

    I can't not believe this movie is already 10 Years old,

    The last night was the first I saw it in full for the first time.

    I did think it took while for the movie to get going, I was bored with
    first half hour but I just could not care for those people.

    All I was waiting for was Alien VS Predator , I really enjoyed the
    fight scenes with these Aliens

    I Thought it was decent battle. it was not to long and wasn't to short
    and over in seconds.

    Think about this VS movies that you always feel that one monsters are
    better or feel less evil then there pass movie.

    I don't like the Predator felt more of goody in this movie, even Alien
    saved her in early part of the movie.

    I thought Alien was great in this movie, I actually felt sorry for most
    of the Aliens but I did not find it as fun as Freddy VS Jason, which
    was lots of more fun.

    I wasn't to keen on the back story of movie, those scene was way over
    the top and looked really bad and silly. thankfully those scenes were
    no any more longer.

    I thought it was decent but it could have been much better then it was.

    (You know who side I am on) Alien all the way!

    The acting was okay in this movie from the cast but I found everyone to
    be little annoying, I wasn't big fan of final girl, I was hoping for
    some one to killer her.

    Will be giving a sequel watch later

    6 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Sadako 3D 2 (2013)

    I was not really looking forward to this movie at all, As I hated Sadako 3D (2012). it was the one of worst Ring movies ever, so bad, it was not scary or creepy. it was nothing but cheesy!

    Thankfully this sequel was nothing like first movie, I really enjoyed the start of the movie, opening scene actually made me jump little.

    Fuko Ando who is 24 years old is. She is told to take care of her 4-year-old niece.

    Then strange think start to happen around niece, anyone that upset her or she looks at anyone with the stare, they end up dead as each death scenes it looks like suicide.

    First death was really well done and looked really nasty but not gory, some of other death scenes seem a little silly.

    Fuko Ando seeing the drawing that her niece as done and then start to get scared of her. as the drawing all seem to be coming true.

    (Fuko is also having trouble with her own pass and she keeps getting nightmares of her mother suicide ,when she a little girl and she blames her self for that.)

    I loved Train scenes, that one of hell of crazy scenes, loved every second that scene.

    Fuko soon discovers what Akane as been hiding form her for last 5 years and she is shocked.

    There are few surprises here and there, to give little shocks, Which dose work, I loved
    it, decent plot.

    So much better then first movie, better story, not over of the top with the 3D effects, Not at all chesses liked the first movie.

    I found part of the movie little creep at times but all the time, it felt more of drama near the end of the movie but one think that annoyed me, there were far to many dream scenes.

    The acting was very decent, the effect were really good!

    7 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭Caveat_

    Great thread. Have added a load to my list :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Caveat_ wrote: »
    Great thread. Have added a load to my list :D


    Thanks for thanks

    Chasing the Devil (2014)

    I only heard of this movie, seconds before I watched it, I had no idea what the plot of the movie was and I did not see the trailer.

    The end result , I felt a little creeped out at the end of the movie, it's another one of those found footage movies.

    I really enjoyed, it dose really make you want to jump or anything but he dose want to creep the YOU! out, there also some bloody moment in this movie. which I also really enjoyed.

    In some scenes its actually tell you not to watch the rest of the movie, so evil force in the movie won't find YOU!. (Oh no, I just broke the rule of the movie :/)

    The lead actor did seem a bit wooden at the start of the movie but it didn't he really bother me lol and rest of actor was decent and watch able.

    I found the movie flowed really well, it dose not drag at all and I didn't find the movie boring at all.

    7 out of 10 I thought this movie was really good, I had fun watching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Lucky (2004)

    I have no idea what to say about this movie, I saw two night ago, I still can't find words to tell how it felt.

    Well the movie was very low budget movie and very strange with all the flashing and thinking scenes from killing and the scenes repeating them self.

    There were some decent funny moments in this movie, which made me laugh ,

    He dated his half sister, who had a bigger penis then him lol . I had me laughing few seconds, something I didn't like this movie, sleeping with dead that was bit to far!)

    I thought story about dog controlling his owner, would of been a decent plot but this movie was just so Bizarre.

    The dog was cute in every scenes, voice for the dog didn't really suit the dog at all, he didn't seem really.

    Had some bloody moment, as some comedy moments but had some moments, were I think the movie went to far, I had to fast forward one scenes, I thought it was bad taste.

    4 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Paranormal Entity 3: The Exorcist Tapes AKA Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes

    Well in the UK Paranormal Entity as four movies in this series, they all stand alone movies, in series, all have different names in US.

    I enjoyed Paranormal Entity I thought was very decent movie, then the second at the times was called Paranormal Entity 2 aka Gacy House (2010), Which I thought it was very boring and did not like it at all.

    This movie dose not take long to get going at all, strange things start to happen as first few scenes of the movie, they okay but nothing we not seen before and done a lot better.

    Another thing never really moved the story forward, they just stayed on the same level for all of the movie.

    It kept me watching me the whole movie, I wasn't bored and even with some of the bad acting and some really bad script.

    The movie wasn't actually scary or even creepy and I find most parts very funny and I laughed so many time, my brother asked me what comedy are you watching lol

    3 out of 10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Paranormal Entity 4: The Awakening AKA 100 Ghost Street Aka 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck (2012)

    This is kind of re-watch, I only saw half of it last times, i wasn't really in mood to watch found footage at the time.

    However I did watch this movie in full today, In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days.

    The movie wasn't that bad, I thought it better then PE 2 Gacy House (2010) and I didn't find any of funny, which is good thing about this movie.

    I found two decent creepy scenes, with thought really well done, in kind of mix of slasher and Ghost movie at the same time,

    the people are being killed of one by one by this invisible force and we do get to in second part of the movie and killls were decent and so-what gory, One of the reason i liked this movie more then I should.

    I didn't find this movie boring at all, they were some slow parts in this movie but they Stll kept me
    watching, until the end.

    I thought thought it decent found footage movie and thought acting was decent from some of the cast of the movie. some of the cast were really wooden. I don't really watch this movie for the acting.

    4/10 Worth watching I say,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Wer (2014)

    I really don't know what to make of this movie, I thought it was found footage movie, but it wasn't at all, there was some found footages parts in the movie.

    I thought it was some tense at first but as the movie went on, it felt... Well it wasn't really that tense at all.

    They didn't really explain what this person was, Was he Human, or some of were wolf that some super power strength.

    This movie was very nasty at times, Head smashed, limbs flying off here and there, the good an nasty kind of gross. (Those parts I enjoyed)

    I didn't not like how the story moved forward at all, I hated last few scenes from the movie,

    Why can't we not have normal were wolf, were there no bloody battle between, super human hairy guy, and guy who saved he head to fight the beast after he turned too.

    Well I gave this movie 5 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    I just seen Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007) for first time

    I thought movie started of it okay, decent opening, then the teens show up, they didn't really make this teen movie, it not a slasher movie.

    Some of scenes in this movie were a bit dark, could make out what going in some parts of tunnel.

    I thought the fight scenes were bit boring, nothing compared to the first, which wasn't all that great.

    I didn't really like the fact, there far to much going on in this movie, it hard to keep track, There far to many people the movie tried to focus on.

    The hospital scenes with the Alien in the room with the new born baby, poor babies but that could have decent but was ruined the silly, Alien and lady about to give birth, I burst out laughing.

    There were some bloody gory moments in this movie, nothing we not seen before and I wasn't to keen on how the movie ended, as it was total cop out.

    There the last scenes, what the hell that about? . I wasn't really paying attention at the point of the movie.

    The acting was okay in this movie but I didn't really connect to anyone in this movie, as there were far to many people to care about in this movie , I find most of people to very annoying, the only thing I felt sorry for was the Alien.

    4 out of 10 worth watching

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Drag Me to Hell (2009)

    I saw this tonight ago, this was re-watch, I only seen once before and I enjoyed then it, I thought it was really good.

    The second watch this time, I loved the movie even more then my last watch.

    I loved the open scenes from the movie, the movie really dose try to grab in as fast and it can and I loved the fact it dose not take long for thing to happen as the movies goes on.

    There were some great decent scenes in this movie, I wouldn't say there scary but there a lot fun to watch.

    Some parts of the movie were chesses at times, I loved those scenes and there some really funny moment that made laugh.

    The graveyard scene went over the top with Rain, how much rain fell in 3 minutes, to fill that hole.

    Near the end the story got bit predictable and I knew were the story was going, it okay, some effect at end, did not look as good as early effects in the movie.

    7 out of 10

    Kill List (2011) last night for first time, I just could not get into the movie at all, the leads actor just got annoying.

    I not really big fan of Hitman movies, there kind of bore me, then, I so bored at 45 min mark, not horror actually happen.

    There okay deaths but nothing to gory, the normal hit man stuff and they after hour of that, he finally get to some horror part of the movie.

    Some scenes felt they drag on far long!

    Which I thought decent, I could not care less at the point of the movie.

    4 out of 10,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    B]Patrick (2013)[/B]

    I saw Patrick (1978) early November for first time and I thought it was really good, it was slow burner, it was creepy and it had decent scare's in that movie.

    (I even seen the sequel/remake or spin off or what ever what to call it. the Patrick vive ancora (1980) Which I had mixed feeling for.

    Everything that I liked about the first movie, well in this movie it was total the opposite it, there were few new scene add here and there, it felt like the same movie all over, almost scene from scene remake.

    From the class breaks to the burning hands and the death were all the same even down to last scarce scene in movie (In original that scared the hell out me) This movie this went into silliness and none of the scenes didn't have the same effects

    I did not like the person who played Patrick, he did not fit role at all, Patrick in (1978) was much more creepy with his eyes and didn't need some really red eyes effects, which was not scary

    (Old Patrick

    Creepy ones, this remake no were near this!)

    There are far to many fake jumps scenes , there about 7 in one scenes, one after another, I was bored, saw everyone one them coming.

    The acting was decent but not great!

    4 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Altered (2006)

    I have seen this once before, years ago, I really enjoyed on my first watch but on my second watch I felt a bit different.

    I didn't enjoyed as much as my last watch but this time I bloody LOVED IT!

    I loved the effects in this movie, they were outstanding, I really enjoyed the story was nice and dark and there were some rally good tense scenes in this movie, that never falls flat.

    I liked how Alien looked looked and really enjoyed some of Gore effect in this movie.

    I wasn't big fan of last scene of movie, it didn't really fit in with the rest of the movie.

    The acting was decent from cast but some poor acting in a few scenes.

    Great movie! 8 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Proxy (2013)

    This movie nasty opening, with lady who heavy pregnant and his mugged by some person in hooded, who really wanted her unborn baby dead.

    Then Esther wakes up in the hospital and find out her unborn baby is dead, you might think you feel sorry for,

    As the moves goes learn, ( all the women in this movie are Messed up) As learn, start of the movie, was not want seemed.

    First hour is about Esther , who first feel sorry for until the curve and then she become friends with another women in group Melanie

    So Esther gets closer to her but is hurt by her lies, so she does something really unforgivable.

    There some slow parts in the movie, about hour into, I love the slow motion scene, .

    Melanie take center stage of the next hour and lead to ending moment, which may surprise people.

    I enjoyed, until very last scene a abrupt ending

    However this really a horror movie, it felt more like very dark drama , with some blood moments here and there.

    6/7 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    I forgot that I also saw My little eye (2002) I didn't like it 2 out of 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭Tindie

    Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)

    Well , This is re-watch, (first movie I seen Netfilx.)

    I have only seen this once before and I thought it was great, I still do.

    The second watch dose have same impacts but still A lot of fun.

    I loved the way started, I think it was mock of TCM remake, and I loved the plot
    of the movie.

    There were some very funny jokes in this movie , that worked really well , well made me laugh
    out a loud few times.

    The deaths scenes in this movie were great, some of the deaths scene were gory then others
    however all the deaths were really amusing

    The acting in this movie was really good and found everyone to be very funny.

    8 out of 10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,013 ✭✭✭✭jaykhunter

    Good stuff! I've only seen this film once and loved it. They're making a sequel so looking forward to that :)
