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Reach for the sky...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    dave id say its 4, i see all the times on liquid motion website have changed as well, ive sent an email and a text and il let you know for definite..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Cheers, I suppose it all depends on the tide. 4 would be much better. Home after for a rest and then out for a couple of pints to celebrate

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    high tide is after 6 sometime.. hopefully we wont be walking down the river.. be a bit annoying after spending 4 months learning to swim.. also wont get much help from tide going out in theory anyway hope im completely wrong

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    28th june..5-600 swim ish, did get out for that swim in the end but a bit late so got caught by the tide going out .. did 2 half loops of the 750 loop kind of , as it felt like if we went out to the furthest bouy itd be a tough swim back in.. water was too shallow in some spots to swim properly too.. anyway it was important to do something, with lilipoo working late and bog this week there has been no continuity to what im doing at all..

    29th 27k cycle.. got a text to see did i want to join someone early in the morning for a spin, hamstrings were ( and still are ) awful tight and i knew itd be too fast for me but if i didnt go with him i wouldnt go on my own..
    he tore off from the start..surprisingly i didnt find it too bad and was still going strong at the end when he was running out of gas.. regret it now though, legs in bits,

    saturday night in galway getting hammered so nothing done sunday, probably going to leave it today as well.. legs too tight afraid il do damage..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    tuesday 2nd july
    5.6k run .. horrible run, deliberately slow slow slow, but just didnt have any want to do it, work all the way out and back, hopefully the effects of saturdays beer causing it..

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    woody1 wrote: »
    tuesday 2nd july
    5.6k run .. horrible run, deliberately slow slow slow, but just didnt have any want to do it, work all the way out and back, hopefully the effects of saturdays beer causing it..
    Sometimes the first run after a few days break is horrible.
    Tomorrow will be better. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    ah yeah, wasnt going to run today but i think il do a quick half hour bike run just to banish the memory of yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    3rd july 13 8k bike 1k run
    short bike , changed the tyres to the new superfast tyres as the 2 year old is calling them.. are they superfast.. eh dunno.. be easier to tell at the weekend.. il have to be careful with them on the roads round here..couldnt believe how flimsy they were in comparison to the gatorskins and even some other cheapo tyres i have
    quick run.. just to stretch legs
    so tomorrow its into the pool with the kids and wife for a quick dip, hopefully can jump in the jacuzzi and thats it til saturday then..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Good stuff. Looks like we are going to have decent weather, may get the factor 50

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    yeah its looking good thank god.. still a bit wary of taking the forecast for granted but the day before and after are promised good as well so we should be ok... have to dig out the sunblock alright..
    il be hanging round transition and or registration with a blue boards running top on me ( and more than likely 2 small kids somewhere close to hand ).. easiest way of being identifiable i think.. tall thin bloke just in case theres any other boards tops.. make sure to say hi if you see me..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Will keep and eye out for ya alright. I will be the one with the red specialized bike looking nervous and probably getting sick:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    4th july 13... swim with the kids..about 8 lengths 200m ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    this is strange.. race not on til 4, so all day to think about it...
    anyway targets for today

    swim.. nice easy and comfortable.. if feeling good try to push on a bit around halfway or from the second bridge on..

    bike.. idealy to be under 40.. 39,59 will do me.. if not then as close to that as possible.. from what i can gather we are with the wind on our way out so try to make up time there and slog it out then from the turn around back .. im terrible at cycling into the wind

    run.. under 25.. simple as that..
    i expect transition 1 to be slow.. as i take an age to get the wetsuit off and ive not practiced taking it off quickly..

    if all that comes together il be happy enough.. if i can catch better half on her run back and run in with her all the better...

    itd be nice to be competitive with redfacedave but his swimming is far better than mine so hel be halfway up the road on the bike by the time i get out of the water...

    best of luck with it dave... see you before the race sometime hopefully

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Looking forward to it. See you over there. Long day ahead

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    hmmmm 1.27
    16 swim no shock there
    40.25 bike
    27 and a bit run !!
    happy -- yes and no..
    bit more detail later

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Looks good to me woody.. Well done :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    so swim goes off 45 minutes late or thereabouts.. am i i thought theyd do something like that as i had fair idea thered be no water in the river at 4 .. in truth there was feck all more at 4.45 ..what annoys me is that they treat the competitors like idiots and have the race briefing on time and then leave us waiting 45 minutes in wetsuits whilst they are clearly stalling for time..i knew it would start late, but i didnt appreciate being left waiting like an idiot.. i think it wouldve been better to announce straight away that the swim would be late.. treat people like adults please..
    fair to say there was steam coming out my ears by the time we finally got into the water..
    let pretty much everyone in in front of us ( me and brother in law ) didnt hear the "hooter " i think they should go back to whatever toy shop they got that in and get a refund..
    anyway swimmers in front are going and we get going when we eventually realise that we're starting.. swim was good for me..never under bother with breathing.. caught the bottom a few times with my hand..tried to push on a bit from after the second bridge but didnt seem to be going any faster for it.. big thank you to the 2 backstrokers that managed to swim across me.. one twice in the space of 30 seconds..
    got out of the water.. stopped for a second cos the guy in front of me did ..then got wetsuit off quick enough and a 1.40 something transition which wasnt bad off and out on the bike...
    have to go move some cows ( not mine ) back to finish this later ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    so i had left a red towel on the seat of my bike to make it easier to find in transition turns out when your almost last out of the water it isnt too hard to find your bike :D
    decent transition and onto the bike .. used elastics to hold shoes up on bike but they were too short and broke the minute i put my foot on the first shoe so i had to go fishing around for the second shoe, kind of half got it and got going.. 2 minutes later the same shoe came off the pedal and is only half on my foot , so to make sure it didnt fall onto the road i slowed it down and got it on properly back clipped in and off again, properly.. i enjoyed the cycle .didnt really find it windy at all .. 90 percent of it on the bars, was passed by one guy early on but passed him back later, i was passing all the way out and back, slowish turnaround as the girl in front of me had a bit of a freak out going round the cone but got going again quick enough.. spent most of the cycle in the 30s and very rarely lower than high 20s so i was fairly happy that itd be a decent time, had no stopwatch i was just guaging it of the actual time i got on the bike, got held up by a car on the way back in, belted thru the arch around the corner and a perfect dismount off the shoes and running.. 40.25.. the course is long so im happy enough, id be happier sub 40..but fluting round with shoes and that car probably cost me that .. and thats fixable stuff, if i had stopwatch going too id have known to push a bit harder at times.. id feel a bit better about spending on a better bike now that i can see that at least theres some progression happening.. not that thats going to happen for a while.. 3 minute improvement on 2011 which was a standalone cycle too..

    second transition.. knocked lilipoos bike which was racked beside mine, put it back, took longer to get shoes on than i wouldve liked, elastic laces are probably better than greepers for shorter distance like this ..

    got running
    eventually legs fine , lungs fine, bad bad stomach cramp right up under my ribs which didnt go til about the halfway point, so slow jog down to halfway any time i sped up it got worse , going up the little hill was torture, but i think the downhill run to halfway loosened things out a bit and i was grand from the turnaround on, was a bit wary of really opening up but i could run freely , at the turn at the park i lifted it another bit and then at murphys which is across the river from the finish i totally opened up and strided in.. 27 minute run.. without the cramps id say sub 25 easily.. but you cant legislate for things like that..

    so im happy ish with the swim, i couldnt do a length in february and i was never worried about speed just forward progress, and thats how it worked out.. il be looking to get 3 minutes off that for next year..

    bike .. content, i enjoyed the cycle, it was nice to be looking at 32s and 36s on the speedo instead of 28s and 29s but theres more to be got there even just the bit lost from messing with that shoe..i couldve pushed more on the way back at times but was content to be over 30 and wanted to save the legs

    run... not overly happy..considering i ran 21 something a few weeks ago, but it wasnt because of tiredness that i couldnt speed up,.. on a better day without the cramp i wouldve been under 1.25 for the whole thing which id be happy with..

    overall .. despite my giving out about the late start everything else went well, next door neighbour won his age group and was high up overall, one of club members was done for drafting and went from 2nd to 4th , i saw most of the front runners coming back as i was cycling out and i didnt see any blatant drafting.. but then i wasnt looking for 10 metres between them either but i didnt see any wheel sucking going on at all.. in fairness at the briefing they had said they were going to clamp down hard and the draft bikes were more visible this year than any other year ive done..

    didnt catch lilipoo.. she passed me going back not long after the halfway point on the run but id have to do some serious sprinting to get her and she ran faster than me for the distance anyway ...fair play to her..

    having a look at the calendar now to see wheres next, preferably my side of the country and we can leave the kids with my parents and both do it.. sprint next week in swinford but im having a break for the week so thats not a runner..

    general plan now is to get running training back to normal and have a lash at the marathon in october .. but if theres a triathlon or club events on in the meantime that suits il happily give it a lash but i wont be training specifically for it..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Great report Woody. Very true with regards the mess of a start time

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    big thanks to all the marshalls and support and the guards on the route.. a lot of club members gave up their own chance to take part in order to marshall or help out in general, so fair play to ye.. and all the local support.. im a blow in , im only 10 years living here but i was surprised at how many knew me on the run and were shouting encouragement...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    back to it.. 750 swim in callow lake foxford.. for Humbert sprint tri on saturday which i have decided to enter.. on the doorstep..30 euro .. savage weather.. couldnt not do it..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    swinford sprint

    1.31 something
    24 swim ( yes 24 ! ) last out of the water, lake so no current to help.. few other 24s,23,22s so its not as disastrous as it sounds,
    36 bike.. the opposite situation.. flying on the bike ( for me ) even had to stop to fix the speedo magnet so couldve been a bit faster
    26 run.. hard run up a hill.. got tummy cramps again, for the next one il take a gel at the end of the bike to see if that makes it any better.. i know i can run a lot quicker than this...
    transitions in the 1.30s, second one couldve been faster but i fell with the bike on the way to rack !!!! on grass thank god...

    so when you come out of the water last and end up a third of the way further up the field i think you have to be happy...ish .. a lot of work needed on swimming but thats for another day..

    edit .. 4 were taken out of the swim so technically i wasnt the worst swimmer there :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Well done. The swim will come

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Great work there woody. Mightily impressed with the bike!! Well, well done :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Well done woody, great bike!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    cheers lads.. bike course 19k so not as impressive as it sounds but im still happy with it.. if i did a 36 minute 20k id be seriously happy but im happy with the progression thats happening this year at least it shows that might be possible..

    15th july 13.. 100m o/w swim .. no wetsuit.. trying something for a short race thats on in a few weeks.. short swim so might not bother with the wetsuit, its certainly feasible but much harder work, especially kicking.. itl depend on what the weather is like on the day !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    5.8k run.. at 9pm and still too hot to run..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    sat 20th july

    ow swimming on aran.. 28 degrees at least.. like being in the canaries..had to get off the beach the sand was so hot.. went across the width of the beach a couple of times to make it feel like i was doing something useful..
    90m across.. at a rough guess about 250 done altogether..
    a lot of hydrating done after.. nothing done since.. still not 100 % recovered..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    so marathon training day 1... 5.8k run..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Best of luck with the marathon training
