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2013: Can I improve??



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Tuesday 22/01/13.
    Did 5 mile run at Easy pace (E). Time: 39:51. Avg pace per mile =7:58
    Nothing much to report from this run apart from the cold. Today, I went after work and couldn't wait for it to be over as it was bitter out there and after a mile or so I thought my hands were going to fall off. Normally the cold doesn't bother me at must have been below freezing. So I stopped after 1 lap near my house and ran inside and grabbed a pair of gloves. Normally I hate layers on when running but today I had to wear the layers. With the cold and extra layers on, couldn't really get into any sense of rhythm. And just as I was almost finished the run, I trod on a pile of dog litter, so I would have been better off staying indoors this evening. There is dog litter everywhere on the pavements near where I live, nobody seems to notice or care. I'm not anti-dogs or pets (as long as they don't chase me when I'm out running!!) but owners should take more responsibility in cleaning up the litter. I'm sure though its a problem in every town in the country and not just near me. Ok, enough, don't want to stray off topic....

    On the positive side of things, managed to get through the whole of chapter 3 of Jack Daniel's book. Some of his terminology starting to fall into place...Seems my current VDOT is around 54...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Wednesday 23/01/13
    1 mile warm up/down
    Then 10 x 400m at fast pace on running track.
    Somehow forgot to bring my Garmin with me so was unable to record the splits.
    Not sure what was wrong with me on Monday night (probably post-race tiredness) but tonight felt like a different person. Breezed through these laps (maybe having no watch was a blessing)....felt some slight pain in hamstring near the end, but nothing major.
    It was very cold out there but didn't seem to affect me as much as yesterday...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Interesting comment regarding the hamstring. Running an easy run late on Tuesday, my hamstring felt tight. Must be the cold affecting it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Interesting comment regarding the hamstring. Running an easy run late on Tuesday, my hamstring felt tight. Must be the cold affecting it.

    Snap, never had slightest issue with hammers. Past weeks cold weather they've been very sore at times.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    my hamstring's been playing up since November, went to the physio twice with it, but the advice I got I could given myself. Probably the cold weather doesn't help. It always seems worse when I'm sprinting, but I'm not doing much of that these days:D
    Its manageable as long as I keep to the warm up and stretch routine..

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Have been really short of time during the past few days. I'm really struggling at the moment with the work/training/and family balance. Feels like I'm not devoting enough time to the latter...having said that I'm lucky in that my other half is always supportive of my running..sure it gets me out from under her feet as she says herself;)...

    So, I'm just trying to play catch-up here with the training log...below is a brief synopsis of the last few days training:

    Thursday 24/01/2013: this was a rest day. I usually talk this day off from any form of exercise. Its seems like a blur now so can't even remember what I did on Thursday, apart from work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Friday 25/01/2013.
    Ran 3.6 miles at tempo pace (time: 24:35, avg pace/mile: 6:50)
    Then ran 2.3 miles at easy pace (time 16:46, avg pace: 7:20)

    Took day off work. Planned to get a good quality running session in today, as I knew that over the weekend I wouldn't have the time to spend too long at the running.

    I wanted to do a slightly longer run on Friday, plan was to a 7 mile sort-of tempo run. Wanted to start off at 7 minute pace and increase it gradually so that I was down to 6 minute pace by the end. A little optimistic maybe but at the time I felt I would be able to do it.The route that I chose was a 7 mile loop around the town, some of it out in the country...quite boring in places, as you can see for a mile ahead, as the road is so straight. Its also mainly flat.
    Took in a 1 mile warm up around the local estates. The day was rough enough, and had been raining all morning, but by the time I set off it had eased somewhat. However it was still windy enough, and cold, so I decided to add an extra layer. I would regret this later.
    After the warm-up I felt fine, really strong actually. Ran mile 1 in 6min58", and felt fine, however as soon as I left the town after the start of mile 2, the wind suddenly seemed to get much stronger, and I was now running directly into the teeth of it. During mile 2 I was having to work much harder to keep up to the intended 6min 50 pace, and although I achieved it, I knew I was consuming to much energy. During mile 3, I was flat out trying to run 6min 40 pace, and was still running into the wind. At this stage I decided to run as far as 3.5 miles and then turn around and go back, so that the wind was at my back on the way home...kind of cheating but at least a Plan B. Disappointingly, what happened instead was that I came to an abrupt halt after only 3.6 miles. My brain managed to convince my legs to throw in the towel...I was a bit annoyed with myself for giving up really, I was defeated by the elements, and I need to deal with the wind better than I have been.

    I walked for a minute or two after stopping and then ran home at easy pace for the rest of the run...on the way home it started pouring again so I was like a drowned rat by the time I got home

    Having to many layers on when going for a long run is not a good idea either, as it just slows you down, and gets uncomfortable the further you go so that won't be happening again...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Saturday 26/01/2013
    Ran 5 miles at easy pace in 39:50 @ avg pace of 7:58.
    Was in Wexford for the weekend, managed to get up early and sneak in an early morning run on a 5 mile route that I've done many times before. It was again cold and windy, but running at this easy pace negated the effects of the elements. However, there are 3 serious climbs on this route, so even at easy pace, I felt like I was working hard. Thankfully the last mile is nearly all downhill...
    I was glad to get this one over, and get back inside a warm house...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Sunday 27/01/2013
    1 mile warm up/warm down
    Then pyramid intervals at 'fast' pace of 0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m and 0.5m, and then in reverse. 2 minute jog in between each interval.

    Felt pretty exhausted on Sunday, had a late night on Saturday night at a family gathering....and didn't get to bed until 3am..definitely a day's rest called for right?
    Drove the 2 hour journey back to base in the afternoon, but by evening time I had changed my mind and decided to get in a speed session. I should have really listened to my body....
    The conditions were again tough, with more wind and rain, but on these short intervals, they weren't really a factor.
    For the first 3 intervals were fine and I felt like I was running strong and fast. I was running splits of 5:11, 5:20, 5:22...but then once I started the longer intervals, I emptied quickly and the effects of the 2 hour drive and lack of sleep started to kick in. My times for the later splits were 5:39 and 6:02 before my Garmin screen went blank. Thanks again Garmin...
    I had to do the reverse splits without any clock but I was struggling so I doubt if my times were good. You really have to look after yourself properly with proper diet, sleep etc to do these kind of workouts. And don't try them if you feel crap

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Summary of last week's training:
    21/01/13 to 27/01/13
    Monday 21st (am): 4mile @ recovery pace (8min40/mile). Monday 14th (pm): 10 x 300metres on running track @ fast pace with 1 minute break in between. 1mile warm up/down
    Tues 22nd: 5mile @ easy pace (8 min/mile)
    Wed 23rd: 1 mile warm up/warm down. Then 10 x 400 metres @ fast pace
    Thurs 24th: rest
    Friday 25th: 3.6mile run at tempo pace (avg 6min50/mile) then 2.3mile at easy pace (avg 7min:20/mile)
    Sat 26th: 5m at easy pace (avg 7min:58/mile)
    Sun 27th: 1 mile warm up/warm down. Then 'Pyramid' intervals of 0.1m up to 0.5m and then in reverse at 5k pace with 2 min jog in between each workout

    Total Mileage for week: approx 33mile

    I definitely felt tired in my sessions towards the end of last week, hoping to listen to my body more in the coming weeks!
    I'm looking at Feb 10th as my next race.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Monday 28/01/2013
    AM: 4.5 mile run at easy pace (8 min per mile)...another wet and windy day...conditions pretty bad...legs felt quite 'jarred-up' on this run following last nights speed session.
    PM: Decided to give tonight's group session on the running track a miss...I was falling asleep at my desk in the afternoon, so I knew that I needed a rest. Doing the session wouldn't have done anything for me....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Tuesday 29/01/2013
    1 mile warm up/down
    Then 7 x 0.4 mile @5k pace with a 2-2.30 minute jog in between
    Split times: 6:02, 5:41, 5:39, 5:36, 5:33, 5:47; 5:33
    I wanted to do a good quality speed session today, with slightly longer intervals than what I've done in the past couple of weeks.
    Again weather was lousy and strong wind prevalent as I warmed up. Did this session in an industrial estate, its walker/runner friendly with lots of footpaths and usually not busy. There is a straight of about 0.4mile from one end of the industrial estate to the other, so I choose this as my interval length. Its pretty flat also...
    Took off with the wind at my back, and didn't over-do it on the first interval. Every second interval was ran straight into the wind, which was tough, though I actually preformed better running into the wind for the most part (if you can believe my Garmin, that is)...I made sure to take a good long break/recovery jog in between...
    after about 6 intervals, I was really tiring, so I stopped at 7 intervals (my original plan was to try 10 intervals)...
    I think this was a good workout, though I felt empty after it. Won't be doing anything too strenuous tonight

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 321 ✭✭EMPM

    Hi sb78,

    I was just reading through your log today, some good improvment in you half marathon times last year, well done. And congrats on a pb in the 10k last week.

    I am also aiming for a similar time for the Enniscorthy 10k and also looking to improve my half marathon times this year, so ill be following with interest.

    What would you say is your key session for the week that helps you improve your speed.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    EMPM wrote: »
    Hi sb78,

    I was just reading through your log today, some good improvment in you half marathon times last year, well done. And congrats on a pb in the 10k last week.

    I am also aiming for a similar time for the Enniscorthy 10k and also looking to improve my half marathon times this year, so ill be following with interest.

    What would you say is your key session for the week that helps you improve your speed.

    cheers for that, I think Enniscorthy is going to be a tougher course than the one I did in the flat midlands. If I remember correctly, there's a couple of steep hills right?

    your's is a hard question to answer. At the moment for my 10k training I am currently doing shorter speed intervals (e.g. 300m 400m etc) with the group and for the next few weeks I hope to try and get one session a week on my own where I try longer speed intervals (e.g. of 1k or so). Then at the weekend I will try and get in one longer run of 7 miles or so at tempo pace. Every other run that I do is just slow, steady work at easy or recovery pace, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not following any book at the moment as haven't got the time, but am slowly trying to work through Jack Daniels Running formula book.

    I guess any of the group sessions that I do on track I would consider them to be important. I'm lucky to have great facilities nearby...we have a running coach as well and at the moment we are doing shorter length intervals, but over time we will be doing longer intervals and tempo runs, which coincides with the race calendar where the shorter races are usually at the start of the year and the half marathons and marathons in the latter half....
    It sounds obvious but when you're running with other people, you will always push yourself a bit harder. I find that if I'm training everyday on my own I won't put the same effort in. I'm not the best trainer on my own and much prefer the herd or competitions/races. I sometimes give up on my own when it gets too hard. I have never done this in a group or a race. When I'm training in a group, my times are usually better than training on my own.
    I think for me the improvement last year came about from joining a club, and although its not a running club as such, I am usually able to train with people that are better than me, and even though at the time it made me feel slow when I couldn't keep up with these guys, when it came to the races, it had brought me on a lot.
    I think once I finish Daniel's book I'll be able to answer you better..anyway hope this helps
    P.S. I'm gonna have to start finding time to read the other logs on here...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,142 ✭✭✭rom

    sb78 wrote: »
    Friday 25/01/2013.
    Ran 3.6 miles at tempo pace (time: 24:35, avg pace/mile: 6:50)
    Then ran 2.3 miles at easy pace (time 16:46, avg pace: 7:20)
    Tempo pace too slow and easy pace too fast ? Shouldn't tempo be close to lactic threshold (10k pace) and shouldn't your easy runs be aerobic and closer to LSR pace ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    rom wrote: »
    Tempo pace too slow and easy pace too fast ? Shouldn't tempo be close to lactic threshold (10k pace) and shouldn't your easy runs be aerobic and closer to LSR pace ?

    the tempo pace wasnt meant to be that slow, it was just that the run didn't work out as planned (see my entry for that day).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,142 ✭✭✭rom

    sb78 wrote: »
    the tempo pace wasnt meant to be that slow, it was just that the run didn't work out as planned (see my entry for that day).
    I see. Didn't read the whole thing :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 321 ✭✭EMPM

    sb78 wrote: »
    cheers for that, I think Enniscorthy is going to be a tougher course than the one I did in the flat midlands. If I remember correctly, there's a couple of steep hills right?

    your's is a hard question to answer. At the moment for my 10k training I am currently doing shorter speed intervals (e.g. 300m 400m etc) with the group and for the next few weeks I hope to try and get one session a week on my own where I try longer speed intervals (e.g. of 1k or so). Then at the weekend I will try and get in one longer run of 7 miles or so at tempo pace. Every other run that I do is just slow, steady work at easy or recovery pace, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not following any book at the moment as haven't got the time, but am slowly trying to work through Jack Daniels Running formula book.

    I guess any of the group sessions that I do on track I would consider them to be important. I'm lucky to have great facilities nearby...we have a running coach as well and at the moment we are doing shorter length intervals, but over time we will be doing longer intervals and tempo runs, which coincides with the race calendar where the shorter races are usually at the start of the year and the half marathons and marathons in the latter half....
    It sounds obvious but when you're running with other people, you will always push yourself a bit harder. I find that if I'm training everyday on my own I won't put the same effort in. I'm not the best trainer on my own and much prefer the herd or competitions/races. I sometimes give up on my own when it gets too hard. I have never done this in a group or a race. When I'm training in a group, my times are usually better than training on my own.
    I think for me the improvement last year came about from joining a club, and although its not a running club as such, I am usually able to train with people that are better than me, and even though at the time it made me feel slow when I couldn't keep up with these guys, when it came to the races, it had brought me on a lot.
    I think once I finish Daniel's book I'll be able to answer you better..anyway hope this helps
    P.S. I'm gonna have to start finding time to read the other logs on here...

    Thanks sb78, i am currently doing similar stuff, short & long intervals and some tempo runs, but it is all done on my own, i agree that when running with other people you tend to push that bit harder. There are clubs near me but the times they train does not suit me, might see if i fit in their sessions somehow. Hoping to go under 40 in Enniscorthy.

    Im also not following a plan but have just ordered P&D's book so look forward to getting stuck into that. I enjoy reading the logs, lots of great info and advice in them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    rom wrote: »
    I see. Didn't read the whole thing :)

    not a problem...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    EMPM wrote: »
    Thanks sb78, i am currently doing similar stuff, short & long intervals and some tempo runs, but it is all done on my own, i agree that when running with other people you tend to push that bit harder. There are clubs near me but the times they train does not suit me, might see if i fit in their sessions somehow. Hoping to go under 40 in Enniscorthy.

    Im also not following a plan but have just ordered P&D's book so look forward to getting stuck into that. I enjoy reading the logs, lots of great info and advice in them.

    you're welcome...good luck with the race...
    I also try and do some core work but at the moment I am only doing this once a week. I'd like to do more but very hard to find time to do more than that on top of 6 runs a week...once you come in from your training session you just want to relax, and eat!!
    yeah the clubs don't suit everyone and you have to give up your time in the evenings, and weekends. when do you train? is there anyone at work you could train with that's fast?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Wednesday 30/01/2013
    3 miles at easy pace (8:02 per mile)
    I only managed 3 miles this morning as was short of time. Awful wind out there and got caught in a heavy shower. Had to work a bit harder than intended and legs felt a bit sore after yesterday's speedwork. I have another session tonight, at the moment I am thinking how will I get through it? I can't miss it as I missed monday's session...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 321 ✭✭EMPM

    sb78 wrote: »
    you're welcome...good luck with the race...
    I also try and do some core work but at the moment I am only doing this once a week. I'd like to do more but very hard to find time to do more than that on top of 6 runs a week...once you come in from your training session you just want to relax, and eat!!
    yeah the clubs don't suit everyone and you have to give up your time in the evenings, and weekends. when do you train? is there anyone at work you could train with that's fast?

    I really neglect to do any core work and i know its silly, but im generally wrecked after sessions.

    During the week i train at lunch time, evenings are not a good time, two small kids to entertain :). There is a guy who is much faster than me who chat with and i see out training, i had often considered asking him but i suppose i dont want hold him up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Wednesday 30/01/2013 PM (group work on Track Session)
    1 mile warm up/down...
    Then 6 x 3 minute intervals at about 85% effort (not all out sprints), with 2 minute recovery jog in between.

    for the first interval, the pace was a bit slow, but after that I managed to run the remaining 5 intervals at around 5 min 40 pace.
    I was happy enough with that. I felt strong, though it helped having others around me to keep the pace up. When you're in a group, you can take turns setting the pace for these intervals..

    Tomorrow rest day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Thursday 31/01/2013: Rest day.

    Friday 01/02/2013: 5.5 mile run at easy pace (avg pace 7:45/mile). Met a friend on Thursday night for a few drinks, it turned out to be more than a few, so today's run was never going to be anything more than easy pace. Felt pretty tired throughout, and found it hard to pace the miles...Planning on a longer run tomorrow so hope that all the alcohol is gone by then!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Saturday 02/02/2013. 8 mile run in 53min56. Avg pace per mile = 6:44. I am slightly guessing at the distance as my Garmin watch let me down again after 5 miles, but the time is correct, as I had a back-up stopwatch with me as well!!
    Today was my longer run day. It was a beautiful day as I set out, made for running, hardly any breeze out, if a little cold.. What a change to what we had last week.
    I planned to start off slowly for this run and increase the pace gradually, starting off at 7:10 mile pace and increasing it by 10 seconds for each mile, as best I could with an unreliable Garmin 110 for company.
    Up until mile 6 my pacing was perfect. I was really enjoying the run. But once the watch stopped working, it knocked me out of my stride a little bit. Once you come to rely on these GPS watches, you can't do without them. I didn't know how fast I was going, so I couldn't increase the pace in a controlled manner. I think also that Thursday night's drinks were still in my system as well, as I was struggling for the last 2 miles or so, and I was blowing hard at the finish. Still, I was happy enough overall with the run.

    I'm realizing now that the Garmin Forerunner 110, although a revelation for me at first, is pretty limited. Also, if you google Garmin Forerunner 110 +"review" a lot of purchasers report a bug/fault whereby the screen goes blank during an activity. That's what happens mine, and although you can reset it, it will happen again and again. I would not recommend this watch, based on my experiences with it, but I think Garmin have stopped making this model now. At the moment mine's totally unreliable. I would have expected to get more than 8 months out of it.
    Still, I can't complain too much, as I received mine as a gift.

    When I got home from my run around lunchtime, my wife was getting ready to leave for Dublin for the afternoon. I didn't need a second invitation to park up in front of the t.v, leaving me to an afternoon filled with football, horse-racing and rugby. What more could a man ask for?

    P.S. I would be grateful if anyone could recommend a decent sportswatch that won't break the bank. I will try to bring it back to where it was purchased, but I won't be in Dublin for a few weeks. Anyway, not sure that I want to put up with this Forerunner 110 for much longer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,142 ✭✭✭rom

    Regarding the watch having a problem. You don't need to know the shop. You ring garmin directly then post the watch reg post to them with the case number. You will prob get it back in 5-7 working days. I had to do this with a 110 and a 610 in 2012 and it worked fine. Only send the watch and not charger etc

    If you go back to the store they will just do the same thing for you. 5 or 6 euro to reg post it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    rom wrote: »
    Regarding the watch having a problem. You don't need to know the shop. You ring garmin directly then post the watch reg post to them with the case number. You will prob get it back in 5-7 working days. I had to do this with a 110 and a 610 in 2012 and it worked fine. Only send the watch and not charger etc

    If you go back to the store they will just do the same thing for you. 5 or 6 euro to reg post it.

    Many thanks ROM, saves me the trip to Dublin. Part of me is thinking I should upgrade to a better model (especially for the interval training), just wish they were a bit cheaper. I will probably keep the old Forerunner 110 for longer runs (once its repaired/replaced)..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Sunday 03/02/2013
    5 mile easy pace run at 07:50 pace per mile.
    Not much to report about this run.
    Legs felt tired from yesterday. I just wanted to get this one over with...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Summary of last week's training:
    28/01/13 to 03/02/13
    Monday 28th: 4.5 mile run at easy pace (8 min per mile)
    Tues 29th: 1 mile warm up/down. Then intervals of 7 x 0.4 mile @5k pace with a 2-2.30 minute jog in between
    Split times: 6:02, 5:41, 5:39, 5:36, 5:33, 5:47; 5:33
    Wed 30th: 1 mile warm up/warm down. Then 6 x 3 minute intervals at 85% effort, with 2 minute recovery jog in between.
    Intervals times achieved: around 5:40 min pace/mile
    Thurs 31st: rest
    Friday 1st Feb: 5.5 mile run at easy pace (avg pace 7:45/mile)
    Sat 2nd: 8 mile 'tempo' run..average pace 6:44/mile
    Sun 3rd: 5 mile run at easy pace. Avg pace: 7:50/mile

    Total Mileage for week: approx 32 miles. My mileage is still quite low, but I feel its adequate for where I'm at now.

    The plan for next week will be to do 2 fast sessions on Monday and Wednesday, as usual.
    Tuesday, Friday and Saturday will be just easy sessions, with a rest day on Thursday.
    Then Enniscorthy 10km race on Sunday.
    Obvious advice, but I think its important to have a couple of easy days before a race.

    Its unfortunate for me that I'm probably going to have to do the 10km race without my Garmin watch, so its going to be hard for me to pace myself. I'll have an ordinary stopwatch but it wont be the same. I am going to send my Garmin back for repair this week.

    After next week, I am thinking about start increasing my longer weekend run, with a view to half marathon races in the spring.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 140 ✭✭sb78

    Monday 04/02/2012
    1 mile warm up/down. Then 6 x 1km intervals at 6min per mile km splits were: 6:00, 6:02, 5:52, 6:00, 6:02, and 6:09.

    Decided to do a longer set of intervals today as I wanted to see how I'd cope with race-like pace. For the first interval I struggled to get up to the required pace, but once I reached it, I felt fine at this pace for the remaining intervals. I always felt like I had something up my sleeve apart from the last interval, which was was a struggle as it was up a steep hill and into a strong wind!

    Sometimes on Monday's I'll do a session on my own in the morning and then a group session in the evening, but today I decided not to do the evening group session on the running track. Reason for that is that the Monday class is more focused towards sprinting, which is not really what I'm about...I'm a bit slow off the block, and with recent hamstring issues, its not for me. Also, this week I have a race on Sunday so probably should take it a bit easier...

    Also, today I did a 'master reset' of my Garmin Forerunner 110.
    Stupidly, I didn't know that you could do this, but luckily for me I stumbled upon it on the Garmin website. Since I rebooted it, its become much more responsive, and didn't play up at all on my run today. I know this might not be a solution for the long term, but as long as it gets me through my race on Sunday, I don't mind. As soon as it plays up again, I'll send it back for repair...

    Just in case, here's how to reboot your Forerunner 110 (similar to other models):
    Turn off the device by holding down the 'light key' for a few seconds when the watch is in a stationary position, then hit 'yes when prompted.
    Then press and hold down both 'Start/Stop' and 'Lap/Reset' buttons at the same time.
    Next, press and hold down the 'Light' button (three buttons should now be pressed down).
    You should then hear a beep, once you hear it release the 'Start/Stop' button.
    Soon, you should hear a second beep, once you hear this second beep release the 'Lap/Reset' button.
    Finally release the 'Light' button. It should reboot a few seconds later.
