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Time to get serious!

  • 15-01-2013 10:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭

    Last log was a fail IMO but here we go again.

    The stats:

    Height- 5'11
    Weight- 74.5kg
    BF- 12%.

    The short term goals (by end of March- start of April).:


    Current- 150kg 1RM.
    Goal- 180kg 1RM.


    Current- 110kg 1RM.
    Goal- 150kg 1RM.


    Current- 70kg 1RM.
    Goal- 100kg 1RM.

    They're ambitious but I'll keep striving towards them. Main goal outside doing heavy weights is to pile on the weight. I'll stop then when I feel I've hit a weight I like the most. But for now, see food diet is in full operation!

    So Monday;

    Deadlifts 5x5:


    Rows 5x5:

    @70kg x2.

    Good mornings (First tome doing these):

    All 5 sets @ 40kg.

    Bicep curls w/ EZ bar:

    25kg x 8
    25kg x 8
    30kg x 8

    Seated curls:

    14kg x 8
    14kg x 8
    14kg x 8

    Single Arm curl on cable-cross:

    15kg x 8
    15kg x 8
    20kg x 8

    Night work usually involves a lot of stretching. Must develope a programme for it:rolleyes:

    So here we go.........



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Tuesday 15th Jan.

    Squats 5x5:


    Walking Lunges (About a 90ft round walk)

    Set 1:

    Set 2:
    22kg DB in either hand.

    Set 3:
    22kg DB in either hand.

    Set 4:

    Set 5:
    22kg in either hand.

    Leg curls
    25kg x 8
    25kg x 8
    25kg x 8

    The rest was just a super set of leg press and extension. God am I feeling it now. Best leg work out I've done since starting training seriously!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Wednesday 16th Jan

    Bench Press 5x5


    Then did 3 reps on 70kg.

    Chest Press

    3 sets- think weight was about 60kg for all 3.

    DB Press

    22kg x 5
    22kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    26kg x 5

    Had no more in the tank. Onto triceps!

    Pull Downs w/ rope

    30 x 8
    30 x 8
    35 x 8

    Pull Downs w/ bar

    40 x 8
    40 x 8
    40 x 8

    Skull Crushers w/ EZ bar

    15kg inc. bar x 20
    15kg x 20
    15kg x 20

    Don't know whether you count the press and behind movements for skull crushers as one or two reps. Anyway I do them 5 pressing, 5 behind, 5 press and finish on 5 behind.

    Didn't consume as much food today cause of a late start! Started back on creatine today so will see how that goes for me. Did about 90ft of lunges today showing a mate how much weighted ones really hurt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Today is off to a better start food wise. Currently on about 100grams of protein. Still have a shake and 2 chicken breasts left to eat with some vege at the least.

    Did a good half hour of stretching this morn. Bringing me up to an hour in two days. Gym later- will be back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Thursday 17th Jan

    Pull ups

    BW x 8
    BW x 8
    BW x 8
    BW x 8
    BW+5kg x 8

    Lat Pull Downs

    35 x 8
    35 x 8
    45 x 8
    45 x 8
    45 x 8

    Seated Row

    50 x 8
    70 x 8
    70 x 8
    90 x 8

    Bent Over Row

    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    60kg x 5

    Bent Over Two Arm Long Bar Row

    40kg x 8
    55kg x 8
    65kg x 8
    65kg x 8
    70kg x 8

    Also banged out 50 press ups in a row before collapsing in a bundle :P Went on to do 10 more and heading home outta the weather.

    Good news! Weight has gone up half a kg also. So I'm 75kg now. Starting to notice a real bit of width now to my lats and back. Look less of a tall skinny idiot now:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Friday Jan 18th

    Shoulder day, at last!

    DB Press 5x5

    22kg x 5
    22kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    26kg x 5

    Reverse Flyes

    12kg x 8
    12kg x 8
    12kg x 8
    16kg x 5

    Side Lateral Raises

    8kg x 8
    8kg x 8
    8kg x 8

    OH Press w/ Barbell

    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    35kg x 5
    35kg x 4 and a bit :P

    I was surprised I could press the 26's cause I haven't had a proper sleep in over a week! Fatigue is killing me now. I fear I still won't sleep tonight which is causing me to miss the gain train :P

    Bench Press

    60kg x 6
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 7
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 7
    50kg x 8

    Stupid Ab work <20mins

    Trying to put a lot more volume into my bench to try improve it to get to my goal. On a side note- I weighed myself this morning and I'm still at 75kg which is good and means that when I weighed myself Thursday evening it wasn't down to all the food I consumed that day.

    With the sudden gains I'm still lean. Sub 13% BF I would guess. Looks as though my bulk is going well! :D

    Weekend off, report back Monday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Monday 21st Jan

    Meh.. concentration wasn't there at all. In a slump all day. Diet was sh!t due to a late wake up and a trip into Limerick.

    DB Press 5x5

    26kg x 5
    26kg x 5
    26kg x 5
    Sadly my gym doesn't have 28kg DB soo..
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 5

    Bench Press

    60kg x 5
    60kg x 6
    60kg x 7
    65kg x 5
    75kg x 3

    DB Flyes

    22kg x 8
    22kg x 8
    22kg x 8

    Was happy with the DB press, not so much with the bench as I really suffered. Must find a way to get the weight up.

    Triceps next, but all the gear I wanted was used so I did deadlifts.


    70kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    130x 5
    140 x 0 zero nadda! Grrrrrrrrr!

    Triceps became open!

    Tricep Pulldowns w/bar

    30 x 8
    35 x 8
    40 x 8
    45 x 8
    50 x 8

    Skull Crushers

    Did the press part at 25kg and the extension part at 15kg. 2 bars pre-setup.

    Set 1.
    25kg x 8
    15kg x 8

    Set 2.
    25kg x 8
    15kg x 8

    Set 3.
    25kg x 8
    15kg x 8

    Then pottered off to Limerick. Happy with the DB press but the rest was average. Really pissed off I missed the 140kg deadlift. Stuck in a rut now where I can lift heavy sometimes, but not all the time.

    Something has to be done. Also weighed in a 77kg in the gym but I fear that's wrong. 2kg over 2 days? I doubt it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Supposed to have a session later today but I might skip it and consider it my 'rest' day but still do some home work outs. Bodyweight squats, press ups, dips and whatever else I think will be of someway beneficial. I'd like to be fresh tomorrow because I'm really going to push to break my deadlift PB.

    Either way, will report back later..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Went ahead with working out from home today so;

    Tuesday 22nd Jan.

    Did a circuit consisting of;

    Dips from bed x 10
    Press ups x 10
    Crunhes x 10

    1 set was a round of each. I did 10. Happy with my press ups lately. Not something I particularly train so 100 is good.

    After these I did 5 sets of close grip press ups with the idea of attacking the triceps a bit more. One thing I do notice is my triceps are starting to surpass my biceps and make my arms look weird. That'll have to be sorted.

    Took a footstep towards drinking skimmed milk. I like it. So I'll keep it up.

    Proper gym session tomorrow- either legs/back&biceps. I'll see how I feel tomorrow :P

    Weight said 77kg again today so maybe it is right? Either way I'm not getting fat cause my abs are coming out well, so I don't care.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Wednesday 23rd Jan.

    Spent way to o long in the gym doing way too much to know benefit.. Annoyed!

    DB Press

    24kg x 8
    24kg x 8
    24kg x 8
    26kg x 5
    26kg x 5

    On the 26kg I let the DB's rest on my chest properly before pressing just to gain some more strength.

    Bench Press

    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    Deadlift 10 x 10


    This is my attempt to add more volume to the deadlift to hopefully allow me to lift more at the top end.

    Lat Pull Down

    35 x 8
    40 x 8
    45 x 8
    50 x 8

    V Bar Pull Down

    45 x 8
    45 x 8
    50 x 8

    SuperSet of Alternate DB curls w/10kg DB's and Narrow Grip EZ Curls @ 25kg

    3 sets x 10 reps each.

    Barbell Curls (Not in the squat rack;) )

    20kg x 5
    25kg x 5
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 5

    The next twenty minutes were showing a mate how my technique of squatting was better than his :pac: In the end he agreed :P

    Pull Ups
    x 10 unweighted.
    x 8 +5kg
    x 8 +5kg
    x 5 +10kg
    Got 13 then unweighted. Basically went to failure.

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much exercises done today which isn't like me lately. Most positive thing I can take out of today is the 10 x 10 deadlifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭imnothim

    i 10x10'd deadlifts about a year ago and its not pleasant, but if your doing it without crippling yourself then hats off dude. what % of your max is it?
    the doms are shocking too, i done them on fridays and it would take the weekend nearly for them to clear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    imnothim wrote: »
    i 10x10'd deadlifts about a year ago and its not pleasant, but if your doing it without crippling yourself then hats off dude. what % of your max is it?
    the doms are shocking too, i done them on fridays and it would take the weekend nearly for them to clear.

    They started easy, but thats because I was fresh I'd say. Well my max is 150kg is my max and 100kg is what I got up to so unless my maths is wrong its 66% of my 1 RM. Trying to add volume to up that though so my plan is do my deads 5x5 on maybe a Monday/Tuesday which is heavy weight and a few 1RM's for the day and then a lighter day then later in the week.

    The doms in the glutes/hammy are murderous, definitely have to postpone leg day till Friday I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Thursday 24th Jan.


    DB Press 5x5

    22kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    24kg x 5
    26kg x 5
    26kg x 5

    Tried the 30kg's (because for some reason my gym doesn't have 28kg DB's) but couldn't get the initial lift. Probably could have done a few reps if I had a spotter...


    I'll start with the Side Shrugs w/DB's.

    35kg x 10
    35kg x 10
    35kg x 10
    42kg x 10
    42kg x 10

    Rear Shrugs on Bicep Curl Machine

    80 x 10
    90 x 10
    100 x 10
    110 x 10
    120 x 10

    Front Shrugs w/Barbell

    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    75kg x 10

    No need to say my traps are feeling it! I hold for a second or so at the top of the rep so I get a good squeeze.

    Supersetted front raises and side lateral raises then. Nothing special just 3 sets of ten on each with 8kg DB.

    Chin Ups


    5 sets of 5

    Weighted +5kg

    5 sets of 5


    5 sets of 5

    Good session. Traps are sore enough I must say. Glad I left legs til tomorrow that's for sure. Happy out with my chin ups, they're slowly getting better. Don't think I've done a total of 75 reps of chin ups in a session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Friday 25th Jan.



    Just the norm I suppose...


    70kg x 6
    75kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    Box Squats w/Safety Bar

    80kg x 8
    80kg x 8
    80kg x 8
    80kg x 8
    80kg x 8

    Walking Lunges w/ 22kg DB

    First 30 ft carrying weight, second and third without.
    4 sets of that.
    So 120ft of lunges with weight, 240ft without.

    Chin Ups
    5 x 5 unweighted
    5 x 5 +5kg
    5 x 5 unweighted

    Press Ups

    10 x 10 with a 5 second hold on the 10th rep.

    DB Chest Press

    24kg x 5 x 2
    26kg x 5 x 2
    30kg x 5

    Just a few one rep max' on bench press to finish at 70kg.

    And off home..

    A mate is pretty serious into his leg training lately and is struggling to find the motivation/energy to work other body parts so I stay with him to work through. I don't go catabolic, have a scoop of weigh after my working sets that gets me to home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Mon 28th Jan

    Weight slightly increased. Nothing to shout home about.

    DB Press 6 x 5

    24kg x 6
    24kg x 6
    26kg x 6
    26kg x 6
    30kg x 6 (pressed this without a spotter for the first time)

    I'm on a good day me thinks..

    Bench Press

    50kg x 8
    60kg x 6
    65kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    75kg x 3

    Yes quite a good day indeed ;)

    Chest Press Machine

    90 x 8
    150 x 8
    150 x 8

    This is in pounds so I couldn't be arsed checking...

    Chin ups

    5 x 5 +5kg

    Weighted Dips

    BW + 5kg x 5 reps x 3 sets.

    Tricep Extension supersetted w/ Close grip bench

    Bench: 40kg x 8
    Machine:120 x 8

    Bench: 40kg x 8
    Machine: 120 x 8

    Bench: 50kg x 8
    Machine: 170 x 8

    Skull Crushers

    15kg x 20
    15kg x 20
    15kg x 20

    10 press and 10 extensions per set.

    Mate was hanging about and I said I'd do some 'light' deadlifting with him. Which faired on as pushing for a new PB.


    70kg x 3
    100kg x 3
    120kg x 1
    130kg x 1
    140 x 1
    150 x 0


    Chin Ups

    5 x 5 unweighted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Feeling a slight pain in my shoulder during some stretching tonight. Balls, my shoulder better hold up now training is in the right direction..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Wednesday 30th Jan

    Bent Over Rows w/ Deadlift

    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8

    Superset of Lat Pulldown and Chin ups

    40 x 8 and 5 chins
    40 x 8 and 5 chins
    50 x 8 and 5 chins
    50 x 8 and 5 chins
    55 x 8 and 5 chins

    V Bar Rows

    45kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 8
    85kg x 6.5:P

    Alternate DB Curls

    12kg x 20
    12kg x 20
    12kg x 20

    Barbell Curls

    20kg x 8
    20kg x 8
    25kg x 8

    Bicep Curl Machine- One Arm

    15 x 8
    20 x 8
    20 x 8

    Bicep Curl Machine

    35 x 8
    35 x 8
    35 x 8

    What I tend to do here is one full rep and a quarter rep and count that as one.

    Cable Crossover Bicep Curl

    15 x 8
    15 x 8
    15 x 8

    EZ Bar Curls

    15kg x 10
    15kg x 10
    15kg x 10

    Me and a mate do these together- both pick up the bar, one of us does a set then the other, always holding the bar throughout- BUUUUUUUUUURN!!!!!!

    20min Ab Work

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Think I'll embark on Smolov Jnr next week and see what results I get..

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    Have you ever thought about doing powerlifting?
    What i would is make up an 8 week program working on percentages. An example is you current and goals below. only max out once every 1 or 2 months. Your deadlift current 1RM is 150kg so aim for 155 or 160 or 165kgwhat ever you feel you will acheive over an 8 week program. So you base 160kg as 100%
    Week1 = 50% = 80kg x 3 sets x 10reps
    Week2 = 60% = 96kg x 3 sets x 10reps
    week3 = 65% = 104kg x 3sets x 10reps (just round it to the closest disc so it will be 105kg)
    week4 = 72% = 115.2kg x 3sets x 8reps
    week5 = 77% = 121.6kg x 3sets x 8reps
    week6 = 82% = 131.2kg x 3sets x 6reps
    week7 = 89% = 142.4kg x 3sets x 6reps
    last week8 = 94% = 150kg x 2sets x 2reps then add on a bit for only 1RM aim for 155kg then 157.5, 160.... bang, have you felt like getting sick after a heavy lift?? If not push HARDER
    You need more bicep work and you need about 150 + grams of protein. what shakes you on.?
    Thats an example, i would add in some in front squats and leg presses.
    little things i picked up training with strongmen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    divito06 wrote: »
    Have you ever thought about doing powerlifting?
    What i would is make up an 8 week program working on percentages. An example is you current and goals below. only max out once every 1 or 2 months. Your deadlift current 1RM is 150kg so aim for 155 or 160 or 165kgwhat ever you feel you will acheive over an 8 week program. So you base 160kg as 100%
    Week1 = 50% = 80kg x 3 sets x 10reps
    Week2 = 60% = 96kg x 3 sets x 10reps
    week3 = 65% = 104kg x 3sets x 10reps (just round it to the closest disc so it will be 105kg)
    week4 = 72% = 115.2kg x 3sets x 8reps
    week5 = 77% = 121.6kg x 3sets x 8reps
    week6 = 82% = 131.2kg x 3sets x 6reps
    week7 = 89% = 142.4kg x 3sets x 6reps
    last week8 = 94% = 150kg x 2sets x 2reps then add on a bit for only 1RM aim for 155kg then 157.5, 160.... bang, have you felt like getting sick after a heavy lift?? If not push HARDER
    Thats an example, i would add in some in front squats and leg presses.
    little things i picked up training with strongmen.

    Cheers for that. I'll definitely have to follow some programme because I haven't made any progress for a while now. Very frustrating!

    Was deadlifting today with a mate and a chap who asked could he join in. Got all the way up to 140kg x 3 no problem. Weight flew up as if it was nothing. Lads were saying you're good for another 20kg at that lift. Added 5kg and the bar wouldn't come off the floor, glued!

    Going to try smolov junior and see how that goes for me and then will definitely look into a good powerlifting programme. Having a few problems with squats and a poor hip and clicky/sore knee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    Focus on training more and 2 people is plenty training more means you cool down to much. When i was stated deadlifting i'd feel great like i could lift everything but thats what ****s you up cause you i added tomuch weight, when that happens it could knock you back a week.

    You need to make your own programme not buy one. Not every exercise suits everyone.
    are you squating it right? How long you been training?
    I can help you make up a programme if you like. ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Friday 1st Feb.


    130kg x 4
    135kg x 4
    137.5kg x 4
    140kg x 4
    145 x 0

    Bench Press

    60kg x 5
    60kg x 6
    60kg x 7
    70kg x 5
    75kg x 3

    Shoulder Press

    22kg x 8
    22kg x 8
    24kg x 8
    24kg x 8
    26kg x 5

    Clean & Press

    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    45kg x 5

    Just supersetted rear and front shrugs. Then front and side raises.

    20min Ab Work

    Went for a 1km walk too..

    Got roped into playing an u21 football match after which we lost. Not by much considering they're a level ahead.

    Tired. This ones for you the drifter, good night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    divito06 wrote: »
    Focus on training more and 2 people is plenty training more means you cool down to much. When i was stated deadlifting i'd feel great like i could lift everything but thats what ****s you up cause you i added tomuch weight, when that happens it could knock you back a week.

    You need to make your own programme not buy one. Not every exercise suits everyone.
    are you squating it right? How long you been training?
    I can help you make up a programme if you like. ?

    Well I wasn't going to turn him away as he did a favour for my mate a few months back. I don't feel like I've added too much weight that has become detrimental so as I may get injured or anything. I do feel that once I sort out a good programme for myself I'll progress fine.

    Squatting fine, forms good just the hip pain when I go to power back up becomes uncomfortable. Thought it might have been the belt squeezing a nerve or something but went without it and felt the same thing.

    I suppose I've been pissing about the gym since I was 16. Training got serious only last September and only since December I sorted out my diet and added more compound movements to my programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    You need to set a weight for an exercise and stick to it, i see your all over the place on the weight.
    Your hitting your limit all the time and given your muscles a chance to recover properly, it could take 48 hours to repair.

    So you play u21, your only learning. send me more info tmoro on your training all the exerices you do & how many days and your diet, shakes etc ill get you a solid programme that will shock the muscle every 8 weeks with the programme changing all the time but still doing the same workout. you should be able to gain 2 pounds a week min.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    divito06 wrote: »
    You need to set a weight for an exercise and stick to it, i see your all over the place on the weight.
    Your hitting your limit all the time and given your muscles a chance to recover properly, it could take 48 hours to repair.

    So you play u21, your only learning. send me more info tmoro on your training all the exerices you do & how many days and your diet, shakes etc ill get you a solid programme that will shock the muscle every 8 weeks with the programme changing all the time but still doing the same workout. you should be able to gain 2 pounds a week min.

    To be fair, I do like to work on my limit at most things. I have a perception in my head that the closer I work to my limit the stronger I'll get. Which worked for me up to a point.

    So are you saying work towards reps and sets on one weight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    Im saying you need to follow a programme that tells you monday bench % what ever is 70 x 3set x 6rep so you have to do in nomatter if you cant, put dont pass it if you can, thats the whole idea of a programme.

    Your preparing your muscle for next week like building up to the 1RM. Thats why your not gaining. If you dont give it time to recover it wont let you push hard. ill chat you later.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    So this is what the calculator spewed out for me for Smolov Jr.

    Week 1

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 52.5
    Wednesday 7 5 55
    Friday 8 4 60
    Saturday 10 3 62.5
    Week 2

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 55
    Wednesday 7 5 57.5
    Friday 8 4 62.5
    Saturday 10 3 65
    Week 3

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 57.5
    Wednesday 7 5 60
    Friday 8 4 65
    Saturday 10 3 67.5

    Results from elsewhere say its a good programme so I'll give it a lash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    So this is what the calculator spewed out for me for Smolov Jr.

    Week 1

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 52.5
    Wednesday 7 5 55
    Friday 8 4 60
    Saturday 10 3 62.5
    Week 2

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 55
    Wednesday 7 5 57.5
    Friday 8 4 62.5
    Saturday 10 3 65
    Week 3

    Sets Reps Weight
    Monday 6 6 57.5
    Wednesday 7 5 60
    Friday 8 4 65
    Saturday 10 3 67.5

    Results from elsewhere say its a good programme so I'll give it a lash.

    Looks good. Whats you working on with programme bench. Squat. Deadlift . i don't think you can use it on all in the same programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Mon 4th Feb

    Smolov Bench

    6 x 6 @ 52.5kg

    DB Press

    22kg x 10
    24kg x 10
    26kg x 10
    30kg x 5

    DB Flyes

    18kg x 8
    18kg x 8
    20kg x 8

    Could go heavier but flyes have a tendency to open up my rotator cuff and cause injury.. or so I'm told.

    20min Ab Work and 12min walk

    Tricep Pushdowns w/ Bigger V Bar

    60 x 8
    65 x 8
    70 x 8
    65 x 8
    60 x 8

    Pushdowns w/ Rope

    30 x 8
    30 x 8
    35 x 8

    Fcukin' dying a slow death today so it was quite a lazy workout. Ick, food:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    divito06 wrote: »
    Looks good. Whats you working on with programme bench. Squat. Deadlift . i don't think you can use it on all in the same programme.

    Oh I know, if this goes well, I'll give the squat smolov programme a lash.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭divito06

    Mon 4th Feb

    Smolov Bench

    6 x 6 @ 52.5kg

    DB Press

    22kg x 10
    24kg x 10
    26kg x 10
    30kg x 5

    DB Flyes

    18kg x 8
    18kg x 8
    20kg x 8

    Could go heavier but flyes have a tendency to open up my rotator cuff and cause injury.. or so I'm told.

    20min Ab Work and 12min walk

    Tricep Pushdowns w/ Bigger V Bar

    60 x 8
    65 x 8
    70 x 8
    65 x 8
    60 x 8

    Pushdowns w/ Rope

    30 x 8
    30 x 8
    35 x 8

    Fcukin' dying a slow death today so it was quite a lazy workout. Ick, food:(

    No fear of ya. Once you can keep your technique 100% or close bang up the weight.

    Sick from drink.??
    Training can be easy or hard it all depends what you want out of it. I push my self hard i burst blood vessels in my eyes all the time.
