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The year of no excuses..



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Week so far:

    Club Swim. Finally back to these, first with new coach, fourth coached session ever. This was tough but I took a lot from it. My kick is non existent as I know. My stroke was actually considerably better by the end of the session. Lots to work with.

    Run, club session. Main set was 12*200m uphill repeats. Very warm evening, ran with the first group. Good session.

    Swim. About 1400m I think. Joined the NAC last week, was very much between pools earlier this year (even though I was injured mostly). Really glad I joined. Did plenty of kick work, worked on some of the drills too

    Legs were tired from all this kick work and uphill intervals- didn't know what was happening :). 8km easy at 4:49 pace.

    One hour in the park. 8 minute efforts on the TT bike with rest in between. 29.5 km/h average, but obviously lots of breaks included so happy enough with the faster segments.
    Five minute run off the bike when I got home

    Swim. 200m w/u, 150m kicks, 200m swim kicking like mental, 200m pull. Did another 50m kick. This (the kicking) was a lot better than Monday i.e. actually making the 25 metres without dying. 200m normal. A few 100s then home.

    I was only working 3 days, but cycled each day so 60km commuted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs


    Bike. Just over an hour, 30km/h average. Lovely, scorching morning. Got held up in traffic a bit in the final 5 minutes or so.

    Swim. First o/w swim in a long long time. Out to Seapoint with the mermaid gf, who I insisted on bringing. Must admit to finding it a bit odd to be back in the open water but fun nonetheless. No idea of distance. Concentrated on my new non-windmill stroke.

    Went to Longitude on Sunday and skipped the run beforehand. Did a lot of core work in the morning though so not a total waste.


    Run. Easy short run in AM. 5.5km at 4:53 pace.

    Swim. Club swim, again focusing on stroke and lots of kicking. Kick's improved a bit from last week, can get through the sets now. Lots of work to do.


    Run. Another club session. Main set was 12 * 400m. Did 10 of these between 1.24 and 1.26. First was 1.17, last 1.21. Got a fierce drenching in the warm up which made for a nice damp session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Edited Monday for short run I forgot.


    Another short run off the bike when I got home. Legs like lead starting, but did 6km , 4:37 min pace. Felt fine once I got going.

    First race in a long time is Kilkenny sprint on Saturday, so I've been keeping things short. Bit of a swim tomorrow evening and that'll be it I'd say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Best of luck in Kilkenny. Wish is was getting back racing myself, so remember how lucky you are when it starts hurting :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Swim, took it easy enough, in the pool 45 minutes or so.


    Kilkenny Sprint Triathlon 750m / 24 km / 5.1 km Overall 58 / 589
    Swim 162 / 589 14:06

    This went about as well as could be expected. Wasn't comfortable at all for the first few hundred metres, but pulled myself together, concentrated on my stroke and enjoyed the swim as it went on. If I do this race next year I'll be aiming much higher than this.

    T1. I'm a total spacer sometimes and I went to the wrong rack for my bike, probably cost me up to a minute. Oh well! Very long T1 in this race anyway, it's a good jog from the water.

    Bike 61/589 44:52 24km

    Bike was a bit long at 24km. Felt quite comfortable. 2 people passed me that I didn't pass back. Passed maybe 40/50. Some lady didn't indicate and panicked at the last rounabout, nearly killed two lads in front of me and I had to stop the bike as I nearly rode into the back of her car. No complaints other than that :)

    Run 28 / 589 20:50 5.1 km

    This was advertised as 5.3km but I had 5.1km on the watch. Nobody passed me, I must have passed 60 odd people, many doing the Olympic though I 'd say. Pace drifted from 4:00 pace back to 4:06 or so average. Would have liked this to be closer to 20 minutes but I ran consistlently and picked up a bit for the last 600m or so.

    Overall, first tri in two years(!), happy with how it went, looking forward to the next one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Nice work Basster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs


    Swim. Coach had us doing lots of kicking. Then a short break, then lots of kicking. Tired after this one


    Run. Main set 5km time trial. 7/8 minute jog either side of this, strides, various other exercises.
    Time trial itself was 5.15 km, 19:44, 3:50 min/km. Went OK.

    Wrecked getting to the pool. Late night on Saturday after the race starting to hurt as the week went on. Did 1500m done. A struggle. Took Thursday off completely.

    Felt better after the rest day. 8.6 km in 39:03, 4:33 min /km.


    Had to pick up the bike in the am, cost me some time. Plan was easy spin, and that's what it was.

    1 hr 45 45.17 km. Bit traffic-y, that's my excuse for the very easy pace.

    1500m. Joining the NAC was the best thing I've ever done for my swimming, other than going to coached sessions. Love the NAC. Even if I still swim terribly.

    Run. 11km in 53:42, 4:53 min/km. Easy run today, went well. Ran with a club mate who I bumped into for the final bit

    Commuted 3 days only for 60km on the bike. And yes I log these easy, useless kms :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs


    Bike, 1 hr
    Away Sunday night but got back to do an hour in the park. Load of 4 minute efforts, with 1/2 minute rests. 31 km/h average but was taking it easy on the rests. Brutal night's sleep the night before!


    Warm up, 7/8 mins, main set; 200m flat out, 4*800m hitting them in 2.58, finished with flat out 200m, 7/8 minute jog warm down

    Really didn't feel like this, felt pretty tired but it went well. Starting to get a feel for things, 1550m, short distance around these parts but this swim will soon be 2k+ hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Easy run, 39:14, 8.10km at 4:51 pace

    Swim. Bit of a disaster this one, got to the pool late and only squeezed in 1000m. Commuted 2.5 days on the bike, 50km


    Race - King Of Greystones. (40th/200)*

    *I've seen about five drafts at this stage, I'm anywhere between 38th and 41st!

    Missing out on 4.5 months of swimming in early season is never good.
    However the upside is that when you're back racing, you can really appreciate being back, and this was that sort of day. Lovely race in smashing weather. The swim was long and against the current apparently, but still hugely enjoyable. So much nicer than a brown river.

    Swim 22:32. This is a horrific time, but looking back a lot of the top ten were taking 17, 18, 19 minutes so not so bad. Long and against the current. Water was lovely, but I was tired exiting.

    Bike 33:26. The bike was a bit short, I couldn't open another poster's Garmin file to verify distance though :o. Two laps, with a fair drag on the way out. Plenty of little roundabouts but fine course, well marshalled.

    Run 5.05 km in 20:47, 4:07 pace. The 20 minute tri 5k is still alluding me and it really shouldn't be. This time was probably in the top 10 or 15 for all that's worth. Few nice little kicks uphill sapped the legs. Final two kms were in 4:04 and 3:59 so was settling as it went on.

    All in all happy enough with the day, but crucially really enjoyed it. Club mate / sometime work colleague podiumed so it was nice to see how it should be done! The Mermaid was supposed to accompany me but took a knock in the week coming up to it so unfortunately missed out. I always get perverse enjoyment from her kicking my ass (and most people's) on the swim.

    Swim. Club swim, focussing on kick and stroke. This session always gives plenty of food for thought and I can feel slow improvements. Kind of annoys me that I seem to swim better here than when alone, need to figure out how to increase the quality of my own sessions.
    At one stage we had to count strokes and I completely forgot to breathe. Mental. And when I did breathe my rhythm was all over the place. I guess in musical terms this would be a cross-rhythm of sorts, breathing
    every three but counting every two. Would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. :rolleyes:

    Swim 1600m

    I've a few days off work so hope to get a few good sessions in. Running later on.
    200m warm up, 10*25 kick, 200m easy, trying to kick. 4*100 off 2:00 to 2:05 (hitting these in 2:10 last week). 400m then 150m cool down.
    Kick kick kick, keep legs up, thumbs rubbing off sides, high elbows, stay relaxed, ankles loose, kick from hips, relax, always relax...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Basster wrote: »
    At one stage we had to count strokes and I completely forgot to breathe. Mental. And when I did breathe my rhythm was all over the place. I guess in musical terms this would be a cross-rhythm of sorts, breathing
    every three but counting every two. Would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. :rolleyes:

    Breathing every 3 strokes and counting every right arm confused the crap out of me on the first 25 as well. Completely muddled and miscounted, but got it right second time round. So you can relax knowing you weren't alone on that one!!

    Nice work in Greystones. :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Last week continued

    Tuesday PM Run. Legs were a bit tired after morning swim but I warmed up after a while. 300s (closer to 320m) off 62 secs or so. Did 12 if I remember correctly with 100m recovery. Good session.

    Wednesday Bike, 2hr 29min. Easy spin in NCD, but plenty of bumps. 64.5 km
    Thursday Run, had to cut this short, 7km at 4:54 pace.
    Friday Bike, 1 hr, 30 km/h
    Saturday, Sunday, Monday; probable future inlaw wedding miles away. Hoped to make it back for Monday swim but didn't. Annoyed that I only made two swims last week, Thurday PM was supposed to be swimming.

    Tuesday AM Bike. Easy bike to get the legs working again, 31.5 km at 28 km/h.
    PM Run. Hill session. 12*200m uphill repeats with 200m jog back. 7/8 min jog either side of this.
    Wednesday Run, 12 km at 4:54 easy.
    Thursday Swim, 1450m. Left my kickboard at the pool last week and as expected it wasn't there today. So no kickwork. But made sure I was kicking as I swam, which was mostly 100s and 200s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Saturday Bike 2hr 37, 70.5km. Wrecked on Friday so took it off, long bike went well. Out by Blanch>Ashbourne>Curragha>Ratoath>Clonee>Lucan>lap of the park>home. Not the most scenic spin. Impromptu family thing in the evening meant postponed run.

    Sunday Swim 1700m. 200m w/u, 10*25m kick. 4*100, hitting these in 1.52 to 2.02. Then 3*250m and 100m to finish. Feel a bit better each week.

    Run 8km progression dealie. 2k at 4:52 pace, 2k at 4:32 pace, 2k at 3:54 and 2k at 4:37 to cool down. Nice session on an old cinder tracker in the Meath countryside, sound of combines humming away in the background and little else.

    Patchy week as I missed two days but got seven sessions in so happy enough. Decent weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Strange week, complete loss of mojo for a 3 days but then it came back. Perhaps I was tired. Very strange though.

    Swim. Stroke work, kicks, lots of technique stuff. Got a bit cranky though because I was hungry and I was sharing my lane with a windmill-stroke type who nearly took my head off a few times. The slow lane is fun though, never know who'll turn up.
    Run. 5k time trial. Usual 7/8 minute jog either side of it. Some strides etc.
    Numbers were very low (end of term effectively) and I knew I'd have nobody to chase. It was Jones counted (sp?) and bang on 5km.
    I got around in 18:55 so nabbed a 14 second PB. Happy with this.

    Run. Felt fine in work but legs were tired by evening as I sit on my a$$ all day. 7.54 km in 37:42. 5 min/km pace. Made strangely hard work of this.

    Swim. 45 minutes, only around 100m of kickwork, rest was mostly 100s. 'Where's Mojo?' I asked, but nobody had seen him.

    Another cr@p run. 7.5 km at 4:57 pace. Skipped the evening swim, wrecked. Getting worried

    Things picked up a small bit. 200m w/u, 10*25 kick. 4*100 of 1:54, 2:00, 2:00, 2:08. 2*200m easy, 100m pull, 100m easy. Still feeling tired but form was much better than Friday.

    71 mins, 31.7km/h, 38.05km.
    Very windy out on the Trim Road but enjoyed this. Bit of a brainless session, 20km hard (33km/h ish), 5km easy (27.5km/h), 5km hard (36.6km/h), then 4km easy, 4km steady (33km/h) to home.

    Not too much time put in this week but it ended well, was honestly in the mood to sell my bikes Friday and Saturday. Not a good week leading up to a race next week but the TT will give me some confidence I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Commuted 3.5 days last week, 70km.
    By Monday my motivation was back and better than ever. I think I was a bit under-fuelled or something. In hindsight I had a lot on at the weekend and didn't eat very well at all. Now that's enough whining :)

    Swim. Usual Monday session of drills, kicks etc. My body feel much better than 6/7 weeks ago when starting and my kicking has improved. Everything has improved really, but it'll take a while and a lot of work to translate this into times. Enjoyed this session.

    Run, 8.5km, some hills.
    6.6 km at 4:26 pace, remainder at 4:45. Going to take it easy enough before Tri an Mhí on Saturday. Maybe a brick session and a decent swim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Nice to meet u today basster. That was a cold one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Likewise Eddie, and it sure was! It's rare that you feel warmer in the water. Well done again on a smashing result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Wednesday 50 minute brick thing, 40 minute bike, 10 minute run. Race on Saturday so keeping things short

    Thursday Swim, got to the pool late, only fit in around 1000m but got my kicks etc done. Felt great for a change but this was only to stay fresh for Sat.


    Tri an Mhi Sprint. 28/181 1:18:12

    Last race of the year and squeezed in a top 30 finish despite an unspectacular time.
    Got down nice an early and it was wet and windy. I don't get too cold easily but all the transition setup and briefing meant I was fairly shivering before getting into the water.

    Swim 65/181 18:22
    After the year I've had I'm just happy to get through swims. The water was lovely and warm and clear. It was choppy enough on the way out. Bit of OW training wouldn't have hurt I thought to myself. Felt good on the way back in and started to work harder. Aided by the current at this point. T1 uneventful.

    Bike 31/181. 36:09
    I needed to pee throughout the duration of the bike and sat up once or twice to relieve the pressure. Must have got my hydration wrong although I drank feck all in the lead up on purpose. Either way, this wouldn't have slowed me down too much, bike went OK but the time is slow for 19km. Made up a lot of places in the first 5km as bad swimmers tend to do, and fewer later on. One g1mp took my back wheel in the last few km (and made some reference to 'taking shelter' as he overtook me) but I made sure to go by him early on the run.
    Nice bike course, plenty of turns, few little bumps.

    Run 14/181 20:11

    My coach informed me after last week's TT that I look at my watch a lot, and he's right. Didn't look at my watch once as a result.
    My lower legs and feet were very cold indeed (led to a slow T2 as I honestly had no feeling in my feet getting them into my runners). Started slow but did a decent negative split. Finished kind of fresh. Splits 4:11, 4:06, 4:04, 3:56, 3:43.
    Best 5km off the bike this year by 30 seconds or so. Got a nice lift seeing the leading guys including Bambaata and BTH in particular (making a heroic return) working hard as it was an out-and-back run. Not often you get to see the front of a race.

    Overall I'm happy with this race and all things considered, happy with my (short) season. I'm seeing small but real improvements in my swim and that'll be my main focus for the winter. It's no fun being a lop-sided triathlete.

    And so ends by terribly-titled log, thanks for reading :D
