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Just What the Doctor Ordered!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭Hardonraging

    Like an at home one or in the gym? I have a few apps on my phone but nowhere I can really do it at home and I feel like an eejit doing burpees etc... in my gym. No real area for that stuff...
    What would you suggest? Thanks btw!

    I do mine in the gym , in the format of

    X-trainer - 6 mins
    Run - 5 mins
    Bike - 4 mins

    Reduce your times by 1 min as you go along, i.e. 5,4,3. 4,3,2. 3,2,1

    If you fancy you want to do a longer set start off with 7,6,5.

    The idea is to push your self, I'm not sure where that would given the equipment etc.. but give it a shot and see how you get on ..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 424 ✭✭TheBellJar

    Why don't you do some rowing intervals? I do 10x150m rows and time each set to try improve per session. For conditioning circuits, do a 10-15 min block of an upper body push, upper body pull and lower body and time how many rounds you get done. i.e. 5x KB Squats, 10x Push ups, 10x Inverted Rows

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Thanks for the advice!

    Think I'll do a mixture of the above and if the studio is free I can go in there and do some tabatha circuits with burpees etc...

    Will let ye know how I get on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Friday 8/2/12

    Cardio Mix today. Was tough to push myself through it all as I'm used to classes but I'm not the biggest cardio fan these days so I'm happy I did as much as I did.

    10 mins warm up jog on treadmill @9.5kph

    Tabata circuit (20secs on, 10secs off, twice) 2 rounds
    Mountain climbers
    Full burpees
    Knee press ups
    Sit ups

    HIIT (30secs on 10 off) x2 rounds
    High knees
    push ups
    Jumping jacks
    mountain climbers
    low plank

    Shuttle sprints want to improve my turning in football as I'm like a bull in a china shop...
    4 minutes of 30secs on, 15 seconds recovery

    Treadmill for 3 minutes
    30 secs sprint @15kph
    30secs recovery @9.5kph

    Stepper for 3 minutes
    30secs @level 12
    30secs @level 6

    X Trainer for 3 minutes
    30secs fast as I could
    30secs steady pace

    5 mins @9.5kph

    I was sweating buckets. Beautiful. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    On your lifting days how do you find doing the intervals before lifting? The odd time I do them I do them after lifting, before ab exercises & stretching - does the book say to do them before or is it personal preference?
    Also do you do warm-up sets? I hate warm-up sets, booooring :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    On your lifting days how do you find doing the intervals before lifting? The odd time I do them I do them after lifting, before ab exercises & stretching - does the book say to do them before or is it personal preference?
    Also do you do warm-up sets? I hate warm-up sets, booooring :D

    I'm a NROWL renegade.
    I.e. I basically don't follow everyguideline! :P

    I do intervals before as a warm up as I like to get my heart rate up before I start. I think it's personal preference tbh!

    No warm up sets here! I haven't time! I think if I was lifting heavier I would, but I'm not lifting too heavy so I prefer to do an extra set if I'm in the mood/have time. I do make sure I do plenty of warm up exercises, on top of what's recommended in the book. Some of these are strengthening in themselves.

    And plus, they are Booooooooorrrrring as hell. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    I'm a NROWL renegade.
    I.e. I basically don't follow everyguideline! :P

    I do intervals before as a warm up as I like to get my heart rate up before I start. I think it's personal preference tbh!

    No warm up sets here! I haven't time! I think if I was lifting heavier I would, but I'm not lifting too heavy so I prefer to do an extra set if I'm in the mood/have time. I do make sure I do plenty of warm up exercises, on top of what's recommended in the book. Some of these are strengthening in themselves.

    And plus, they are Booooooooorrrrring as hell. :cool:

    Great, thanks for that. I'll be joining you as a NROL Outlaw shortly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Saturday 9 February 2013

    5 minutes treadmill @9.5km
    5 minutes treadmill intervals 30secs@9.5km and 30secs @14km Last one at 15.5km

    Barbell front squat to push press
    15kg x 10 (x1)
    20kg x10 (x2) Stronger than last time I did these but still tough

    Alternating Sets x3
    Dumbell step ups
    8kg dumbbells x10 each side
    Dumbell one point row
    8kg dumbbells x10 each side Much stronger on these than last week. Happier with form on my arms too.

    Alternating Sets (x3)
    Static Lunge with rear foot elevated
    10kg dumbbells x10 each side Yay!!
    Push ups- knees on ground
    15 reps

    Alternating Sets x2
    Held for 60secs one foot up in the air, alternating every 30 secs
    Wood chops with cable
    15kg (x10 each side)


    Rest day tomorrow.
    Nice bar of chocolate as a treat tonight! :pac: Nom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Holy cow batman!!!

    I just realised I have one more workout left on stage two!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    It says do each workout four times.


    I like stage two!!!

    I'm just getting into my stage two groove!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Monday 11 February 2013

    5 minutes treadmill @9.5km
    5 minutes treadmill intervals 30secs@9.5km and 30secs @14.5km. last interval at 15km

    Barbell deadlift
    25kg x 10
    30kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10

    Alternating Sets x3
    Bulgarian Split squat with dumbbells
    10kg dumbbells x10 each side (Had to do these on a slightly higher bench and they felt off...or maybe I'm just stronger at them! :rolleyes:)

    Underhand lat pull down
    35kg x10
    40kg x10
    40kg x10

    Alternating Sets x3
    Reverse lunge with forward reach using step
    8kg dumbbells x10 each side (Again, think I was stronger on these. They actually felt too light on the legs, but the dumbbells were straining my wrists)

    Dumbbell prone Cuban snatch (on bench)
    4kg dumbbells x10.

    Alternating Sets x2
    Cobra x 45secs
    Swiss ball crunch x15
    Hanna side flexion x10 each side


    Still don't know whether to do another week on this stage or move on to stage three...Decisions!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Tuesday 12 February 2013

    Football: 60 minutes training

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    OK, I'm going to give my version of stage 3 a go and see how I feel. A lot of new exercises to me, but if I'm not 100% happy I may go back and do a revision on stage one and two for a week and then take it from there!

    Off to plan it out and hit the gym!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Ok this was tough! First one I had to finish up early!!! It took ages because I had to spend a lot of time practising the moves initially before adding the weights so hopefully it will be quicker the next time. Lot of new and difficult moves, managed ok with most but definitely room for progress!

    Wednesday 13/2/13

    Warm up- intervals on treadmill: 5 mins @ 9.5 kph
    30secs fast, 30 @9.5 for 5 minutes (fast speeds were 14,14.5,14,15,16 kph)

    NROWL Stage 3 workout a
    One armed dumbbell snatch
    5 each arm with 5kg dumbbell warm up

    1. 8kg each arm x6
    2. 9kg each arm x6
    3. 10kg each arm x6 (Think I'll start with the ten next time as the others weren't massively challenging)

    Alternating Sets
    dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift Serious balance required! Surprised myself though!
    1.8kg each leg x6 way too light
    2. 10kg each leg x6
    3. 10kg each leg x6

    Barbell bent over row
    1. 15kg x10
    2. 20kg x10
    3. 20kg x10

    Alternating Sets
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat So so so so so so hard! Dunno why exactly, I didn't think they would be! The second dumbbell really challenged me
    1. 10kg and 5kg x6 each arm: Too much weight for correct form.
    2. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm: still not great, but better form
    3. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm: definitely need more progress

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    1. 8kg x10
    2. 8kg x10
    3. 8kg x10

    Alternating sets Just did two rounds because I was f*cked!
    for 90 seconds: AMAZED I managed 90 seconds! Wahoooo!

    Reverse cable wood chops These were surprisingly awkward/tough
    10kg for the three sets. Tried 12 but form was dodgy

    Body weight matrix
    Oh good god. I though this would be fine. I was wrong. You're meant to do two rounds. That was simply not happening today. Had to take breaks mid round!!!! Disappointed but I can only improve. I'm going to blame yesterday's football for exhausting me legs :P

    24 squats
    12 lunges each leg
    12 lunge jumps each legs
    24 squat jumps

    Time: 2.54 seconds.
    I could have cried!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    90 sec plank? Fair play!
    the matrix thing is very like what I did in circuits today - legs screaming!

    Well done on tough workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    90 sec plank? Fair play!
    the matrix thing is very like what I did in circuits today - legs screaming!

    Well done on tough workout.

    Cheers! Yeah the blank was a personal triumph. The rest was dotted by examples of horrendous form, then slightly less horrendous form! :)

    Yeah the matrix was horrendous! I will get there though! Even if I do it once and then improve my time!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Well done on the plank!

    Sometimes I flip to Stage 3 and beyond in the NROLFW book, and then I get scared and close it quickly :D Fair play on doing a hard workout.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭daenerysstormborn3

    Do you find the DB single arm overhead squat really awkward or something? When I'm doing them I always feel like the DB between my legs is in the wrong position or something like that.

    Mega well done on your plank!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Do you find the DB single arm overhead squat really awkward or something? When I'm doing them I always feel like the DB between my legs is in the wrong position or something like that.

    Mega well done on your plank!

    Yeh just really weird and I felt very unaligned which is never good! I may try it with a heavier weight above my head and none in between? Dunno! Any tips anyone!!!

    And thanks on the plank! I'm delighted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Can't make football tonight so decided to go for a jog and see what I could do.

    I usually only do about a 4km block. That's usually grand but I wanted to push myself!

    I managed just over 8km without stopping!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    OK I just posted this in the nutrition forum. Really would love some help. My strength training is an entity on it's own but it is part of an overall objective of losing about 5-7 more pounds to get me into a comfortable BMI.

    And yet again, I'm stuck!
    I know I really need to take some of my own advice, but seriously frustrated and annoyed this week with ANOTHER STS! :(

    Just ticked off now because I just feel like I'm stuck again and I finally thought I had gotten into a good groove.

    Clearly not.

    I'd really appreciate if ye would have a look at my diet and see where I could make improvements. I've made huge changes to it in the past 5 or so months but maybe I'm missing something.

    My first instinct is maybe I need to up calories again? My net calories after exercise can be around the 1000 mark so maybe I need to increase.

    Scared of doing that though, especially because I have a weekend away next week.


    Here's my food diary, there's so much wisdom on here I'd love if someone can offer advice!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Saturday 16/2/13

    5 minute warm up jog @9.5
    Intervals- changed this up today to see could I go a bit longer so did
    1 minute @14kph
    1 minute @9.5kph
    1 minute@ 14.5 kph
    1 minute @9.5kph
    1 minute @15kph
    1 minute recovery @9kph

    Very happy with the one minute sprints

    NROWL Stage 3 Workout B

    Barbell romanian deadlift/bent over row 3 sets
    set1: 20kg x6
    set2: 25kg x6
    set3: 25kg x6

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Partial single leg squat from step
    Each leg x6 with a 5kg medicine ball for the craic :D
    Wide grip lat pull down
    sets 1,2,3 40kg x6

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Back extension hands behind head on swiss ball
    YTWL exercises on bench
    It said in the book to go very light with the weights so as there were no 3s I went with 2kg.
    I probably could have done with the 3kgs but these are tough enough and I'd rather have the form bang on.

    x6 each move in the sequence

    Core circuit alternating x3

    exercise ball crunch x10 with 5kg weight
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side flexions x10 each side

    Prone cobra
    60 seconds hold x3


    Not a big BURN day calorie wise compared to others but I guess that's because it's more isolation exercises. Nice routine though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Monday 18/2/13

    Warm up- intervals on treadmill: 5 mins @ 9.5 kph
    45secs @14.5
    45 secs@9.5
    45secs @14.5
    45 secs @9.5
    45 secs@ 15
    45 secs @ 9.5

    NROWL Stage 3 workout a
    One armed dumbbell snatch

    1. 10kg each arm x6
    2. 10kg each arm x6
    3. 12kg each arm x6 (The 12 was a challenge but I actually thing the heavier weight improved my technique)

    Alternating Sets
    dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift Surprised myself though!
    1. 10kg each leg x6
    2. 10kg each leg x6
    3. 10kg each leg x6

    Barbell bent over row
    1. 20kg x8
    2. 20kg x10
    3. 22.5kg x8

    Alternating Sets
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat
    1. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm: .
    2. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm:
    3. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm:
    These were WAY better this week! Used a wider stance squat and I look utterly ridiculous doing them but much improved!

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    1. 8kg x10
    2. 10kg x8
    3. 10kg x8 Loving the fact I can do this with tens! :cool:

    Alternating sets x2
    for 90 seconds

    Reverse cable wood chops

    Body weight matrix
    24 squats
    12 lunges each leg
    12 lunge jumps each legs
    24 squat jumps

    Time: 2.11 seconds. 40secs off time, much better today!

    So I've discovered that stage 3 workout a takes fricking AGGGGES! I don't have time to spend 85 minutes in the gym. 70 is my max once

    I don't want to take out the intervals at the start as they're good for football so I'm going to stick with the above which is slightly different from the NROWL schedule.
    I do two rounds of the plank and woodchops at the end and then just one blast of the body weight matrix.

    Happy with today.
    Stage three isn't giving me a high burn on the HRM but I think that's because a lot of the exercises I'm bent over etc... and the HRM doesn't pick up my heart rate as well during those sort of exercise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Well done on big jump in matrix time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    One hour football training tonight. Not too challenging.

    1000m worth of sprints and a few games.
    500cal burn.

    I'm pure sh*te at football, was particularly bad tonight. It's a bit embarrassing but I suppose going back after 12 years that was to be expected. I'm in it for the training and the banter, I've no aspirations of lining up really but was embarrassed by how bad I was tonight compared to the other girls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Wednesday 20/2/13

    5 minute warm up jog @9.5
    Tabata intervals for five minutes going from 14.5kph-15-15.5-16-17kph! :D

    NROWL Stage 3 Workout B

    Barbell romanian deadlift/bent over row 3 sets
    warm up: 20kg x5
    set1: 22.5kg x8
    set2: 22.5kg x8
    set3: 25kg x8

    1 minute of skipping

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Partial single leg squat from step
    Each leg x6 with a 5kg dumbbell
    Wide grip lat pull down
    sets 1,2,3 40kg x6

    1 minute skipping

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Back extension hands behind head on swiss ball
    YTWL exercises on bench
    with 3kg dumbbells
    x6 on each move in the sequence

    1min 30secs skipping

    Core circuit alternating x3

    exercise ball crunch x10 with 5kg weight
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side flexions x10 each side

    Prone cobra
    60 seconds hold x2


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    17! Wtg! What do you do during 10 sec rests, jump off?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    17! Wtg! What do you do during 10 sec rests, jump off?

    Yeah I was well impressed but terrified!!!!

    Yeah I jumped off today, normally I reduce it down to 9.5kph and jog but by the time I reduced speed and increased again I knew that wouldn't work!

    TBH jumping back on was very scary and probably not the safest. I think i'd be better pausing it and starting again? I was just experimenting! :cool:

    And it got me to 17kph!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    The problem with pausing is the slow down and re-start up time, no?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    The problem with pausing is the slow down and re-start up time, no?

    Yep, that's the issue!

    I was pretending I was on the Biggest Loser and Jillian was shouting at me "JUMP OFF!" :rolleyes:

    They seem to manage fine jumping back on, I managed ok but was afraid my feet wouldn't keep up! Don't think it's safe to jump back on over 15kph!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Football training tonight
