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Just What the Doctor Ordered!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Monday 18/2/13

    Warm up- intervals on treadmill: 5 mins @ 9.5 kph
    30 secs at 14 kph, rest @9.5kph
    Tabata intervals-14.5, 15, 15.5, 16,16.5, 17,17.5 (Just for dotcomdolly! :P;):D

    NROWL Stage 3 workout a
    One armed dumbbell snatch

    1. 10kg each arm x6
    2. 12kg each arm x6
    3. 12kg each arm x6

    Alternating Sets
    dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift These kill my forearms from gripping :(
    1. 10kg each leg x6
    2. 10kg each leg x6
    3. 12kg each leg x6

    Barbell bent over row
    1. 25kg x8
    2. 25kg x6
    3. 25kg x8

    Alternating Sets
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat
    1. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm
    2. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm
    3. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm
    Still hate these but they're ok now

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    1. 10kg x8
    2. 10kg x8
    3. 10kg x8

    Alternating sets x2
    for 90 seconds Really rough today!

    Reverse cable wood chops

    Body weight matrix
    24 squats
    12 lunges each leg
    12 lunge jumps each legs
    24 squat jumps

    Time: 1.51 seconds. 20secs off time I must have been seriously lazy/in bits first time round

    Must add, in between the alternating sets I did 30secs of fast step ups on low step just to keep my heart rate up.

    Good day! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Oh you wagon, now I'm going to have to do 18! They'll have to peel me off the far wall!

    You're doing great, 90 sec plank is awesome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Did an extra day of cardio as im out drinking tonight so doing damage control.

    10 min jog treadmill @9.5kph

    Intervals (tabata)
    14,14.5,15,15.5,16,16.5 17,17.5 kph

    Five minutes pyramid on stepper

    Six minutes circuit of skipping, fast step ups and jumping jacks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Monday 25/2/13

    5 minute warm up jog @9.5
    Tabata intervals for five minutes going from 14.5kph-15-15.5-16-17-17.5kph

    NROWL Stage 3 Workout B

    Barbell romanian deadlift/bent over row 3 sets

    set1: 22.5kg x8
    set2: 25kg x8
    set3: 25kg x6

    1 minute of step ups

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Partial single leg squat from step
    Each leg x6 with a 7kg dumbbell
    Wide grip lat pull down
    sets 1,2, 40kg x6
    set 3 45kg x6- that was too heavy really!

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Back extension hands behind head on swiss ball
    YTWL exercises on bench
    with 3kg dumbbells
    x6 on each move in the sequence

    Step ups for 1 min

    Core circuit alternating x3

    exercise ball crunch x10 with 5kg weight
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side flexions x10 each side

    Prone cobra
    60 seconds hold x2

    intervals of skipping, jumping jacks and step ups 30secs on 15 off for about 4 minutes


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Football tonight- HAPE of sprints. 80 minutes of training in total.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Warm up- intervals on treadmill: 5 mins @ 9.5 kph
    30 secs at 14 kph, rest @9.5kph
    Tabata intervals-14.5, 15, 15.5, 16,16.5, 17,17.5

    NROWL Stage 3 workout a
    One armed dumbbell snatch

    1. 12kg each arm x6
    2. 12kg each arm x6
    3. 14kg each arm x6

    Alternating Sets
    dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift
    1. 10kg each leg x6
    2. 10kg each leg x6
    3. 12kg each leg x6

    Barbell bent over row
    1. 25kg x8
    2. 25kg x8x8
    3. 25kg x8

    Alternating Sets
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat
    1. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm
    2. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm
    3. 8kg and 4kg x6 each arm

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    1. 10kg x8
    2. 10kg x8
    3. 10kg x8

    Alternating sets x2
    for 90 seconds

    Reverse cable wood chops

    Body weight matrix
    24 squats
    12 lunges each leg
    12 lunge jumps each legs
    24 squat jumps

    Time: 1.35

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    I think that's my last run of stage 3 workout a! Jebus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    70 minutes football tonight.

    Rest day tomorrow.

    Can't go to gym then Saturday as I have a stupid course!!! I'm going out Saturday so would love to get the gym workout done! So annoyed! Hate when my real-life schedule interferes with my gym schedule! Think I'll do a run instead as I have a 10k coming up in April so better do a bit.

    Sunday then will hopefully be gym. Hope I'm not dying from Saturday but not sure if I'm drinking yet anyway.
    Then I have a meal out Sunday evening.

    Busy out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl


    5 minute warm up jog @9.5

    5 minute circuit of skipping, step ups and jumping jacks

    NROWL Stage 3 Workout B

    Barbell romanian deadlift/bent over row 3 sets

    set1: 25kg x8
    set2: 25kg x8
    set3: 27.5kg x8

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Partial single leg squat from step
    Each leg x6 with a 8kg dumbbell
    Wide grip lat pull down
    sets 1,2, 40kg x6
    set 3 45kg x6-

    Alternating Sets3 sets

    Back extension hands behind head on swiss ball
    YTWL exercises on bench
    with 4kg dumbbells
    x6 on each move in the sequence

    Step ups for 1 min

    Core circuit alternating x2

    exercise ball crunch x10 with 7kg weight
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side flexions x10 each side

    Tabata intervals for five minutes going from 14.5kph-15-15.5-16-17-17.5kph on treadmill


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Ok I'm going to start posting in here to keep track of my workouts again given the whole heart rate debacle!

    Also, my heart rate monitor seems to be giving up on me again, which is a giant pain in the arse, and an expensive one at that!

    Anyway, this is yesterday's, and I'll post up today's when I get back.

    1 min @10.5
    2 min @13.5
    1 min @ 10.5
    2 min @ 13.5
    1 min @10.5
    2 min @13.5
    1 min @9 recover.
    10 total

    Squats 5x6 w/40kg (I really need to be using the 40kg but lower reps in each set. Could feel myself working harder)

    A1) Barbell good mornings 3x10 w/25kg
    A2) One arm dumbbell snatch 3x6 w/12kg

    B1)Inverted row on smith machine 3x8
    B2) DB step ups on bench 3x8 each leg w/16kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Here's today's plan. Will update any changes later

    Intervals as above

    Going to do squats again as I had to race through the stuff yesterday as I was heading off somewhere after.

    A) Squats 5x6 40kg

    B1) Static lunge rear foot elevated 3x10 each leg w/10kg DBs
    B2) Barbell push press 3x8 w/25kg

    C1) bent over barbell row 2x8 10kg
    C2) Thrusters 2x15 w/5g dumbbells (nod to Stench's awesome workout today. Haven't done these in at least a year!)

    D1) Wood choppers 2 x 12.5kg each side
    D2) exercise ball crunch x10 with 7kg weight
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side flexions x10 each side


    KILLED myself. Legs are ina hoop. HRM worked. 311 cals! I'm resigning myself that that is the burn I'm getting and that's that. I know that was a great workout so feck it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Also! Got told I had excellent squat form today! WHOOP! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    6.5km run in about 33/34 mins or so. Grand time for a casual run. Covered about 8km in total with walking at end.

    ROASTING out when I went. Tshirt was an entirely different colour when I got back :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    6.5km run
    2km walk

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's plan. Will edit when completed.

    Warm up: 2 mins fast pace stepper
    2 mins fast X trainer
    5 x 150m on the rower
    2 mins on stepper

    A) Deadlifts 5 x 6 50kg WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    B1) One arm dumbbell snatch 3 x 6 14kg
    B2) Lat pull down 35kg (bench press was busy..constantly)

    C1) push press 3 x 8w/ 25kg
    C2) Single leg squat on step w/ 8kg dumbbell 3 x 6


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    1 min walk 7.5km
    1 min jog 10.5km
    1 min sprint 14.5km

    Stepper 2mins at highest level

    X trainer 2mins at level 6

    Rower 3 x 150m as quickly as I could

    A) Squats
    Warm up with bar 1 x10
    4x10 40kg
    1x10 45kg!!!!!!!! NEW PB! :D

    B1) Bench press 25kg 4x8
    B2) Kettlebell thrusters 10kg 3x15

    C1) Static lunges rear foot elevated 3x10 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    C2) Inverted body row using smith macine 3x8

    Had loads of time today for some reason so
    2x this circuit

    10 kettlebell swings overhead
    10 each side, side bends
    10 DB shoulder press


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's plan

    Same cardio warm up as yesterday

    A) Squats
    warm up with bar
    3 x 6 40kg
    2 x 6 45kg (Get in!!!!)

    B1) Push press w/bar 25kg 3x8
    B2) Single leg deadlift w/ 10kg DBs 3x10 each leg

    C1) Kettlebell swings overhead with 10kg bell (couldn't do step ups as there were no benches free)
    C2)Barbell bent over row 25kg 3x8

    crunch x10 with 10kg kettlebell
    Reverse crunch x10
    Side bends w/ 10kg kettlebell

    2 mins on treadmill to cool down

    REALLY feeling my legs now after that. Brought the dog for a wee walk and the legs were not in good form!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Wednesday was a rest day (but I was in school putting posters etc... up on my walls so an active one!)


    8.5km run in about 44mins or so. Wasn't too fussed on the time, just trying to get past my mental block I've been having (i.e. laziness) of going over 5km.

    Legs in a HOOP after Tuesday. Run was tough, could really feel them.

    On the plus, weight is looking stable, the 1/2 extra pounds I had seems to have gone but more importantly I'm down to 36" around my hips. I've NEVER been below 38" so that's brill. Also down about an inch on the waist and about .5-1 inch off my thighs which is FANTASTIC as I could never seem to shift the inches.

    HRM monitor may say less calories burned, the inches say more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Hour's walk today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's plan

    About 12-14min warm up
    X trainer

    A) Squats
    3 x 6 40kg
    2 x 6 45kg

    B1) Hang clean to push press 20kg  3x10
    B2) Step ups w/10kg DBs 3x8

    C1) Static lunge rear foot elevated 2x8w/10kg DBs
    C2) Bench press 2x8 25kg
    C3) Thrusters 2x12 10kg kbell

    Core circuit

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Ate a RIDICULOUS amount of junk yesterday on my rest day. Haven't had a sugar filled day of crap like that in months.

    It apparently does wonders for my running.

    10km today in a good time. Score.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    40 x 6
    40 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6

    hangclean to push press 20kg 3x8
    single leg deadlift with 10kg dumbbells 3x10 each leg

    inverted body row using Smith machine 3x8
    step ups on bench 3x10 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    kbell thrusters 8kg. 3x10

    sit ups with 10kg kbell, reverse crunches, sidebends 15kg weight 2x10

    Really challenging and tough session!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's Plan

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    A) Squats
    40kg x 6
    45kg 4x6

    B1)Reverse lunge with reach from step 3x8 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    B2) Single arm dumbbell snatch 12kg 3x6 each arm

    C1) Cable woodchoppers from height 3x8 each side
    C2) Wide grip Lat pulldown 35/30kg 3x8-10
    C3) Kettbell thrusters 3x12

    Core stuff if time

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's Plan

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    45 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6
    50 x 6 (GOING TO TRY THIS!!!)

    hangclean to push press 20kg 3x8
    single leg deadlift with 10kg dumbbells 3x10 each leg

    Bench press 25kg 3x8
    step ups on bench 3x10 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    kbell thrusters 8kg. 3x10

    sit ups with 10kg kbell, reverse crunches, sidebends 15kg weight 2x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    That was so f*ing hard. JAYSUS
    Amazing how much strength you lose in the space of 2 weeks :(

    Right knee was at me during the last few squats too. Disgusted. Better not get injured!!!!

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    40 x 6 x 5 (Down from 45/50kg :( )

    hangclean to push press 20kg 3x8
    single leg deadlift with 10kg dumbbells 3x8 each leg

    step ups on bench 3x10 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    kbell thrusters 8kg. 3x10
    wide grip lat pull down 2x8

    sit ups with 10kg kbell, reverse crunches, sidebends 10kg weight 2x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's Plan

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    A) Squats- need to deload, thanks Stenchblossoms!!!

    30kg 3x6
    40kg 2x6 See how I go with these

    B1)Reverse lunge with reach from step 3x8 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    B2) Single arm dumbbell snatch 12kg 3x6 each arm

    C1) Cable height 3x8 each side
    C2) Wide grip Lat pulldown 35/30kg 3x8-10
    C3) Kettbell thrusters 3x12

    Core stuff if time

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Actually did the above today. Went well. Did a run Thursday instead

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    40 x 6
    40 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6
    45 x 6

    hangclean to push press 20kg 3x8
    single leg deadlift with 10kg dumbbells 3x10 each leg

    inverted body row using Smith machine 3x8
    step ups on bench 3x10 each leg 10kg dumbbells
    kbell thrusters 8kg. 3x10

    sit ups with 10kg kbell, reverse crunches, sidebends 15kg weight 2x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    6.5 km run (5.3k then walk, then did the rest)

    2km fast walk

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Today's Plan

    warm up
    3 min treadmill
    2min stepper
    2 min xtrainer
    150m row x 3

    A) Squats
    40kg x 6
    45kg 4x6

    B1)bulgarian split squats with 10kg DB 3x8-10 each leg
    B2) Single arm dumbbell snatch 12kg 3x6 each arm

    C1) bent over row with 20kg-25kg 3x8
    C2) bench press 3x8-10 with 25kg bar
    C3) Kettbell thrusters 3x12

    Core stuff if time
