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Washing Machine - Bosch Classixx 12 Express *Reset technique desperately needed*

  • 28-01-2013 6:17pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41

    Hi All,

    The washing machine tripped out the fuse board in the house during its wash cycle.

    Whats been done so far:
    1) The filter at the bottom right hand side has been checked and the few bits that were there have been removed (Nothing much). Also checked the fly wheel thingy and its moving freely.
    2) The brushes on the motor have been checked and are fine.
    3) Removed the pump and found a 10 cent coin in one of the tubes, and the manual relief hose was blocked (The one that comes out of the front of the machine to manually release the water), all of which has been cleared.
    4) Took off the big rubber pipe from under the drum which goes to the pump, all has been cleaned out.

    I am hoping the 10 cent coin was the problem. However when I switch on the machine the display reads = and nothing works. I've read about reset procedures that include holding down the spin button but I have no spin button, just a spin knob. I've also tried switching the machine off at the wall for 10,20 & 40 minutes hoping this might clear the error codes.

    Can anybody tell me how to clear the codes on a Bosch Classixx 1200 Express?

    Hope somebody can help,


  • Posts: 31,118 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A quick google produced this
    It is a motor or pcb fault this is a reset code as follows,
    turn dial to off 12 0clock position then turn to 6 oclock,
    press and hold the spin buttonat same time turn it to 7 oclock,continue to hold the spin buttonfor 5 seconds,release button,turn off.
    next time you turn on the error code should have gone ,
    if it does not work go through the proceedure again i had to try it 3 times but it does work
    Same as above, but turn off at mains first then on. then turn knob to six o'clock position.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41 cbrady9

    Thanks dolanbaker for your reply,

    I've seen this resetting technique online alright and I've tried it multiple times with no success. The problem is I've no "spin button", the only buttons I have are Start, Reduced Iron, Rinse Plus & Wash Plus. Is it one of these that i should be pressing? There is also a dial for spin, labelled 1200, 1000, 800, 600 & Rinse Hold but this isn't a button.

    If i follow you correctly I should:
    1) Turn off the machine at the mains
    2) Turn on the machine at the mains with the dial in the off position
    3) Turn the dial to the 6 o'clock position
    4) What button do I press while turning the dial to the 7 o'clock position???
    5) Release the button which I'm not sure which one it is after 5 seconds??
    6) Turn dial to the off position

    Is you can see I'm having trouble with steps 4 & 5 as i have no button labelled spin, unless you are able to suggest which of the options above i should substitute in place of the spin button?

    Thanks again for your reply and I hope you can help me,

  • Posts: 31,118 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Unfortunately, that's the only info I can find on google, one other suggestion I've seen is to hold the on button in for 20 seconds or so, worth a try.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41 cbrady9

    Tried holding the start button for 20 seconds, but no joy. Thanks anyway for your suggestions.

    Anybody else out there have any suggestions? The top part of the = sign on the display is brighter than the bottom part. Probably no help but you never know.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    cbrady9 wrote: »
    Tried holding the start button for 20 seconds, but no joy. Thanks anyway for your suggestions.

    Anybody else out there have any suggestions? The top part of the = sign on the display is brighter than the bottom part. Probably no help but you never know.
    Old thread I know, did you ever get this sorted? I've a classixx which was stopping before spin, not emptying, flashing spin lamp. OFF followed by selecting spin then start would kick-off the rest of the cycle. Like that for months intermittently. When I dragged it out and was testing different stages I accidently pulled the power lead while it was in a cycle. Now it's acting completely odd. Emptying pump comes on on any cycle and won't progress. Switching to OFF then selecting program, the pump runs without pressing start. Openning the door then powering on seems to reset it to a point. I can select a program without the pump immediately running, but pressing start just kicks off the pump and nothing happens after that. Same as you I've no spin button, just a speed knob. Led = sign is like yours.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭The Red Ace

    sounds as though you have a leak and a machine that has leak detection, tilt it as much as you can in any direction and see if the problem disappears, if so investigate the source of the leak and fix

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    sounds as though you have a leak and a machine that has leak detection, tilt it as much as you can in any direction and see if the problem disappears, if so investigate the source of the leak and fix
    It's not that sophisticated I'm afraid, open bottom machine with no leak tray. Sometimes the drum goes into normal mode rotating in wash mode though it hasn't filled. It's as if it thinks its full of water. I tested the level pressure sensor, its switching on both wash level and overfull level. I found another reset procedure which might work.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 abitofcheese

    It is either the element of the motor that is causing the problem, It always Is. Was the machine noisy prior to this happening, If it was it will be the drum rubbing off your element, causing a hole, hence making it trip. If it was not noisy i suspect you need to change your motor.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 abitofcheese

    element. or the motor**

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    element. or the motor**

    Not tripping the mains. Drum bearings are perfect, drum not sagging. It would have to be really bad to drop on the element, it would leak from the bearing by that stage. I'd say I'm looking at some control board fault. I've reread any reset procedures I can find, I think they all refer to clearing an error code on the display which I don't have, just a series of confusing machine behaviours. Like the pump comes on as soon as you rotate the program knob to any setting., even without pressing start. This can only be cleared by going to off, open the door then shut it. Now I can select a program, the run time appears, but pressing start just turns on the emptying pump and it never goes further though the timers count down. Had to buy her a new machine as I killed this one. New controller board is 100s of €. Machine is 14 years old, on its third set of motor brushs and a door seal, thats all. Owes me nothing, not worth spending on, but I'll play with it for a while as a challenge.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 abitofcheese

    Oh my, I do Apologise, I read a different post I think further up and somehow replied to that. I am repairing appliance with ten years, In Particular Washing Machins so i promise i am not just talking out my rear :) Let me have a proper read again tomorrow and i'll see can i be more helpful, my reply made no sense to your issue at all :/ Again I Apologise :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    Oh my, I do Apologise, I read a different post I think further up and somehow replied to that. I am repairing appliance with ten years, In Particular Washing Machins so i promise i am not just talking out my rear :) Let me have a proper read again tomorrow and i'll see can i be more helpful, my reply made no sense to your issue at all :/ Again I Apologise :)
    Actually just spotted that. Short to the element would cause the problem of the original post. Mine is different entirely as described, and got worse when I moved the machine to the garage for to have a look. Previously all programs worked but stalled on spin, spin light flashing. Manually selecting spin and start would usually complete the cycle. Now it's quite erratic. It will sometimes run the spin cycle , 12 minutes, but will stall at 1 minute with the pump running. All other programs will then be stuck on this continuous pump mode. I've tried all sorts of reset procedures, power off, open door, holding start and then selecting spin or 30 and holding for ten seconds. I get different display results. Holding start with 60 causes some kind of timer countdown from hours to 0. With 30 delicates it does some kind of reset. I think my controller board is damaged, I could get a slight electricall smell. I dismantled it and the high voltage area next the rectifiers and heatsink were covered in carbon dust, probably from 14 years and three sets of brushes. I'm guessing this caused some conduction and arcing over the pcb copper track, especially when I brought it outside to a damp garage. I can't find a definitive reset for this board, there are no error codes displaying anyway. Model No is WFO 2466GB. I'd love a sheet on board layout or hidden diagnostic sequences that you can use to read controller faults. I guess I'll just sell the entire machine for parts, it's in great condition otherwise. Controller boards sell for about 40 on eBay, but I'm not about to spend that. Working the machine would sell for 80-100 tops for a bosh classixx.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,384 ✭✭✭The Red Ace

    might be worth looking at the pcb again seeing as you have investigated that far, examine it closely for dry joints on the solder connections and have a look at the capacitors, if there is any bulging that one is the culprit, like a bitofcheese I am also in the trade but from the time Hoover made the model 3203.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    might be worth looking at the pcb again seeing as you have investigated that far, examine it closely for dry joints on the solder connections and have a look at the capacitors, if there is any bulging that one is the culprit, like a bitofcheese I am also in the trade but from the time Hoover made the model 3203.

    The Keymatic! I've 40+ years under my belt, from military receivers to computers, throw in cars combine harvesters and anything with a 3 pin plug.
    The processor is still functioning. Programs count down and even commence, drum rotating etc. They all end up with a flashing spin light. Not filling anymore either, programs commenced with no water so it thinks the water is already there. The pressure switch is working, tests ok with a meter.
    It's either stuck on the pump ruining, and if you leave it till it shows the flashing spin light, pump still running , then do a reset according to this site,
    the pump no longer runs when a program is selected. Pressing start however and the program commences as if it already has water, valves don't open. When I was testing it first I accidentally pulled the power plug out while it was filling, and it hasn't filled since and behaves as described. I think I caused a surge by pulling the cable and either put an error in the controller memory or worse fried some small component. It's very odd anyway, and lack of any kind of a diagram for the board doesn't help. I checked the board for dry joints or signs of heat stress. It looks perfect. I cleaned all the carbon which covered the small transformer and the copper tracks leading to it. Still no joy. Quick meter tests on diodes, relays or any large capacitors brought no joy. Manually operating the pressure switch blowing with a little tube attached should cause some effect, especially blowing hard enough to make the overfill contact close, but no effect. Had to buy her a new machine as I made this unusable when testing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 abitofcheese

    thinking about it, One bosch i was reconditioning had that issue, the flashing spin light. having changes practically everything in an effort to find out the problem, i turned out it was the motor was the issue. If memory serves me correctly it would stop mid cycle and the spin light would start flashing. Having changed the pcb thinking it was that it did the same thing. It turned out to be the motor even thogh the motor appeared to be doing everything it should. If you need a motor i have loads and i would be happy to give you one free of charge if you had a way to pick it up or get a courier to do so. It would be worth trying anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    thinking about it, One bosch i was reconditioning had that issue, the flashing spin light. having changes practically everything in an effort to find out the problem, i turned out it was the motor was the issue. If memory serves me correctly it would stop mid cycle and the spin light would start flashing. Having changed the pcb thinking it was that it did the same thing. It turned out to be the motor even thogh the motor appeared to be doing everything it should. If you need a motor i have loads and i would be happy to give you one free of charge if you had a way to pick it up or get a courier to do so. It would be worth trying anyway.
    That's very generous of you. I'll send you a message in thus regard.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    ABOC, If you still Have that motor could you message me as to where you are. I'm thinking the machine might be handy for washing the overalls, car mats and pets bedding, which is now forbidden in the new machine. It's looking like the tacho might be the problem, worth a try anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 831 ✭✭✭raspberrypi67

    Hi Folks,
    Thought I'd give this a try to see if anyone had a similar problem to a BOSCH classix washing machine.
    I've had a funny on-going problem and to be honest I think its the pcb in behind the program knob so I'll be looking at that.
    The problem is that the machine misses the spin on the 30 and 40 degree wash. ( i've no other buttons pressed in fyi, its a fairly primitive model , thankfully, lasted 13 years so far! )
    The spin actually works on the 60 degree wash. Pump checked...ok. I changed the brushes on the motor the other day, easy enough, they were down to nubs!!
    So I'm left with perhaps taking a hour or so to remove the front console and have a look. I'm an electronic technician by trade , may find something, we'll see.
    Has anyone else done anything similar to this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭deezell

    Hi Folks,
    Thought I'd give this a try to see if anyone had a similar problem to a BOSCH classix washing machine.
    I've had a funny on-going problem and to be honest I think its the pcb in behind the program knob so I'll be looking at that.
    The problem is that the machine misses the spin on the 30 and 40 degree wash. ( i've no other buttons pressed in fyi, its a fairly primitive model , thankfully, lasted 13 years so far! )
    The spin actually works on the 60 degree wash. Pump checked...ok. I changed the brushes on the motor the other day, easy enough, they were down to nubs!!
    So I'm left with perhaps taking a hour or so to remove the front console and have a look. I'm an electronic technician by trade , may find something, we'll see.
    Has anyone else done anything similar to this?

    Thanks in advance

    If you read all this thread you'll see I tried everything I could but without access to any kind of factory board interface testing or technical info. I concluded that it's either a signal fault (water level sensor input on the board) or possibly the motor tacho (board can't sense rotation). Either way I gave up and sold it for €40. The guy who buys them reconditions good brands for sale to landlords, in around the €120 mark . He has access to lots of spare boards and motors, the rest of the components are trivial (water valves, thermostats, pumps seals and the level sensor). If the machine is a bosch and the main bearing is solid,with no drum play, he'll buy and have it going in no time. Good luck to him.
    Try some of the reset steps, hold down ON, turn program knob to pre wash, or rinse, or 40°, wait then release. Some kind of code might appear, and you never know, it might clear. I couldn't find a definitive set of reset sequences by googling, there were all sorts, but some did produce effects as I described in my posts, it's just none of them got it going. I concluded that it had a board fault, and you won't be spending money on one of those.
    Put it on Donedeal, if it's still actually working on most programs you'll sell no problem. Herself was delighted I failed, adores her new Neff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2 archwaygunner

    Classixx 6    1200 express WAE model

    Had F21, changed the brushes, bit of a fiddly job - be careful not to damage the springs,

    (don't get them off it's a UK company, takes forever and you get charged VAT again)

    Clear code -> turn to 6 o'clock hold spin button for 3 secs, keep holding turn to 5 0'clock (may be 7 on some models)

    hold for 5 full seconds, release button and turn to off.

    (I forgot to turn water valve on and got F:00)

    clear is same procedure as above but Mains power must be toggled off/on first or it won't work.

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