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New Rules Newbie

  • 10-02-2013 6:05pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭

    Decided to start a log here after seeing several other ladies are following the same program. And also because I need accountability. And also because I need a log that doesn't consist of hastily typed notes on my phone...

    I started the New Rules Of Lifting For Women on January 13th. Currently halfway through the first stage. I've had the book a good while, it's been thumbed through and read numerous times, but I decided 2013 was going to be the Year of Lifting and finally started the program.

    My goals are: lose fat, build muscle, get stronger, get fitter!

    After some weight loss through diet, I'm currently hovering at the upper edge of "average" BMI and I would love to bring that number down. That said I realise BMI/the number of the scale isn't the be all and end all so I will be keeping track of measurements too. So far I am about 3lbs down on the scale.

    Anyway- enough about me, time to log today's workout!

    I met with a personal trainer on Friday who went through every single move with me and introduced me to the squat rack which I've had a major fear of. Previously I've been using the pre-loaded barbells but it was time to move up. It was a major boost of confidence and I was really excited to get back to the gym today and try everything out. The gym was blissfully empty thanks to the rugby so I had the squat rack all to myself.

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout A5


    10 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes of that was tabata intervals)
    1 minute plank
    10 x bird dog

    15 x squat (no weight)
    10 x 10kg squat
    10 x 20kg squat

    3 sets
    10 x 30kg Squat

    3 supersets
    10 x Pushups
    10 x 25kg Seated Row

    3 supersets
    10 x 7kg step up (on bench)
    12 x Prone Jackknife




  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭butthatsjustme

    Congrats on starting! :)

    Haha, I just got the guts to move from the preloaded barbells to the squat rack last week too! It so does boost your confidence!!

    I'm just starting off with barbell stuff too, seems to be lots of people just starting at the mo :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    This morning's workout.

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout B5


    9 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 5 minutes medium "just warm the eff up" intensity)
    90 second plank
    15 x squat (no weight)
    15 toe touches

    10 x 10kg deadlift

    Deadlift- 3 sets
    10 x 20kg
    10 x 25kg
    10 x 30kg

    Will aim for 3 sets of 30kg next time. I think I underestimated myself today.

    3 supersets
    10 x 6kg dumbbell shoulder press
    10 x 23kg (1 set), 10 x 25.3kg (2 sets) lat pulldown

    3 supersets
    10 x 7kg lunge
    12 x swiss ball crunch (holding a 5kg weight across my chest, for the craic).


    Feels weird not doing any cardio at the gym. For the first few weeks I had enough time to do some intervals after finishing the workout but now that I'm doing 3 sets of everything I'm stuck for time! Probably no harm but it's hard to shake the MUST DO CARDIO, MUST BURN ALL THE CALORIES!! mindset :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    This evening: 45 minute bootcamp class.

    Some running/sprints, fair bit of core work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Yesterday: Took a rest day! Wasn't feeling too great for some reason.

    This morning's workout:

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout A6


    8 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 4 minutes general warmup)
    110 second plank

    15 x squat (no weight)
    10 x 10kg squat
    10 x 20kg squat

    3 sets
    10 x 30kg Squat

    Had hoped to increase this slightly today but I found 30kg was enough for some reason. Maybe because the weights area was packed and I was really self conscious and it was messing with my concentration. I really need to get over that!

    3 supersets
    10 x Pushups
    10 x 27.3kg Seated Row

    I only intended to do 25kg and didn't spot that someone had left one of those 2.3kg increment weights on it! Oh well :)

    3 supersets
    10 x 7kg step up (on bench)
    12 x Prone Jackknife


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge


    Last weigh in: February 1st

    Today's weight: -1.8lbs :)

    Last measurements: January 7th

    Today's measurements:
    Waist: -3.5"
    Hips: -2.5"
    Bicep: -0.5"
    Forearm: -0.5"
    Chest: Same (I'm perfectly okay with that part of my body staying the same! ;) )
    Calf: Same
    Thigh: +0.5" (The one part that actually got bigger! Interesting)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    This morning:

    45 minute spin class
    15 minute "core" class

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout B6


    10 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 5 minutes medium intensity)

    130 second plank
    20 x squat (no weight)
    10 lunges
    15 toe touches

    10 x 15kg deadlift
    10 x 20kg deadlift

    Deadlift- 3 sets
    10 x 30kg

    3 supersets
    10 x 6kg dumbbell shoulder press
    10 x 27kg lat pulldown

    3 supersets
    10 x 7.5kg lunge
    12 x swiss ball crunch (holding a 5kg weight across chest).


    Only 4 more workouts left in Stage 1!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Yesterday: 1 hour horse-riding class

    This morning's workout- bleh. I was the first person in the gym this morning and in the 10 minutes it took to warm up the weight room went from empty to jam packed and I couldn't get anywhere near the squat rack for half an hour. Then I couldn't locate any dumbells for the step ups as the place was an absolute mess this morning!

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout A7


    8 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 4 minutes general warmup)
    100 second plank

    (Approx) 45 x squat (no weight)
    30 x 10kg squat

    Basically, did an abundance of these while waiting for the squat rack, before eventually giving up and doing the other exercises in the routine.

    When I managed to nab the rack:

    10 x 20kg squat

    3 sets
    8 x 30kg Squat
    8 x 35kg Squat
    8 x 35kg Squat

    3 sets
    8 x Pushups
    8 x 27.3kg Seated Row

    Ended up doing the pushups first, and the rows last because I couldn't get near the machine for those either.

    3 supersets
    8 x 7.5kg step up (on bench)
    14 x Prone Jackknife

    Wanted to up the weights to 8kg today but couldn't find them anywhere.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Tonight: Bootcamp.

    45 minutes of circuits (do two exercises for 40 seconds, rest for 20, then move on). Intense but fun! Some boxing involved and punching things is always fun.

    Tomorrow will be a rest day but will try and get some stretching in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    So, weigh in this morning- I am the exact the same as last week right down to the decimal point. Not going to lie, I was disappointed as this week I've really been on my best behaviour! I'm afraid of plateauing, which has happened to me before around this weight. Oh well, we'll see what happens next week.

    On the plus side, it put me in the perfect p1ssed off mood to fuel a good workout:

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout B7


    8 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 4 minutes medium intensity)

    90 second plank
    20 x squat (no weight)

    15 toe touches
    15 squat to stand

    8 x 20kg deadlift
    8 x 30kg deadlift

    Deadlift- 3 sets
    8 x 40kg

    Yessss. I decided to just f**king do it and grabbed the olympic barbell rather than one of the preloaded ones this morning. AND I DID. I've finally graduated to the big girl plates. Felt fantastic.

    3 supersets
    8 x 7kg dumbbell shoulder press
    8 x 29.3kg lat pulldown

    Increased the weight on both of these today.

    3 supersets
    8 x 9kg lunge
    15 x swiss ball crunch (holding a 5kg weight across chest, did 20 on the last set just because).

    Was planning on lunging with 8kg dumbbells but they seem to have gone permanently AWOL. Turned out to be a good thing as it meant I had to go up to 9kg instead. I normally hate lunges as I am wobbly and my thighs protest but this morning they felt great, no wobbling. Happy days.


    The gym on a Friday morning vs a Tuesday morning is like night and day. It was lovely and quiet and I had loads of space to do my thing. If only it was like that every day!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    This morning: 45 minute spin class + 15 minute ab/core class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭butthatsjustme

    I think I commented on your workout on Fitocracy yesterday :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Haha! It's a small (online) world :D I love Fitocracy. Leveling up is the best motivation!

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭butthatsjustme

    Same!! I levelled up yesterday, it was awesome :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout A8


    10 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 6 minutes moerate-to-high intensity)

    150 second plank (new record hurray!)

    20 x squat (no weight)
    10 x mountain climbers

    10 x 20kg squat
    10 x 30kg squat

    3 sets
    8 x 35kg Squat

    3 sets
    8 x Pushups
    8 x 29.6kg Seated Row

    Really felt a difference in the pushups today, range of motion/depth is definitely improving.

    3 supersets
    8 x 9kg step up (on bench)
    15 x Prone Jackknife

    Rowing Machine
    10 minutes of intervals (30 seconds on, 60 off)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Gym was an effing mess this morning. All the <10kg dumb bells were sprinkled throughout the place, upstairs and downstairs. I was lucky I managed to get a barbell for my deadlifts!

    NROLFW Stage 1
    Workout B8


    8 minutes on the elliptical (4 minutes tabata intervals, 4 minutes medium to high intensity)

    90 second plank
    20 x squat (no weight)

    15 toe touches
    15 squat to stand

    8 x 20kg deadlift
    8 x 30kg deadlift

    Deadlift- 3 sets
    8 x 40kg (2 sets)
    8 x 45kg (1 set)

    I was being a bit cheeky with that last set :o just wanted to see if I could do it! And I could but my form started to suffer towards the end of the set so I'll probably work my way back up.

    3 supersets
    8 x 7kg dumbbell shoulder press (2 sets)
    8 x 7.5kg dumbbell shoulder press (1 set)
    8 x 29.3kg lat pulldown (2 sets)
    8 x 32kg lat pulldown (1 set)

    3 supersets
    8 x 9kg lunge
    15 x swiss ball crunch (holding a 7kg weight across chest).


    Aaaaand that's Stage 1 done and dusted :D I'm not going to do the 'special' AMRAP workouts, they don't really appeal to me and I started with very low weights, so I'm not too bothered about doing them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Bootcamp tonight.

    45 minutes, lots of lunges, squats and push ups. Legs and arms like jelly!

    I'm supposed to take a week off from the NROLFW after finishing Stage 1 so I'm going to wait until Sunday before starting Stage 2. It's not a full week but I'd rather start it on a Sunday when I have time to figure out the new moves and practice than rush it on a morning at 6.30am!

    Will probably get some cardio in over the next few days instead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Tonight: 30 minutes spin class.

    Legs felt blech, class was an easy one though.

    Tomorrow: Rest day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Down 1.6lbs today :D seems a bit high for one week but I'll take it.

    Adding a progress report for my own reference!

    Started: 10kg
    Finished: 35kg

    Started: 15kg
    Finished: 40kg

    Seated Row
    Started: 18kg
    Finished: 29.6kg

    Lat Pulldown
    Started: 18kg
    Finished: 29.3kg

    Shoulder Press
    Started: 5kg
    Finished: 7kg

    Started: 4kg
    Finished: 9kg

    Step Up
    Started: 7kg (on low step)
    Finished: 9kg (on bench)

    Weight: -6.2lbs
    Measurements (inches)
    Hips: -2.5
    Waist: -4
    Chest: No change
    Bicep: -0.5
    Tricep: -0.5
    Calf: No change
    Thigh: +0.5

    Roll on Stage 2!

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭butthatsjustme

    Four inches off your waist, wow! :eek:

    Well done, brilliant progress!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Four inches off your waist, wow! :eek:

    Well done, brilliant progress!!

    Thanks :D I think that the initial measurement back in Jamuary was artificially inflated (literally!) because I REALLY pigged out on alcohol and food over Christmas, but its the one area I'm definitely noticing a difference in!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spin class this morning.

    Then an hour of badminton, which I am absolutely appalling at :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 2
    Workout A1

    Warm Up

    4 minutes TABATA intervals
    6 minutes general intensity

    20 Squats (no weight)

    Spent some time practicing front squat to push press form/technique without weight.

    Barbell front squat to push press
    2 sets
    10 x 10kg
    1 set
    10 x 15kg

    2 supersets
    10 x 9kg step up (on bench)
    10 x 7kg one point row

    2 supersets
    10 x 9kg Static Lunge with rear foot elevated
    10 push ups

    2 super sets
    Set 1:

    Three point plank
    On left leg for 30 seconds, on right for 30 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 22.5kg

    Set 2:
    Plank 150 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 31.5kg

    Front squat to push press was difficult enough. My fingers don't seem to be strong enough! :o Hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Sh1te morning. Yep. Forgot to set my alarm last night and woke up ten minutes AFTER I should have already been in the gym. So after some major rushing I was there and ready to go twenty minutes later, cutting my workout time short by over half an hour and arriving at the busiest time. Even the preloaded barbells were all taken :( so on top of everything else I had to wait around.

    Stage 2 Workout B1

    Warm up

    Elliptical- 4 minutes of TABATA
    Squat (no weight) x 20

    Wide grip deadlift from box
    10 x 15kg
    10 x 15kg
    10 x 20kg
    10 x 25kg
    10 x 25kg

    This was my first time doing this workout so I wanted to spend time making sure I was doing the deadlift correctly and figuring out what weight I could go up to. All went well until the 8th rep of my last set, when some total arsehole decided to fling a swiss ball into my corner just as I was descending and concentrating very hard! The barbell caught off it and I nearly had a heart attack, fecked up an otherwise good set.

    2 supersets
    Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 x 9kg
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch- 10 x 3kg

    3kg seems so light, but I found the snatches difficult.

    2 supersets
    Underhand lat pulldown - 10 x 29.3kg, 10 x 32kg
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach - 10 x 4kg, 10 x 3kg

    Used a light weight for the lunge as well because I found these difficult too.

    Didn't have time to do the remaining exercises or the intervals, won't have time this evening either :( raging at myself for sleeping in! I was totally rushed and cranky this morning in general. Didn't really enjoy the workout at all. Hopefully Friday will go a bit better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp (well, 52 minutes)

    Included a fitness test and circuit using some weights. Wrecked!

    Tomorrow would usually be a rest day but I'm going to try and fit in some HIIT and core exercises to make up for what I missed on Tuesday. My mother is coming up for the weekend which means I'll be missing my Sunday workout.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Well, last night didn't happen. The sore throat bugging me on Wednesday night had me feeling like crap on Thursday evening and I really didn't feel up to it. Thankfully I felt better this morning so was able for my usual workout, although I felt a lot more wrecked than I normally do. Probably didn't help I was awake half the night sniffling.

    NROLFW Stage 2
    Workout A2

    Warm Up

    4 minutes TABATA intervals
    4 minutes general intensity

    20 Squats (no weight)

    Barbell front squat to push press
    1 warmup set

    10 x 10kg
    2 sets
    10 x 15kg

    I was hoping to get up to 20kg/the bar today but it wasn't happening. I think I definitely got the hang of the form today and it made a difference. Love pushing the bar up, I feel like superwoman :D

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg step up (on bench) (+1kg from last time)
    10 x 7.5kg one point row (+0.5kg from last time)

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg Static Lunge with rear foot elevated (+1kg from last time)
    10 push ups

    Pushups are improving, it actually feels less like "falling" and more like I'm actually lowering myself in a controlled fashion. Hurray!

    2 super sets
    Set 1:

    Three point plank
    On left leg for 30 seconds, on right for 30 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 31.5kg

    Set 2:
    Plank 90 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 31.5kg


    Good workout considering I wasn't feeling 100%. I prefer Workout A to Workout B, it seems to take much less time!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spin class this morning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Stage 2 Workout B2

    Warm up

    Elliptical- 4 minutes of TABATA
    4 minutes medium-high intensity
    Squat (no weight) x 20

    Wide grip deadlift from box
    Warm up sets

    10 x 20kg
    10 x 25kg

    2 sets
    10 x 30kg

    +5kg from last time

    2 supersets
    Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 x 10kg (+1kg)
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch- 10 x 4kg (+1kg)

    Managed to find a highly sought after 10kg plate for the split squats- MUCH easier to hold on to than a dumb bell. Still nearly fell over a few times. My balance sucks.

    2 sets
    Underhand lat pulldown - 10 x 32kg
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach - 10 x 5kg (+1kg)

    Kept the lunges nice and slow and they were a bit easier this week. Didn't bother supersetting as the gym was getting crowded.

    2 supersets
    10 x swiss ball crunch (with 5kg plate)
    10 x reverse crunch
    10 x side flexion (did legs, then upper half, I'll combine the two next time)

    2 x 1 minute prone cobra


    I'll do the HIIT this evening after work.

    This workout took 1 hour 18 minutes and I didn't even do the intervals! I'm probably spending too much time setting up/warming up for deadlifts but I like to take my time with them- makes for a very rushed morning afterwards though. Should probably try and organise myself better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    HIIT on the stationary bike.

    2 minutes warm up
    15 minutes HIIT (1:1)
    5 minutes cooldown

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp- circuits (45 seconds of one exercise, 15 seconds off, onto the next)
