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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    How are you finding stage 2?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    I preferred Stage 1 in a way because I liked the simple lifts and I felt like it was easier to make progress... not sure about this whole thing of combining moves/doing things on one leg or from a box that Stage 2 has introduced. That said it is fun and I'm enjoying it (except lunges. Feck those). What was your opinion of it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Meant to go spinning last night but with getting organised for the weekend and sorting some car stuff out I had zero time after work. Bit annoyed as I won't be able to make it to the class tomorrow either (driving down to Cork for the weekend).

    Weighed in this morning. Up 1-2lbs (over two weeks I guess). Effectively wiping out any losses for the past 4 weeks, NOT happy :mad: but trying to just move forward and not let the scales rule me. It's bloody hard though! I did cut a bit loose last weekend when my mother was up, eating out and that, but from Monday onwards I was back to normal. Oh well.

    NROLFW Stage 2
    Workout A3

    Warm Up

    4 minutes TABATA intervals
    4 minutes medium-high intensity

    10 Squats (no weight)

    Barbell front squat to push press
    Warmup sets

    8 x 10kg
    8 x 15kg

    2 sets
    10 x 20kg

    YAY, finally push-pressed the bar!

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg step up (on bench)
    10 x 8kg one point row (+0.5kg from last time)

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg Static Lunge with rear foot elevated
    10 push ups

    These lunges are irritating. If I'm not totally, perfectly positioned everything goes to wobbly hell.

    2 super sets
    Set 1:

    Three point plank
    On left leg for 30 seconds, on right for 30 seconds, both legs for 30 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 40.5kg (+9kg from last time)

    Set 2:
    Plank 90 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 40.5kg


    This time next week (assuming I can get to a gym over the weekend!) I'll be finished Stage 2. Odd as it feels like I'm just getting started with it. Hopefully the end of stage 2 measurements will show some progress that the scales don't.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Yesterday: Walked the dog. Not really a workout :)

    I'm down in Cork for the weekend and decided to seek out a gym for my Sunday workout. It felt incredibly strange being in a different gym! The weights area was tiny but I managed to do what I needed to do. Ended up being a good workout.

    Stage 2 Workout B3

    Warm up

    Elliptical- 10 minutes medium-high intensity

    10 x Squats (2 sets)

    Wide grip deadlift from box
    Warm up sets

    10 x 20kg
    10 x 22.5kg

    Actual sets
    10 x 30kg
    10 x 35kg

    +5kg from last time (but only for one set)

    2 supersets
    Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 x 10kg
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch- 10 x 5kg (+1kg)

    2 supersets
    Underhand lat pulldown - 10 x 35kg (+3kg- tried 40kg, knew I wasn't going to be able to get 10 reps out of it so dropped down)
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach - 10 x 5kg

    I should have increased the weight for the lunges but I was getting fairly tired (*cough* lazy) at this point.

    2 supersets
    10 x swiss ball crunch (with 6kg dumbbell)
    10 x reverse crunch
    10 x side flexion (legs & upper body)

    2 x 1 minute prone cobra


    16 minutes on the spin bike, 1:1 intervals


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 2
    Workout A4

    Warm Up

    4 minutes TABATA intervals
    4 minutes medium-high intensity

    10 Squats (no weight)

    Barbell front squat to push press
    Warmup sets

    8 x 10kg
    8 x 15kg

    2 sets
    10 x 20kg

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg step up (on bench)
    10 x 8kg one point row

    Attempted a few step ups with the 12.5kg dumb bells but I was wobbling all over the place.

    2 supersets
    10 x 10kg Static Lunge with rear foot elevated
    10 push ups

    2 super sets
    Set 1:

    Three point plank
    On left leg for 30 seconds, on right for 30 seconds, both legs for 30 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 27kg (-13.5kg(!) from last time)

    I did the woodchops on a different machine than usual- I thought the machines were all the same but it was WAY harder than usual so I had to drop the weight significantly. Not sure if I've been misreading the weight on the other machine or something- meant to take a look before I left but forgot.

    Set 2:
    Plank 65 seconds
    Cable woodchops x 27kg


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp this evening.

    Circuits. Lots of squat variations. Also burpees *puke*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Did my HIIT tonight as I know I won't have time tomorrow morning.

    Stationary Bike- 2 minutes warm up, 20 minutes 1:1 HIIT, 3 minute cooldown

    10 reps x 3

    Prone Jacknife
    10 reps x 3


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    +2lbs this morning. That's an increase of 3lbs in as many weeks. Not happy to say the least. I'll be tracking very carefully over the next week.

    Stage 2 Workout B4

    Warm up

    Elliptical- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity

    Wide grip deadlift from box
    Warm up sets

    10 x 20kg
    10 x 30kg

    2 sets
    10 x 35kg

    2 supersets
    Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 x 10kg
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch- 10 x 5kg

    Tried 6kg for the snatch- couldn't even get 2 reps out of it.

    2 supersets
    Underhand lat pulldown - 10 x 36kg (+1kg)
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach - 10 x 6kg, 10 x 7kg (+1kg and 2kg)

    2 supersets
    10 x swiss ball crunch (with 6kg dumbbell)
    10 x reverse crunch
    10 x side flexion (legs & upper body)

    2 x 1 minute prone cobra


    And that's Stage 2 down :) I'll take some updated measurements tomorrow. Even if the scale is p1ssing me off, I am noticing improvements in my shoulders, arms, stomach, legs- everywhere really!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    I'm taking a week's break between Stages this time around but will still be fitting cardio-based workouts in.

    Yesterday was a rest day- today I did a 45 minute spin class + 15 minute ab class.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Tonight- tried a 45 minute "Pump and Tone" class.

    The 5kg weights I used were too light for some moves and too heavy for others so I felt "off" for most of it. Probably won't do it again.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spinning class tonight.

    Found off I have a half day on Good Friday :) I'm looking forward to starting NROLFW Stage 3 when the gym is hopefully nice and quiet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp tonight.

    Mostly intervals of things like push ups, squat holds, lunges, planks, split squats, all the fun stuff!

    Rest day tomorrow and Stage 3 begins on Friday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Gah, bit behind on my tracking. Started Stage 3 on Good Friday:

    Stage 3 Workout 1A

    8 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity

    3 sets
    One armed dumbbell snatch

    5kg x 6
    (and some practise sets with lower weight)

    3 supersets
    Romanian deadlift

    8kg x 6
    9kg x 6
    10kg x 6

    Barbell bent-over row
    20kg x 6
    25kg x 6
    25kg x 6

    Yeah, I could NOT do a single leg romanian deadlift without falling over, so swapped it out for a standard dumb bell Romanian deadlift. Need to practise it I suppose.

    3 supersets
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat

    2kg over head, 4kg in hand x 6
    Dumbbell incline bench press
    8kg x 6
    9kg x 6
    9kg x 6

    I found those overhead squats incredibly hard to do, couldn't keep my arm from bending :( Will need to practise them too I think.

    Bodyweight Matrix - 2 sets
    24 squats
    12 lunges
    12 jump lunges
    12 jump squats

    Bodyweight matrix was definitely a workout! I was exhausted afterwards.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    And today's workout. Wanted to do this on Sunday but was in Cork for the weekend and didn't get a chance to go to the gym :(

    NROLFW Stage 3
    Workout 1B


    8 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity

    3 sets
    Barbell romanian deadlift/ bent over row

    30kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Partial single leg squat

    6 reps (bodyweight)
    Wide grip lat pull down
    36kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Prone Cobra

    (No back extension machine in the gym that I could see)
    60 seconds

    3 supersets
    Swiss Ball Crunch
    5kg x 6
    Prone Jacknife x 6
    Side flexion x 6


    Will do HIIT this evening along with the prone cobras I was supposed to finish with- ran out of time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Last night:
    HIIT on the bike (20 minutes total, about 7 1:1 intervals + warmup/cooldown)

    Then did 3 sets of:

    Prone Cobra x 90 seconds
    Push Ups x 10


    45 minute bootcamp. We did our monthly fitness test- I beat my last "score" by 1 set but only barely so I was a bit disappointed!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Felt an urge to go for a run tonight but forgot to set my pedometer yoke so I don't actually know how far or what pace I went at :D was about 40 minutes of running/walking when I felt like it. Very nice evening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Stage 3 Workout 2A

    7 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 3 minutes medium-high intensity
    Some bodyweight squats

    One armed dumbbell snatch

    7.5kg x 6
    8kg x 6
    8kg x 6
    (+2.5/3kg from last time)

    I could do these all day, they're great fun.

    3 supersets
    Romanian dumbbell deadlift

    12.5kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    Barbell bent-over row
    30kg x 6 (+5kg)

    3 supersets
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat

    3kg over head, 6kg in hand x 6 (+1kg)

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    10kg x 6 (+1kg)

    One set was a flat press as I couldn't get a bench.

    3 sets (forgot to log these last time!)

    Reverse cable woodchop - 31kg or thereabouts, I don't actually remember.
    Plank x 90 sec

    I feel like an eejit, there are two different machines I do woodchops on depending on which is free, and one is way easier than the other- I think it has stretchy/elastic cables or something and the other doesn't? I keep meaning to check and compare the two so I can figure it out!


    Ran out of time so will do bodyweight matrix this evening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spin class + 15 minute ab class this morning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 3
    Workout 2B


    8 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity

    Barbell romanian deadlift/ bent over row
    Warmup Sets

    20kg x 6
    30kg x 6

    3 sets
    32.5kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    3 supersets
    Partial single leg squat

    8kg x 6
    Wide grip lat pull down
    38.3kg x 6 (+2.3kg)

    3 supersets
    Prone Cobra

    60 seconds
    3kg (+0.5kg)

    3 supersets
    Swiss Ball Crunch
    7kg x 10
    Prone Jacknife x 10
    Side flexion x 8

    15 minutes on bike doing 1:1 intervals. Tough going straight after lifting!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Stage 3 Workout 3A

    7 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 3 minutes medium-high intensity
    10 x bodyweight squats

    One armed dumbbell snatch

    8kg x 6 (picked up the wrong dumbbell, blah)
    9kg x 6
    9kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Romanian dumbbell deadlift

    15kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    Barbell bent-over row
    32.5kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    3 supersets
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat

    3kg over head, 6kg in hand x 6

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    10kg x 6

    3 sets
    Reverse cable woodchop

    40.5kg (+9kg)
    90 sec (switching between regular and single leg)


    Ran out of time (as usual) so will do the bodyweight matrix this evening.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp class tonight- first outdoor one of the year so it felt harder than usual! Also, birdsh1t. Birdsh1t EVERYWHERE including all over my pants :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Boo, sore throat/cough for the last two days so I missed a workout.

    Thankfully feeling better today so went to my usual spinning + abs class.

    Back to lifting tomorrow!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 3
    Workout 3B


    8 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity

    Barbell romanian deadlift/ bent over row
    Warmup Sets

    20kg x 6

    2 sets
    32.5kg x 6
    1 set
    35kg x 6 (+2.5kg) (Yay!)

    3 supersets
    Partial single leg squat

    10kg x 6 (+2kg)
    Wide grip lat pull down
    1 set at 38.3kg x 6
    2 sets at 41kg x 6 (+2.6kg)

    3 supersets
    Prone Cobra

    60 seconds
    1 set at 4kg
    2 sets at 3kg

    3 supersets
    Swiss Ball Crunch
    9kg x 10 (+2kg)
    Prone Jacknife x 10
    Side flexion x 8

    Ran out of time AGAIN. Booked a spinning class for tomorrow evening instead.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spinning class tonight, in the new branch of my gym that opened near my workplace- bit weird being in a new gym! It was very busy with the after work crowd but I might check it out before work on Friday and see how busy the weights area is at that hour of the morning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute bootcamp class tonight. Windy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Stage 3 Workout 4A

    7 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 3 minutes medium-high intensity
    10 x bodyweight squats

    One armed dumbbell snatch

    10kg x 6 (+1kg)

    3 supersets
    Romanian dumbbell deadlift

    17.5kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    Barbell bent-over row
    15kg x 6 (+2.5kg)
    35kg x 6 (+2.5kg)
    35kg x 6 (+2.5kg)
    30kg x 6 (+2.5kg)

    3 supersets
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat

    3kg over head, 6kg in hand x 6

    Dumbbell incline bench press
    12.5kg x 5
    10kg x 6
    10kg x 6

    Once you get above 10kg, the increments go from 1kg to 2.5kg... going from 10kg to 12.5kg was a real struggle.

    3 sets
    Reverse cable woodchop

    49.5kg (+9kg)


    Will do the planks and bodyweight matrix after work this evening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Warm up on bike for 7 minutes.

    3 x 90 sec plank.

    Bodyweight Matrix (2 sets)

    24 squats
    12 lunges
    12 lunge jumps
    24 jump squats


    Weighed myself this week... my scales are crazy. They jumped up 3lbs :eek: at first, then each time I tried again they went down ~1lb until I was back at the weight I was last week :o decided to leave it and try again tomorrow, I'm guessing I'm pretty much the same this week.

    Also feel like a total bottomless pit, raging hungry all day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 3
    Workout 4B


    8 minutes crosstrainer- 4 minutes TABATA, 4 minutes medium-high intensity
    10 x bodyweight squats

    Barbell romanian deadlift/ bent over row
    Warmup Sets

    20kg x 6
    30kg x 5

    3 sets
    35kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Partial single leg squat

    10kg x 6
    Wide grip lat pull down
    41kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Prone Cobra

    60 seconds
    4kg x 6

    3 supersets
    Swiss Ball Crunch
    10kg x 10 (+2kg)
    Prone Jacknife x 10
    Side flexion x 8

    15 minutes on the rower- 12 minutes 1:1 intervals + 3 minutes for warmup/cooldown


    And that's all for Stage 3 \o/ I enjoyed this stage! I was very happy with today's workout too. Will take some updated measurements tomorrow morning and then it's on to Stage 4.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    45 minute spinning class- tough one! Included 8 minutes of TABATA, which worked out my legs nicely, they were a bit stiff today.

    I took updated measurements today and was happy to discover I was down a half inch pretty much everywhere- waist, hips, thighs, calves, biceps, and triceps. The notable exception was my bust, which went down an entire inch :mad: less from there, more from my tummy please! Still quite happy though. Scales are still not moving so it was nice to see some progress.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    NROLFW Stage 4
    Workout A1

    Warm Up

    4 minutes TABATA intervals
    10 Squats (no weight)

    Barbell front squat to push press
    Warmup set

    8 x 20kg

    2 sets
    8 x 22.5kg (+2.5kg)

    Will aim for 25kg next time.

    3 supersets
    8 x 12.5kg step up (on bench) (+2.5kg)
    8 x 10kg one point row (+2kg)

    Couldn't even do one 12.5kg step up at the end of Stage 2 so that was a nice improvement.

    3 supersets
    10 x 10kg Static Lunge with rear foot elevated
    10 push ups

    3 sets
    Cable woodchops x 49.5kg

    2 sets

    120 sec plank


    I definitely feel much stronger this time around than I did last time I had to do the same moves (in Stage 2).
