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Die Rise Zombie Players

  • 14-02-2013 3:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 279 ✭✭

    Hey guys , I got Die Rise about 2 weeks ago and I honestly think its a fantastic map .. The only problem is trying to survive .. I could play by myself but its much more fun with players only thing is the players online dont have strategies or anything just run around trying not to die and never revive you .. I only meet some good players the odd time who are usually in parties which helps a lot actually .. My Highest round is 20 right now which isnt great .. Anyways .. Anybody whos got some good strategies for the game leave em below? Thanks


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 280 ✭✭Yousef

    Yeah, Die Rise is a great map. I hated it at the start...I thought it was too narrow and claustrophobic but now that I know the map layout, I think it's a great addition.

    Here's what you'll want to do:

    Always go through the door at the start as opposed to jumping in the lift. The reasons for doing this are many but the two most important being a) the mystery box is accessible easily and b) you can pick up the part for the Trample Steam.

    The Trample Steam is that flipper thing that allows you to spring board from one building to the next. It may not be important now but for those higher rounds it's invaluable and you'll definitely need it to make your life that much easier.

    If you're up for hitting the mystery box now then fair enough you might get lucky. But I usually don't spend my money on it so early because you usually get crap in the early rounds like an RPG, ballistics knife, a pistol or something. Keep your cash and head down the lift shaft to that spot where the AN Rifle is. Buy it. 4 people can hold off here pretty easy until the round after those jumping crawling things are dead. There is only one door so that means you have 3 people down the corridor watching the vent and the window.

    When the crawling jumping things are all dead, open the barricade and run into the upside down Buddha red room. What you'll want to do here is to make the jump over to the other building. Make sure you do it at the lower level. If you jump from the higher floor you'll end up on your arse.

    Go through all the little corridors until you get to the Sliquifier gun building table. One part is a shoe/sock located up the stairs and in front of the TV. Another part is in the kitchen beside the kettle. The third part is located up in the power room which you'll want to make your way up to at this point to turn it on so that you can get a perk or two depending on your cash. The last part is located to the right of the table beside the crates. Build the gun and go up on the quickest lift.

    So now you're on the roof. Buy the claymores and throw them down under the walkway located beside the dragon sign. You can open the door that runs down into the lower level so that you can buy the perk that comes up in the lift and also to get that SMG if things get hairy. The roof is where you hold off for the game pretty much. With enough claymores down and with the Sliquifier gun you need not worry about those crawling jumping monsters.

    When the time is right pack-a-punch your gun TWICE. You'll want to run up the walkway at some point and make the jump back across to the other building. There is Quick Revive located here as well as another perk usually Speed Cola or Who's Who. Build the Trample Steam on the work desk. This is important as it allows you to jump from one building to the next without having to go all the way back through the map just to get to the other building where you'll be holding out. And secondly, you'll need the Trample Steam to place at the Zombie window on the roof behind where you'll be holding off so that you don't get any nasty surprises. If a zombie comes through the window, he'll be sent back through it!

    You can also place a Trample Steam in front of where you'll be holding off on the roof. When the zombies start charging, any of them that runs into it will be shot off into space.

    I got to round 34 on Die Rise but the one thing that pisses me off about Treyarch is that the idiots forgot to A) include Lobby Leaderboards like BO1 had so that you can see how good the people you're playing with is and B) that if you start a game with 4 people and one person leaves, then you might as well all leave because even if you make it to round 100, it won't save for you. This happened to me. Round 34 doesn't show up on my leaderboard because some asshole left mid game. It still shows round 17.

