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weight programme

  • 19-02-2013 2:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 14

    Hi, I was wondering could I get some advice on my weights programme?
    Have been at it for about 2 months now and was wondering am I doing the right things.
    So I weight train 3 days a week mon, wed, fri. Monday is shoulder and biceps, Wednesday is chest and tricep and friday is leg and back. I do spinning and abs class every Tuesday with football 2-3 times a week.

    I generally do 7 weight exercises on weights day so say 4 shoulder exercises and 3 bicep. I increase the weights every 2 weeks. I do 3 sets of 12 reps (I work out of my garage so its limited to weights bench, free weights and a punching bag.)

    Is this the right way to go about weight lifting? i.e. breaking them up into groups? Seeing some difference in the appearance so I presume im not completely wasting my time?
