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Could be the start of something big!



  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Yesterday did a gym session due to bad weather. Nothing was done on Saturday and nothing today:(. Tomorrow swim in morning and bike in evening to get me back on track.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Morning 700m swim in 15.20 and 50m sprint 39s. Happy with this was going to fit in a turbo but it never happened. Tomorrow turbo and strenght/core and maybe a swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    swimming going really well I see...think you'll probably be out of the pool ahead of me at the rate your improving

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Just a swim today again:mad:. Tomorrow bike and weights definitely:rolleyes:. Anyway 100m warm up and 700m in 14.50 and 5x100m and 200m cool down. Very pleased with this not sure if I can keep improving on that 700m time. Really pushed it in the 700. Most I have swam ever in one day:D. Anyone have any tips to improve on the 700m time in three weeks? Should I be doing sprints or long distance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Thursday 04/04/13

    Had planned a lot but only did a turbo. More a lack of energy then fitness turned me off the gym. Turbo went quiet well 22k in 40.26 with a 36.43 20k. Very happy with this think its my second best 20k. The plan for tomorrow is a swim and bike.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Training has been bad lately. last Thursday evening I ate a 2 kg packet of nuts in the space of 30 mins. Not a good idea was getting sick all that night and didn't feel well until Saturday and then it took me and day to get my strength back from the lack of food.

    Anyway back training today which is all that matters. The plan was a 20 k turbo followed by interval training and a swim.

    20 k went very well did it in 35.47 and did intervals of 2 mins easy, 2 mins moderate and 1 min hard for twenty mins. So four intervals. Was very tired at the end of this. Average speed of 32 k for the hour.

    Next the swim did 100 m to worm up all okay and then into 700 m which did not go to plan. Got a stitch after about 100 m and had to stop at 200 m. Tried to get ride of it but no luck ended up stopping with another attempt of 100 m followed by a 50. Ill put this down as bike before swim :rolleyes:.

    The plan for tomorrow is a swim and gym session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Swim and gym as planned.

    Swim 100 m warm up 700 m main set in 14.40 and 50 m warm down. Happy with this as I felt quiet tired throughout so a good time.

    Gym 1.5 hours. Was tough was my first time back in around 10 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    The plan was a bike and a gym session.

    Ended up doing a bike and swim.

    Bike was tough and felt tired from the start. 20 k in a relatively slow time to previous ones. It wasn't the legs that were tried it was more a lack of wanting to push myself which is not like me.

    After the bike I decided pool was the only place for me. Feel into the pool and did 100 m. I decided to do another and near the end of the hundred I decided to push myself a little. Managed a 700 m which was much further than I thought I would go for the energy I had.

    Anyway tomorrow is not looking promising for training with student race day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Evening swim today. 100 m warm up, 2x50, 700m main set could of been 800 lost count :pac: and 100m cool down.

    Swim 1000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    5k run in 22.57.

    Very happy with this. Consistent pace for the 5k which was better as I usually go out fast and slow down near the end. Need to do more running and get the fitness up over the next few weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    One of the tougher days today. Was very tired before going to the gym so very happy with the training (feel asleep in college:D).

    Brick session: 20k in 36.1x followed by a run of 1k with about 30sec between the two. This was my first time ever doing a brick and it felt grand. No jelly legs for me. Felt sick near the end of the run due to eating a lot at lunch and not giving sufficient time to digest. Otherwise legs felt good except for a tightness in calves which I cant seem to get ride of. It may be due to my exaggerated running which I am doing at the moment to get out of the bad habits of running flat footed.

    Weights: This was shortly followed by a good session of heavy weights of about 40mins.

    Brick session 20k turbo and 1k run, weights 40 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    16th April swim 14.02 for 700 m. Really pushed it and had a stitch for the last 100 but pushed through it.

    17th April Nothing was sick all day

    18th April Nothing, had planned a swim but the pool was closed:mad:

    Tomorrow ill get myself back on track with a tough session

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Today the plan was a brick session of 20 k turbo and run.

    Was feeling energetic so no excuses and ended up doing 20 k in 35.02 pb for me and so close to under 35 mins:rolleyes:. Straight of the bike and onto the indoor track with about 30 seconds gap, which is way faster than i'm ever going to transition but good to get used to the wobbley legs. Felt strange at the start of the run but got into it after a few hundred metres and did 2k at a slow passe except for the last 200 meters sprint at the end which killed me:D. Good session though more of these brick session in the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Just a 5k today in 22.36 which I am quiet happy with. Wasn't too tired after it. Same tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    yesterday another 5k 22.37, legs felt stiff after but a good workout

    Today 2k run on outdoor track with a friend and turbo with 2x1k sprints and 3x0.5k sprints at around 350-450 watts with a total of 8k. First time doing sprints very good workout more of these in the future. Training is going to drop off over this week from now on due to Joey Hannon Sprint on Sunday:)

    Plan for tomorrow short distance swims with lots of recovery time. Just get the shoulders moving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    easy swim today just a few lengths at my own pace. Around 15mins with breaker whenever I felt the need for one. Tomorrow 4x 200m.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    All set for the weekend??? it'll be fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Trig1 wrote: »
    All set for the weekend??? it'll be fun!

    As ready as ill ever be:D. Looking forward to it now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Swim today 100 warm up 4x200m and 50 cool down. Good session nice and relaxed until the pool filled with toddlers and the shallow end became 1 foot deep:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    okay haven't updated this in a while.

    25th April- Day off had a lot of college work

    26th April- 3x 1k bike sprints with easy peddling between and 2k run. Harder than I would of liked.

    27th April- Day before race easy bike outside for around 15mins.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    yesterday was suppose to be an easy day but didn't plan out like that. 10mins hard warm up on bike followed by 2k run around the outdoor track at a quick peace for me:rolleyes:. Finished with a swim with some 100 and 50 which were more sprints than anything else.

    Today- nothing due to lots of college work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    So where's your race did you get on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Trig1 wrote: »
    So where's your race did you get on?

    ill put it up soon. lots of work to do atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    10k today in the wind and rain 46.15 with 4.38 per kilometer peace average. Seeing as its my first 10 k ever and my fastest 5k is around 22.30 i'm extremely happy with this. Felt great at that peace and felt I could of kept going another 5k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Another 10k today in 46.11. Four seconds faster than yesterday:D. Felt harder today with the tired legs but pushed through it for a pb. Also entered the 'Up The Creek' triathlon sprint today. Looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Woke up at 7 and had a small bite to eat before getting my things together and making any last minute changes. Soon we were off to U.L. I arrived at 8 and I wheeled the bike to the transition where it was checked over by a marshal. I picked a spot and racked my bike, got my gear together, stuck on race numbers and rearranged my clothes. Heading to the arena after this where I double checked my wave and starting time and hung around for the race briefing that never happened:confused:. Soon it was time for the Tri-a-tri category to start so I said I would go and have a look at what was ahead of me. After the first few left the pool I went to get changed into some warm-up gear and went upstairs to do stretching, high legs, jogging and sprints to warm up. After 15-20mins it was time to go get changed into my swim gear. Got the gear on and anxiously waited for the start.

    Swim: 14.45

    Got into my lane which had about 10 others and we started talking about times. Some were saying 14 others 15 so I said id say 15 as I didn't want to be holding back people. We got our final briefing about overtaking and drafting and before I knew it we were off. The start was messy everyone on eachothers heels and not much room. After 25m or so the peace increased for awhile before slowing again and this forced the not so effective free-style, breast-stroke method which is annoying. Due to the drope of peace I was been tapped on the feet by the women behind me which was annoying. After a few hundred meters of this I had enough of it and decided to overtake. I managed to get past two and had to force my way in to the left side of the lane so as to not crash head on into the guy going in the opposite direction. At the turn around the two I had overtaken passed me and forced me out of the way and swam over me. Elbows flying everywhere. Ended up staying behind them for the rest of the swim and staying in touch easily.

    T1: 3:21

    Got out of the pool and ran to transition in a good mood as I had heard someone say 14 mins for the swim which I was aiming for. I headed to my bike and put on shoes and socks. While doing this the marshel asked me where my helmet ws and she was right I couldn't see it and I panicked but found it a few seconds later 5 metres away on someones shoes. Lost a lot of time here which wouldn't of happened if I had a tri-suit. Bike unracked and I was on my way.

    Bike: 41:33

    Managed to mount easily enough (unlike one guy I saw fall flat on his face) and headed off where I soon passed 3 or 4 riders. Soon I was getting passed by guys with helmets that cost more than my bike which I was not worried about. On the way out the wind was behind and it didn't feel to bad except for the height of the saddle which was too low and meant that I was only using some of my leg and not all the muscles in my leg. Anyway at the turn point there was a huge change as the wind changed from our backs to our faces. I forced myself to stay low even though it was more testing for the legs than staying high. Near the end of 20k a few lads caught up with me and we passed a few others before entering back into U.L. My dismount can only be described as comical. As I got off the bike my feet were extremely wobbley and I could not walk let alone run for a few seconds. I must of been a sight to see never as extreme as that before. I wobbley to T2 at around 10min peace:P.

    T2: 1:16

    Uneventful. Decided to wear the same shoes as the bike which saved some time.


    Legs were wrecked and was been passed by loads of people old and young. Only managed to pass one and that was because he had stopped. This was the most tried I have been starting a run ever and if felt awful. I really wanted to stop and walk so many times but I kept pushed and finally crossed the line in a time of 1:25:48 beating my goal time of 1.5 hours.

    I was very happy with the race but can see where large times were wasted from bad judgement and I believe I can do much better than this in triathlons to come.

    Thanks for reading hope it wasn't too boring:rolleyes:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Back on track after a week off due to exams.

    Double session today. Swim at lunch time. Didn't go well. Breathing was all over the place couldn't seem to control it. Managed around 1000m with 300m being the longest. Hopefully just down to lack of swimming. 10k run in around 46.5x. Wind was very strong and in my face for 50 percent of it. Struggled through it though.

    Tomorrow another 10k easy

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    10k today with an average of 4.39 per kilometer. Started out fast for me at 4.30 and ended up suffering at the end. Legs tired now and hopefully a swim and turbo tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Nothing done since Sunday last. Today a tough 10k in 46.36.

    1km 4.35
    2km 4.30
    3km 4.34
    4km 4.46
    5km 4.42
    6km 4.48
    7km 4.42
    8km 4.43
    9km 4.41
    10km 4.35

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  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Topps

    Sunday 19th May

    Planned to do some fartlek or whatever it is called:P. Don't think I was doing it the way you are suppose to. Had planned 500m easy at 10k peace and then 250m 80% for 5km but after the third 250m I had to throw in the 80% and just run the rest of the 5k. Next time ill be doing shorter 80% and slower rests between them and a warm up:D. By far the toughest thing I have done in a long while.

    Monday 20th May

    1km swim in the pool. Main set 750m in 15.32 and 50m warm up and 2x100 cool down.
