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ULSU Elections 2013 (Voting Thursday March 14) #VoteUL



  • Registered Users Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Quintis

    Have to say James was fairly quick off the mark, he was out very early with his 'video' and first to get his manifesto out, plenty of people talking about him already

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,407 ✭✭✭lkionm

    I dont think James is going to have a hope of winning running against a mental health nurse who looks like Taylor Swift with a bad nose and an incumbant who was the first to win against a strong incumbant last year.
    I will seek to change this completely as the only way I can be effective and make the welfare office approachable
    . Right, not even a little introduction as to how he will and then deal with it in the next paragraphs.
    the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors
    Hi facebook, today I helped Jennifer who is suffering through depression because she has no money and just found out she is pregnant. 1 like equals 1 hug.
    The southwest has been badly affected by the recession but it only through the investment in the future workforce that this can get us out of this situation. These companies took on these UL graduates, now it’s time for them to give back.
    What do these companies owe us? It would be nice if companies could donate money but its completely unrealistic to expect a company to give UL students money because they dont have a job because these companies wont hire them.

    A bigger campaign is needed in order to do so, not just the simple action of going around campus giving away condoms. This brings me onto the issue of condoms. The distribution of condoms is one of the most important parts of this office. As they say, safe sex is great sex. There’s no point chancing unprotected sex, especially when the Welfare Office will be giving them away for free. Currently there are thousands of condoms being handed out each semester, I want to increase the number of Durex being handed out, this is because the majority of students, including myself, would always trust Durex over the “the leading competitor”
    He says he thinks handing out condoms is bad but then wants to increase the amount being handed out?
    Why is leading competitor in inverted commas?
    I plan to do this by inviting the bars and Clubs in Limerick to sponsor the Durex giveaways in order to get a monopoly for advertisement in the Union and on campus for that week. Again, there is the “give back” approach to this, as students contribute hugely to the coffers of these bars and nightclubs and the investment for them is a drop in the ocean in comparison to what they can recoup
    . again, what do pubs and clubs owe us? They are there to make money.
    All these places have condom machines and make money off them, why should they care if Johnny rides Sarah with no condom and gets herpes? Johhny and Sarah can still drink.
    I will raffle off a spot prize amongst the people that come to see me
    Yes, lets trivialize mental health with prizes. What if I wanted it kept private and I win the prize? I think its a bit degrading.
    primary school teachers are not qualified to identify these issues before the child goes to secondary school
    I think they are trained, not too sure of secondary. Will need to back up that claim.
    I will arrange for an inter-course soccer competition that would run throughout a semester, or year, that would eventually end in winners competing in an inter-year competition
    . logistical nightmare. I think clubs and stuff do this sort of thing anyway?

    So I am not voting for James for those reasons.
    His video could have actually been funny if done right. He would be lucky to get 100 votes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Quintis

    lkionm wrote: »
    So I am not voting for James for those reasons

    People are very quick to say they are not going to vote for someone before they have even seen any other candidates plans and manifestos, Catriona and cathal have yet to release theirs, it is worth seeing what they have to say before making a judgement

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,533 ✭✭✭Jester252

    Quintis wrote: »
    People are very quick to say they are not going to vote for someone before they have even seen any other candidates plans and manifestos, Catriona and cathal have yet to release theirs, it is worth seeing what they have to say before making a judgement

    Their manifestos must promises puppy kicking to be worst. I like how James McMahon is aiming for for the non-involved students. While there may be more they are the ones who a lest likely to vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 MK90

    right well I think that little video there has ruled james mcmahon out of the running already.

    I would vote for cliodhna but I am not a big fan of the kayak club so unfortunately I will have to vote for ronan.

    easy pickings for rockett in the academic.

    then I suppose it'll be the big dog mousey for the win in the main one, he has a big enough crowd behind him i believe.

    Well James McMahon is only getting started .... This is obviously not his real manifesto video .... just because he isn't "known" around campus doesn't deem him unfit for the position

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭CWF

    Kennedy for Prez!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    CWF wrote: »
    Kennedy for Prez!

    Maybe, instead of posting the same three words repeatedly, you could tell us why we should vote for him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    I'm still undecided who to vote for, but I'd be surprised if James is better than either of the two other candidates once their manifestos become public. The fact that he states "I am a typical student, who has no affiliation with any club, society or previous Union position" in his opening line is absolutely ridiculous. I get the point that he's trying to differentiate himself from Catríona by saying he's not involved in C&S, and Cathal by saying he's not involved in the SU, but is anybody really going to want a sabbat who has no experience dealing with anything in the college apart from exams and house parties? It's a bit mad.

    I'd be fairly interested to know if he's actually done any research into the position he's hoping to get elected into as well, because I'm nearly sure organising massive soccer tournaments would be best left to somebody involved with the Soccer Club in UL than somebody who's main job is to look after the welfare of students.

    Actually, on a wider scale, is there a way to find out how many of the candidates contacted the incumbents before getting their signatures? That would say a lot about how serious of an option they are, in my opinion anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 Stephen_Byrne

    Hi Everyone. Thomond Student Times have been a bit quieter this year, given that we're all fourth years and have FYP deadlines and generally a lot of work.

    Tomorrow we're filming interviews with the five presidential candidates, if you have any questions you'd like asked feel free to post here or email us at, for our elections editor.

    The reason we'll only be interviewing the presidential candidates is simply because of time. The videos have to be edited and out by Tomorrow night or Tuesday lunchtime to be any use to anybody and we simply aren't able to commit as much time as last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 MK90

    Also in relation to the quote "the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors" James McMahon means that he wants the welfare office to be open and accessible to students. It doesn't mean he will be broadcasting confidential issues between welfare and students. Just want to clear that up!

    On another note I see Catrírona as a very strong candidate, i think she will a lot of experience in this area. And with the kayaking club behind her I think she is in a good position.

    Cathal Ronan will have to do a lot to make me vote for him

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    MK90 wrote: »
    Well James McMahon is only getting started .... This is obviously not his real manifesto video .... just because he isn't "known" around campus doesn't deem him unfit for the position

    I don't know what to make of that either, the comments that have been going around Facebook today sarcastically saying that it was a joke video seems like damage control, and poor damage control at that :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 bambismom

    Just thought I would post my affiliation...

    Flew home this weekend and will be giving my full support to Cathal Ronan next week. I love election week! Bring on the sugar and lack of sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,533 ✭✭✭Jester252

    Porter's Manifesto up
    Hi, my name is Emma Porter and I’m a final year student here in UL studying Psychology and Criminal Justice through the BA Joint Honours degree. During my time in University I have been largely involved in Clubs and Societies, and have trained and competed with UL’s High Performance Centre for Swimming. I have represented UL for Trampolining, Kayaking, Water polo and incorporated the role of Chairperson of UL Parkour between all of this while not neglecting my academic commitments.

    I have had an avid interest in a well-rounded student experience since arriving here in UL in 2009 and would appreciate the opportunity to represent the student body in a professional manner while doing my best to ensure that every student attending UL has the opportunity to really make the most of their experience here.

    The role of SU President is one which I will take very seriously as the prime representative of the union in order to make a difference to the student body. I intend to bring an unrivalled work ethic to the position while enjoying the experience. I feel the enthusiasm and open-mind I will bring to the position will increase student involvement and bring a positive atmosphere to the campus.

    I’m going to have a lot of fun campaigning this week and I hope the student body will see everything I have to offer the position. I’m very much looking forward to the week ahead and hearing which issues the students want addressed.

    Let’s talk about fees!
    Have you been affected by a delay in receiving a student grant this year? With SUSI taking on grant application for first year students, over 6,000 students were still waiting for their application just to be processed at the end of February. I intend to petition the government to sort out the flaws in the administrative procedures and speed up the system so students are not under such financial strain, particularly at this stage in the academic year! I believe it would also be beneficial to work with other Students’ Unions around the country to increase the pressure.

    Let’s put the pressure back on the government again to stop the increase of fees. This year’s anti-fees campaigns/protests were almost non-existent from UL. Limerick is the largest student populated city outside of Dublin; however last November’s Anti-Fees protest saw an average participation of only 75 students from each of the college s in Limerick.

    Medical Centre fees; alternative models to the current fee paying system are available and I feel it should be put to the student body to decide which model will be the most beneficial. 6 in every 100 students have an unknown STI. There has been a 30% drop in attendance of elective clinics (such as STI information clinics) since the introduction of fees to the student health centre. In the current economic climate €25 to see a doctor is an unreasonable cost to a substantial number of students. With the notion regarding outsourcing the medical centre services having been discussed, I believe we should investigate the potential which an alternative model may provide. The medical centre is willing to discuss options to work in a greater co-operation with the SU to improve the service provided to students.

    Campaigns and Enterprise
    The position of Campaigns and Services Officer was removed as a sabbatical position last year. However, the work involved in running these Campaigns has not. I propose that an ‘Enterprise’ module be set up in conjunction with the Co-Op office and the Students Union for students who have not gained a cooperative experience. This module could provide a specific, and very employable, set of skills to the students involved and increase the awareness of, and atmosphere surrounding, these Campaign weeks.

    In further regard to enterprise and initiative, I feel the possibility for a facility such as a FabLab should be fully explored. This is an initiative which undeniably has the potential to create a substantial number of opportunities for the University in terms of education, employment, and production. While initial set up costs may be high, the University could explore the possibilities surrounding the Enablement Fund and the availability of support from Limerick City Council and Shannon Development.

    A “FabLab” is a fabrication laboratory. The idea is to have the machinery and control systems for that machinery aligned with a workshop and design studio space in order to be able to build pretty much anything. The process required would include: 3D Milling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, Vinyl Cutting, Routing.

    Alan! Alan! Steve! Steve! Communications
    Communication has been a major issue this year. It has been identified as particularly by many students I have discussed it with. From my own past experiences, I found I have wasted more time than necessary simply wondering if an email sent to a member of faculty had been read. Others have felt the same, and on rare occasions days could pass before you receive any response.

    To counter this issue, I propose a new system be introduced, initially beginning in the form of an app. In this system, a delivery notification is sent to the student with a rating of importance on the issue which they are inquiring. This rating will then be associated with a response time and the email could be stored with a reminder to reply by the end of this response time. The system could first be introduced within the boundaries of Clubs and Societies, for example, for testing and if successful could be applied elsewhere.

    Other issues surrounding the topic refer to a poor supply of information from the union itself. Even this week I have heard a student say that if it wasn’t for the ULSU ENTS facebook page no one would have known what was happening during Charity Week. I intend to utilise the full potential of the social media outlets available to the Union so that the students are kept up to date on all issues.

    Equal Opportunities
    The University’s Equality and Diversity Policy recognises the equal opportunities afforded to all students. I fully support this policy and wish to work towards establishing specific guidelines granting equal opportunities to all students. Although the issue has yet to be raised, students taking part in such initiatives as teaching practice are essentially prevented from availing of such opportunities as running for a sabbatical position.

    Study week, the library is mobbed, and you’ve an exam just around the corner. This is when most students feel the wireless service in the college isn’t adequate. The service has improved since I began in UL but there are still issues which need address around the peak weeks, and I fully intend to address these.

    McGuires, the Arena and a new Student Centre
    The majority of students were clearly in favour for last years proposed referendum. Discussions are on-going in the student population regarding the issue and the possibility of fixing McGuires pitches, extending the Arena and building a new student centre.

    I am aware that a working group has been formed to further discuss the proposal, and fully believe the issue should be revisited, although with a different perspective. The student centre design which was previously proposed is something many people feel should be subjected to serious review, with which I fully agree. Personally, having been given the opportunity to avail of the Arena facilities for almost 10 years now, I feel an extension to the facility would provide substantial benefits to the campus. However, I also feel that more power should be given to the students in terms of the hours granted and the ease of access to the facility.

    A small number of Clubs have been facilitated for pitch time on the North Campus, however, the rest are still struggling to deal with what the elements are throwing at McGuires pitches. In terms of the pitches, I would like to at the very least discuss the possibility of the development of a Club rotation scheme per semester to ensure all Clubs requiring pitch time are given equally opportunities to train.

    The ‘Little’ Things
    Something as simple as a microwave in the SU could make a big difference to a number of students wishing to bring a lunch from home. There are a number of minor issues such as this which are often overlooked in campaigns such as these which I would advocate for if elected. These are things such as proper drinking water fountains in more locations in campus buildings, a burco boiler in the main building for students working late into the evening to make their own tea and coffee, and looking into the possibility of a sleep zone somewhere in the Students’ Union.
    These are just some of my ideas, but this week I hope to meet each and every one of you and hear what you think are the issues facing UL students. As your representative, I will strive to make sure that your voice is heard in every decision that affects your time here in UL, and to do it in a way that’s transparent and accessible.

    If you’re with me on this, I hope you’ll vote Emma Porter #1 for SU President this Thursday.
    * Issued by Caoilinn Doran, Official Campaign Manager for Emma Porter

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,407 ✭✭✭lkionm

    Quintis wrote: »
    People are very quick to say they are not going to vote for someone before they have even seen any other candidates plans and manifestos, Catriona and cathal have yet to release theirs, it is worth seeing what they have to say before making a judgement

    I dont think theirs will be as vague and childish as James. He is going for the uninvolved students vote, but the thing is they are uninvolved for a reason. They wont be voting and will just come over for sweets and throw the manifesto in the next bin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,905 ✭✭✭Chavways

    MK90 wrote: »
    Also in relation to the quote "the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors" James McMahon means that he wants the welfare office to be open and accessible to students. It doesn't mean he will be broadcasting confidential issues between welfare and students. Just want to clear that up!

    On another note I see Catrírona as a very strong candidate, i think she will a lot of experience in this area. And with the kayaking club behind her I think she is in a good position.

    Cathal Ronan will have to do a lot to make me vote for him

    Catríona will be the first Mental Health Nurse to have ever gone for Welfare Officer as well so she'll be bringing something completely different to what the past officers have been doing and she'll also have a good bit of experience in the area.

  • Registered Users Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Quintis

    Chavways wrote: »
    Catríona will be the first Mental Health Nurse to have ever gone for Welfare Officer as well so she'll be bringing something completely different to what the past officers have been doing and she'll also have a good bit of experience in the area.

    I still think we should wait to see Catríonas manifesto before declaring she will bring something completely different, Cathal did a great job at helping students even though he wasn't a mental health nurse, I think candidates need to expand on what he is already doing

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    Quintis wrote: »
    I still think we should wait to see Catríonas manifesto before declaring she will bring something completely different, Cathal did a great job at helping students even though he wasn't a mental health nurse, I think candidates need to expand on what he is already doing

    Agree completely, but the ball is in Catríona and Cathals' court now really. Whatever about James's manifesto having problems, at least it's out there. They both need to come back with theirs soon.

    Catríona's manifesto should be interesting from a mental health point of view, but the job is about more than that. The two of them will have to have a fairly balanced outlook on all aspects of Welfare if they want to gain a lot of support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Quintis

    Darragh McCoys Manifesto for Academic

    1.Extended hours on the weekends and during FYP weeks.

    - Currently the Library is open 10am-7pm on Saturdays and 11 am-6pm on Sundays. If voted into the position of VP Academic I will propose to amend these to allow for longer opening times in the Library. I feel the library is not open long enough for people to catch up on work, in particular courses such as Nursing, who along with a lengthy and demanding work placement, must also do their FYP and study for exams. I propose that the library open at 9am on both Saturday and Sunday and close at 9pm on Saturday, and to close at 8pm on Sunday. This would provide an extra 7 hours for students at the weekend.

    2.Blinds installed to stop the glare on laptop and computer screens.

    -On the admittedly rare sunny days that we experience, it has been noted by many students that they cannot see their screens while studying, this is a small point, yet simple to alleviate and affects many students.

    Class/Departmental Reps

    1.Highlight a detailed breakdown of the job descriptions for both.

    -As it stands, the new constitution is likely to come into effect in the next academic term. This will lead to a new form of student council made up of Departmental Reps. This will be a smaller council compared to the current class reps council. I will distribute a detailed breakdown, of each individual Departmental Reps' job description, as well as the revised Class Reps job description. I feel clarification is needed on both of these, and this may result in a smoother decision making process, and effectively getting quorum in each council.

    2.Ensure the Class Reps council does not lose all of its power.

    -I will ensure that under the new constitution, Class Reps council will not lose all its power in the decision making process. I want to ensure that Class Reps are still part of the Students Union decision making process.

    Beneficial Class Reps/Departmental Reps training

    1.Applying to the enablement fund for effective off-campus training within the country, and maximise the amount of Reps attending.

    -This year 15 Reps went abroad on a trip that included some training. They received funding for this through the enablement fund from Ulster Bank. The trip cost €50 per student. If we did similar training within the country, with the same amount of money we would be able to increase the amount of Reps attending.

    Faculty Officers

    1.Two meetings (minimum) with each officer and 2 other nominated reps from the faculty to find and fix any issues.

    -Meeting with the faculty officers and 2 other nominated reps at allocated times throughout each semester would alleviate any in-house issues within each faculty. This would keep me closer to the front line and more accessible to students.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,407 ✭✭✭lkionm

    MK90 wrote: »
    Well James McMahon is only getting started .... This is obviously not his real manifesto video .... just because he isn't "known" around campus doesn't deem him unfit for the position

    He is only getting started? God bless his little soul.
    MK90 wrote: »
    Also in relation to the quote "the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors" James McMahon means that he wants the welfare office to be open and accessible to students. It doesn't mean he will be broadcasting confidential issues between welfare and students. Just want to clear that up!

    On another note I see Catrírona as a very strong candidate, i think she will a lot of experience in this area. And with the kayaking club behind her I think she is in a good position.

    Cathal Ronan will have to do a lot to make me vote for him

    The welfare office is open and accessible to students already? They are just buzz words. I dont think the students need to know what goes on in the office, only if it is a campaign or that stuff which they have their own personal page, their SU page, and the union page to get it out there. It is not their fault if a student is too lazy to add them on facebook, so with those tools already it is pretty hard to make it more 'open'. I had to go to PAddys office twice this year and I noticed that all their doors are open, so does he want to remove the doors so they cant close the doors?
    So that is buzz words he is running with.

    I think saying Catriona has experience in this area is a bit odd considering Cathal has been doing this job for a year, so he probably has more hands on experience rather than a theory based experience. Also if a student has a serious mental issue they get referred to a doctor, the welfare officer cannot diagnose stuff like that. They can help an issue which you do not want to talk to your friends about though and point someone in the right direction if it gets serious. James has no clue what the job is and for that reason I am out.

    Are you on his team, you seem defensive and biased by saying he is only starting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    Interested to know what team MK90 is on as well, seems very defensive towards James but also backing Catríona?

    Darragh's manifesto looks oddly familiar too, hope Paddy's is up soon. Hmmmmmmmm...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Quintis

    lkionm wrote: »
    He is only getting started? God bless his little soul.

    So that is buzz words he is running with.

    Are you on his team, you seem defensive and biased by saying he is only starting?

    There are two ways to be biased, attacking someone isn't fair

    as for buzz words;

    'The role of the Welfare Officer is to be there for the health and happiness of the students this extends from providing people with information on healthy eating to making sure you have money to pay rent. The only way this can happen is if I know the students and the students know me. To do this I will be a very public figure in the Students Union so the students will feel like they know me and be comfortable in the fact that they could come and see me. I understand that a lot of work is done behind closed doors, but as a representative of the student body, the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors. I will make sure I inform the students of what exactly the Welfare office is there to do for them.If elected'

    There are no buzz words there, I can only guess by that he intends on being a more public figure, who is more approachable, i.e. making the office more open

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,407 ✭✭✭lkionm

    Quintis wrote: »
    Darragh McCoys Manifesto for Academic

    1.Extended hours on the weekends and during FYP weeks.

    - Currently the Library is open 10am-7pm on Saturdays and 11 am-6pm on Sundays. If voted into the position of VP Academic I will propose to amend these to allow for longer opening times in the Library. I feel the library is not open long enough for people to catch up on work, in particular courses such as Nursing, who along with a lengthy and demanding work placement, must also do their FYP and study for exams. I propose that the library open at 9am on both Saturday and Sunday and close at 9pm on Saturday, and to close at 8pm on Sunday. This would provide an extra 7 hours for students at the weekend.

    2.Blinds installed to stop the glare on laptop and computer screens.

    -On the admittedly rare sunny days that we experience, it has been noted by many students that they cannot see their screens while studying, this is a small point, yet simple to alleviate and affects many students.

    Class/Departmental Reps

    1.Highlight a detailed breakdown of the job descriptions for both.

    -As it stands, the new constitution is likely to come into effect in the next academic term. This will lead to a new form of student council made up of Departmental Reps. This will be a smaller council compared to the current class reps council. I will distribute a detailed breakdown, of each individual Departmental Reps' job description, as well as the revised Class Reps job description. I feel clarification is needed on both of these, and this may result in a smoother decision making process, and effectively getting quorum in each council.

    2.Ensure the Class Reps council does not lose all of its power.

    -I will ensure that under the new constitution, Class Reps council will not lose all its power in the decision making process. I want to ensure that Class Reps are still part of the Students Union decision making process.

    Beneficial Class Reps/Departmental Reps training

    1.Applying to the enablement fund for effective off-campus training within the country, and maximise the amount of Reps attending.

    -This year 15 Reps went abroad on a trip that included some training. They received funding for this through the enablement fund from Ulster Bank. The trip cost €50 per student. If we did similar training within the country, with the same amount of money we would be able to increase the amount of Reps attending.

    Faculty Officers

    1.Two meetings (minimum) with each officer and 2 other nominated reps from the faculty to find and fix any issues.

    -Meeting with the faculty officers and 2 other nominated reps at allocated times throughout each semester would alleviate any in-house issues within each faculty. This would keep me closer to the front line and more accessible to students.

    Extending hours, Paddy already did that this year and I did a survey asking about my fyp deadline. On his Facebook page Derek Daly said it will never happen and was tried in his term. Is there even a demand for the weekend? Last year for the exams was great.

    Blinds, Ill come back to this point. just let it seep into your head.

    Why do Reps need training? Was the trip to brussels just for drinkling?
    A job description will take 10 minutes.

    Blinds. Blinds? f*cking blinds. Christ.

    Maybe Paddy will have those grooves cut into the desks to hold pens so they wont fall on the floor.

    Lads, blinds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 beansmonkey

    SpudWinkle wrote: »

    Agree completely, but the ball is in Catríona and Cathals' court now really. Whatever about James's manifesto having problems, at least it's out there. They both need to come back with theirs soon.

    Catríona's manifesto should be interesting from a mental health point of view, but the job is about more than that. The two of them will have to have a fairly balanced outlook on all aspects of Welfare if they want to gain a lot of support.

    This is true. However as we have yet to see what catriona's manifesto may be like, we have yet no idea what she will produce in the coming days. It could be a quality point in favour of all areas of student welfare which is what is needed or it could be a bottomless pit of solutions to mental health issues that limits the areas she will be focusing on as it is her specialty. Cathal also has yet to provide us with his manifesto and similar to catriona we have no idea what areas he wishes to target. However we do have the insight of his past and previous persuits and actions and what has been done is something that we the student population must stand up and recognise as spectacular in the short span of his time as an officer in the SU. This positively shows us that he has the experience necessary to continue in his pursuits for a better welfare system for the students of now and for the students of the future. Cathal ronan for welfare is all I have to say as he shows he is up for the task.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,905 ✭✭✭Chavways

    lkionm wrote: »
    Extending hours, Paddy already did that this year and I did a survey asking about my fyp deadline. On his Facebook page Derek Daly said it will never happen and was tried in his term. Is there even a demand for the weekend? Last year for the exams was great.

    Blinds, Ill come back to this point. just let it seep into your head.

    Why do Reps need training? Was the trip to brussels just for drinkling?
    A job description will take 10 minutes.

    Blinds. Blinds? f*cking blinds. Christ.

    Maybe Paddy will have those grooves cut into the desks to hold pens so they wont fall on the floor.

    Lads, blinds.

    I think we should have ink wells as well. Just in case like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 bella103

    Quintis wrote: »
    Darragh McCoys Manifesto for Academic

    1.Extended hours on the weekends and during FYP weeks.

    - Currently the Library is open 10am-7pm on Saturdays and 11 am-6pm on Sundays. If voted into the position of VP Academic I will propose to amend these to allow for longer opening times in the Library. I feel the library is not open long enough for people to catch up on work, in particular courses such as Nursing, who along with a lengthy and demanding work placement, must also do their FYP and study for exams. I propose that the library open at 9am on both Saturday and Sunday and close at 9pm on Saturday, and to close at 8pm on Sunday. This would provide an extra 7 hours for students at the weekend.

    2.Blinds installed to stop the glare on laptop and computer screens.

    -On the admittedly rare sunny days that we experience, it has been noted by many students that they cannot see their screens while studying, this is a small point, yet simple to alleviate and affects many students.

    Class/Departmental Reps

    1.Highlight a detailed breakdown of the job descriptions for both.

    -As it stands, the new constitution is likely to come into effect in the next academic term. This will lead to a new form of student council made up of Departmental Reps. This will be a smaller council compared to the current class reps council. I will distribute a detailed breakdown, of each individual Departmental Reps' job description, as well as the revised Class Reps job description. I feel clarification is needed on both of these, and this may result in a smoother decision making process, and effectively getting quorum in each council.

    2.Ensure the Class Reps council does not lose all of its power.

    -I will ensure that under the new constitution, Class Reps council will not lose all its power in the decision making process. I want to ensure that Class Reps are still part of the Students Union decision making process.

    Beneficial Class Reps/Departmental Reps training

    1.Applying to the enablement fund for effective off-campus training within the country, and maximise the amount of Reps attending.

    -This year 15 Reps went abroad on a trip that included some training. They received funding for this through the enablement fund from Ulster Bank. The trip cost €50 per student. If we did similar training within the country, with the same amount of money we would be able to increase the amount of Reps attending.

    Faculty Officers

    1.Two meetings (minimum) with each officer and 2 other nominated reps from the faculty to find and fix any issues.

    -Meeting with the faculty officers and 2 other nominated reps at allocated times throughout each semester would alleviate any in-house issues within each faculty. This would keep me closer to the front line and more accessible to students.

    Small detail, but his name is actually Daragh. One 'r'. Only pointing it out cause I have similar problems with my name and it's really annoying. But anyway that's besides the point. Went through his manifesto and met him out canvassing tonight, seems like a sound lad and would be nice to see a new face rather than Rocketts in office who I quite frankly think needs to grow up and get a real job. He has my vote anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    bella103 wrote: »
    would be nice to see a new face rather than Rocketts in office who I quite frankly think needs to grow up and get a real job. He has my vote anyway.

    That's a bit ridiculous of a statement to make, no? You could at least wait to see his manifesto before making that kind of comment. I have no idea what kind of manifesto to expect from Paddy, but I'm expecting his enthusiasm and experience to shine through in it. That kind of cynical view is what would drive the SU backwards instead of forwards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,407 ✭✭✭lkionm

    Quintis wrote: »
    There are two ways to be biased, attacking someone isn't fair

    as for buzz words;

    'The role of the Welfare Officer is to be there for the health and happiness of the students this extends from providing people with information on healthy eating to making sure you have money to pay rent. The only way this can happen is if I know the students and the students know me. To do this I will be a very public figure in the Students Union so the students will feel like they know me and be comfortable in the fact that they could come and see me. I understand that a lot of work is done behind closed doors, but as a representative of the student body, the students need to know what work is being done behind these doors. I will make sure I inform the students of what exactly the Welfare office is there to do for them.If elected'

    There are no buzz words there, I can only guess by that he intends on being a more public figure, who is more approachable, i.e. making the office more open

    I barely attacked him, only sarcastically wished him luck on campaigns if he is going to do more videos that awful. Sorry James if I hurt your feelings.

    No, not in the manifesto. That section there has no substance. You just said 'I can only guess he means x y z'. why is he making you guess? He needs to unzip his pants and slap me in the face with his willy and have it tattoed there so I know exactly what he means. I do not even know how he will make it more open as he hasnt told us. If he plans on doing this at husting, it will be too late.

    That is what is annoying me, he stops short of buzz words and plants them in your head. He has not given one idea as to how he will become more known apart from walking around talking to people who want to eat their chicken roll in peace.

    Ok, biased was the wrong word for MK90 since he only posted twice.
    My question still stands to him/her, are you on his team?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,092 ✭✭✭CiaranMT

    bella103 wrote: »
    He has my vote anyway.

    Why? One of McCoys main points is to do with blinds in the library. Afaik they've been sorted since December.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 bella103

    SpudWinkle wrote: »

    That's a bit ridiculous of a statement to make, no? You could at least wait to see his manifesto before making that kind of comment. I have no idea what kind of manifesto to expect from Paddy, but I'm expecting his enthusiasm and experience to shine through in it. That kind of cynical view is what would drive the SU backwards instead of forwards.

    It's the truth though, the man is afraid to grow up! I'm not just saying it from an outside view either, I know him fairly well, and have dealt with him plenty of times for college purposes and I just think, with the greatest respect, it's time for him to get on with life and brave the real world.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25 SpudWinkle

    CiaranMT wrote: »
    Why? One of McCoys main points is to do with blinds in the library. Afaik they've been sorted since December.

    Even if they're not, would that not be Buildings and Estates' responsibility, rather than the academic officer? :confused:
