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Crutch to 5k and beyond

  • 10-03-2013 5:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    been lurking on some of the fitness/training forums for a while trying to talk myself into getting properly fit. My brother did his first tri last year and I was hoping that this I could try and get fit enough to join him this year in doing one. I would have a lot of work to do to catch up with him at this stage but maybe the following year. SO for now I am starting my own log and following my own path.

    My aim of this log:

    1) Recover from a broken leg
    2) Get fit for general health and to reduce the amount of injuries I get
    3) Lose some weight/keep it off (I'm not really over weight but started to go that way and want to nip it in the bud)
    4) Build strength (I am pretty week for my frame and height)
    5) Improve flexibility (To say I am accident prone is an understatement so I want to fix that)
    6) Improve surf sessions and what I get out of them (Strength, fitness, flexibility, and the swimming should help this)
    7) Ideally I would love to end up toned with a 6 pack but we will see

    Starting with number 1 - I am just out of a cast and have very little movement in my foot and hardly any power left, I fractured my 5th metatarsal and it is still painful so first thing first is rehabbing that. Once that is well enough I can start proper training. Current exercises are begging with simple motions.

    Some notes on where I am headed - I currently have literally 0 funds and no bike or gym membership so for now I will be working on home workouts and that sort of thing. Once I manage to get a job I can buy a bike (I might be able to fix up an old bike from the shed) and start that section of training as well as start going to a pool. Once it is warm enough to save some money I hope to maybe do some sea swimming.

    I have tried to start a running regime before but my knees just weren't able for it so I am going to try again and be more careful about where I run and build strength in my knees, by starting this log I hope to put some pressure on myself to keep it up.

    I used to swim regularly and could to 60-70 lengths of a 25m pool in about an hour so hope to build up to that level again. In september I did a couple of 1k sea swims so not too bad.

    I haven't cycled in years but used to cycle to school, that is about 8 years ago now but I can see myself getting back into it.

    There will be a lot of slow progress at the start as I recover from the break but hopefully as the summer arrives I will be fighting fit again and back in full training.

    A few vital stats;

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 180lbs

    As I said I am starting with recovering from my broken leg so today's exercises are very very basic just stretches like this and simple strengthening exercises. Still using a space boot and crutches but hope to be out of the boot by Wednesday and crutch-less soon




  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    So tried walking on Monday with no boot or crutch, was able to go around the house ok but stairs cause pain and then on Tuesday I had to use the boot and one crutch again. Today I walked 2km in 25 minutes with one crutch and the boot, the same walk took me 50 minutes 3 weeks ago with 2 crutches and caused a lot of pain, so a big improvement.

    Been doing my exercises and there is a big improvement in my flexibility. I'm thinking of signing up for hell and back in June as a target for myself as a group of my friends are running it together and the DCT sprint for my first tri in August.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Slow progress still this week. Have been using a crutch on and off. First proper walk outside the house today with no crutch or boot. Still experiencing pain in my foot and ankle so not sure if I am ready yet for it but only manage 1.25km in 19:14.

    I spent a lot of it trying to manage my steps and making sure I wasn't favouring my good leg, was very tough to keep the same stride and pace with both feet as I am still hurrying off the injury. Next physio and doctors apointment is next week so not wanting to push it too much before I get the go ahead.

    Got my hands on some gym passes so I can try out the pool and see how I get on with swimming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Did a few small walks this past week. Still painful and slow but getting better. Had more xrays and physio this week. Been told I can go to the pool and use a stationary bike but no road bike yet. Heading to for some swims this week. Have some new exercises to do to try and build up my calf. The break isn't fully healed yet but fingers crossed it will be by the time I get my next xrays in May otherwise I could be facing the surgeons knife

    It's crazy how little power is left and that I didnt realise until this week. I can lift myself up by going on the tip toes of my right foot but couldnt get a sheet of paper under my left foot when I try that, feels like I'm glued to the ground. This is causing me to limp and some pain so squats, step ups and some other strengthening exercises for the next three weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 685 ✭✭✭luketitz

    I'm in a similar position, having just come out of a cast on a fractured ankle 2 weeks ago. I'm still doing the physio exercises with the stretchy-belt thingy and haven't even considered jogging yet.

    I have been cycling the road bike and feel that's been great with the muscle recovery, won't be kicking a ball for a good three months I've been told! You refer to bursting on through the pain above, I'd always air on the side of caution and stop immediately once the paid starts, there's no hurry with it and you really shouldn't rush it, IMHO.

    Best of luck with the recovery, hope you'll be doin the 5k in good time, just not too soon! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Hey sorry to hear about your ankle. I haven't been jogging at all just walking, I get you about not pushing it too much don't want to undo any work I have already done. When it does get painful I go back to using the crutch, worked at the weekend and had to bring the crutch with me when I went out afterwards. The worry my physio had with getting on a road bike was if I had to stop suddenly and put my foot down to stop myself I won't be able to stabilize it and come off.

    Best of luck with your recovery!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Back from my first gym session tonight, 10 minutes on the bike, upper body workout and 800 meters swim. Feeling ok after it. It was a 20 meter pool so probably cheated a little by pushing off the wall at either end a bit too often and alternated strokes a little bit, started with 200 meter front crawl then 100 meters just legs, 100 meters front crawl, 20 meter sprint followed by 20 meter breast stroke x 5 and then finished out with front crawl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 685 ✭✭✭luketitz

    Fair play, I'm plannin my first gym session tomorrow. Gettin' a bit tubby since the lay-off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Well a week on and I have been doing 3 daily sets of squats, step-ups, and standing on my tip toes. Getting some strength back and was able to lift myself off the ground a little bit on my bad foot inly twice in todays sets so that is an improvement.

    Gym workout tonight I improved my times and distances too;

    4km cycle in 11 minutes 46 second. Improvement of 2km in just an extra 1min 46

    Upper body and core workout as before but with some exercise ball work that I got from some Cris Mills surf videos on youtube.

    1000m swim in 17 min 30sec - I checked at 800m and was at 13.57 so that was a few minutes imrproved on last week and this week I did it non stop all front crawl after a 100m warmup.

    Things are getting better

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Well things have been very quiet from me for some time. I haven't been doing much training of late other than rehab for my foot. I have been walking a good bit and did 8km 2 weeks ago. Was wrecked after that. I got my old bike out of the shed that I used to cycle to school on and been working on fixing it up, the gears shifter is broken on the one I favour and the gears on the other one will only select certain gears but its better than nothing.

    My friend has talked me into doing Dublin City Tri in August so the 13 week training will be starting tonight with a cycle. Getting another Xray next Thursday so hopefully that will give me the all clear to run. I need to stick to the plan now to get me fit for the race in time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Just back from my first cycle on a real bike in over a year. 9km in the not too great time of 33:09 Hoping to improve both time and distance in the coming weeks. Also managed to find some of the faults on the bike. Need to raise the saddle more, gear shifter is slipping down as I cycle, wont go up into the highest gear on the front and only have 3/4 gears out of 7 on the back. Will drop into the repair shop this week

    EDIT: Also I plan on following this 13 week program. What do you think?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Wednesday; Week 1 Day 3

    Walk (to the pool) and swim. Still not allowed run, knees and foot aren't up to it so I walked for instead (2.16km in 23:38). I also pushed the pool harder to make up for it. 25meter pool this time started with 100m, 200m, 400m (6:20ish), 100m, 200m, 750mm. Could have pushed the 400 more but was trying to make sure I had energy left to keep going.

    Talking things over with friends and family I dont know if I will be ready do run for that leg of the tri so I might have to walk it but I'm targeting a very quick swim to make up for my other areas, Im going to keep my training going and see how my legs are doing closer to the race. I reckon I can get it down close to the 7 minute mark in the pool at least. I know open water I will be slower because I have no push every 25 meters and I will have a wetsuit on, the downstream current of the Dublin City Triathlon should help though so what do people reckon the difference is between their 25m pool times and 750m race swims are?

    Also I am trying to just use the pool clocks to give me my times but between counting my distance and the time it takes me stop and look up at the clock its not very accurate, what do other people do to time themselves and also maybe count distances?

    Today's training run(read walk) 20 minutes, since I'm walking instead of running Ill probably go longer to balance it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Thursday, Week 1 Day 4

    40 minutes walking. Did a nice hilly circuit to get used to inclines and see how they went. Was a little soar after it but not too bad. Slower than earlier in the week but longer total distance.

    Friday, Week 1 Day 5

    Swimming in 25m pool. Started with 3x100m warmup then an 800m swim followed by 3x100m cool down and then some breath holding exercises for surfing, basicly trying to do lengths at the bottom of the pool as far as I can go.

    Saturday Week 1 Day 6

    A well deserved rest day, was really feeling it yesterday and was looking forward to no workout today although 8 hour son my feet in work was pretty tiresome. Will be cycling in tomorrow and home again. It's about 8km in either direction so aa decent enough distance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday, Week 1 Day 7

    Got my training in by cycling to work and back. Took a different route back than I did there. The gear shifter that had been splipping actually broke today so had to do the last 2km in the lowest gear and then when I got to work I had access to tools so I fixed the chain in the middle gear for the way back.

    5.93km there in 25:37
    5.87km back in 22:55

    My 1km times were improving as I went fastest was 2:34.

    Will need to get to the bike repair shop this week to get a shifter sorted on one of the bikes at least.

    End of week 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Monday, Week 2 Day 1

    A disheartening evening tonight, plan was 25 minute swim 20 minute walk/run. Was really feeling tired today and couldn't manage to get my swim stamina going. Did 3x100m then 400m, 2x100m and wanted to do 750 but only managed 400m. Was feeling pretty drained, I mixed up the start of week 1 and ended up doing 3 swimming sessions in a week which was probably too much especially since the first one I did triple the length that I was supposed to. Then went outside to start doing laps of the playing fields, tried a light jog for about 100m and the foot that I broke was not ready for it at all, had to go back to walking. Then I got to experience my first training in the rain in god knows how long. Did the last 8 minutes or so in a torrential downpour, something I need to get used to but felt pretty miserable after. Really cant get used to this Irish weather again.

    Oh well power on.... Tomorrow is a rest day (from exercise at least), then 35 minutes on the bike on Wednesday so need to try get to the bike shop at some stage tomorrow to drop one of them in for repairs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Tuesday, Week 2 Day 2

    Had a very busy day on Tuesday so was thankful for a rest day on my training schedule. Was knackered after my day and ended up falling asleep for an hour or two after dinner.

    Wednesday, Week 2 day 3

    Was up again early this morning for my xray and checkup, got the all clear! Told my specialist about my plans for the Triathlon and my training and they gave me the go ahead, still have to build up very slowly to jogging and then proper running but he said I should be ok once I listen to my body.

    Feeling very positive today then after that good news and the general good weather. Today's plan, 35 minute cycle, started off on the same route as my first cycle on Week 1 day 2 but then added another 4 km to the end as I had managed to speed up considerably. Ended up doing an extra 4km so that made 12km in 37:37. I would hop to get up to the 16km required for the Dublin City Triathlon fairly soon and then work on getting my times down to around the 30 minute mark.

    Starting to get my head around the kind of targets I want to hit on the day. Im thinking around an 8 minutes swim, 30ish cycle and then finish out with a 30minute run if I can run by then otherwise I will walk it out in about 50minutes. If I hit my targets that would be putting me in and around the top 100 which I would be very happy with especially on my first attempt. Would like to be up near the top 50 but we will see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Here is the breakdown of the passed few days,

    Thursday, Week 2 day 4

    Spent most of the day in the library looking out at the sun, looking forward to being able to enjoy it better. Felt so good to have nice weather, I went for a walk about 9pm did 45 minutes and 3.6 km, paused the run for a few minutes while I went into the empty playground and ran a few laps on the soft ground there, was feeling ok so was happy with that. The soft ground felt much easier to run on. Then finished off the walk. Was feeling very tired after it.

    Friday, Week 2 day 5

    Went for a pool session after I got home from work. Was doing coached lessons and got on very well. My first time getting coached in years so was nice to have some one else have input on my technique. Breathing apparently needs some work as I was lifting my head too far out of the water a good bit but then I struggled to get a breath when doing what I was told to do, got a bit easier as the class went on. Also improved my stroke a bit and managed to carry through a bit more power on each stroke. Felt like I did speed up a bit.

    Saturday, Week 2 day 6

    Rest day today, well 8 hours standing on my feet. Going to cycle in to work again tomorrow and hopefully do it quicker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday, Week 2 Day 7

    I woke up this morning and cycling to work was the last thing I wanted to do and let myself down by driving instead. I was determined to make it up later though and went out for what I planned on being a 45minute 14km cycle building on the same route I did for 12km earlier in the week. I got back at 41minutes and 14km so I decided to hell with it, finished it after 16km and 48:26. Delighted I managed the full race distance for the first time, and only 2 weeks into my training.

    I have no completed both swimming and cycling distances seperatly. I need to work on the running and then I can start to tie them together. I also want to then bring my times down. I know I can improve all around. On my bike the big thing that needs improvement is hills. Really struggling with up hills.

    Anyways, delighted with tonight's cycle, lets hope week 3 starts as week 2 finished.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Monday, Week 3 Day 1

    Forgot that it was a bank holiday and the pools would be closed, let myself down by not getting a swim because of it. Doh! I went for a walk though and did 3.5km up and around the park. Not a very active day but I was also very busy.

    Tuesday, Week 3 Day 2

    Today was supposed to be a rest day but because I didn't get to swim yesterday I made it up by going for another walk, did 5km, much better. My foot was in a bit of pain after but I had been climbing over rocks on the walk as I took a route out along the coast. Was happy that I did 5km. Hopefully can start bringing in some jogging at least. I think as swimming is my strongest section and running is my weakest swapping out a swim session for a walk is good for me anyway. (or maybe I am just trying to justify it.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Wednesday, Week 3 Day 3

    Wednesday was a 30 minute cycle. I did the same loop as Week 1 Day 2 and this time I knocked 4 minutes off the time. Happy with the improvement but was not happy with how I felt during it, my knees were struggling. Still happy to see the improvement as I really didn't feel I had improved. Followed it up with a 3km walk as it was such a nice day.

    Thursday, Week 3 day 4

    Today I did the longest running I have done in months, a whopping 3 minutes of running! It doesn't sound like much but its a big step on my recovery from injury. In total I did 4km yesterday between walking and running. The couch to 5k program is about 10 weeks long so I am going to hopefully start that on Monday which would have me at the right level for the triathlon with regards to running. I just hope my ankle and knees hold up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Update on progress over the weekend, the last few days I have strayed from the scheduled plan but I am getting the training in still, just not on the right days.

    Friday, Week 3 Day 5

    Coached swim doing some gliding starts of various types, working on my breathing, lengths using only one arm, and 3x100m swims. Was feeling pretty ropy as I hadnt had a day off since the previous Saturday and I ate too big a dinner. In future I will make sure to eat less or with more of a gap before swimming.

    Saturday, Week 3 Day 6

    Enjoyed having a day off from training. My foot was killing me after being on my feet all day, was a little swollen too so was worried about it.

    Sunday, Week 3 Day 7

    Had a really good time with an open water swim meet at Killiney. Did some warmup swims to get used to the sea and did some practice swimming in groups, sighting, drafting, and deep water starts. After that it was a good out and back swim totaling about 700m. Was wearing my surf wetsuit though and have a bad wetsuit burn on my neck. Been putting antiseptic and that on it regularly hoping to get it healed before I go surfing this week. Time to buy a swim wetsuit I think. Enjoyed swimming in the sea again.

    Monday, Week 4 Day 1

    Cycle day today, did the full 16km again and shaved a few seconds off. Came in at 48:18 which was a small improvement. There was a much stronger wind today so was happier with the difference, felt slower to me. Also getting confidence up in the speed and topped out 10km/h quicker at top speed than the last time. (My uphills were slower than the last time which balanced it out.)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Been very busy the last week and a half so I haven't had the time update my log. Ill catch up on that now, unfortunatily due to my foot injury flaring up it hasn't been as busy as I hoped.

    Tuesday, Week 4 Day 2

    Well as usual Tuesday was my day off so not much to report here.

    Wednesday, Week 4 Day 3

    Hit the sea for some open water swimming and a surf. Spent a couple of hours surfing which was a big upperbody workout trying to paddle out. Waves were big enough and there were some strong currents. It was a lot of fun but the undoing of my week. My foot was in pain after and as the day went on it got worse. I dont think my broken foot was ready yet for surfing, too much pressure and twisting on it. I decided to take the rest of the week to rest my foot and recover before pushing it too much.

    Thursday, Week 4 day 4

    Foot in a lot of pain, no exercise today.

    Friday, Week 4 day 5

    Foot getting a little better but still uncomfortable.

    Saturday, Week 4 Day 6

    Foot getting better but as it was a natural day off I used it to recover more. Starting to be able to walk more without pain.

    Sunday, Week 4 Day 7

    After work my foot was a bit stiff and swollen so I rested it again.

    Monday, Week 5 Day 1

    Ok foot was getting back to normal so I went back to my scheduled workouts. Swim 1km in the pool (felt a lot faster and easier being back in the pool) and then on the bike for 11km in 32:06 which is on par with what I was doing before my foot injury returned and this time after my swim which I am happy about.

    Tuesday, Week 5 Day 2

    Tuesday was a day off again, foot was feeling ok in work which was good. Getting into a better sleeping pattern now as well which is helping my general energy. Did do a short lap of the fields alongside my new coach AKA my niece on her bike.

    Wednesday, Week 5 day 3

    Ok hit the running training properly today. Week 1 of couch to 5k and did 4.2 km in 33:52 with 8minutes of running at about 4:30 per km which is above what I expect my race pace to be. Foot was a little soar after but its not too bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    I feel like a failure now.

    What should be week 9 day 4 and in the past month I failed to upkeep my log and failed to do about 95% of my training. Was working two jobs and moving between two counties as well as trying to finish up college work and other things. Two weeks ago I started getting back into things. Have been for 4 runs and an open water swim in the last two weeks, hey its better than none. Been doing 4.5km mixed of walking and running and about 1km open water swim.

    My knee is killing me this week, pushing it with the running a little with the condition of my legs so this week I am giving the running a break and working on some exercising for my legs and core. Just finished up doing Ab ripper x to work my core. ITs a hell of a workout and I havent done it in a long time, really annpyed about how far I slipped back from the last time I did it. Had to take a break a few times and barely made it to the end. Gotta get back up on the wagon now though and keep it up.

    Getting my new bike hopefully this weekend, my LBS has ordered it in a 56 as I am either a 56 or 58 (not sure yet) and they have a 58 in stock so I will be buying one of them. Going to take the 58 out for a spin and then an equivalent 56 to see which is better for me. Then I will be doing 2x20km cycles a day to commute to work. Figure this will go a long way to helping my training, especially if I can get in another workout in the day such as running or swimming.

    SO plan for the weekend. No running - swim tomorow, cycle saturday, and core workout Sunday.

    Lets hope I can stay back on track this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Look, you're back and that's the most important thing. Forget about the last few weeks, they're behind you now!
    Onwards and upwards and look after that knee..
    Welcome back ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Thanks c07 for the encouragement.

    37 days to Tri

    Went for a 1km swim in the pool. It was made up of 2x100m 3x200 4x25m sprint and 2x50m swims with 30 seconds recovery between them. Was good to be back swimming properly.

    36 days to Tri

    Walk 2.5k, cycled 5k, walked 2.5k. Still avoiding running for now but the best part about this workout was the cycle was to test ride a new bike which I then proceeded to buy so now I have a proper bike for training and racing with as well as the daily 18km commute. Going to be getting most of my cycle training from that from now on. Should be a good workout as there are a good few hilly sections.

    35 days to Tri

    Ok getting back on track the last few days has been good. Forgot in my last post I would need a day off after 3 days of working out so that was today. Took it handy and went for a bit of bike accessory shopping. Was trying to find the right size bike shoes but will have to wait for more cash before I buy them.

    Will attempt to get back as close to my original 13week plan as hoped this week but will have to swap out the running for something, probably core workouts or stick with the walking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Right well my time has been at a complete premium the past few weeks and I have had a choice between writing it or actually doing the training so I have been doing the training. I was mainly working on my running and getting a swim on Fridays. Got a couple of cycles in as well.

    Went to in Marlay Park last week and got a PB on my 5km run so I can see improvements.

    Took the last week easy leading up to King of Greystones and did 3 workouts, a 5km run on wednesday, a coached session on Friday in Terenure, and then picked up the bike from the workshop on Saturday and did a short 6km spin followed by a run. That was the first time I ran off the bike and found it really tough. SHould have done more brick sessions.

    King of Greystones yesterday as posted on the the thread I did 1:47:44. Swim time was slower than I hope 25:36, Cycle was faster than I hoped at 43:16 and run was slower than my PB that I set the week before 34:34. My main aim was to cross the finish line and make sure it was under 2 hours. I would have loved 1:45 but now I have a baseline to improve from.

    Feeling very stiff today. GOnna get back training maybe tomorow or wednesday and then Dublin City in two weeks. Im officialy up and off the couch, past the 5km mark and now for beyond...

    Starting to put together some long term goals for myself, I would love to get an Olympic distance under my belt early next season and then middle distance the following year. Will see then where this takes me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Took Monday and Tuesday off to recover from the race on Sunday. Was feeling very stiff in work and the stairs were not fun but worth it.

    Wednesday, 14th August, 11 Days to DCM

    Short relaxed recovery cycle tonight just wanted to loosen up the legs and get the muscles working again. Also was trying to find new cycle routes around Drogheda. 20 minutes looping around the town and industrial estates.

    Thursday, 15th August, 10 days to DCM

    Used my free pass for the gym today as it was lashing down. A good hard session to get me back into proper training. Warmed up with 10 minutes on the bike at 33km/h working. Then onto the treadmill for the end of the warmup I did 5 minutes running faster than race pace. After being fully warmed up I did some strengthening on the machines. 45 minute circuit of all machines. Followed up with 30 minutes in the pool swimming 1km split into 50s a 400 and then 100s. Finished up then with a relaxing time in the Jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Was nice to relax after a tough workout.

    Friday, 16th August, 9 days to DCM

    Went out swimming today, went for a slow 1 mile sea swim. Took it very handy and worked on my leg stamina. Trying to work on maintaining my technique over distance.

    Saturday, 17th August, 8 days to DCM

    Big cycle today, went out for a club spin and cycled 64km at 22km/h. Most I had ridden ever I think, was a really good cycle and was happy to be doing that sort of distance. Felt very tired after though and ended up falling asleep when I got home for an hour or so. Also used gels for the first time as I got a few at King of Greystones to try. Thinking about using them for DCM but didn't want to use them without trying in training first.

    Gonna take tomorrow off and then next week train Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Race day tomorrow! Race day tomorrow!

    Really looking forward to tomorrows race, this is the one I have been training for the past 3 months. Was supposed to be my first race until I entered Greystones, now that I have that under my belt at a longer distance there is no excuse for me not finishing tomorrow. Then it's down to targets. Had a dismal swim in Greystones at 25 minutes. Hoping to do this closer to 12 minutes if possible. Would be happy with 15. My goal for super sprint is under 1:30 at least. That is knocking 17 minutes off of Greystones which is doable when allowing for the shorter distance.

    Training this week was cut back as planned to allow a rest before the race. My back was acting up in work on Monday and Tuesday so I rested it and did very little. Didn't want an injury before the race.

    Wednesday I went out with Drogheda Triathlon Club and went up a big big hill. It was killer but its what I need to work on most on my bike. Big issue was the flat tyre I got within 100m of starting. First time getting a flat for me. One of the guys in the club showed me how to change the tube quickly in a race and had to use my gas bottle to inflate it. Was wary then the whole ride as to what caused the flat so I didnt want to go too fast so the downhill consisted of me holding the brakes fully on as I slid down hill. One of the guys went flat out and clocked himself at 64km/h which I though was just crazy fast. I was probably in the 40s with brakes fully on and was sliding all over the place. Need to work on the confidence in going faster so.

    Friday I went swimming with my Coach in the pool. Was a great session really really pushed it to work on holding my form and breathing especially concentrating on not swallowing water for the life swim. Back is still a little painfull now after the swim but gonna rest it up today and hopefully will be ok in the race tomorrow. If I can do in the race what I can do in the pool I can hit a sub 10 minute swim but I highly doubt I would be able for the stamina of it and still have energy in the tank for the bike and run. I really need to work on cardio and do some really long swimming sessions.

    Brought my bike down today to the bike shop to get a once over on the wheel and tyre as well as readjusting the saddle after I accidently knocked it down when I slipped on the pedal while trying to clip in, got new spd sl pedals and shows. Wednesday was the first time I ever used them. Wore them without socks when cycling as I will in the race so I could get used to them. Gonna practice later getting into the shoes when they are already already on the pedals.

    Bring on DCT!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Just checked Strava and the gradients of the cycle on Wednesday, it was 6% up and 9.2% down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Best of luck tomorrow. Enjoy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Thanks Solobally8, hope you've recovered well from the injury. Sounded painful.
