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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭VenomIreland

    I beat G*2, got the Hunter Rank Cap lifted, and instantly went from HR7, to HR8 then to HR29.
    I'm just getting back into it after taking a break since unlocking G-Rank, Green Plesioth hit me and my brother hard, so we're wondering if we should get Helios Z for the sweet Sharpness+1 and improved defence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    How's everybody getting on?

    I played a few 3DS & Wii co-op missions with my nephew this weekend. He was already in HR Village, so I carried him from HR1 LR port to HR3 HR port in pretty fast order.

    I've decided to mop up the HR village quests I haven't done, because they are deliciously easy now compared to G Rank, and I realise that I never unlocked all the monsters for Night-time Freehunt.

    I also gave my nephew all the programs and files I use as a companion to hunting via dropbox. If anyone wants the link to that folder, let me know and I'll PM the download link.

    There's four things in it:

    Athena's ASS (Armour Set System): Input the skills you ideally want on a set of gear (Attack Up Large, Handicraft+1, Partbreaker) and it will auto generate all the possible gearsets you can combine together to make them; organised from least to most difficult to make (No idea how it calculates difficulty. It also has an option to save your best charms to the program, and then just generate armoursets using those specific charms, rather than ANY theoretically possible charm

    Pings MHDEX: Both answers the eternal question of "How do I get ___?" and "I got a ___ and it looks rare. What is it useful for?". Far far more useful than I can do justice. Requires a DB software download for windows if your system isn't up to date.

    Hiro's MH3U companion: If you input all the weapons you have, it will tell you which ones are best versus what monsters, and can go into greater detail if you're curious as to exactly how much damage you do per strike on a monster. This falsely flags Avast Antivirus because it isn't digitally signed, due to being a small fan project, but I'm confident it's cool.

    PDF guide: Considering the features of the above three programs, this is really only good for looking at the pretty pictures. But the pictures are pretty indeed.

    These are all easily available online separately, so this is only really advantageous if you're lazy and want them all at once, while I had them collected anyway.

    If anyone's interested, drop me a line!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    I had few days off monster Hunter, it was not due to me being bored. I am just busy like hell at work and stuff to do around house. So by the time I am in bed 3ds the last thing in my head.
    I did finally fired up it last night. Before that I did a HR level flying bird thingy, Quorosomething. It was puss easy by itself, but I had a random quest I'm the quest. Some big, feck off bastard. Ignoring him was hard, because Damn bird was always following it! Did it anyway.
    last night I did 10 HR Jaggi quest. The big bastard came in again. I was taking him on, but time was very limited. So had to finish quest. :(

    oh yeah, finally got 2 lagiacrus horns! What a pain in a hole! Need one more for upgraded longsword.

    Iwould love all those manuals, bit I cba setting up dtopbox again... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Some big, feck off bastard.

    The big feck off bastard you speak of is the Deviljho.

    I feel like he's a spiritual brother to the Tigrex in that the designers were like

    "Hey, so what if we keep the T-Rex bipedal, but put teeth everywhere and make him the living embodiment of rampaging hunger? Also lasers!"

    And this is the reaction he should elicit from everyone:

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭jaydoxx

    Is the Deviljho as difficult as it is terrifying? I gave up on tri when I couldn't defeat Gobul (lol he's pi$$ now) but every single time that jho guy comes out I freak out, I startled an old woman who was sitting on the bus beside me :P

    Haven't fought Brachydios yet as I had exams but I'll probably try take him on in the next 2 weeks:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Last few days I am back on track with monster Hunter. Awesome!
    I am even afraid to check how much I played this game... And I am only half in ( I presume) village quests!
    so what's New in my love life? Well I am making switch from long sword in to switch axe and part time hammers. Really really love switch axe now. In away it is great training weapon for great sword. Problem is I got only fire and lightning versions of good axes. I don't empathy, but there is feck all selection of axes for me to make :(. To make it even worse, for next lightning axe upgrade I need 3 more lagiacrus horns!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuu!

    With such disappointing Xbox one conference I am definitely will get Wii u now. I just need to get my funds together. So next month I will sort out the damage my new tv for gaming did and next is Wii u and monster Hunter!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭VenomIreland

    jaydoxx wrote: »
    Is the Deviljho as difficult as it is terrifying? I gave up on tri when I couldn't defeat Gobul (lol he's pi$$ now) but every single time that jho guy comes out I freak out, I startled an old woman who was sitting on the bus beside me :P

    Haven't fought Brachydios yet as I had exams but I'll probably try take him on in the next 2 weeks:)
    Like every monster, he gets "easy" eventually, I think he's pretty fun to fight.

    Still stuck on first rung of G-Rank, haven't done any of the quests, haven't actually played in a while either, going to pick it back up today and hopefully beat the crap out of Plesioth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I actually had some problems beating the last Rathian subspecies in HR8 with Blademaster weapons by myself within the time limit, so I spent some time upgrading my best HBG, and took her out with about 10 mins to spare. Then I took out the last Rathalos subspecies with more than 20 mins left.

    If anyone wants to emulate my set-up, which I think is pretty good, but more importantly pretty straightforward it goes as follows:

    Make full High Rank Azure Rathalos gunner gear.
    This gives you Critical Eye+2, Earplugs, Normal/Rapid Up, Health -10 and 6 free slots.

    With decorations and charms I pretty easily made this Critical Eye+3. High Grade Earplugs and Normal/Rapid up.

    Make the Glacial Agnaktor Heavy Bow Gun. Upgrade as much as you can.

    At the kitchen eat for Attack up L and Felyne Sharpshooter (Boosts Normal shot damage) I think meat, and whatever is the second ingredient on the second page.

    In your inventory all you need to bring is Combo Book 1, 99 Normal2 Shots, 99 Huskberries and 99 Needleberries. These last two will combine into between 99 ~ 396ish more Normal2 Shots.

    Then just shoot the monster in its shot-weakpoint with Normal2 until they die. Combine the berries together when you need more
    bullets. The monster will die long before you combine all the berries together.

    If you want to try other bullets, this setup does a pretty good job of also shooting Pierce1, WaterS, FreezeS, and Normal3.
    You can also crouch-fire Water and Freeze by pressing X+A, which is good fun.

    It can also shoot Pierce2 and a lot of the exploding bullets, but I'd be wary of them as a beginner gunner because they have crazy recoil.

    For optimum bullet ranges:

    Normal2/Normal3: The closer the better
    Pierce1/Pierce2: Three to four rolls away is best distance. Also try and hit the monster lengthwise because it "drills down" and does more hits as it goes. NEVER use these bullets on small monsters, they'll do piss damage
    Freeze/Water: Elemental bullet damage is unaffected by range.

    It's worth pointing out as well that Normal2 is "just" a more powerful version of Normal1. Hit the monster in it's weakpoint for massive damage. It's a great all around bullet.

    Normal3 is weird though, because when you hit the monster, it breaks into smaller bullets that fly in random directions that you can't really aim. So if you can hit the monster inside a crevice (Niblesnarf mouth or something), you're going to outdamage Normal2, but if you just hit the weakpoint externally and the bullet shards fly off into space, you'll be doing way way less damage.
    Really really love switch axe now. In away it is great training weapon for great sword.

    I'm not sure I really see the connection, between the two?

    Other than slow walk speed for Swaxe sword mode, they're almost completely different weapons.

    I'm interested in your thoughts though.
    Swaxe always struck me as a slightly more complex version of the Longsword.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Well switch axe just gives thats flexibility. In sword mode you are slow as hell, same as with great sword. So you got to make your swings count too. Yes, you can make less swings with great sword, but you still have a huge bollox of a speed and evasion.
    So I guess my similarity of Switch axe to great sword is the restriction in movement. So you can train evasion with switch axe and still switch to axe to finish off monster. Instead of going full on great sword training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I've always regarded Switch Axe, Longsword, Dual Blades and Sword and Shield as good "go nuts" weapons, which share a lot of similarities.

    Also poor SnS is left out, because Switch Axe Sword Mode, Longsword Spirit Combos and Dual Blades Demon Mode are all modes suited for "Go absolutely mentally nuts because you can't bounce off hard parts".

    Great Sword on the other hand is by far the LEAST nuts weapon in the game. You have to be willing to run around a lot with your weapon sheathed to wait for a good moment to unload into level 3 charge. If you try to go nuts with it you'll die.
    It's a weapon based around patience, accuracy and timing. This also why I think it's probably the hardest weapon to use in the game.

    I don't believe Switch Axe Sword mode is going to prepare you for Great Swording at all.

    In fact, the most similar other slow-walkspeed, powerful weapon you can repeatedly press the same button with and has sidesteps is : The Almighty Lance.
    Which is reserved for the cool and attractive people :pac:

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 80,340 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sephiroth_dude

    I am in and out of this thread everyday ,I'm dying to play it :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭jaydoxx

    I went back and did the 5 star quest with the ceadeus that I skipped (sns user) and I don't know how but I broke every part of him and managed to get his 2% drop on the first go. Now how the hell can this built-in desire sensor tell that I had 0% interest in this carve? I had to kill over 10 diablos for a single drop I needed and it was only ~8% chance!
    Like every monster, he gets "easy" eventually, I think he's pretty fun to fight.

    Still stuck on first rung of G-Rank, haven't done any of the quests, haven't actually played in a while either, going to pick it back up today and hopefully beat the crap out of Plesioth.

    Really? I can't wait till I get the courage the swing an attack at it :pac: Normally a quest to hunt a monster shows up, I go in and kill it, then kill it in subsequent/repeated quests. But this guy shows up to make all quests a nightmare! It's weird how I feel cocky going into a fight with any unknown monster(with some fluke of super luck I've only fainted once, from a low rank rathalos:D) but deviljho turns me into a baby:p

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 80,340 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sephiroth_dude

    Would I be crazy to buy a wii u specially for this game?I've never played a mh game before but It does sound like a game I'd enjoy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Would I be crazy to buy a wii u specially for this game?I've never played a mh game before but It does sound like a game I'd enjoy.

    I upgraded from 3ds to XL alone for MH3. I am on a fence about getting Wii U since my fisrt 10 hours in MH3. After I sow "AWESOME XBOX ONE BRO" I am not on a fence anymore. I got Wii U in my list of stuff to get as soon as I get money for it sorted.

    I would do a lot more research, before jumping the gun though. You got Vita or PSP? Try monster hunter 2 unite then.
    Monster Hunter games are fantastic for right gamer type. Those can be completely soul crushing for others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    A friend of mine went away on summer hols and gave me his Wii U to play online.

    If anyone has the Wii U version and wants to meet up, please send me your code thingy, and I'll add you.

    (I haven't set the Wii U up yet so I don't have my code yet)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭VenomIreland

    A friend of mine went away on summer hols and gave me his Wii U to play online.

    If anyone has the Wii U version and wants to meet up, please send me your code thingy, and I'll add you.

    (I haven't set the Wii U up yet so I don't have my code yet)
    Thankfully, the Wii U uses an account system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Mentioned this on the Nintendo forum but not sure we see many of ye hunters over there. For those of you with the 3DS version, check out the Hunt Together promotion

    You register the game, you get a recommendation code.
    You give that code to a friend with a new 3DS
    They register the 3DS using your recommendation code
    They get a download code for Monster Hunter 3DS
    You both find a quiet corner of a coffee shop and carve your names into some interesting digital hides.

    Bear in mind, it seems to be entirely altruistic for those who bought the damned game. There doesn't appear to be anything in this for you at all, other than a chance to spread the Monster Hunter love around .

    Ts&Cs suggest that if you used Monster Hunter for the Too Many Games promotion, that you can't also do this. Whether that's actually the case or not will become apparent later.

    This requires that you registered the game (using star points code insert) to a Club Nintendo account and that your Friend registers a new 3DS / 3DS XL to their Club Nintendo account. You don't strike me as the Club Nintendo crowd though, so chances are some of you still have both inserts from your previous purchases :)

    Anyway, your recommendation code, should it be available, is supposed to pop up on the Nintendo site at 3pm today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I heard about that, but I wasn't really sure how to apply it, since anyone who bought a 3DS and came within 5 feet of me spontaneously bought a copy of Monster Hunter.

    Can't imagine why.

  • Posts: 15,814 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Only recently bought the XL and have been meaning to grab Monster Hunter. Will have to see whom I know got the game already and is feeling generous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Lol, last evening I finally picked up MH3 again. Just could not find time for it. Got my hands full at the moment with a lot of stuff. By the looks of it I am moving out tomorrow or thursday too. It will be a while before eircom transfers my account and activates broadband in new place, so MH3 will be my weapon of choice in no online world :D.

    Killed hr Volvidons ( 2x in same q) last night. Was very easy with Ice based Axe. Got some urgent Q after it, but did not even checked properly what it is. Looks like something to do with rathian! :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Killed hr Volvidons ( 2x in same q) last night. Was very easy with Ice based Axe. Got some urgent Q after it, but did not even checked properly what it is. Looks like something to do with rathian! :pac:

    If you can get online in the next week I can help ya wreck some stuff.

    I'm just killing time (and monsters) in the game and grinding exp, until my HR is high enough to do a particular quest to kill a particular monster to make a particular gearset.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,575 ✭✭✭NTMK

    Only recently bought the XL and have been meaning to grab Monster Hunter. Will have to see whom I know got the game already and is feeling generous.

    if i have a code ill give it to you if you cant find someone with a code (I may not have a code due to the buy 3 games 1 free deal)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    The 3DS / XL has to be registered after 3/6/13 so Darko, if you've already claimed your stars you're outta luck, unless you can find someone with an unused code for the console. There tend to be a few of them about, so if you're stuck then pop your head into Games \ Consoles \ Nintendo - there's already at least one guy on there begging for codes, he needs company :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    If you can get online in the next week I can help ya wreck some stuff.

    I'm just killing time (and monsters) in the game and grinding exp, until my HR is high enough to do a particular quest to kill a particular monster to make a particular gearset.

    I play on 3ds :( so no online for me. I was talking online as in general.

    Looks like I wount be able to get Wii U for good while now. Did not planed on moving, but **** storm hit the fan. So lots of money will be spent on moving. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Moving day is a great time to insure something you don't want for about the cost of a WiiU (£180 + delivery for basic from ShopTo). Just saying....

    You could also use your deposit. But it doesn't sound like you're getting your deposit back :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Banjo wrote: »
    Moving day is a great time to insure something you don't want for about the cost of a WiiU (£180 + delivery for basic from ShopTo). Just saying....

    You could also use your deposit. But it doesn't sound like you're getting your deposit back :D

    Well, Long Story short. Me and Misses are quietest people you ever would know. 5 bedroom house just me and her. Always rent payed and most of the time in advance. My friend got courses in my town so I decided to give him a hand and let him stay at my place few days a week ( no payment, he is my friend ffs ). The owner of the house decided to charge 100eu per month for it. I snapped.
    So I still got 20 days to live here, but I am just way to pissed off and want to get out. So new rent, deposit and all the expenses for moving. No Wii U for a while :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    When the owner said "I'm going to charge your friend 100 quid a month" you should have put an arm around his waist and say "No wife of mine will pay you a cent!", then let that awkward moment build until they left you alone.

    Codes are live. Go to the site, wait till the Monster Hunter banner appears or scroll the banners, then click it.
    Doesn't look like the Too Many Games promo gets in the way, though my TMG code is for Animal Crossing, which isn't out yet. I'm going to sit on this till I get that code.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Banjo wrote: »
    When the owner said "I'm going to charge your friend 100 quid a month" you should have put an arm around his waist and say "No wife of mine will pay you a cent!", then let that awkward moment build until they left you alone.

    Codes are live. Go to the site, wait till the Monster Hunter banner appears or scroll the banners, then click it.
    Doesn't look like the Too Many Games promo gets in the way, though my TMG code is for Animal Crossing, which isn't out yet. I'm going to sit on this till I get that code.

    Problem is - its her. VERY old, I mean VERY VERY OLD.

    Anyway, in 1h i will be off to check it out. If lucky no MH3 tonight and a very busy evening and work tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning! :pac: . If I am not lucky, I am going to go shake hands with HR Rathian, which looks red in picture for some reason...

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Geckolimus

    A friend of mine went away on summer hols and gave me his Wii U to play online.

    If anyone has the Wii U version and wants to meet up, please send me your code thingy, and I'll add you.

    (I haven't set the Wii U up yet so I don't have my code yet)

    Yo, if you r online, add me NNID: Geckolimus.
    Am enjoying online raiding with peeps over at Capcom Unity every saturday. Nice bunch and good fun... not to mention they boosted me to G rank!


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  • Posts: 15,814 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    NTMK wrote: »
    if i have a code ill give it to you if you cant find someone with a code (I may not have a code due to the buy 3 games 1 free deal)

    Appreciate it man. I too am making use of the buy 3 get one free but tbh Monster Hunter is one that I've yet to grab.
    Banjo wrote: »
    The 3DS / XL has to be registered after 3/6/13 so Darko, if you've already claimed your stars you're outta luck, unless you can find someone with an unused code for the console. There tend to be a few of them about, so if you're stuck then pop your head into Games \ Consoles \ Nintendo - there's already at least one guy on there begging for codes, he needs company :)

    Not bothered registering it yet, pretty much lost all of May due to personal stuff and only now catching up.
