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Due November 2013



  • Registered Users Posts: 22 aniwa

    Oh, the spd is not good, I had it in 1st pregancy, but could manage it. I had a bit of pain few weeks ago again and it was getting worse with each day. But now, somehow it's gone, yey :)
    Keep the fingers crossed that the brace will help.
    I don't want to be a downer but we are all entering this most uncomfortable stage where you can't tie your shoes, can't move fast, walk like a pinguin with a grace of an elephant, it's hard to breathe cause your lungs are squashed, and so on.. the list seem to be endless.
    But the bright side to this is that once we have our babies these all will be gone and we will be like butterflies again ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    Sorry never replied the other day but you were spot on Aniwa the appointment took about 1.5 hours, I must have only been with doctor for less than 5 mins in total!
    I completely forgot all of my questions the minute I went in there and the only thing that sprang to mind was the pain in my right ribs which after a few pokes she declared was just discomfort from babies legs resting there and to take paracetemol if it was particularly painful!

    SPD sounds nasty Chuckster I hope the brace helps:eek:

    I'm definitely feeling more uncomfortable as the days go on I've developed a very sexy squatting position for picking things up off the floor.. but this time in 8 weeks exactly I'll be starting my maternity leave:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    should we be packing our hospital bag already!!!:eek: im so not with it these days. im 28 weeks. time is flying.

    had my 28 week appt tue. was nearly a waste of time. midwife who took blood was great and advised to take iron which i have been and its mad the improvment. im not near as tired thank God.:D

    Doc was crap. just about listened to the heartbeat and that was it! was hopin for a mini scan but no!

    also on wed my dog jumped and scratched my belly. baby kicking mad since so all must be grand but where he scratched is still tender if i touch it. madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭ameee

    I havnt bought anything yet never mind packed my bag but my excuse is august was for getting my other two organised for school, it was my little girls first day in big school yesterday :( so september will be spent getting all the baby stuff sorted that will leave october and november to sort christmas so I have nothing left to do in december except enjoy the baby :) .

    My bump seems to have gone huge in the last two weeks Im carrying quite low this time around the last two were very high up to the point of causing a lot of rib pain but maybe this one is sitting differently. Briarpatch I have also developed a very sexy turtle stuck on its back style look while getting in and out of bed and things are only going to get worse before they get better!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 aniwa


    Everyone's been quite for few days. Hope all is well.
    I have gone huge too, even my gp said so!
    My energy levels are so low at the moment, I'm constantly tired and uncomfortable. Baby is kicking a lot and hard it's actually really painful at times.
    Another 10 weeks to go... I am counting down :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    Baby has been kicking and punching so much the past 3 days I don't know what's happened to him! He must be getting barely any sleep!

    Off work now for a week can't wait but I've lots of stuff to start getting sorted.

    Any of you ladies used a TENS machine on your last labouts or anyone thinking of getting one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    BriarPatch wrote: »
    Baby has been kicking and punching so much the past 3 days I don't know what's happened to him! He must be getting barely any sleep!

    Off work now for a week can't wait but I've lots of stuff to start getting sorted.

    Any of you ladies used a TENS machine on your last labouts or anyone thinking of getting one?

    i used a TENS machine on my last labour and will be using it again this time. i used it with gas and air but i found the TENS machine great. you also need your partner to be very focused on reminding you how to breath properly cos ya can tend to lose it a bit. i know all labours are different but I would recommend the TENS. im hoping this labour will be the same as my first!!! but who knows!

    my little one has also been kicking and punching alot. sometimes near the ribs and nearly always at night/early morning! some make me jump but i love it cos i know its a good sign! im also uncomfy alot of the time. like bump is just too heavy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    i used a TENS machine on my last labour and will be using it again this time. i used it with gas and air but i found the TENS machine great. you also need your partner to be very focused on reminding you how to breath properly cos ya can tend to lose it a bit. i know all labours are different but I would recommend the TENS. im hoping this labour will be the same as my first!!! but who knows!

    Thanks for the feedback! Hadn't heard of anyone who'd actually used it before now!

    I've been feeling very lightheaded/dizzy the past couple of mornings, is this just my body trying to ruin my days off?! I've gotten awfully slow at doing anything, any small task requires a long rest after:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    BriarPatch wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback! Hadn't heard of anyone who'd actually used it before now!

    I've been feeling very lightheaded/dizzy the past couple of mornings, is this just my body trying to ruin my days off?! I've gotten awfully slow at doing anything, any small task requires a long rest after:rolleyes:
    I'm light headed and dizzy too. Blood pressure bit low. Everything happens in slow motion now. Also so tired! Doc wants me to give up work soon. 10 weeks left. So tired tonight I think I would stop work. I'll see how I go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭chuckster

    Ah you poor things... Red Fraggle if you are in a position to give up work then go for it, nows the time to be looking after yourself :-)

    I had a midwife appointment last week and they are concerned as I've had excessive swelling from my knees down since week 26 so they keep doing all of the tests for pre-ecpampsia... got them done Friday tho and all good :-) they had me worried but they said they just have to cover all the basis so will probably do it again.

    I have a scan today to check how big the baby is, 33 wks today but they reckon I'm measuring about 35... or else it's just gona be a massive baby! so hopefully that all goes well.

    5 weeks left in work,,, planning on working til 2 wks before my due date so we'll see how that goes... the midwife also advised I need to cut down my hours or stop altogether but she said she will wait till she sees the scan today before they insist either way. I wanted to work as long as possible as I dont get any paid maternity but sure if I have to leave a couple weeks early I will ....

    Hope everyone else is keepin well and taking it easy :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    chuckster wrote: »
    Ah you poor things... Red Fraggle if you are in a position to give up work then go for it, nows the time to be looking after yourself :-)

    I had a midwife appointment last week and they are concerned as I've had excessive swelling from my knees down since week 26 so they keep doing all of the tests for pre-ecpampsia... got them done Friday tho and all good :-) they had me worried but they said they just have to cover all the basis so will probably do it again.

    I have a scan today to check how big the baby is, 33 wks today but they reckon I'm measuring about 35... or else it's just gona be a massive baby! so hopefully that all goes well.

    5 weeks left in work,,, planning on working til 2 wks before my due date so we'll see how that goes... the midwife also advised I need to cut down my hours or stop altogether but she said she will wait till she sees the scan today before they insist either way. I wanted to work as long as possible as I dont get any paid maternity but sure if I have to leave a couple weeks early I will ....

    Hope everyone else is keepin well and taking it easy :-)

    how did your scan go?

    im suppose to be working til 2 weeks before due date. im thinking i might be taking a sick week or 2 before then. but ill see. might have to take a sick day here and there between now and then otherwise doc will sign me off. im gona see how i go in the next 2 weeks and then discuss it with doc. think im a bit too dedicated to work. but if im really feeling the strain i guess ill take the time off. in another way it would be great to be home with my little one a bit more before baby arrives. decisions. though my doc might put his foot down more than he has already and decision will be out of my hands!!

    this pregnancy is so different from my first!

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭chuckster

    yea you are right... if the doc says pack it in then do just that and enjoy the time with your little one before the new arrival :-)

    The scan went grand... they said the baby is 5lbs 1oz at the moment... god knows what size it will be coming out if it has another 7 weeks to grow!!! I know them weights can be wrong sometimes but I was a big enough baby and so was my other half so I might be asking for 2 epidurals!
    They sent the results off to the doctor after so he'll be filling me in on Thursday, the sonographer said everythin was healthy though so happy days

    On another note I am SO unbelievably hungry today... I havent stopped thinking about food ALL day. I go from no appetite to insatiable, I'm off to make a snack now... ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    The scan went grand... they said the baby is 5lbs 1oz at the moment... god knows what size it will be coming out if it has another 7 weeks to grow!!! I know them weights can be wrong sometimes but I was a big enough baby and so was my other half so I might be asking for 2 epidurals!

    5 pounds already oh my god! Do you feel big?
    Did you ever go for the 3d scan in the end? Sorry if you already posted about it, I have a severe case of baby brain and I'm just too lazy to scroll back and check!

    As miserable as this weather is at the moment I'm really enjoying it! I'm just feeling hot most of the time so I need it to cool me down:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭ameee

    Im pathetically excited about my new travel system arriving today :) I think its because I have been so unorganised this time around and now I feel like Im finally preparing for the baby, still have to get a changing bag and pack that and my hospital bag, going to do that in the next week or two and buy all the baby clothes. I need to get on the ball quickly you wouldnt think Ive gone four weeks early previously!

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    ok so maybe i will start to pack a bag and wash some baby clothes this weekend! 9 weeks left! sooooooo unorganised!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭chuckster

    BriarPatch wrote: »
    5 pounds already oh my god! Do you feel big?
    Did you ever go for the 3d scan in the end? Sorry if you already posted about it, I have a severe case of baby brain and I'm just too lazy to scroll back and check!

    As miserable as this weather is at the moment I'm really enjoying it! I'm just feeling hot most of the time so I need it to cool me down:D

    haha I feel massive! I do have a really big bump now... it's getting akward doing certain things, like getting in and out of the car requires serious effort and alot of puffing and groaning haha, turning over in bed is a nightmare though thats partly due to the spd aswell. My back is starting to feel the strain... going away for a relaxing pamper wkend this wkend with himself, last little break before the baby gets here, getting a pregnancy massage and everything so I am literally counting down the hours til we head off tomorrow!!

    Yep I did get the 3d scan in the end... it was cool I was so glad I got it, the pics were so clear, made it a little more real that there actually is a little baby in there, it appears to be the image of my partner, it was sucking it's thumb for ages so the sonographer was trying to poke the hand away for ages to get a clear pic of the face which resulted in a very grumpy looking baby, it actually looked upset it was the the funniest thing ever... I got it at 31 weeks (they recommend you come in up to 32) and the sonographer said if I had have waited any longer he wouldnt have gotten any decent pics coz the baby was so big... so I was expecting the hospital scan to say it was a fair weight haha.

    Glad you's have a bit of relief from the heat though,,, I was feeling sorry for all the pregnant ladies in Ireland during that heatwave, it's just coming into spring here now and I have to say it was a gift being prego during the winter. Though now I'll be having to wear a mumu after baby's born here while everyone is prancing around in their bikini's!!

    I've started gettin bits and pieces together for the hospital bag now... next week now I will deffo get organised... I just keep thinking I have loads of time.

    Ameee you went 4 weeks early before? you better get a move on with that bag ;-)

    Barely over 6 weeks til d-day now... it's starting to get real!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,447 ✭✭✭Calhoun

    Posting here as my wife doesn't post and ive already posted in the fathers thread already.

    We are due the 4th of Nov and that time is flying in :), we had an issue lastweek where herselfs blood pressure was high and she had to be admitted for monitoring. Best case scenario now is that she will go to full term but we dont believe the doctor will let her go over, worst case scenario is she will be induced 2 weeks early.

    We are a bit on alert at the moment and her experience last week showed us the importance of having the hospital bag ready to go. She made sure she completed packing it over the weekend :).

    Six more weeks, in one way i cannot wait but in another way there is so much to do between now and then to prepare for the new little person its crazy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Gonzp

    Due in less than nine weeks and was at the docs today. Apparently Im having a big baby, a nine and a half pounder was mentioned...:eek: Scared is not the word for it... It's my first..I've put on one and a half stone, so I thought I was doing ok....

  • Registered Users Posts: 358 ✭✭Madisson

    Gonzp wrote: »
    Due in less than nine weeks and was at the docs today. Apparently Im having a big baby, a nine and a half pounder was mentioned...:eek: Scared is not the word for it... It's my first..I've put on one and a half stone, so I thought I was doing ok....

    Just wanted to say not to take any notice of that. a friend of mine was told that at 36 the baby weighed more than she did when she was born and im due in 3 weeks and asked my gp yesterday and he said that ultrasounds in ireland still arent up to the standard of being able to predict anything like that so dont be worrying yourself ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    so im having a baby next month (please God)..... when did that happen and where did that time go!!!!!:eek::eek::D:D:D

    had hosp appt yest and i asked doc could he tell how big maybe might be. he said it shoudlnt be tood big or too small aandwill be similar to my first:D dont care if he was guessing cos my first was 7.2 so another little one would be ok by me!! though i think its gona be very long cosi feel it everywhere tryingto stretch!

    ill be 33 weeks tomorrow! I really may get organised seriously!!!

    had a pregnancy massage last week and it was deadly and i got to concentrate on baby. also went for a swim on my own and baby was goin non stop so got to focus on it then too.

    any one have any braxton hicks? had them all day sat into sun!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,447 ✭✭✭Calhoun

    so im having a baby next month (please God)..... when did that happen and where did that time go!!!!!:eek::eek::D:D:D

    had hosp appt yest and i asked doc could he tell how big maybe might be. he said it shoudlnt be tood big or too small aandwill be similar to my first:D dont care if he was guessing cos my first was 7.2 so another little one would be ok by me!! though i think its gona be very long cosi feel it everywhere tryingto stretch!

    ill be 33 weeks tomorrow! I really may get organised seriously!!!

    had a pregnancy massage last week and it was deadly and i got to concentrate on baby. also went for a swim on my own and baby was goin non stop so got to focus on it then too.

    any one have any braxton hicks? had them all day sat into sun!!

    I'll take your next month an raise you in the next couple of days, herself has preeclampsia and at 35 wks it looks unlikely we will make it to 36.

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭undecided

    Im the same red fraggle have been getting bh all wk. Ive never had them on my other two so it a new one for me :)

    Have to say ive had enough already. Ive been v uncomfortable lately i really want my body back...thank god im fairly neat as think Id be miserable if I was any more uncomfortable. Went two wks early with my other two really hoping ill be the same again this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    Calhoun wrote: »
    I'll take your next month an raise you in the next couple of days, herself has preeclampsia and at 35 wks it looks unlikely we will make it to 36.

    wow! hope everything goes ok. keep us updated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭puddle duck

    35 weeks today:) all good so far - sometimes I feel like my ass is bigger than my bump:) but i dont really care at this point. Packing my bag this weekend - i think i have most things. cant wait to finish work - just 2 more weeks to get through - i think once I finish up there it will really hit home! i hope everyone has a relaxing weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 legofan

    35 weeks today:) all good so far - sometimes I feel like my ass is bigger than my bump:) but i dont really care at this point. Packing my bag this weekend - i think i have most things. cant wait to finish work - just 2 more weeks to get through - i think once I finish up there it will really hit home! i hope everyone has a relaxing weekend

    lol I am also 35 weeks and feeling my ass is outgrowing my body! my little guy is breech so I am currently spending more time upside down, trying to encourage him to turn, than the right way up, this is not easy considering my ever expanding girth!lol I am also feeling very slow, anything that requires movement takes a little longer than normal, my body knows this but my brain continues to think im an agile slim young thing and encourages my body to take off with too much eagerness and then my round ligament pain kicks in:(

    Anyway enough complaining, my baby is healthy and so too am I, I cant wait to meet him:) I am still in the process of packing my bag, this doesn't sit well with husband, he stresses about it! but I try to explain that there is no rush as long as babys bag is packed and I have a nightie anything else can be bought when and if needed, this stresses hi even more!!lol how r all your husbands, bfriends/partners feeling now as its getting closer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    Afternoon all!

    Can't believe we are having our babies so soon!

    I've made a start on my hospital bag now but its still missing bits and pieces that I keep forgetting to buy..

    I'm feeling very slow myself nowadays I went to Tesco earlier to do some shopping and the effort of carrying a small basket of things around almost killed me!

    I think the reality has really set in now I've started the rest of my Ante-Natal classes I feel myself getting very worried about how tough the labour is going to be and how I know nothing about babies :-( I'm just stressing myself out about it, my partner has now such worries he is so stress free I'd love if I could feel like that..

    Best of luck Calhoun to you and your wife!

    I'm just bumping up our list coz I have forgotton now who is due when, I know its missing some people so please add yourselves and repost!

    Chuckster - 4th Nov - Australia
    puddle duck - 8th Nov - Rotunda
    Courtney1234 - 11th Nov - Coombe
    sweet chilli - 12th Nov - Rotunda
    BriarPatch- 13th Nov- Rotunda
    phat Albert's wife - 14th Nov
    petite lapin - 15th Nov
    Oral Slang- 18th Nov
    red fraggle - 21st Nov-wexford
    ameee - 27th Nov-Rotunda
    whatever_fools - 30th Nov - Rotunda

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭ameee

    Have most of my stuff for my bags so going to start packing them next week. Braxton hicks are driving me mad, I had them a lot with my other two but I seem to have them much more often this time :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭BriarPatch

    I don't think I've had any Braxton Hicks yet, not sure if I'm happy about that or not coz at least they'd give me an tiny idea of what's too come!

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭ameee

    well they are not painful just uncomfortable, the bigger I get the more uncomfortable they get Id sooner not have them especially when Im driving :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13 legofan

    BriarPatch wrote: »
    Afternoon all!

    Can't believe we are having our babies so soon!

    I've made a start on my hospital bag now but its still missing bits and pieces that I keep forgetting to buy..

    I'm feeling very slow myself nowadays I went to Tesco earlier to do some shopping and the effort of carrying a small basket of things around almost killed me!

    I think the reality has really set in now I've started the rest of my Ante-Natal classes I feel myself getting very worried about how tough the labour is going to be and how I know nothing about babies :-( I'm just stressing myself out about it, my partner has now such worries he is so stress free I'd love if I could feel like that..

    Best of luck Calhoun to you and your wife!

    I'm just bumping up our list coz I have forgotton now who is due when, I know its missing some people so please add yourselves and repost!

    Chuckster - 4th Nov - Australia
    puddle duck - 8th Nov - Rotunda
    Courtney1234 - 11th Nov - Coombe
    sweet chilli - 12th Nov - Rotunda
    BriarPatch- 13th Nov- Rotunda
    phat Albert's wife - 14th Nov
    petite lapin - 15th Nov
    Oral Slang- 18th Nov
    red fraggle - 21st Nov-wexford
    ameee - 27th Nov-Rotunda
    whatever_fools - 30th Nov - Rotunda

    I am due Nov 12th in Donegal. I think a little anxiety around birth is natural, I have stopped watching all baby birthing programmes and banned myself from googling birth as it was freaking me out. I am now choosing to believe that this is what my body was built to do and it has done it once already and so can do it again;) however this is my positive side trying to win over my anxiety, the actual birth may be a different experience:eek:

    Have any of you thought about pain relief options or drawn up a birth plan? I am in the process of a birth plan but I am not sure how it will be received by the hospital! But I think it will benefit me as then I have a rough outline of how I would like the birth to go, that said the best made plans and all that!lol
