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An Irish Astronomer

  • 17-03-2013 5:44pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 36

    About fourteen years ago I spotted a major error in the thinking of the late 17th century Royal Society community in drawing an exceptionally poor conclusion.When the contemporary community found out ,instead of dealing with the error in a transparent way they decided to alter the story completely to an equally bad conclusion -

    "While we know the Earth's rotation is slowing that is not the main reason why the extra "Leap Second" was added by our official time keepers this year. The reason for adding a leap second is that the planet does not rotate exactly once every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The rotation actually takes 86,400.002 seconds so that each day this little difference builds up between the atomic clock and the earth's rotation. The Earth's rotation is slowing but at a much slower rate than 1 leap second every so many years. The length of time it takes the Earth, at the present time, to rotate once is 86,400.002 seconds compared to 86,400 seconds back in 1820. The rotation has slowed roughly only by 2 milliseconds since 1820. That seems like an insignificant amount of time BUT over the course of the planet's entire lifetime, it has had very profound effects on the geophysics of the planet."

    How many Irish here relied exclusively on the old 'solar vs sidereal' view that sprung up in the late 17th century which insisted that the Earth turned once in 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds while around them the story was morphing into the 'new' version of idealized rotation once in 24 hours back in the year 1820 ?.

    Nice knowing how much influence I have while my own countrymen are led by the nose .Maybe some day a person of intelligence and integrity will actually ask how the timekeeping systems were put together with the correct references attached and why predictive astronomy is not the same as interpretative astronomy,until that day people can live a serious and unintelligent lie if this is what they so wish.



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali


    Is that you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    When they discovered that the 24 hour AM/PM system in tandem with the Lat/Long system contained the information that the equatorial Earth turns at a rate of 15 degrees/1037.5 miles per hour and once in 24 hours,instead of dealing with the issue in a transparent way,they forced through an alternative and equally awful explanation of idealized rotation once in 24 hours back in the year 1820 - by any other means,in trying to undo a 'solar vs sidereal ' mess they created a new lie,this recent one -

    "At the time of the dinosaurs, Earth completed one rotation in about
    23 hours," says MacMillan, who is a member of the VLBI team at NASA
    Goddard. "In the year 1820, a rotation took exactly 24 hours, or
    86,400 standard seconds. Since 1820, the mean solar day has increased
    by about 2.5 milliseconds." NASA

    Whereas the old 'solar vs sidereal' nonsense represents 2+2 = 5,the 'new' alternative is 2+2 = 4.0002.

    I forced through the change,it took a decade of unrelenting pressure but like any disreputable scandal,instead of dealing with the issue in a transparent way and outlining how the timekeeping systems developed,they tried to bury their mistake by creating a big lie .It is quite a story that stretches back to antiquity,even the world's first accurate clock of Newgrange plays a role in that story hence the header of this thread refers to any genuine Irish astronomer both past and present.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,273 ✭✭✭emo72

    whats going on?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    emo72 wrote: »
    whats going on?:confused:

    Here, watch this:

    Yo, Orion, how long, to the nearest hour, minute and second, does it take for the star Mizar to complete one apparent circle in the sky around the North Pole?

    What causes this apparent movement?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    emo72 wrote: »
    whats going on?:confused:

    Unlike the frantic efforts before,the recent actions of the community have made it simple and fairly easy to understand what went wrong and how they now try to undo the error.

    The old 'sidereal vs solar explanation' uses a specific type of flawed reasoning that began in England in 1677 and this remained up until a few years ago where all the textbooks stated it -

    The 'new' version which only emerged in recent years tries to recover the original principles of rotation once in 24 hours by introducing an idealized rotation back in 1820.

    The old sidereal version had rotations fall out of steps with 24 hour cycles which was always going to be unconscionable so instead of requesting how the 24 hour system works with rotation and the Lat/Long system they conjured up a new story instead.All institutions whether it is banks,Churches,politics or any institution has its scandals and catastrophy - the loss of basic planetary facts happens to be the major one that you see unfold here as a community desperately tries to bury the old facts you see in the website referenced.

    In short,my job is done apart from telling the story of how the timekeeping systems we use everyday were put together by really cool people who were exceptionally sharp in how they reasoned things out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,273 ✭✭✭emo72

    hello, maybe a bit of background would make it easier to follow. for example when you refer to the "community" in the above posting, well, I'm not sure which community you refer to. and maybe a bit of your background too? because i wasnt sure if you were posting your own thoughts or copying something from the internet. otherwise thanks, i'd never given much thought to a sidereal day. didnt realize it was about 4 minutes shorter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    emo72 wrote: »
    hello, maybe a bit of background would make it easier to follow. for example when you refer to the "community" in the above posting, well, I'm not sure which community you refer to. and maybe a bit of your background too? because i wasnt sure if you were posting your own thoughts or copying something from the internet. otherwise thanks, i'd never given much thought to a sidereal day. didnt realize it was about 4 minutes shorter.

    You are fine and don't worry about it,the thread is almost a postscript - while participants in this forum fought tooth and nail for the nonsensical 23 hours 56 minutes 04 second value for rotation,their community recently had already morphed to an entirely different story of idealized rotation once in 24 hours back in 1820.

    I wouldn't waste another second explaining how I forced that community to look at how the 24 hour AM/PM system works in tandem with the Lat/Long system nor how days/years transfer directly into a dynamical equivalent of rotations/orbital circuits.Instead of going back through the historical and technical details where timekeeping meshes with planetary dynamics and what references to use,they simply conjured up a new story which I have already posted twice in this thread ,a story with no astronomical or historical pedigree and a purpose designed only to make it appear that the 24 hour value was always accepted for rotation once through 360 degrees instead of the worthless sidereal value.

    A person of intellectual integrity , and given enough time, could figure out the unfolding tragedy where facts,even basic facts such as the how long it takes the Earth to turn once,are 'flexible' and change to suit whatever presently concerns the empirical community,in this case their insistence that the Earth is a bad timekeeper and should no longer be the basis of timekeeping while using the most ridiculous reasoning imaginable by simply changing the story and completely obliterating what they previously believed.Such behavior has been noted elsewhere -

    "Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as "the
    truth" exists. […] The implied objective of this line of thought is a
    nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls
    not only the future but the past. If the Leader says of such and such
    an event, "It never happened"—well, it never happened. If he says that
    two and two are five—well, two and two are five. This prospect
    frightens me much more than bombs […]" Orwell

    Again,this thread is a postscript but it does leave an option open - after being fools for the 'sidereal time' junk do people wish to be fools all over again for an equally bad conception of idealized rotation once in 24 hours back in 1820 ?.In this case the quote from Orwell is appropriate as it reflects a dystopian society and the vicious strain of empiricism that breeds it.Very few people over the centuries have tried to counter this nasty form of empiricism but the good ones who have tried to change things for the better have known about it all along,these individuals generally take their time with conclusions and do not reach for every half baked explanation when gaps in understanding appear.One of the better commentaries on the way a community can morph a story when it suits (global warming morphing into climate change is a current example of this morphing) is from Von Humboldt an even though the problem originated in timekeeping and astronomy,his comments support something that some readers here are becoming aware of and certainly the climate issue has brought it front and center -

    "This empiricism, the melancholy heritage transmitted to us from
    former times, invariably contends for the truth of its axioms with the
    arrogance of a narrowminded spirit.Physical philosophy, on the other
    hand, when based upon science, doubts because it seeks to
    investigate,distinguishes between that which is certain and that which
    is merely probable, and strives incessantly to perfect theory by
    extending the circle of observation."This assemblage of imperfect
    dogmas bequeathed by one age to another— this physical philosophy,
    which is composed of popular prejudices,—is not only injurious because
    it perpetuates error with the obstinacy engendered by the evidence of
    ill observed facts, but also because it hinders the mind from
    attaining to higher views of nature. Instead of seeking to discover
    the mean or medium point, around which oscillate,in apparent
    independence of forces, all the phenomena of the external world, this
    system delights in multiplying exceptions to the law, and seeks, amid
    phenomena and in organic forms, for something beyond the marvel of a
    regular succession, and an internal and progressive development. Ever
    inclined to believe that the order of nature is disturbed, it refuses
    to recognise in the present any analogy with the past, and guided by
    its own varying hypotheses, seeks at hazard, either in the interior of
    the globe or in the regions of space, for the cause of these pretended
    perturbations. It is the special object
    of the present work to combat those errors which derive their source
    from a vicious empiricism and from imperfect inductions."
    Homboldt ,Cosmos

    What is needed is a fresh start,people of intelligence and integrity who are not afraid to face the errors and distortions we inherited from previous generations and with all the modern tools at our disposal,restore a stable narrative for astronomy and terrestrial sciences just as all good scientists like Humboldt wished.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    So emo, what's going on is that Orion here knows the answers to my two questions upthread, but is psychologically incapable of typing the answers out.

    He will claim that he won't "waste another second" on these questions, but will instead rant for thousands of words about Newton, Galileo, Einstein, retrograde motion of the planets, conspiracies and so forth.

    He's a funny guy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    So emo, what's going on is that Orion here knows the answers to my two questions upthread, but is psychologically incapable of typing the answers out.

    He will claim that he won't "waste another second" on these questions, but will instead rant for thousands of words about Newton, Galileo, Einstein, retrograde motion of the planets, conspiracies and so forth.

    He's a funny guy.

    Ultimately you now have to follow a new story that the Earth turned exactly once in 24 hours back in 1820 whereas the old myth was based on a 1677 conclusion which linked the return of a star directly with daily rotation through 360 degrees in 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds -

    "... our clocks kept so good a correspondence with stellar circumpolar motion that I doubt it not but they would prove the revolutions of the Earth to be
    constant... " Flamsteed to Moore ,1677

    I can't think of a worse type of slavery than a human being who ,with the greatest hostility,argues for a 23 hour 56 minute 04 second value for rotation (as per the observation above) when his own community has recently adopted another false assertion in order to replace the one first proposed as a proof by Flamsteed -

    "While we know the Earth's rotation is slowing that is not the main reason why the extra "Leap Second" was added by our official time keepers this year. The reason for adding a leap second is that the planet does not rotate exactly once every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The rotation actually takes 86,400.002 seconds so that each day this little difference builds up between the atomic clock and the earth's rotation."

    How does it feel to be intellectually impotent ?,because I don't have to shove the new story down your throat all that remains is finding intelligent people with sharp intellects who can work out the details of the linkage between the 24 hour AM/PM system tied to the Lat/Long system and how timekeeping systems run alongside the daily and orbital motions of the Earth and specifically how one 24 hour cycle keeps in step with one rotation.

    It is not just my postscript,it is the burial of a hostile group of people who opted to follow arguments recently jettisoned by your own community and that,by any other name,is a scandal like no other.On a scale of one to ten,Piltdown man is 1 and this issue is 10.

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭ThatDrGuy

    I have never seen anyone have a debate with themselves and loose it via Godwin's law.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭Zirconia
    Boycott Israeli Goods & Services


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    ThatDrGuy wrote: »
    I have never seen anyone have a debate with themselves and loose it via Godwin's law.

    You see ,without exception,every single one of readers involved in that thread last year swore blind that the Earth turns once in 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds because they hadn't caught up with the new version which now states that the Earth turned in exactly 24 hours back in 1820.

    You can growl out complaints and personal insults but effectively you are now forced to follow a new story and reject your old 23 hour 56 minute value and that makes you slaves of the lowest order,that is not an insult,that is a fact.

    "While we know the Earth's rotation is slowing that is not the main reason why the extra "Leap Second" was added by our official time keepers this year. The reason for adding a leap second is that the planet does not rotate exactly once every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The rotation actually takes 86,400.002 seconds so that each day this little difference builds up between the atomic clock and the earth's rotation."

    I didn't come back here to bury people who can't reason properly and don't know where they stand,I came back here because there is a stable narrative with absolute integrity which connects the timekeeping systems to planetary dynamics waiting to be taught to students and interested adults.As for the old 'solar vs sidereal time' reasoning - it now has all the substance of the Piltdown man skull -

    You probably don't even realize what happened,do you ?.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,372 ✭✭✭im invisible

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,273 ✭✭✭emo72

    thats a webpage "Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students". are these guys some authority on scientific fact?

    just because some person sends me a link to a webpage, well, just because somethings written on the internet doesnt make it an irrefutable fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    emo72 wrote: »

    thats a webpage "Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students". are these guys some authority on scientific fact?

    just because some person sends me a link to a webpage, well, just because somethings written on the internet doesnt make it an irrefutable fact.

    I like your innocence in these matters,it is quite a story how the entire empirical community shifted from a discredited 'solar vs sidereal' fantasy for daily rotation to a new version of idealized 24 hour rotation in 1820,eventually the new story will filter down to students in the coming years from formal doctrines,some of which were written by people who once travelled in the same Usenet circle I did -

    The fact that they tried to bury a 'sidereal time' error with a lie conjured out of thin air hardly alters my influence insofar as I have been comfortable for many years with the development of the timekeeping systems as we use them today and especially how not to mix up the references as the old and new empiricists do,I can even explain where the error was created and for what purposes but that is a sprawling story full of technical and historical details.

    I already know the wind has gone out of those participants here who were so eager to promote a 23 hour 56 minute value that was already dumped by an empirical community hence what you are seeing in this thread is the result of 14 years of relentless pressure -instead of dealing with the matter using integrity and treating the matter as a genuine crisis,they simply took the easy way out and hoped that nobody will notice the difference the lack of transparency.

    With 'Piltdown man' they waited for all the old crowd to die before admitting the hoax,it took 40 years for that to happen while the new empirical style is to encompasses a mistake in a bigger mistake or lie.That is why you will see no responses to the new approach whereas last year the hostility here was appalling and very vocal -

    "At the time of the dinosaurs, Earth completed one rotation in about
    23 hours," says MacMillan, who is a member of the VLBI team at NASA
    Goddard. "In the year 1820, a rotation took exactly 24 hours, or
    86,400 standard seconds. Since 1820, the mean solar day has increased
    by about 2.5 milliseconds." NASA

    You should see how the actual timekeeping systems were put together and how men once worked with the great cycles of the Earth to good effect but that would be lost here among participants here who are caught between an error and a lie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,273 ✭✭✭emo72

    reading those scientific journals is hard work. anyway, is somebody even arguing with you on this thread? i think you are trying to get a point across on here, but you may be making it hard work for everyone.

    my head is melted, i may come back to this after a few coffees.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    emo72 wrote: »
    reading those scientific journals is hard work. anyway, is somebody even arguing with you on this thread? i think you are trying to get a point across on here, but you may be making it hard work for everyone.

    my head is melted, i may come back to this after a few coffees.

    Don't bother,just take the word from the man who created the first accurate watch capable of determining position on the planet using the stable principles which connect the 24 hour AM/PM system to the Lat/Long system through daily rotation -

    "The application of a Timekeeper to this discovery is founded upon the
    following principles: the earth's surface is divided into 360 equal
    parts (by imaginary lines drawn from North to South) which are called
    Degrees of Longitude; and its daily revolution Eastward round its own
    axis is performed in 24 hours; consequently in that period, each of
    those imaginary lines or degrees, becomes successively opposite to the
    Sun (which makes the noon or precise middle of the day at each of
    those degrees; ) and it must follow, that from the time any one of
    those lines passes the Sun, till the next passes, must be just four
    minutes, for 24 hours being divided by 360 will give that quantity; so
    that for every degree of Longitude we sail Westward, it will be noon
    with us four minutes the later, and for every degree Eastward four
    minutes the sooner, and so on in proportion for any greater or less
    quantity. Now, the exact time of the day at the place where we are,
    can be ascertained by well known and easy observations of the Sun if
    visible for a few minutes at any time from his being ten degrees high
    until within an hour of noon, or from an hour after noon until he is
    only 10 degrees high in the afternoon; if therefore, at any time when
    such observation is made, a Timekeeper tells us at the same moment
    what o'clock it is at the place we sailed from, our Longitude is
    clearly discovered." John Harrison

    There is an even greater story behind this that stretches back thousands of years when the great astronomers realized they could not base their annual cycle on years of 365 days but required an additional day after every 4th cycle,the one we now know as Feb 29th.Without understanding this system and the references used,it is impossible to build the later 24 hour AM/PM system and the Lat/Long system.

    Look at it as a victory for humanity in the face of a hostile crowd who tried to undermine the principles which John Harrison explains above even as they now create a different version that is equally as poor as the 'solar vs sidereal' time one.This is why it is now so easy to dismiss them now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    emo72 wrote: »
    is somebody even arguing with you on this thread?

    Ask him about retrograde motion of the planets! I dare you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    Ask him about retrograde motion of the planets! I dare you!

    Many like you get to wander the forum here like intellectual ghosts,having defended the 'solar vs sidereal' cult ideology with such aggressiveness you are now forced to go along with a recent alternative version that doesn't work either -

    A person like yourself caught between an error and a lie is in an extremely poor position,of course,there is always a way out through the genuine and enjoyable way the timekeeping systems were actually put together.

    I don't normally travel in moderated forums as they tend to favor spectators rather than innovators,productive people or people willing to question spurious 'facts',it is a fact that for over two hundred years scientists lost the ability to preserve the most basic astronomical and terrestrial fact of them all - how long does it take our planet to turn 360 degrees and that is remarkable for all the wrong reasons.

    The worst is over now and my contribution is done,eventually people will discover how the systems were put together in order and enjoy them as real human achievements.As for you and your astronomical version of 'Piltdown man',there is no intellectual redemption as you become irrelevant through your own choice insofar as you now have to follow a lie instead of an error -

    "The reason for adding a leap second is that the planet does not rotate exactly once every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The rotation actually takes 86,400.002 seconds so that each day this little difference builds up between the atomic clock and the earth's rotation. "

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    orion216 wrote: »
    A person like yourself caught between an error and a lie is in an extremely poor position,of course,there is always a way out through the genuine and enjoyable way the timekeeping systems were actually put together.

    Well, no. If there is a disagreement about facts, such as how long it takes the earth to rotate 360 degrees around its axis, the way to settle it is to measure it.

    The genuine history of timekeeping is entirely irrelevant.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    Well, no. If there is a disagreement about facts, such as how long it takes the earth to rotate 360 degrees around its axis, the way to settle it is to measure it.

    The genuine history of timekeeping is entirely irrelevant.

    Flailing around with nothing to say and caught between an error and a lie is quite a jam you are in and the fact is that I put you and a lot of other people there,that is the way these things work out.

    If you were so adamant last year that the Earth turns once in 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds then your issues are with your own community who now tell you that the Earth rotated once in exactly 24 hours back in 1820.

    For everyone else,what they are seeing is an unfolding scandal as a community struggles to undo damage done a few centuries ago where scientist lost the connection between one rotation and one 24 hour AM/PM cycle and decided that they fell out of step.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    orion216 wrote: »
    Flailing around with nothing to say and caught between an error and a lie is quite a jam you are in and the fact is that I put you and a lot of other people there,that is the way these things work out.

    So, how long does it take Mizar to complete one circumpolar circle. If you don't know, it isn't hard to figure out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 484 ✭✭MMAGirl

    Clearly Orion216 is wrong.
    Anyone with even a basic understanding of the subject can tell, but i wont go into it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    So, how long does it take Mizar to complete one circumpolar circle. If you don't know, it isn't hard to figure out.

    The issue is how long it takes the Earth to turn once,you and many others like you screamed that it takes 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds while your community has recently adopted an idealized rotation once in 24 hours back in the year 1820.

    I wouldn't waste a second explaining once more how the late 17th century stellar circumpolar conclusion was an assault on the genuine system where the 24 hour system is tied to the Lat/Long system through daily rotation,I won't even give you credit for knowing that things have recently changed and they still get it wrong -

    "The reason for adding a leap second is that the planet does not rotate exactly once every 24 hours (86,400 seconds). The rotation actually takes 86,400.002 seconds so that each day this little difference builds up between the atomic clock and the earth's rotation. "

    When you force an entire community to change its story it is quite an accomplishment even if they mangled the conclusion once more,it will be a genuine achievement when people of integrity and intelligence discover how our astronomical ancestors put together the timekeeping systems and all the invention,innovation and adventure that goes into these things.

    Although partly fictional,the resolution of the Longitude problem shows what is typical when genuine achievement intervenes while proponents flail around with alternative stories that do not fit and will never fit as their foundations are contrived and distorted.In this respect you are acting no better or worse than those who come before you -

    I love what my ancestors did right up to the creation of an accurate watch based on proper astronomical principles that you poor people tried to distort because you are neither comfortable or confident with astronomy,its methods and insights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    orion216 wrote: »
    it takes 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds

    Is the correct answer!!

    Now, what causes Mizar to make one circumpolar circle in that time period?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,273 ✭✭✭emo72

    orion216 wrote: »

    that you poor people tried to distort because you are neither comfortable or confident with astronomy,its methods and insights.

    who is you poor people?

    this is getting weird now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    Is the correct answer!!

    Now, what causes Mizar to make one circumpolar circle in that time period?

    Your community has decided to jettison your old 'correct' answer and the one you like so much for a new 'correct' answer and a different story -

    "The Earth's rotation is slowing but at a much slower rate than 1 leap second every so many years. The length of time it takes the Earth, at the present time, to rotate once is 86,400.002 seconds compared to 86,400 seconds back in 1820."

    Your old 23 hour 56 minute 04 second value had the number of rotations falling out of step with 24 hour AM/PM cycles making your community the dumbest ever to set foot on the planet so they tried to change it to make daily rotation in 24 hours the cause of the day/night cycle.

    You are now faced with a community who no longer pays attention to your 'correct' answer while making a further mess of things so your issues are with them and not me, even in this dysfunctional forum there may be people who actually like topics like the Lat/Long system and how clocks and daily rotation solved the Longitude problem based on principles that all students and interested adults understand.If all you can do is scream about stellar circumpolar motion then good,you are even outside your own community in that case - an irrelevant 'solar vs sidereal' ghost like those who believed in the Piltdown man skull.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    orion216 wrote: »
    The Earth's rotation

    Another correct answer! Full marks.

    Next question: if Mizar is back at the same position afer 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds, why is it 24 hours before the Sun is back at the same spot in the sky?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 orion216

    Another correct answer! Full marks.

    Next question: if Mizar is back at the same position afer 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds, why is it 24 hours before the Sun is back at the same spot in the sky?

    You poor thing !,your community now says the Earth turned in 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds tens of millions of years ago from a hypothetical 23 hours at the time of the dinosaurs to 24 hours exactly in 1820 -

    "At the time of the dinosaurs, Earth completed one rotation in about
    23 hours," says MacMillan, who is a member of the VLBI team at NASA
    Goddard. "In the year 1820, a rotation took exactly 24 hours, or
    86,400 standard seconds." NASA

    I don't give you credit for realizing that they changed the story from your old 'solar vs sidereal' format to this new version of idealized rotation once in 24 hours in 1820 using a slowing down Earth.Now that you find yourself outside the current empirical belief ,you are no use to me apart from a cautionary lesson and you certainly and no use to those who try to justify the addition/subtraction of a leap second based on this 'idealized rotation and the planet slowing down from an idealized rotation in 1820.

    I managed to force the attempted shifted away from the fairytale of stellar circumpolar motion linked directly to daily rotation to the new unstable view which ignores the stable narrative of the 24 hour system, and the Lat/Long system tied to the rotation of the planet.It is quite an experience as an Irish astronomer to be 'moderated' out of the forum while knowing exactly what went wrong,how to fix it and why the new version is as bad as the old 'sidereal' myth but unfortunately I do not give the Irish here credit for appreciating what was done and why it is exceptionally important as they are more spectators and imitators than original thinkers.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,686 ✭✭✭✭Zubeneschamali

    orion216 wrote: »
    It is quite an experience as an Irish astronomer

    Wait, you mean the thread title, An Irish Astronomer, is supposed to refer to you?

