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A fourth major - Chicago 2013



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,296 ✭✭✭jfh

    well they must be working that's some mileage in 12 hours :eek:

    60 days to go..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Wednesday 14th August
    Whilst only 48 hours since the long run, it was already time to do the T-paced work. With a race this weekend, and an unwillingness on my behalf to sacrifice quality work in favour of it, I needed to shove the two sessions into the early part of the week. Legs felt good anyway, so no reason not to have a go at it.

    Plan indicated 2 x 20 minutes at T-pace (6:04 for me) with 10 minutes easy running before, in between and after.

    Decided to do it on the route that I've done lots of 10k/threshold stuff on previously, and 20 minutes (3.5ish miles) would mean the first rep would involve a gradual climb for about 15 minutes and a nice downhill after that, but the second rep would be that in reverse (so a challenging 5 minute climb to start it off).

    Rep 1 - Settled into the pace nicely, but felt I was working hard as I hit the top of the gradual climb. Pace broadly consistent throughout, but picked up a few seconds on the downhill.
    Avg pace: 5:59

    Rep 2 - Tough uphill climb at the start of this, and by the time I reached the top of it (just shy of a mile) I was averaging 6:11 pace. Gradual downhill really helped, but I was working very hard towards the end, however managed to hit the target pace.
    Avg pace: 6:04

    The easy running brought it to a 11.5 mile total, and also discovered the picturesque Loughshinny harbour which I had never seen before.

    Thursday 15th August
    Due to meet some friends I haven't seen in a while this evening for a few pints this evening, and made myself the promise at the start of the week that I needed to have 50 miles in the bag at this point to justify the treat. This meant getting in around 6 miles this morning.

    Didn't even hear the alarm when it went at 5am, and it was a kick from Mrs P that roused me from a deep sleep. Felt understandably lethargic as I hit the road, but got around for an easy 6.6 miles @ 8:10 pace. Target of 50 miles achieved (50.25 to be precise!), so will enjoy a few pints this evening.

    Monaghan 10 miler on Sunday, but unsure how to approach it. Am not in shape to run a sub-60, and if I run say 6:10 pace that will leave me in limbo with a meaningless PB and some tired legs. Am considering just doing it as a PMP session (6:25 pace), given that my PMP miles are very limited at the moment, and doesn't run the risk of compromising next week's training. Has the added bonus that it would still be an official 10 mile PB (currently 66 minutes from a few years ago).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Hey Peckham, just wondering did you find the humidity tough going last night?
    I was doing some PMP kms but struggled with them. when I returned to the car my t-shirt was saturated and I put in a good effort but think the run may have been more LT than PMP effort last night!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    belcarra wrote: »
    Hey Peckham, just wondering did you find the humidity tough going last night?
    I was doing some PMP kms but struggled with them. when I returned to the car my t-shirt was saturated and I put in a good effort but think the run may have been more LT than PMP effort last night!

    I didn't reallly notice it during the session. Running near the sea I had some nice breezes. However, I noticed it at the end that I had been sweating a lot and top still hadn't dried out this morning!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Friday 16th August
    5.6 late, post-dinner miles @ 7:29 pace

    Saturday 17th August
    4.8 pre-wedding miles @ 7:10 pace
    Calf tightened up a bit during this run

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Sunday 18th August
    Monaghan 10 mile Race
    8th out of 188 finishers

    In terms of convenience, this race couldn’t have fallen better for me. Was invited to a wedding in Monaghan, and then low and behold they (race organisers that is, not the bride and groom) announce a race starting about half a mile from the hotel where we were staying. A race I probably would have travelled for anyway.

    Had decided to make up for my lack of PMP miles by treating this as a PMP run and resisting an all out race effort.

    Wedding was a sober enough affair, and was relatively early to bed (by Irish wedding standards anyway). I even managed to pop up to my room a few times during the day for a bit of foam rolling on the tender calf. Up nice and early on Sunday morning, and managed to avoid having the big fry, instead focussing on the scrambled eggs. A quick trip over to pick up the race number and then it was back to the hotel to change.

    A warm-up jog to the start revealed that the calf wasn’t in great shape. Was getting worried as I feared I was going to have to abandon (yet another) PMP session, so headed back to the hotel again to find Mrs Peckham and get some massage on it. Some sight me lying on a bench in the middle of Monaghan getting my calf pounded! Jogged around a bit stretching a good few times and calf felt fine heading to the start line.

    Start was a bit messy. It started in the middle of one of the main roads out of Monaghan, which wasn’t being closed to traffic so after everyone was called to the start there was a few minutes where we were standing looking straight at frustrated drivers directly in front of us. It was then revealed start was being delayed so everyone had to get off the road again. Then back onto the road for more faffing around before getting underway almost 15 minutes late.

    There was a clear winner in this race before things got underway, and that was Freddy from Kenya who was going to trot around and take home the price money (he ended up winning by over 5 minutes). Even looking at him at the start, it was clear he was in a different league to the rest of us!

    Off we went on the downhill start back into the town (this was advertised as a pancake flat race, but rolling hills meant we climbed 120 feet over the course of the race). A quarter mile decline meant starting pace was fast, and my fresh legs meant that I clocked the first mile in 6:00 pace. Was settling in to a position somewhere in top 10, when I saw Freddy the Kenyan come out of a side street to my left. Got worried then, as he was likely to be around a minute ahead of me at this stage, so one of us had gone wrong. A flustered looking steward up ahead, and some local runners around me, revealed that we were on the right course and he and at least one other runner were sent astray.

    Mile 2 was clocked at a (still too fast) 6:15 pace and at this point I was isolated and facing into an uphill segment and a headwind. Eased off a little in order to find the right pace and get into a small group behind me. Did most of the next 3 miles in a group of three with a local runner and a guy from Inishowen, sharing the pace and cruising along nice (6:17, 6:22, 6:26). Into the nice village of Ballinode when I found myself running alone again but with a Newry City runner ahead of me I had someone to chase (6:21, 6:15, 6:19). Everything was feeling nice and controlled and really felt like I was in fourth gear, with the only pressure being the gradual tightening of the calf. Found myself back in a group again around the 8 mile point, and as one of these runners kicked on a little I stuck with him to overtake the Newry guy before letting him go. Mile 9 in 6:19 feeling that if I really wanted to I could make a surge for home with the Newry guy, and gain a few places ahead. However, that wasn’t the objective and calf was getting more tender with the increasing miles, so I stuck with the plan. Mile 10 flew by in 6:21 and there were Mrs Peckham, her parents and Peckham Jnr cheering me around the final corner. Race announcer gave me a shout out too which was nice.

    Calf really seized up when I stopped running and even though I stretched it out a good bit I was unable to do any kind of cooldown jog. Got some dry-needling done on it last night, but it’s still sore today, so might skip today’s run and get some more work done on it this evening.

    Overall a nice race, but disappointing it didn’t live up to its pancake flat promise. Nice also to meet another boardsie at the start (sorry, I didn’t hear your name!).

    10.1 miles in 6:18 pace
    Link to Garmin details for reference

    Weekly totals
    Good strong week. Need some more of these.
    72 miles (75 planned)
    8 runs (8 planned)
    1 session
    Long run: 22 miles
    1 race

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Nice going Peckham. Mrs RFR ended up with a bit of an injury Saturday, so wasn't entering. Had my long run done Sunday, so left the race alone altogether. Ticking along very nicely there, shaping up nicely for 7 weeks time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,084 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Nice one - looks like Freddy'd doing the rounds at the mo, making some hay.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Nice one - looks like Freddy'd doing the rounds at the mo, making some hay.

    Nice guy too. Think he spoke with most other runners!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Not a good week this week. Two factors have come together to pretty much destroy the week - starting off with the calf strain at the start of the week and finishing off with potty training a two year old - neither of which are conducive to good training.

    Monday 19th August
    No running, and was really feeling the pain in the calf. A painful dry needling session (following up on another painful session the previous evening) helped relieve much of that pain.

    Tuesday 20th August
    Got out for a gentle few miles to test the calf. Felt okay. A bit of massage on it afterwards
    3.1 miles @ 7:35 pace

    Wednesday 21st August
    A late few miles as Mrs P was working late. Nothing too strenuous as calf still with a bit of pain.
    5 miles @ 7:43 pace

    Thursday 22nd August
    Decent run in some misty and damp conditions. Nice loop up to Loughshinny and back.
    9.6 miles @ 7:29 pace

    Friday 23rd August
    Day off today for some potty training. Tiring stuff. Had planned to get out for a long run when Jnr's play date arrived, but she cancelled so it was shelved and only got a short run in before dinner.
    3.3 miles @ 7:14 pace

    Saturday 24th August
    With parkrun in the morning, and needing to take my turn on potty training duty, time for self-indulgent running was at a premium. Got out after a steak dinner for 10 very enjoyable miles. Surprised I was able to complete the run given the dinner that was eaten.
    10.1 miles @ 7:15 pace

    Sunday 25th August
    With the parents coming round for dinner, I needed to get out early for a run, but grass needed cutting first. Had to borrow a neighbours lawnmower as I broke my own a few weeks previous, and then subsequently broke his lawnmower. Time consuming repairs meant that run was postponed until later in the day, and despite planning to get out for 8-10 miles I was home again after less than 3. Roast dinners are not a suitable pre-run meal!
    2.9 miles @ 7:34 pace

    So that's this week - all 34 miles of it. Exactly half of the mileage target that was set.

    Fortunately I've a day off tomorrow (and Jnr's newly learned potty skills will be put to test in creche), so will be aiming to get a 20+ mile run done with some fast segments (and then a long run with 15 miles PMP at the end of the week). Calf still a little tender, so will get some work done on it this evening hopefully.

    Only 176 miles so far this month, so need a solid week this week to get close to 70 miles done and follow that with a 75 mile week.

    Scary that the week after next is the final high mileage week in the Daniel's plan, and that whatever happens I'll be downing a few beers in Chicago in 7 weeks time.

    According to the countdown app on my phone - only 48 days, 16 hours and 52 minutes left.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    A week like that can sometimes be as good for the body as a week hitting all the paces in sessions. You'll have given your body a great chance to recover, and hit the last few weeks now fairly fresh. See you next weekend hopefully.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Monday 26th August

    20 miles @ 7:17 pace – including 2 x 10 minutes T-pace

    Would give myself a B minus for this run. I didn’t exactly achieve what was planned, but was a good session nonetheless. The plan called for 2 miles easy, 2x 10-12 minutes T, 10 miles easy, 15-20 minutes T, 2 miles easy. A tough session, but if there’s one way to make 10 miles fly by it’s to have the prospect of 3 fast miles at the end of it!

    With Junior despatched off to crèche for a half day I indulged in some daytime TV whilst eating breakfast. Unfortunately I over-indulged in breakfast, and a large bowl of porridge, two thick slices of toast and a coffee within 90 minutes of heading out on a run that involved fast miles was simply too much. Felt a bit full when hitting the road, and the sluggish feeling wasn’t helped by some tender glutes (not sure where these came from, certainly not running related so must have been from previous day’s gardening).

    After two easy miles I apprehensively hit into the first T-paced segment. Went off to a flyer and after half a mile glanced at my watch to see 5:45 pace staring back at me. About 20 seconds per mile too quick. Eased off but found the going tough, and decided to be sensible and aim for 10 minute reps rather than 12 minute. Struggled to the end, pace dropping all the time. Took a walking break for 2 minutes before hitting into the second rep. Was equally tough and ended up with a 6:09 average pace across each rep (about 5 seconds per mile slower than target).

    Had to stop for a minute or so before heading off on the 10 easy miles, which with the stomach now playing havoc, were never going to be easy miles. Had a nice hilly route in mind, with it at the back of my mind that it would knacker my legs and would mean facing into a the final fast segment on tired legs. Route was tough going, really tough. Coming towards the end I could feel strain in the problematic calf so decided with a (more important) 15 mile PMP run at the weekend it would be sensible to skip the final T-pace segment and just push home with easy miles.

    Was a real struggle getting home and felt like the final stages of a marathon (not a bad thing I suppose!), but kept pace consistent and was delighted to finish. Glad I abandoned the second fast segment – want to make sure I hit the PMP miles this weekend. Annoyed with myself for poor fuelling.
    Introduced gels on this run. Had brought two with me, and took one after about 1hr45. Previously had used Lucozade gels, but switched to High Five gels( as I had got a good deal on them!). Will take a little getting used to, probably due to the added caffeine.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Have kept things fairly handy since Monday in anticipation of an all-out assault on 15 PMP miles on Saturday!

    Tuesday 27th August
    Once Junior was settled (becoming more of a challenge these days) it was off for a nice 8 mile loop up into the backroads. Getting noticeably darker on these runs, so options for evening running is going to become more limited over next few weeks.

    8 miles @ 7:27 pace

    Wednesday 28th August
    More evidence of the changing season as my early-morning run meant that it was still dark when I got home from it. A crazy 19 hour day so needed to get out very early to make sure I fit it in. Was still asleep for most of the run, so pace rarely went above the 8 minute mile.

    5 miles @ 8:18 pace

    Thursday 29th August
    Was knackered after a long Wednesday (the end of which involved the consumption of too much alcohol for a school night), and with Mrs P working late it was going to be after 8 before I got out for a run. Was almost relieved when she rang to say she was going to be even later again, as it would have given an excuse for shelving the run, but she ended up coming home on time and I was out the door at 8.30. Two laps around the town listening to Alan Partridge reading his biography left me feeling much better than before I went out.

    6.5 miles @ 7:25 pace

    Planning on 10 miles home from work this evening, and then big session tomorrow.

    43 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes to go....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    Peckham wrote: »
    Two laps around the town listening to Alan Partridge reading his biography left me feeling much better than before I went out.

    That's a sure fire way to give you a lift at the end of a hard day:D. I thought the film was brilliant. I haven't read the book but listening to the audiobook read by the man himself sounds a much better option.

    Some serious dedication being shown here. It'll all be worth it come October

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Friday 30th August
    Sluggish day in work, so when the clock hit 4pm I was keen to get out of there. Unfortunately the lovely sunny morning had turned into a very blustery afternoon, so it was going to be a tough slog into town. Had been a while since I had done the run, so despite the nasty headwind I enjoyed it.

    Early to bed tonight. Key session in the morning.

    10 miles @ 7:33 pace

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Saturday 31st August
    Met up with Krusty in Phoenix Park for this session. I knew I'd struggle with this session alone, so was keen to do it with someone of my standard or faster. Got someone faster for whom this would be a relative jog in the park!

    Lovely conditions when we met, chilly enough to start with and the blustery wind wasn't particularly obvious. Plan was 3 miles warmup, 15 miles PMP (6:25) and 3 miles cooldown.

    Warmup miles were nice and easy. Gentle enough run from Papal Cross passing the crowds streaming up towards the start of the Pink Run, turnaround at the main gates and then back up to the Papal Cross to dump the jackets and get some water on board.

    Was letting Krusty dictate the route and he took us back down Chesterfield Avenue, around by the zoo and up North Road. Miles were nice and easy going down Chesterfield Avenue, but was obvious why as soon as we came around by the zoo and hit into a nasty headwind and the easy 6:20 pace dropped to a difficult 6:30 pace (with me tucked in behind Krusty). Back down Chesterfield Avenue again with the wind at our backs and the pace felt nice and easy again. Didn't fancy hitting the hills around the far side of the Park, so we repeated that loop again. Really struggled in the headwind, and thoughts of abandoning were flying through my mind.

    Pushed on to the end of the road where I knew the turnaround would bring some respite. Was fighting a losing battle though and legs were feeling the strain. Needed some water which meant stopping off by the cars, but I knew it would be a struggle to get going again. 10.5 miles on the watch, water and gel, and then pushed on again. Stopped after about 200 metres telling Krusty to go on without me. Kindly enough he stopped and encouraged me to walk to a downhill stretch and get back into stride from there. Pushed on for another 1.5 miles but turning back into that wind was too much. 12 miles done. That was enough for me.

    Jogged back and got another 2 miles done at 8:30 pace.

    Disappointed, as these PMP miles aren't going well for me. Still think I have it in me, but abandoning sessions like this awakens the demons in the mind! On Krusty's recommendation I might give the Moone Kilomarathon a lash. Two weeks out from Chicago, that would give me just over 16 miles at PMP. If I can complete that session, that'll give the confidence a boost.

    12 miles at PMP:

    Avg: 6:24

    That also completes the week and month for me. Looks okay on paper. A 75 mile week next week, and a 250 mile September and it will look a lot better. On a positive note, over the past 24 hours I saw two people separately for the first time in a few weeks. One is a runner, one is not. The runner commented that I was looking lean, the non-runner commented that I was wasting away to nothing!

    Weekly totals
    67 miles (60 planned)
    6 runs (7 planned)
    1 session
    Long run: 20 miles

    Days ran|23|25|24|23|28
    Average miles per run day|7.2|8.5|8.9|9.2|8.7
    Average miles per calendar day|5.5|6.8|7.1|6.8|7.9

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Great session Peckham, despite not hitting the full amount of PMP miles you were planning. Another few good weeks training and we'll be tearing up the streets of Chicago.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Monday 2nd September

    22 miles @ 7:22 pace

    Took yesterday off, but even so it wasn't ideal to be doing this run after Saturday's draining session. Legs felt okay today, apart from a bit of tightness on my right inner thigh. Probably caused by me not putting my orthotics into the shoes I did Saturday's run in.

    Plan was a relatively direct run home, adding on a slight diversion at the end to bring it up to 22 miles.

    After skipping out of one of the dullest meetings I've ever sat through, I hit the road at 5.30. Usual headwind along the coast into town, and things felt tough enough although pace was ticking along okay. Had two gels with me and took the first one coming over the footbridge in Fairview. Things were again tough here, and pace dropped a good bit down towards 7:40.

    Wasn't really enjoying myself but mood picked up coming past the nice new footpath at the airport watching the planes come in over my head. Took another gel coming in to Swords, and accompanied with the change from parkrun podcast to a music mix really picked things up and threw in a few fast miles.

    However this didn't last long, and the drag from Swords along the old Belfast road was really draining. In hindsight this was due to a drop in hydration levels. I had only brought the two gels and 400ml of water. Simply not enough, and I should have stopped at a shop. Drained the remaining 100ml of water with 3 miles to go, and ran them on legs that felt totally empty.

    A few laps of the green near the house to round it off to 22 miles, much to the amusement of the kids playing football. Fell into the house and struggled up the stairs for a shower. Weighed myself before taking on fluids and had dropped almost 3 kilos since end of last week, which isn't a good sign. Felt quite nauseous and struggled to eat, although after some time, some grub and about 3 litres of varying fluids, I'm feeling a lot better.

    This run will stand to me. Negative split too (83-80), but first half is tougher than second.

    Scheduled to do a 5am recovery run tomorrow, but will knock it on the head and take the extra hour in bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭nosnagaoithe

    Tough going there pushing out the 22M 48 hours after the PMP session....still, good to bank the miles all the same. Going well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Those days when you fall in the door with tiredness/dehydration/nausea.. They're the ones that will stand to you on the big day (as long as you don't hurt yourself in the process). Still, crazy run to do two days after a PMP session. Beating yourself up over those last few pmp miles?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Still, crazy run to do two days after a PMP session. Beating yourself up over those last few pmp miles?

    Nope, it was my only opportunity for a long run this week, so it was either do it last night or not do it at all. Can't afford to take the latter option.

    Slept well and wore recovery tights all night so feeling much better today, and it's easy miles until the weekend when I'll do a tempo session.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    A tough week, with Monday’s efforts leaving the legs feeling totally dead. I probably should have taken a day off to recover at some stage, but am very determined to hit my weekly mileage target (75) as the miles start to drop off after this week.

    Tuesday 3rd September
    5.9 miles @ 7:58 pace
    Had provisionally planned a double-day, but that would have meant an early start for the AM miles so took the extra hour in bed. Got out for some evening miles, but they were slow and tiresome. Glad to stop at the end of them, surprised I averaged at sub-8 pace as it certainly didn’t feel like it!

    Wednesday 4th September
    10.5 miles @ 7:35 pace
    Original plan had me going for 12 miles today, but cut it back to 10 miles mid-run as hadn’t left enough time between eating and heading out, so digestive system was playing up. Legs still felt totally drained, and the gentle uphill 4 miles at the start were not at all enjoyable. Two things kept me going – firstly listening to the Alan Partridge audiobook, and secondly seeing the Fingal Tri club out doing some run training so wanted to get passed them looking strong (not sure why, I don’t even know any of them)!

    Thursday 5th September
    8 miles @ 7:34 pace
    Half-heartedly thought about going out for a few miles in the morning, but still tired so did a foam rolling session instead and that perked up the legs. Out for 8 miles in the dark in the evening, again chuckling away to Alan Partridge.

    Friday 6th September
    6 miles @ 7:41 pace
    Busy day ahead, so only chance of a run was in the early morning. Was noticeably chilly when heading out, and a long sleeved top might have been more appropriate, but had gotten out of the house without waking anyone so didn’t want to head back in again. Legs felt significantly improved.

    That puts me on a total of just over 52 miles for the week so far, so have 23 left to hit my target. Planning a 15-16 mile session (with 2 x 20 minutes T pace) tomorrow, and then a few handy miles either Saturday night or Sunday to round off the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭nosnagaoithe

    the Fingal Tri club out doing some run training so wanted to get passed them looking strong (not sure why, I don’t even know any of them)!

    me too...I see the lads most Sunday mornings on my LSR heading out past Rush, and always pick up the pace....a bit ridiculous really ...runner's ego and all that I guess....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Saturday 7th September

    8 miles @ 7:23 pace

    Plan for the weekend was to do a T-pace session on one day, and an easy few miles to round off a 75 mile week. Had hoped to do the session on Saturday and then the easy miles on Sunday, but was dependent on other commitments.

    Other commitments got in the way and ended up doing the easy miles on Saturday. Was out in Greystones so had a range of routes to choose from. Was still unsure heading out the door where I was going, but headed towards the Cliff Walk. Had only brought my lighter shoes, so the rough terrain wasn't really ideal but the scenery drew me in. Ran almost as far as Bray before doing and about turn and retracing my steps. A quick additional loop near my parents' house to round it off to 8 miles.

    Sunday 8th September

    10.6 miles @ 6:55 pace (includes 10 mins at 6:00 pace)

    After a nice leisurely yet productive morning it was off to do 2 x (20 mins easy, 20 mins T pace) with additional easy miles to bring it up to 14.5 miles to complete a 75 mile week.

    Was flying down the road and was feeling very comfortable at sub-7 pace. Stopped after 10 minutes to stretch the calves which were feeling slightly delicate after yesterdays rough trail. Down towards my usual T-pace stomping ground.

    Headed off on the first 20 minute segment and pace felt okay, but started to struggle after 7 minutes. Unfortunately that coincided with a relatively gentle uphill and was shattered by the top of it. Pushed on but couldn't resist hitting the lap button when the watch hit 10 minutes. Revised plan to do 4 x 10 minutes with 5 minutes recovery, but was annoyed with myself and couldn't get my head into another rep. Jogged a few easy miles to bring me over the 70 mile total for the week.

    That's a lot of abandoned sessions now, many of which are due to the mind rather than the body. Feels like momentum on the sessions is lost, but at least long runs are ticking along. Need to nail the Athlone Half next weekend (however the plan is 6 minute pace), and then the final MP session the following week. Not much I can do about what has (or has not) gone before, just keep pushing on.

    Final high mileage week, dropping back to 60 next week before 55, 55, 45, 40ish.

    Weekly totals
    71 miles (70 planned)
    7 runs (7 planned)
    1 abandoned session
    Long run: 22 miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Monday 9th September

    5.3 miles @ 7:34 pace

    Gentle 5 miles to start the week. Headed up the back roads in the fading light, before spinning around the housing estates. Back home for a foam rolling session.

    20 miles with some faster segments tomorrow evening before easing off into Saturday's half marathon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    How many 20 milers will that be then? You are racking them up from what I have seen..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Not too many really. So far it's 2x20 and 2x22 (one in July, two in August, one in September). I plan to do one in each of the next 3 weeks (tomorrow's one with tempo segments, the following week with PMP, and the final one a LSR).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Tuesday 10th September

    I am absolutely knackered, shattered, it what you like. Another aborted run this evening. Plan was 20 miles including 8 x 5 minutes at T-pace. Outcome was 9 miles with 1 x 5 minutes at T-pace. Just couldn't get into it - lots of excuses, but what do they matter.

    Taking tomorrow off. Maybe a few very easy miles on Thursday/Friday. Not sure what to do about Athlone - a failed attempt at sub-80 could destroy all confidence. Maybe take it at PMP.

    Feeling fairly down, and Mrs P says I look terrible. Need to regroup for the few weeks that are left. Lots of work done, need to make sure it doesn't go to waste.

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    Throttling back sounds very wise. A few days off could do you the world of good, and are going to make no appreciable difference to your fitness.
    If it were me I'd not be racing Athlone since it's not the main goal. The upsides to racing it seem pretty small compared to the potential downsides. Just my two eurocents.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Peckham wrote: »
    Tuesday 10th September

    Taking tomorrow off. Maybe a few very easy miles on Thursday/Friday.

    ^^ will do you the world of good.
    You've been fairly pounding the miles recently.
