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I thought they said Rum...

  • 21-03-2013 11:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭

    After being a long-time lurker on A/R I thought I should get involved and what better way than to start a log!

    So I'm 26 (for another 3wks anyways) only really started running in 2009. Played rugby to a basic level in school and college but was never fitness mad and used to hate running in particular. Have always carried extra weight and started running to try shift some. My first race was a Simon 5 mile in the park and started training for that and continued on from there in a haphazard way.

    I went to Australia for a year in Summer of 2010 and decided off the cuff to do a Marathon while there. This was my first time properly training and really enjoyed it. Ran the Canberra Marathon in April 2011 but was disappointed with the time- 4.55- so decided to run DCM that October after coming back home. Followed a plan again but looking back, not as religiously and came in at 4.45. Had a great first half but blew up at 15miles.

    2012 was a bit of write off, no races and training very intermittent. I'm back in a busy college course and work weekends so I let things slide. Shouldn't be an excuse but was used as one in reality. I only coped on in November when i realised i needed to get the weight in order. Getting married next May and this put a real kick up the ass in this regard.

    Started running 4 times/wk again and aimed for a 10k in Feb which I ran a PB in and has really spurred me on aim for a more structured race year with training aimed at some goal races. I've also come on in weight terms and dropped nearly 7kg since November. So heres hoping the log will help keep me on track! Main aims are to improve my fitness base for another assault on DCM and to keep shifting the weight!

    Goal Races:
    Mount Juliet 10K- 53.57
    Samsung night Run 10k-
    RnR Half Marathon-
    Dublin Half Marathon-
    Dublin Marathon-

    Start 87.3
    Now 80.5
    Goal: 75


  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Started to re-focus for Samsung night run from today- runs very irregular last two weeks. Horrible weather but good to get out and held a decent pace

    5km- 27.32-

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Best of luck! you seem very committed so with your determination and consistent training I'm sure it'll all work out brilliantly for you. I hope to do DCM this year also so will watch your progress towards it with interest. You'll get brilliant advice and encouragement here so you came to the right place. Great to get out on a night like tonight. My motto is to never use weather as an excuse not to run. within reason of course :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Gym session today

    Did my usual circuit of machines and free weights as well as some core work- try to do sessions mon and fri-quiet tonight so got through everything without hanging around- best bit was dip in the jacuzzi after:pac:

    2k warm up in treadmill

    lat pulldown shoulder press
    chest press bicep curls
    seated row tricep pull overs
    dumbell press dumbell row
    all 12x 2 sets

    core- fitness ball sit ups, leg raises, planks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Best of luck with the log.

    The Samsung race is a strange one to have as a goal race, there's a lot of easier (& cheaper) races out there as that one has a lot of turns and a confusing route.
    But hope it goes well for you!

    With a little training and a lot of determination (or is that the other way around?), your PB's will tumble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Hi Rk,

    goal race is probably the wrong term more just target races to enter really,
    with working weekends my ability to enter races is a bit more restricted so really only went for the samsung one because I won't need to take time off with the night start- would have much preferred to enter the Arc 10km - agree with concerns with price/course but i'll try maximise it and enjoy the experience- hopefully!

    Thanks for the encouragement and thanks Ososlo too!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Haven't had a great few days- big exam in college on Thursday so training took a back seat unfortunately- decided to go for a run this morning though to get some work in.

    Of course the one morning I do decided to go early, it would have to snow!
    While I firmly believe in the saying "the only bad workout was the one that didn't happen" I found this run tough. Haven't run early in a long time and really found the going tough- not sure was it the cold/earliness/lack of energy/mental or combination but found it hard and was puffing heavy by 2km, which meant the rest of the run was a struggle- still glad to get it done and something logged for the last few days.

    5Km -28.11
    Pace -5.37

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Finished exam yesterday and was off today so went for a LSR to enjoy the sunshine. It was great in the sun but it disappeared after 5km and it got bit cold. Still enjoyed getting out and getting a good run in under the belt. Hope to start a solid period of training for the next few weeks now.

    10km- 58.25mins
    Pace 5.50ish

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Just a brief Gym session today,did my usual circuit, wasn't great though as was a bit hungover after a few pints last night. Hope to get a decent run in tomorrow afternoon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Got another 10k in today, first 5k wasn't great and left hamstring which has been tight for a while was acting up, stretched it out and the second half was much better. Worried I may need to get a physio to look at it as it's been bothering me for a month or so.

    10km- 57.21min
    Pace- 5.44/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Tuesday- rest day

    Today- Hill session

    The sunny weather give me a bit of a spur on to do my first hill session. My last race had a tough hill in it which I really suffered on, so I had decided I needed to some work in this area and took the plunge today.

    Did a warm up and on way to the magazine fort and then did 10x100m repeats on the steep corner. Haven't done this type of session before and think I ran the first few too fast and suffered in the latter ones, walked down in between and found the session tough. I felt nausea a few times but think that was a good sign in a way and glad to get it done. Think I need to get some advice on the best way to do these sessions though to maximise them.

    1.5km WU/WD
    10x 100M Repeats- 25-35secs each

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  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Friday- usual gym session

    Sat/Sun- no training- between work and birthday- didn't get out at all


    Went to amphibian king in base to race today to look into getting new runners- bday present- have had a pair of wave inspire 7's for 18 months and really needed a new pair. I'd seen ads for the the wave inspire 9's and was keen to invest in the disco blue colour- unfortunately they didn't feel quite right in the toe area- not pinching but tight. Chap in the shop let me bring hem home with a pair of wave alchemy 12s to try on the treadmill before deciding.

    Did 6k at various speeds this evening with the inspires and have regrettably decided not to go them- just not right in the small toe area- and while they were ok for this distance I fear for my marathon training later in the year. The alchemys feel too bulky as well so going to have to head back and maybe look at Kayanos or similar

    6km- 35ish minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Got my runner situation sorted anyways- headed back to the shop today and tried on both the brooks adrenaline and asics 3000 and settled on the former only for them to be out of the size I wanted- so had to go to Bray branch and actually ended up trying the wave inspire 8's also and long story short went with them- Can't fault the service in Amphibian King- would recommend to anyone.

    Did a 5km session in them this evening and they're great. Tried to do this session as a tempo run and it went well so hopefully can aim for closer to 52min mark in next race

    Pace- 5.13/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Got a 10km run in today, just kept a nice easy pace and it went well, new runners going well!

    10km- 58.03
    Pace- 5.48/km

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    The 10x100 hill session is a good one, apparently it's one that recruits fast twitch fibres. The recovery can be longish, so don't worry about the recovery.

    What made you decide on the choice of runners? Just interested.

    Btw....happy birthday

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Hi RK

    Thanks on hill advice and Bday wishes:D!- hoping to mix up long and short hill sessions in the coming weeks!

    I'd had a pair of wave inspire7's since 2011 based on gait analysis in AK and they had felt great. I was really hoping the 9's would be a smooth transition and had been planning on a pair for a few months although heavily based on their colour! Unfortunately a seam in the little toe are was just too annoying when I tried them on the treadmill at my local gym which AK let me do.

    I decided to go with the Brooks after further video but then when I went out to Bray for my size and they had a pair of inspire 8's I said Id give them a go and they just felt better- more like my current ones I suppose and the gait analysis suited so just went for a a if ain't broke approach!

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Thursday- rest


    5km- 30ish mins in treadmill and then usual gym session

    Sat- rest


    5km- 26.43
    pace- 5.20/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    On placement with college away from dublin so training not great this week- 2 runs done and hoping on another two similar efforts to todays run tomorrow and saturday.Good run today but not feeling as ready as I'd like ahead of the race next weekend- need a good wk of training

    5km - 30ish min
    pace- varying- just finding my way round the area


  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    Haven't update in a while with being away from internet access- only managed 4 runs in the week coming up to my samsung run- all shortish but was happy with pacing on all which ranged from 5.10-6min/km

    Friday 19/4- 6km
    Saturday 20/4-4.5km

    Tuesday 23/4-6km
    Friday 26/4-5.5km

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭mush500

    This was my second target race of the season and to be honest wasn't the most optimistic going into it. Based on previous comments I was apprehensive about the organisation and course of the race. I also felt my training hadn't been consistent over the last month compared with earlier in the year. I was definitely training at a faster average pace of 5.30/km rather than 6.00/km but felt mr runs were too sporadic and not structured as had been the case. In the days before I felt I should aim for 55min and see how I went!

    Worked Sunday until 4 so was a bit worried about tiredness but rested and got some food in early. Decided to get the luas in rather than worry about parking-(foolish decision ultimately). Thought I'd try leave late-ish but typically ended up being way too early and arrived for 8.15!- walked around to keep warm and did some stretches before getting into the back of the 45-55 pen. Did some of the group warm up and was a bit stressed trying to get my garmin to connect but got sorted

    Got some good space at the start line for about 200m and then congestion!Decided to do some ducking and diving at a fast pace until I eventually found my stride along O'Conell st. Needed to overtake alot of people though and still can't understand how people don't follow the pen system- one girl veered across me at one stage and nearly took me out around 1.5km. Had a very frustrating first Km at 5.34. Still I was really enjoying the atmosphere and route and spent the next few km varying between solid 5.10ish pace and bursts of speed when overtaking. Did first split in 26.26. I felt comfortable at this stage and even though I was sub PB I decided to push on.

    The crowd had thinned out a bit at this stage but turns increased alot. I was still felling good even at sub 5km and a friend who was randomly out on course gave me another boost. I got to 8km at around 42min and had a bit of a brain fart by thinking sub 50min was on, I was obviously feeling too good if I thought I good do 2km at 4min pace! After an initial burst I coped on and backed off knowing I was still in line for a PB and thought 51min was more realistic. Put in a good effort to keep the pace up and sprinted the last 200m to finish with a watch time of 51.02-DAMN- initially was disappointed and was hoping chip time would be better(it wasn't-51.03)!

    Post Race:
    I was spent immediately after, my left leg was very tight, so stretched out a bit and joined a slowish queue to exit. Got my medal which was actually nice to have if slightly unnecessary. Picked up some fluids and headed for the luas. Unfortunately there had been a crash on the line just before my stop so it was delayed and then I had a bit of a longer walk home before shower and bed!

    Overall really enjoyed the race, and was delighted to know some minutes off the PB. I thought the atmosphere was great and think the organisation was good and can only help the event grow. Going forward I'm looking into a lower period of training- major exams looming and will be pulling back a bit before my assault on the summer!I'm happy though that I've ended this period with a much improved 10km time and feel a sub 4hr marathon is now a realistic goal- well according to mcmillan anyways!!

    Overall- 51.02(watch), 51.03 (chip)
    Km Split Pace
    1 5:34.3 1.00 5:34
    2 5:17.6 1.00 5:18
    3 5:23.6 1.00 5:24
    4 5:00.3 1.00 5:00
    5 4:57.9 1.00 4:58
    6 5:07.6 1.00 5:08
    7 4:57.8 1.00 4:58
    8 4:54.1 1.00 4:54
    9 4:41.9 1.00 4:42
    10 4:47.6 1.00 4:48
    11 :19.9 0.09 3:35
    Sum 51:02.6 10.09 5:03
