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Operation Wedding Bod

  • 06-04-2013 9:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    Im getting married in Fuerteventura in September and have decided to keep a log here to track my progress and diet. My entire family coming on hols with us have given me the extra motivation needed. I started in the gym mid October and generally attend 4/5 days a week. Little to no cardio so im mainly lifting weights.

    I had debated on whether or not to throw pics up but fcuk it, holds me more accountable. Both pics are taken cold. Will try and post pics same date every month to track progress.



    Im starting a bulking program from Monday so any tips and comments greatly appreciated re Workout routines and diet. Sorry that pics are a bit big but not sure how to resize.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Weighed myself this morning in prep for the start of my 1 month bulk tomorrow. I came in at 75kg. Im 5'9 and 25. I hope to put on roughly 4kg by the end of April, not entirely sure I can manage that much weight but I shall give it a bash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Right Day one of BUlking is complete as is leg day. Training consisted of the following

    Stretches and 2 min tread walk

    Goblet Squat

    20kg x 7
    25kg x 7
    30kg x 8

    Leg Extension

    80kg x 6
    90kg x6
    100kg x 6
    90kg x 8

    Hamstring Curl

    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    40kg x 6

    Abductor Work (Outer)

    20kg x 10
    25kg x 10
    30kg x 10

    Lunges (Holding 12.5kg DB)

    3 x 12

    Calf Raises

    1 x 10
    3 x 10 holding 9kg DB

    finished with some more stretches

    Id like to hit my calves a bit more so if anyone has any tips it would be great

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Decent session tonight - Chest and Arms


    Barbell Bench - really concentrated on form here to try tuck my elbows in

    50kg x 10
    60kg x 6
    70kg x 6
    75kg x 5
    80kg x 3

    Incline DB's

    25kg x 6
    27.5kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 6

    Decline DB's

    27.5kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 5



    45kg x 6
    50kg x 5
    55kg x 5

    Single Arm Pulldowns

    20kg x 5
    25kg x 5


    3 x 10


    2 x 6 @ 20kg


    Plate Curls

    15kg x 10
    20kg x 10
    10 kg x 15

    EZ Curls

    3 sets of 6

    finished with 2 sets of 21's, arms felt like rubber afterwards. Mission Complete

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Gym Free night tonight. Bit of stretching and ab work at home just to keep me ticking over. Hoping to try some sprinting intervals tomorrow.

    Met my bulking target again today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Good luck with this dude :)

    Re- calves, I tend to hit mine 3 times a week if I remember. If your gym has a smith machine, put on the weight you want to use, get a step and do your raises then. Similarly, use the smith machine, put on the weight, get a step and a bench. Place the step under the bar and sit on the bench, unrack the bar onto your legs and do your raises. I'd put something like a jumper across your legs or get some insulation and wrap the bar because it can get quite uncomfortable.

    You can do them on the leg press too, don't hyper extend. Place your feet and the bottom and do your raises :)

    Hope you understand what I mean :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Back And Shoulders Tonight


    Overhead Press

    15kg x 8
    17.5kg x 8
    20kg x 8

    Front Raises

    3 x 6 of 6kg (having real problems with popping and crunching in my right shoulder, damaged cartilage maybe?)

    Lateral Raises

    3 x 6 of 6kg

    Trap EZ bar raises

    6 x 20kg
    6 x 25kg
    6 x 27.5 kg

    Military Press w/ EZ bar
    same weights and reps as above

    Shoulder Shrug

    3x6 using 35kg DB

    Back Workout

    Lat Pulldown

    50kg x 6
    55kg x 6
    60kg x 6

    Im certain I could pull more here but I dont seem to weigh enough to get the bar down

    Single Arm Row

    3 x 6 w/ 25kg DB

    Bent Over Row

    Olympic Bar with no weights 2 x 6

    Had hoped to do cable rows and Pull ups but we couldnt get near it.

    Finished up with some abs work.

    Weighed myself after 5 days of clean bulking and I have put on 0.5 kg. Not sure if this is a good gain or not. Debating whether to dirty bulk next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Just back from the gym. Chest & Arms today with a deadlift session thrown in


    Planning to start the smolov Jr tomorrow so went with an all DB workout today

    Flat Bench DB

    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    37.5kg x 3 - didnt manage my full set but my gym only goes up to 40kg DB's so was still pretty happy


    30 x 6 (3 sets)

    Decline Pull Up

    3 x 8 at BW

    We then moved onto Deadlifting - Sunday is the only day quiet enough for DL's as we have to take the bar off the bench

    60kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    100kg x 3

    My 1rm is 130kg so I want to stick to the 100kg mark for a month or so to build my reps before attacking my 1rm again.


    Tricep Pulldown

    40kg x 6
    45kg x 6
    50kg x 6

    Supersetted(is that a word?) with 3 sets of 6 chin ups

    Skull Crushers

    20kg x 6
    25kg x 6


    6 at BW supersetted with 6 EZ curls at 20kg
    7 at BW supersetted with 7 EZ curls at 25kg
    10 at BW supersetted with 10 EZ curls a 35kg

    Finshed up Overhead Tricep Extensions and Bicep Curls using a 15kg plate. 3 sets of 7 of each exercise

    The aul arms are fairly hanging off me now at this stage

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Get your a$$ on Coans deadlifting programme :D Can't recommend it enough man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Get your a$$ on Coans deadlifting programme :D Can't recommend it enough man.

    I started my Smolov Jr tonight so will attack the Coans next, do you have a link?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    Be realistic with the desired 1RM cause it is very hard!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Started my Smolov Jr programme tonight on the bench

    6 sets of 6 reps at 62.5kg. First night of it obviously but it went v well, more than manageable.

    The rest of my gym work was my dreaded yet generally most enjoyable routine, LEG DAY!!!!!

    Smith Squats

    30kg x 8 (warm up set)
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 8

    Goblet Squats ( using DB's)

    32.5kg x 6
    37.5kg x 6
    40kg x 6 ( I could have went heavier on these but our DB's dont go past 40.

    Calve Raises (using smith machine and step)

    30kg x 8
    35kg x 8
    40kg x 8

    Hamstring Curls

    30kg x 6
    35kg x 6
    40kg x 6

    Leg Extensions

    80kg x 6
    90kg x 6
    100kg x 6 (max weight)

    Bench Step Ups

    6 free
    6 using 15 kg DB's
    6 using 15kg DB's

    That was it for the night, I'm continuing with my clean bulk for the next week, if I manage another half kilo gain il be happy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    One of the girls in work said I looked v slim today, considering I have put on weight lately I was pretty happy with that

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭WHIP IT!

    stuchyg wrote: »
    One of the girls in work said I looked v slim today, considering I have put on weight lately I was pretty happy with that

    Just thinking, on the Goblet Squat, you could hold a 2.5kg plate on top of the DB, making it 42.5...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    WHIP IT! wrote: »
    Just thinking, on the Goblet Squat, you could hold a 2.5kg plate on top of the DB, making it 42.5...

    Just keep it tucked tight to my chest I presume, I defo feel like I could go another bit heavier with it. I tend to whack out some squats on my Friday session so I shall give it a try

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Chest and Back tonight


    Night Two of Smolov - 7 x 5 at 67.5kg
    Incline Smith Bench - 3 x 6 at 60kg
    Decline Pull Ups - 8 x 3
    Push Ups - 2 sets of 20


    Sitting Cable Rows
    7x 3 at 105kg(full stack)

    Single Arm Rows
    17.5kg x 6
    20kg x 6
    22.5kg x 6

    Lat Pulldowns

    50kg x 6 (wide grip)
    55kg x 6 (wide grip)
    60kg x 6 (wide grip)
    65kg x 4 (narrow)
    65kg x 4 (narrow)

    Tried some pull ups after this but I had nothing left in my arms.

    Gym scales is telling me i'm at 78.6kg which is 1.5kg up and what it normally says so my bulk is going well I think. Il be back in the gym on Friday for Shoulders and Arms with some squatting thrown in for good measure

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    After feeling good all day and eating really well I got to the gym and found it hard to muster much effort, but we plough on regardless.

    Night Three of Smolov

    72.5 kg 8 x 4. This was the hardest night so far, managed all reps without assistance but they were a push.


    Seated Shoulder Press

    17.5kg x 7 x 7
    22.5kg x 7

    Front Raises

    3 sets of 7 at 7kg ( the popping in my shoulder makes this move quite hard so cant manage too much weight)

    Trap Raises with EZ Bar

    3 sets of 10 reps at 20kg


    Overhead plate extension with 20kg plate - 2 x 7

    Dips 2 x 20


    PLate curls

    2 x 8 using 20kg plate

    I finshed with 3 sets of Goblet Squats using a 30kg DB.

    Wasnt too happy with tonights session, just seemed to be really lacking in energy once I got to the gym I have a rest day tomorrow before I hit the gym again on Sunday for day 4 of Smolov week 1. This coupled with DL should be a good session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Headed to the gym today to do day 4 of smolov and look for my 1rm on the deadlift.

    Smolov Bench Press

    10 x 3 at 72.5kg. Was pretty tough but managed all reps pretty cleanly and unassisted.

    Then we moved onto the Deadlift, previous 1rm was 130kg which I set 2 weeks ago, iv only been DLing for about two months or so

    60kg x 6
    80kg x 4
    100kg x 3
    120kg x 1
    130kg x 1
    140kg x 1 (PB)
    150kg x 1 - managed to get this 3/4 of the way up before my left hand over grip started to slip on me and I had to drop it, tried again at 150 but couldnt even budge it from the floor. Think I was drained from the failure at the top of the previous attempt.



    25kg 2 x 6 - had to go much lighter then I normally would as didnt have much left in my arms after the Dead Lifting


    as above

    Moved back to Lat Pulldowns to finish off

    45 kg x 6
    50kg x 6

    That was me for the day, my body had nothing left in it. Chuffed in one way with the 140kg but was a bit down with the failure on the 150, that would have been twice my BW.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Leg Day today with some Smolov thrown in

    Week 2 Day 1

    6 x 6 at 65kg

    Managed this pretty well, the sets were v manageable. Have really been concentrating on my form and trying to keep my elbows and wrists level at the bottom of the lift,


    Goblet Squat - DB sat up behind us as a level to squat to, makes a difference when you know exactly how low to go

    30kg x 6
    32.5kg x 8
    37.5kg x 8
    40kg x 10

    Calf Raises using Smith Machine

    20kg x 15
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 10

    Leg Extensions

    85kg x 10
    100kg x 7
    100kg x 7

    Hamstring Curls

    2 sets of 7 reps at 30kg - hams were still a bit tight after the deadlifting on Sunday so took it easy on these.

    Went for a walk after dinner with the missus to help stretch my legs out a bit. Good days work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Chest And Back Day

    Week 2, Day 2 of Smolov

    7 x 5 at 70kg. Was a bit wary of it tonight as I had no spotter but I managed it fine, no struggles again, nice and deep with the reps.

    Incline DB Press

    27.5kg - 2 x 6

    Decline DB Press

    27.5kg - 2 x 6

    DB Flyes

    17.5kg 2x 6


    Lat Pulldowns

    50kg x 8
    55kg x 6
    50kg x 10

    Sitting Cable Rows

    70kg x 10
    85kg x 10
    100kg x 6
    90kg x 6

    Single Arms Rows

    25kg - 2 x6

    Finished up with Cable Crossover Drop Sets

    Started at 30kg and worked down to 10kg alternating the dominant hand

    Rest Day tomorrow thank god as my legs are killing me after yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Day 3 of Week 2 of Smolov

    75kg - 8 x 4 - again was managed reasonably well, needed no assistance on any sets


    Seated Press

    17.5kg x 8
    20kg x 8
    22.5kg x 8

    Lateral Raises
    7kg -2 x 6
    8kg - 2 x 6

    Side Raises

    7kg - 2x 6

    Military Press

    2 x 6

    Upright Rows

    3 x 8

    Shoulders Shrugs
    37.5kg - 2 x 6

    Next up Arms

    Decided to mix things up a bit today in terms of reps

    Overhand Tricep Pull Down

    2 x 12

    Underhand Tricep Pull Down

    2 x 12


    2 x 6


    2 x 6

    Seated Curls

    9kg - 2 x20

    really felt these, the full extension on the arms is a killer. Tried this after watching the train with Kai videos

    Bicep Curl

    70kg x 10
    80kg x 10

    Finished up Tri and Bi with supersets using a 20kg plate


    Underhand curl using EZ bar - 2 x 20
    Overhand curl using EZ bar - 2 x20

    Standing Raises using EZ bar - 2 x 20

    That was it for today, my arms were on fire by the end. Arms are usually my least favourite body part to train but I really enojoyed today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Week Two of Smolov Complete, BOOM!!


    77.5kg - 10 x 3

    Incline Bench x 10
    20kg x 10
    20kg x 10
    Went easy enough on the inclines as deadlifts were still ahead

    Incline Flyes

    12.5kg x 8
    17.5kg x 8
    17.5kg x 8



    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    100kg x 5

    Good Mornings (first time doing these)

    olympic bar x 10
    olympic bar x 10
    since we dont have a squat rack I will never manage to take the weight up too far on these, must say they are a great workout to do after the deadlifts.

    Seated Cable Rows

    70kg x 10
    80kg x 10

    Lat Pulldowns

    40kg x 10 (wide grip)
    45kg x 8 (narrow)
    50kg x 6 (narrow)

    Finished up with some stretches to try loosen the back a bit.

    Week 3 of Smolov Jr will begin on Tuesday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Week Three of Smolov Begins

    Tonight was 67.5kg 6 x 6. This was by far the hardest night thus far. I think the volume of the last couple weeks is starting to catch up on me at this stage.


    I seem to have a problem in my right shoulder. I experience a painful and audible pop in my shoulder in most exercises which tends to restrict the amount of weight I can shift.

    Anyway we plough on regardless

    Seated Shoulder Press

    17.5kg - 3 x 8

    Lateral Raises
    7kg DB's - 2 x 6

    Side Raises
    7kg DB's - 2x 6

    Upright Rows
    20kg - 2 x 8


    Overhand Pulldowns
    30kg - 2 x 12

    Underhand Pulldowns
    20kg - 2 x 12

    Skull Crushers
    20kg - -2 x 12


    Seated Incline Curls

    7kg DB 2 x 10
    8kg DB 2 x 10
    7kg DB 2 x 10

    EZ Curls
    20kg - 2 x 10


    Underhand Curls
    2 x 20

    Overhand Curls
    2 x 20

    Forearm Raises

    2 x 20

    Finished up with Bu and Tri supersets using a 15kg Plate.

    Decent session but my shoulder is causing me a bit of trouble on the workouts. Its restricting my strength gains a bit as well at the minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Week 3 Day 2 of Smolov

    72.5kg - 7 x 5.

    Again managed the reps w/out assistance but twas much harder tonight. The jump in intensity between week 2 & 3 is starting to kill me. Will be glad when Sunday comes and the smolov is done.


    3 x 6 with 12.5kg DB

    Hamstring Curls

    3 x 10

    Calf press

    3 x 15

    Leg Extensions

    2 x 10
    1x 15

    Calf Raises

    3 x 6


    3 x 6

    Wasnt in the mood for the gym at all tonight once I arrived but struggled through it. Will be glad I went tomorrow but i'm pretty exhausted atm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Week 3 Day 3 of Smolov


    8 x 3 @ 77.5kg. Felt ok doing these, the jump from week two to three is v noticeable. Will be glad when tomorrow is finished and I can deload for the week. MY chest is tired at this stage.


    Lateral Raises using a 15kg plate. Enjoyed the raises this way, had never tried it before.

    Side Raises - 2 x 8 using 7kg DB's

    Military Press

    EZ bar with 15kg - 8
    EZ bar with 20kg - 8
    EZ bar with 25kg - 8

    Upright Row

    3 x 8

    Seated Shoulder Press

    This is where things got bad.

    Started out with 15kg DB's, knocked out 10 reps easy.
    Moved onto 20kg DB's. Couldn't get them up to chest height on my own. Spotted them up and couldnt even manage 1 rep. Disgusted.
    Dropped down to 12.5kg, managed one rep before my shoulder popped and I had to drop them. That was the end of shoulders for the day. I'm not sure if its the smolov that causing the shoulder trouble but its been pretty bad for the last couple sessions.



    Overhand - 2 x 12
    Underhand - 2 x12

    Close grip bench

    1 x 15 olym bar
    2 x 15 bar + 10 kg


    Seated curls

    6kg - 1 x 10 (20 reps total)
    8kg - 1 x 10 (20 reps total)

    Machine Curl

    70kg x 12
    60kg x 10
    40kg x 8 (lowered these as slow as I could manage)

    Superset with 15kg plate

    Overhead for Tri

    3 x 10
    3 x 10


    Overhand Curl Using EZ bar

    1 x 20

    Underhand Curl using EZ bar

    1 x 20

    Forearm extensions using EZ bar

    2 x 20

    That was it for today. Smolov finishes tomorrow and I cannot wait. If my shoulder problems continue after the benching is complete then I may need to go visit the physio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Week 3 Day 4 of Smolov

    Its complete thank fcuk. Today was 10 x 3 @ 80kg. Struggled on a couple of the sets but finished it out with 5 reps so was pretty chuffed. Will deload next week before attacking a new 1rm the week after. The rest of the session was your standard chest n back.



    Decline Chin Ups(not sure on the actual name)

    3 x 10

    Incline Press

    20kg x 10
    25kg x 8
    30kg x 6

    Incline Flyes

    12.5kg x 12
    15kg x 10
    15kg x 10



    60kg x 6
    80kg x 4 (my hands were in a heap at this stage and I couldnt manage to hold the bar)
    80kg x 6 at sumo (to give hands a break)
    80kg x 6 at sumo

    Good MOrnings

    Olym Bar x 10
    40kg x 10 - this is probably as much weight as I will manage as we have no squat rack so had to hoist it over my head and onto my back

    Lat Pulldowns

    45kg x 10 (narrow)
    50kg x 10 (narrow)
    60kg x 6 (wide)
    70kg x 6 (wide)

    Seated Rows

    80kg x 12
    70kg x 15
    60kg x 20

    That was it for today. Very happy to be finished the smolov, il take a couple of weeks with no set program and then try the COAN deadlift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Went for a 4.5k hillwalk in Lacken yesterday to enjoy the sunshine.

    Today I hit the gym for a light session after the exertions of the last few weeks.


    Incline Bench
    Decline Bench
    Flat Flyes
    Pull Ups
    Push Ups

    Cable Rows
    Single Arm Rows
    Good Mornings
    Barbell Rows

    Actually managed to do some cardio as well, was only 12 mins but its more then I have done since I started back in October. The gym was like a sweat box today so despite the lightness of the weights used it felt like a proper session.

    Picture from last week, on week 3 of my clean bulk at the time this was taken. Kinda went a bit bad on the diet over the long weekend but il be back on track from here on out.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 698 ✭✭✭belcampprisoner

    you will have to give up the drink

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    you will have to give up the drink

    NEEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR!!!!! At least not until my cut in August. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg


    Leg Day!!!!


    5 x 10

    Calf Raises

    3 x 12

    Hamstring Curls

    3 x 10

    Leg Extensions
    2 x 10
    1 x 8

    Calf Press
    3 x 12

    Leg Press
    3 x 10

    Hams are sore today, I really need to get a few more movements working them so that they arent as bad after working them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭stuchyg

    Today was my first day benching after smolov.

    After warming up in a vein similar to Kevpants idea for WS I managed to hit 95kg,beating my old PR by 5kg. Tried the 100 3 times but couldnt manage it.


    Managed to get a few reps out of the 37.5kg DB's but couldnt manage the 40's which would have been the heaviest in our gym.

    Worked Bi's, Tri's & forearms for the rest of the session.

    Pretty chuffed with my bench but when the 100 is within sight its disappointing not to hit that mark.

    Next Time
