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Fitness plan/schedule please!

  • 10-04-2013 8:32pm
    Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭

    Hi folks,

    In my early 30's and really want to get a lot fitter and more toned. Been a few years!

    At home I have dumbells, a weights bench with weights bar, and a mat for doing sit ups.

    Have spent ages on google trying to see if there are any recommended plans, but it just seems to be a big minefield and more confused than before I started looking.

    Using the equipment I have at present, can anyone recommend a realistic plan/schedule I can stick to so as to reach my goal?

    Many thanks in advance!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1 soldier8

    Check out P90x .. you can do it from home & you'll see great results. You should be able to pick up a DVD set on done deal for cheap enough.
    Well worth the challenge
