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Is this typical?

  • 14-04-2013 1:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Customer Friendly Eircom

    November 2012
    Broadband went intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone - they did line test, said everything perfect. Still intermittent.
    Checked all house extension wiring, all fine.
    Phoned Vodafone - they did line test, said everything perfect. Still intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone - they did line test, said everything perfect, they did further tests and said problem was in house wiring - high capacitance? I disconnected all house wiring and just ran one extension lead from Eircom box to PC. Still intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone, they did line test, said everything perfect. Said problem probably router and they would send replacement. I told them I had tried three different routers (with background in electronics I had accumulated quite a few). They said ok, they would have another think. Next day new router arrived. Still intermittent.

    December 2012
    Phoned Vodafone - they did line test, said everything perfect but tests showed problem with house wiring. I advised them I was now only using single line from direct to PC and phone. They said Oh? Still intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone - they did line test, said everything perfect. I said it definitely was not, that everything indicated an intermittent fault in the Eircom line to house. They said unplug house phone and see what happens. Still intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone - they (naturally) said everthing testing perfect. Said plug modem directly in to Eircom box with short lead and leave for three days. Could hear modem clicking away in garage as line dropped, then modem recycled, then dropped again etc etc.
    Phone Vodafone - they asked how long was the lead from modem to eircom box. I said about 1m. They said that was twice the recommended length (???) and try with shorter lead. I humoured them, left for three days. Still intermittent.
    Phoned Vodafone - the said must be intermittent landline (hooray) and passed the file to the Eircom liason person. He said would get Eircom to have a look.
    Eircom arrived. Tested line, said it was perfect and fault was house wiring. I pointed out the house wiring was disconnected. They changed the Eircom box "just in case". Still intermittent.
    Eircom arrived - a new team. Tested line, said it was perfect. They looked at Eircom box, said there was a loose connection (didnt tell them it had just been replaced by eircom the previous week). They changed box - now on third one. Still intermittent.
    Eircom arrived - another new team. He checked the eircom box, said a connection was loose. Explained in great detail how, if I pulled the leads out of a light switch the light would not work. I was suitable patronised and humbled. Still intermittent. At this stage was on first name terms with most of the call centre personel in Vodafone, and had got used to finding I was through to Derry who could not connect to Limerick where the Eircom liason guy had his office. Also very used to Vodafone hold music.
    Eircom arrived, this time the original team. They said they would check the line in to the house, but the problem almost certainly the house wiring. I pointed out the single extension cable - they said that was what they meant. They arrived back after about an hour said good news and bad - they had found the line in to the house was "stressed" (what about me?) and they would pass it over to the roads people, and that by the way I was using round cable for the extension, not flat. That was almost certainly the problem. Wondered who trained these people?
    Broadband now working perfectly, intermittent gone. Obviously finding the "stressed" cable had been the magic cure - probably a scrape of a corroded terminal had done the trick.
    Got a call from Eircom. Roads people could do nothing as local council had to issue them a permit before they could check the cable. Might take three months with Christmas coming. Said ok. Wasnt too fussed as broadband perfect.
    Got call from girl in eircom - permit had been received, crew would be along in three days to dig up road - date and time agreed.
    On day agreed got a call from same girl. They couldnt make the appointment, crew had to go to the assistance of elderly lady who had a phone problem. New appointment agreed.
    Day of new appointment, got call from Eircom asking where my house was - he was on road and couldnt find house. After somewhat confusing conversation turned out he was in road of same name, but in Bray, not Dunlaoghaire.
    Eventually they arrived, digging equipment and all. Did I know where they had found the stressed cable. I said no idea, but as there are four eircom manholes in proximity of house that might be good place to start. They eventually gave up, said they couldnt find cable and left.
    Broadband still working perfectly.

    January 2013
    Repairs to tarmacadam done to road outside house. Heavy rollers used, could feel vibration. Broadband goes intermittent again. Back on to Vodafone.
    Eircom arrive. They have no idea where cable runs to house, ask is it ok if they dig up tarmacadam to investigate. I tell them no way, its just been laid. The go away to have a think about it. Broadband now off most of time.
    Eircom arrive. They have the solution - they will run a new line to the house from a pole in the vicinity. I dont like the idea, but say ok.
    Eircom arrive, rigged up like Everest climber. Gets six feet up pole and decides its dangerous. Leaves. That afternoon van with crew and hydraulic platform arrive and run cable from pole to house. Broadband now perfect.

    Postcript: In mid December put in application for UPC fibre service to house. They are helpful, call when they say they will call, are not patronising and are generally a pleasure to deal with. In late January (just after I am hooked up to dodgy wooden eircom pole) fibre cable run from main road to house, courtesy of good neighbour who allowed use of their wall. Installation completed on time and worked perfectly - both phone and broadband.

    And the best phone call of all - the final one to Vodafone. To thank them for doing their best and to advise that I no longer relied on Eircom for anything and they could terminate the line. The Vodafone/Eircom Liason guy said he fully understood, laughed about the size of the file they had and told me he was transferring to a new position in Vodafone that day. I wonder why?

