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Due December 2013



  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Fairie, hope you don't mind me asking - do you know how far you were gone, when they said that the c-section was not possible?

    (Am terrified that this will happen to me - the only thing keeping me sane is that this baby will be airlifted!)

    Ask away :) they were getting ready to prep me for section when i got to hospital but when they examined me i was 10cm and baby arrived within a half hour of us getting there! Was told it very rarely happens that quick so don't be worrying and ring the hospital if you are worried at all. My mam and sister have very fast labours too so must be a family thing! X

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭fima

    Fairie wrote: »
    My little girl arrived last night at 11.40 weighing 7 pounds :)

    Yay Fairie that's amazing news! Congratulations on being the first December mammy to give birth in December!! Hope you and little one are doing well, such a dinky size I'd say shes tiny?

    I had a horrible experience with an ignorant doctor in the hospital today, is such a shame as I have been delighted with them all along and this dope just pissed me off today. He had a go at me over the midwife changing my due date and informed me that she couldn't do that. I was like 'fair enough' but he kept going on over it. So according to Dr Gowlface my due date is actually today (suits me :D ) ...... then he informs me (without examining me) that they will be doing a sweep, I informed him they will not and I want to go naturally .... hardly necessary for a sweep considering I am only due today like! He informs me that I go naturally if I wish and I am free to decline but if I go post-term that baby's heart can just stop. So I'm a bit upset thinking what the f**k is his problem, I am not declining any necessary intervention I just don't want a bloody sweep on my due date when apparently baby's head isn't even fully down! Then he snaps something at me which I didn't get so I said, pardon? and he repeats himself like I am a bold child or incredibly stupid. Then he decides to examine me and starts doing a scan without even telling me he is going to do one and kept the screen turned away from me until I told him to turn it towards me. He shows me the heartbeat begrudgingly and says I should have been glucose tested, I don't know why he said this but he offered no other explanation. I informed him my samples have been fine all along and the finger prick test I had done was also fine. He leaves me lying on the bed like a whale struggling to get up without help then I have to get my own tissue to wipe the layers of gel off my stomach. I am so cross typing this, he ruined my due date day for me, I was so happy and excited this morning and now I feel like crap! I am booked in again for next Monday if I don't go before then so if I get him again I will just decline and ask for someone else!

    Sorry for rant but I needed to get that off my chest. Now I am off to bounce on my ball and practice my breathing. OH is cooking a curry, pity I can't eat hot food so will leave all the chillies to the side!

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭fima

    March11 Baby Girl, born 28th Nov
    Fima 3rd
    Closifer 3rd
    Kandr10 Baby Girl, born 9th Nov!
    Fairie Baby Girl, born 1st Dec!
    Mil83 Baby Girl, born 25 Nov!

    Beltzar 11th
    CunningStunt 11th
    Excited 12th/13th
    Kiwi2011 14th
    Afternoon Tea 14th
    Guesswhat 16th
    Elle13 Baby Boy, born 22nd Nov!
    Soooky 17th
    Annabananas 20th-24th
    lulu1985 20th Dec
    Startingagain 21st
    Carlows 23rd
    HBelle 23rd
    June Bird 24th
    kidcummins 25th
    AlwaysNumber1 27th
    Hello Lady 27th
    Therealgirl 27th
    Corkie2011 29th
    Sweet_pea 29th

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Hello Lady!

    Excuse my language but what a prick!! I'd definitely be complaining about him, even if it was just verbal. Dreadful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭closifer

    fima wrote: »
    Yay Fairie that's amazing news! Congratulations on being the first December mammy to give birth in December!! Hope you and little one are doing well, such a dinky size I'd say shes tiny?

    I had a horrible experience with an ignorant doctor in the hospital today, is such a shame as I have been delighted with them all along and this dope just pissed me off today. He had a go at me over the midwife changing my due date and informed me that she couldn't do that. I was like 'fair enough' but he kept going on over it. So according to Dr Gowlface my due date is actually today (suits me :D ) ...... then he informs me (without examining me) that they will be doing a sweep, I informed him they will not and I want to go naturally .... hardly necessary for a sweep considering I am only due today like! He informs me that I go naturally if I wish and I am free to decline but if I go post-term that baby's heart can just stop. So I'm a bit upset thinking what the f**k is his problem, I am not declining any necessary intervention I just don't want a bloody sweep on my due date when apparently baby's head isn't even fully down! Then he snaps something at me which I didn't get so I said, pardon? and he repeats himself like I am a bold child or incredibly stupid. Then he decides to examine me and starts doing a scan without even telling me he is going to do one and kept the screen turned away from me until I told him to turn it towards me. He shows me the heartbeat begrudgingly and says I should have been glucose tested, I don't know why he said this but he offered no other explanation. I informed him my samples have been fine all along and the finger prick test I had done was also fine. He leaves me lying on the bed like a whale struggling to get up without help then I have to get my own tissue to wipe the layers of gel off my stomach. I am so cross typing this, he ruined my due date day for me, I was so happy and excited this morning and now I feel like crap! I am booked in again for next Monday if I don't go before then so if I get him again I will just decline and ask for someone else!

    Sorry for rant but I needed to get that off my chest. Now I am off to bounce on my ball and practice my breathing. OH is cooking a curry, pity I can't eat hot food so will leave all the chillies to the side!

    Fima you poor thing. The midwife kept telling me to expect term +10 so I really think the scare tactics about going over term was OTT. I also had a bad experience with a doctor there last week - nothing as bad as yours but just a bit of a shock as everyone else I had encountered had been so pleasant and this man had NO bedside manner at all - wonder was it the same man?

    Im in tomorrow for 40 week check and I wasnt expecting a sweep at all so Im a little nervous now. Hadnt actually had any internal exams or anything like that to date.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭beltzar

    Morning Ladies,
    Our beautiful daughter arrived yday 02-Dec at 11am.
    I was kept in recovery for 4hours and then off we went to a ward. I was a little "shy" beforehand, but my God has that disappeared. I can only imagine how I would be if I had gone naturally.
    I have fed herself a few times (still very much finding my way around this breastfeeding business) and I am in love. I hurt like fcuk but it's so worth it and the various meds appear to be doing their job.
    Good luck those who have had their babies, andgood luck to those who will soon be on their merry way. Xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Hello Lady!

    Congratulations Beltzar! Well done to you. Another girl for the December Mammies!!! Brilliant news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭afternoon tea

    Congrats Beltzar!!!! Fabulous news :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭afternoon tea

    Fima what an awful experience-hearing things like that makes me mad! Terrible that the treatment we get can vary so much-you just hope when D day comes we end up with the lovely ones!! I've been shocked at the midwives, some have been so friendly and lovely but then others so cold and to the point that I've walked away shocked!
    Don't let that doc ruin your due date experience- like you said if you are due to see him again request someone else if possible, what was his problem?!!!

    So exciting seeing announcements on here...started maternity thurs last week but didn't get chance to relax so making up for it today chilling in house going to watch a film and relax! Due on 14th, have a feeling it will happen earlier but I imagine that's wishful thinking!! Does everyone have that feeling????? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭therealgirl

    Fima that is disgraceful! I would definitely make a complaint, even if it is not formal, these bloody docs are all on their high horse & need to be taken down a peg or two sometimes!
    I walked out of my last appointment with my consultant in the middle of him speaking to me like I was a child, hell I wouldn't speak to my kids in that way!
    (And this was after he had left for a 50 minute coffee break after being late for his morning appointments, leaving 40+ women sitting waiting on their appointment...mine was for 10am & I saw him at 13:10! You could hear women hopping off him after they went into the room, so he might have been a bit annoyed when I saw him, but still no excuse!!)
    I stood up in the middle of him being rude & he stopped talking & I got my bag & said "I'm leaving now, I will be seeking the advice of another doctor, thankyou for your time" hahaha his face!
    He followed me out of the room um'ing & ah'ing saying it wasn't necessary, he was 'simply' stating "<insert ****e about induction here>"...I said "thankyou for your time" again & went to speak to the midwives :D
    Very satisfying...the I'd want his hands examining me after treating me like a piece of meat!

    Anyway, maybe I needed to be on my third baby for this attitude to come out, I wish I had stood up for myself more on my last live & learn I guess! They are everywhere, these self entitled consultants!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Big congrats Beltzar - enjoy your little woman :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Elle13

    Fairie;87nation's "]My little girl arrived last nighat 11.40 weighing 7 pounds :) I was getting pains and pressure yesterday but had them on and off the last few days so thought nothing of it! Rang hospital at 10.30 as it wasn't easing told me to come in, waters broke as I was leaving the house. Straight to delivery when we got to hospital, no time for my section or pain relief!! pushed for about 20 minutes and our little girl arrived! Few stitches needed, bit tender today and section site is sore after it, other than that feeling great and can't wait until my other daughter meets her new little sister :) looking forward to hearing of all the other new arrivals and best of luck to all the mammies :) x[/quote]

    Congratulations on your baby girl arrival Fairie! Glad you and the little princess are doing well! Enjoy... It's sooo cute for the siblings to meet for the first time! My three and half year old had this amazement in his eyes when he seen his baby brother for the first time! Too cute!:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Elle13

    beltzar wrote: »
    Morning Ladies,
    Our beautiful daughter arrived yday 02-Dec at 11am.
    I was kept in recovery for 4hours and then off we went to a ward. I was a little "shy" beforehand, but my God has that disappeared. I can only imagine how I would be if I had gone naturally.
    I have fed herself a few times (still very much finding my way around this breastfeeding business) and I am in love. I hurt like fcuk but it's so worth it and the various meds appear to be doing their job.
    Good luck those who have had their babies, andgood luck to those who will soon be on their merry way. Xx

    Congrats Baltzar! Delighted all went well for you and your little girl! Breastfeeding seams like a bit of science to me and this is second round for me... It hurts but in the same time it feels so right to do it!:-) Enjoy your little bundle of joy!!x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    I was at my midwife appointment today and she maintains that the baby is only around 7 and a half pounds. She was surprised at the hospital's measurement of 9lbs. Now I don't know what would be more accurate - measuring from a scan or measuring by feeling... Will be interesting to see who is right!

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Hello Lady!

    I was at my midwife appointment today and she maintains that the baby is only around 7 and a half pounds. She was surprised at the hospital's measurement of 9lbs. Now I don't know what would be more accurate - measuring from a scan or measuring by feeling... Will be interesting to see who is right!

    If I were you I know I'd be hoping the midwife is right! My girls were scanned today and are 5lb 9oz and 5lb 5oz. I can't wait to see them when they arrive. There was a brand new baby girl being wheeled past my room yesterday. She was all swaddled up, little pink hat on her and all pink and new and tiny. She was just gorgeous and I got all excited thinking that soon I'll have two of them!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭lulu1985

    Well was in the hospital today. I was told babys head is down but not engaged. Baby is actually lying as as they put it right oblique...slightly right to where it should be and theres fluid where the babys head should be. Dont know if any of thats even relevent. So doctor told me to come back next week ill be 38+4 and hell check again but bring my bags. Aaaaahhhhh... dont want to get too excited though!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭closifer

    I was also in the hospital today for a 40 week check. Im being brought in Sunday afternoon for induction so they said all going well - baby should be born on Monday!!! Was hoping to go naturally but the baby is big and im not dilated yet so it looks unlikely. SO weird to have a finish date!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Mil83

    Don't have much time to be on this lately Alanna is keeping us very busy but worth every second she is such a good baby :)

    Huge congrats to all the new mammys can't wait to hear news of the rest of the babies being born :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 kidcummins

    WOW this thread has been busy busy the last few days!! CONGRATULATIONS to all the new mammies I hope ye are recovering well and no doubt overwhelmed with love for yer little bundles!! Can I ask if anyone had a c section? Give it to me straight how sore is it? Im getting my date tomorrow because my little baby is very stubborn and remained breech. Bright side is ill have them to hold for christmas

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    kidcummins wrote: »
    WOW this thread has been busy busy the last few days!! CONGRATULATIONS to all the new mammies I hope ye are recovering well and no doubt overwhelmed with love for yer little bundles!! Can I ask if anyone had a c section? Give it to me straight how sore is it? Im getting my date tomorrow because my little baby is very stubborn and remained breech. Bright side is ill have them to hold for christmas

    Thanks everyone for all the well wishes :)

    Kidcummins, I had an emergency section on my first and honestly it's not bad at all, take you're meds when your suppose to and take it very easy for the first week or two no down washing floors or anything! The first time out of bed I was dizzy and sick (my bp was still fairly high though) but once I had a shower and in clean pajamas I felt great :) the surgury itself is fine baby is out in no time (I felt tugging sensation but no pain ) they give baby to mammy for skin to skin while stitching you up then mammy goes to recovery for about an hour /hour and half. You'll probably be shivering loads at end of surgury and for little while in recovery it's all normal! They warm you up with a heated blanket! If you've any other questions ask away. You'll do great can't wait to hear of your new arrival :) x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Beltzar congratulations and well done on the arrival of your little girl :)

    Fima I cannot believe the doctor treated you like that what an a*s !!! Lots of women go 12 - 16/18 days over and not a bother on them or their babies. I think I'd be asking for a different doctor if you ever get him again! Freya is a dinky lil thing she's tiny and went down 3oz too she's swimming in the newborn clothes ha!

    My two ladies are fast asleep in bed beside me I never want to leave here very happy mammy! And Emma loves her new little sister very gentle with her although I don't think that will last too long ;) looking forward to reading all the updates best of luck mammies x

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Hello Lady!

    Emma and Freya are beautiful names. Best wishes to you and your little ladies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    I'm about to burst with excitement - 7 days to go and time feels like it's standing still! Can someone just knock me out and wake me up on the 11th please!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭kandr10

    Congrats beltzar and fairie! Lovely to hear of your new arrivals :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    I was wondering - have any of you experienced a kind of 'clicking' sound sometimes when the baby kicks? Sometimes I hear an audible 'click' like a joint cracking and it's always when it kicks up near the top of my bump. Just two minutes ago the baby gave a huge kick and there was a very loud click to go with it. I tried asking the doctor and nurse in the hospital and I was met with blank faces - but I see online that many women have experienced this and are at a loss to explain it.

    Got this again a few mins ago - a real loud one this time.
    My midwife reckons it's the ligaments attached to the womb that kind of make snapping noises like elastic, when the baby kicks hard. Am gonna go with that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭Hello Lady!

    Just had it confirmed that I will be staying in hospital til the birth. In addition to pre-eclampsia I have now been diagnosed with cholestatis which in addition to affecting the liver and blood flow can also affect blood pressure. So its a balancing act now and being very closely monitored to be sure babies blood flow isn't compromised.

    Nothing has been confirmed for a delivery date, but I am going to push for some sort of decision on it. If it changes and I have to go sooner so be it but would like to feel like I have some end date in sight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Just had it confirmed that I will be staying in hospital til the birth. In addition to pre-eclampsia I have now been diagnosed with cholestatis which in addition to affecting the liver and blood flow can also affect blood pressure. So its a balancing act now and being very closely monitored to be sure babies blood flow isn't compromised.

    Nothing has been confirmed for a delivery date, but I am going to push for some sort of decision on it. If it changes and I have to go sooner so be it but would like to feel like I have some end date in sight.

    aww that sucks Hello Lady, but at least they sound like they have everything under control. I hope they will be able to give you a delivery date soon though so you have something to focus on.

    This storm is really starting to pick up here in Denmark and for once I am hoping that the baby stays put tonight and does not decide to come early!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭kandr10

    Just had it confirmed that I will be staying in hospital til the birth. In addition to pre-eclampsia I have now been diagnosed with cholestatis which in addition to affecting the liver and blood flow can also affect blood pressure. So its a balancing act now and being very closely monitored to be sure babies blood flow isn't compromised.

    Nothing has been confirmed for a delivery date, but I am going to push for some sort of decision on it. If it changes and I have to go sooner so be it but would like to feel like I have some end date in sight.

    Most important thing is that they're looking after you and your little babies. Just take each day as it comes that's all you can do. Try not to worry too much about having a date. Im sure the docs are playing it by ear too and they might not want to say something that would have to be retracted later. Very frustrating when that happens. Are you still in a room on your own or did they put you back on the ward?

  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭therealgirl

    Don't know what to do here...barely felt baby all day...have nausea & diarrhea (apologies for tmi there!)
    Went for a nap this morn & I'd usually feel him get active when I lay or sir down, especially as I am on my feet all day with my toddler....
    I am doing my second 'laying on my left side after drinking cold juice' here now, and after half an hour I have felt the tiniest nudges, very gentle ones & any other feeling is so mild I am actually unsure if its my upset tummy popping away or his little movements...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Don't know what to do here...barely felt baby all day...have nausea & diarrhea (apologies for tmi there!)
    Went for a nap this morn & I'd usually feel him get active when I lay or sir down, especially as I am on my feet all day with my toddler....
    I am doing my second 'laying on my left side after drinking cold juice' here now, and after half an hour I have felt the tiniest nudges, very gentle ones & any other feeling is so mild I am actually unsure if its my upset tummy popping away or his little movements...

    Hey therealgirl, It can be normal to have decreased movement when you are close to being due because there's little room left for baby. But if you are worried, definitely give your doctor/,midwife/care provider a call, even if it's just to give you peace of mind. That's what they are there for, so don't hesitate.
    I am sure everything is fine.
