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Due December 2013



  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭closifer

    Hi everyone,

    I havent posted in ages! I have been so busy in work and so tired in the evenings but as I come to the end of the 1st semester now - I am starting to feel a little better.

    I had my 1st visit to the maternity today! Long waits but everyone was lovely and today's scan was great! In the early scan we did -there was really nothing to see but today I could see arms and legs and the baby was moving all over the place!!

    Hope everyone here is getting on okay!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭afternoon tea

    closifer wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I havent posted in ages! I have been so busy in work and so tired in the evenings but as I come to the end of the 1st semester now - I am starting to feel a little better.

    I had my 1st visit to the maternity today! Long waits but everyone was lovely and today's scan was great! In the early scan we did -there was really nothing to see but today I could see arms and legs and the baby was moving all over the place!!

    Hope everyone here is getting on okay!!

    Ah so lovely!! It's amazing to see isn't it! How many weeks are you now Closifer? Can I ask did you have to book the scan seperately to your first maternity appointment? I had booked my first hospital appointment but I didn't realise you had to book the scan in seperately at the hospital so I have my first hospital one towards the end of June but the scan is not until mid August!!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better - I can't wait for tireness / sickness to start shifting, am 11 weeks Friday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭closifer

    Ah so lovely!! It's amazing to see isn't it! How many weeks are you now Closifer? Can I ask did you have to book the scan seperately to your first maternity appointment? I had booked my first hospital appointment but I didn't realise you had to book the scan in seperately at the hospital so I have my first hospital one towards the end of June but the scan is not until mid August!!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better - I can't wait for tireness / sickness to start shifting, am 11 weeks Friday!

    Hi AfternoonTea. I am 13 weeks tomorrow so today is officially the last day of my first trimester which is SO great!!

    I had an early scan at 8 weeks which we paid for privately. Yesterday consisted of nearly 3.5 hours in the maternity hospital. Questionnaires, bloods, a scan and meeting with midwife & doctor. I actually wasnt sure I would get a scan yesterday and didnt have as full a bladder as I should have had but it was standard to have a scan on the 1st visit!

    Hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any more questions!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 guesswhat

    I was under the impression that you would do a scan on your first maternity appointment in the hospital. Would this be different from hospital to hospital?! I was so looking forward to going to hospital to do a scan again ... now I don't know if I'll do it or not

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Mil83

    Hey ladies hope everyone is keeping well. I haven't posted in a few weeks I've been dying lol. The sickness was v v bad but can't complain :) I'm just over the 12 weeks now and have a scan tomorrow so excited. The last scan was at 7 weeks and we could only see a dot so can't wait for tomorrow it feels like it won't come quick enough lol!! I'm starting to feel some butterflies people are telling me it's the baby moving :) has anybody else felt anything like that yet?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭afternoon tea

    closifer wrote: »
    Hi AfternoonTea. I am 13 weeks tomorrow so today is officially the last day of my first trimester which is SO great!!

    I had an early scan at 8 weeks which we paid for privately. Yesterday consisted of nearly 3.5 hours in the maternity hospital. Questionnaires, bloods, a scan and meeting with midwife & doctor. I actually wasnt sure I would get a scan yesterday and didnt have as full a bladder as I should have had but it was standard to have a scan on the 1st visit!

    Hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any more questions!!

    My gosh I didn't realise the hospital visit would be that long!! I'd better take some munchies!! What hospital did you visit? I'll be at Holles St, I wonder if a scan at first appt is standard or depends on the hospital? I suppose I'll just wait and see!!

    Congrats to being in the second trimester - it must feel lovely!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭afternoon tea

    Mil83 wrote: »
    Hey ladies hope everyone is keeping well. I haven't posted in a few weeks I've been dying lol. The sickness was v v bad but can't complain :) I'm just over the 12 weeks now and have a scan tomorrow so excited. The last scan was at 7 weeks and we could only see a dot so can't wait for tomorrow it feels like it won't come quick enough lol!! I'm starting to feel some butterflies people are telling me it's the baby moving :) has anybody else felt anything like that yet?

    Wow I didn't realise you would feel it moving so early - that's amazing!! I haven't read any books or anything as yet, kind of holding off buying a book until the 12week mark arrives! Enjoy your scan tomorrow - it is so so amazing to see little bean moving around!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Excited!

    Hi All,

    I havent been on for a week. its been a rough week but thank goodness its friday and i have the entire bank holiday weekend off which is rare but i have no plans to do anything nice :(

    Congrats to everyone who is over their first trimester, it must feel wonderful. Its a real milestone, i cant wait to get there...1 more week please god. Congrats Hello Lady thats wonderful news about your twins, i must admit i too am a little jealous!!! But i understand what you are staying that its terrifying at the same time but im sure you will be more than well able for it. I worked as a nanny i the states to little twin boys and honestly you adapt a routine very quickly and stick with it and it works like clock work...yes it takes some organising, more so than for one but honestly there were so many tiny practical things that i did that made everyday run so smoothly, one example was when they were asleep at night i had a couple of different little baskets in different rooms of the house that i would need to be in with the kids (sitting rm, bathroom, playroom etc) every night i would put all the clean babygro's, socks, clothes, nappies, spit cloths etc that i would need for the next day in them and that took care of all those things all the next day no matter what happened in what room, coz its not so easy to run updtairs etc to change a nappy etc with twins. This was only one tiny thing but it made the day run so much smoother. There's lots of other things like that too that just become routine and you will handle it all with ease in no time once you get into your routine, so dont worry :) Actually there was one other kid and she was more trouble that the twins!!!

    Hope everyone is well, im noticing my nausea is alot less now as the first trimester is coming to an end but this week ive started to feel quite dizzy at times, i read that this is normal abround the 12 week mark as more blood is now going to baby than my brain which leaves you feeling dizzy so now im ditzy and dizzy lol!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Hi girls hope everyone is good. I haven't been on in a while tough couple of weeks with me been sick, dd teething and oh broke his leg playing football I'm now running around looking after two kids. Oh's mam decided she'd move in with us for a few weeks and as much as I appreciate any help I am doing more running around after her than the others I hope she goes home soon love her to bits but she drives me bananas at times!!!! Morning (all day) sickness has eased alot the past couple of days feeling so much better and lots more energy hello and welcome second trimester!!! On a less moany note hospital appointment and scan on Thursday I can't wait :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭fima

    Hi everybody! I'm 14 weeks today :) so happy, have all these apps on my phone that alert me and say only 28 weeks to go! It doesn't seem so bad when it's broken down like "only 28 more Sundays" ... to me anyway! Having fun coming up with names and making lists of stuff that's needed and stuff that's wanted. All my boyf cares about is getting a roll up changing mat. I want a bugaboo chameleon buggy, I've some chance of getting it! In my dreams ....There's a baby shop in Galway doing a comp for a Bugaboo in next few days, called Bella baby nursery store. There's a tip for ye ;)

    Looking forward to and dreading my 20 week scan in 8 weeks. Is anyone else having stretching pains? Mine are terrible like a knife if I stand up too fast. Also had a throbbing pain in my lower back yesterday which meant I couldn't stand up straight! I was at a daytime outdoor gig for an hour when I decided to leave I had to kind of shuffle down to my car in front of loads of people, was mortified! It eased up slightly when I sat into car but had an ache for the rest of the night. Was gone this morning when I woke up.
    I haven't felt the butterflies yet, I thought that would be ages away? My tummy is still getting higher and harder and I definitely have a bump which is more pronounced in the evening I find.
    Mil83 - Hope your scan went ok
    Fairie - that sounds tough, hope you little one's teeth ease up and your OH recovers quickly.

    Hope everyone is well, I'm going to look back over the posts and make a list of all due dates soon when we hear back from everyone after their 3 month scans xxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Mil83


    Fima my scan went brilliant. It was amazing to see the little one moving around. Very active baby so I'm active she had to chase it round the screen trying to get some pics lol. My own due date is the 10th of December but they gave me the 6th but I was told that could change again at my big scan so think ill stick with my own dates for now :) The sickness is well easing up now and I'm starting to have a bit more energy which is great. Hoping everyone is keeping well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Fima it actually doesn't sound so bad when you say only 28 Sunday's :) wait until we get to only 9 more Sunday's love the single digits!!! Ooh maybe you'll get lucky with the competition for the bugaboo. I might call myself as I will need a new buggy for the two kids!
    I got very bad stretching pains with dd nothing this time but I guess there is lots of room already in there. I have the back ache though :(
    Dd got 6 hours sleep last night teething hopefully easing a bit for her. I'd little panic attacks the last few nights thinking how will we manage two under 1 but I suppose you just go with it and it all works out
    It's so exciting everyone getting their scans I can't wait to see baby!
    Mil83 the hospital usually go by date from scan as due date, most people I know their dates changed by a few days at 12 week scan and at 20 weeks!!
    Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying our fabulous weather :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 kidcummins

    Hi Ladies, Hope ye are all well?!!! I'm new and 11 weeks excited!!! the last 6 weeks since i've known have dragged......... I have my 1st check up with hospital next wednesday and basically would love yer advice and knowledge as to what will happen at this??? Its in limerick-will there be a scan? also silly question they said in my letter to bring a urine i buy a container in pharmacy, ask my own doctor or what? I know it sounds silly i'm cringing while i type it but i just don't know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭fima

    kidcummins wrote: »
    Hi Ladies, Hope ye are all well?!!! I'm new and 11 weeks excited!!! the last 6 weeks since i've known have dragged......... I have my 1st check up with hospital next wednesday and basically would love yer advice and knowledge as to what will happen at this??? Its in limerick-will there be a scan? also silly question they said in my letter to bring a urine i buy a container in pharmacy, ask my own doctor or what? I know it sounds silly i'm cringing while i type it but i just don't know.

    Congratulations Kidcummins :) When's your due date? It's so exciting, well done on staying quiet so long!! I'm in same hospital as you and had my 12 week scan, regarding the urine sample I didn't bring one with me as I just totally forgot! When you go in first you go downstairs and there's a reception/check in area. The lady there gives you a form to fill in regarding next of kin, pps numbers and contact details etc. I asked the lady there for a sample container and she gave me one no bother. I'd say she's well used to it :) They say that the first pee of the morning is best so you could get one from a chemist as well, I've done that for the doctor before.

    Then you sit and wait and get called by a midwife who calls you into a room to talk about your health and history and family history. She'll ask you questions about smoking, drinking, drugs as well and talk to you about breast feeding, ante-natal clinics and breast feeding clinics. She gives you another sample container and directs you to the blood test room for a quick blood test, then you go to the scan room which is down the corridor where you wait, get your scan and see your little baby :) ... then you go to the loo and do the "clean sample" ... then you go back to the first waiting room and leave your chart in a tray in the doctors clinic (on the right side, midwives clinic on left) and wait to be called. They'll call you and you give your two samples and have a chat with a nurse who will tell you if you have a high/low risk pregnancy. If you have a low risk pregnancy they might refer you to midwives clinic in Ballynanty for further visits and I've been told it's much nicer, cleaner and quieter to go there. Then you wait ages and have a very quick chat with a doctor and that's it!

    I know it sounds very confusing but I only knew where to go or what to do as I was directed each step of the way by each nurse/doctor (except the blood test lady - she was mean) If you're confused ask at the reception, they're very nice. Hopefully your app is in the morning, mine was at 9 so I was out by 11.30 which apparently is quick. Bring something to nibble on and read and drink a litre and a half of water but bear in mind that your scan is never straight away and you only need a full bladder for the scan part so don't drink it all before you get there or you'll be in pain! If your partners with you make sure he stands up for other pregnant ladies! I saw one woman there with half her family sitting there like dopes while heavily pregnant woman stood around waiting!

    Now! super long post from me again but that's the jist of Limerick maternity at a 12 week scan! Good luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 kidcummins

    Aww thank you so much that's eased the mind! I've kept it very quiet only my partner and manager know, kinda don't want to jinx anything until i get check up next week then i can shout from the roof tops!! Im due Christmas day according to doctor, ill see what the scan tells us next week.... i don't know how im gonna hold a litre and half of water i can barely take a mouth full these days and im off to the toilet! thanks again for your reply

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 guesswhat

    Hi Everyone
    Any one experienced light bleeding in your early pregnancy?
    Week 13 and Hospital app this Tuesday! ;-) Just can't wait

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Welcome and congrats kidcummins.

    Guesswhat my sister had light bleeding on both her pregnancies and everything was ok. I think if it's bright red blood go to hospital to get checked but maybe just give the mat ward a quick call for ease of mind :)

    I'd my booking appt and scan Thursday all great EDD is 15 December :):) but looks like another section which will probably be done at 38/39 weeks.

    Hope everyone is keeping well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 Corkie2011

    Hi Everyone. I'm new to this thread. I had bleeding at 19 weeks with my first baby. Went to hospital. They did scan etc but all was ok thank god. I don't want to frighten you but you should go get checked to be on the safe side and for peace of mind. I hope all is ok with you and you baby. I'm pregnant again 11 weeks yesterday. Due 29th Dec. All excited. A brother or sister for our little boy. Best of luck x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Always number 1

    Hi everyone,
    I've gone from not knowing I was pregnant this time last week, to thinking I was approx 7 weeks gone (when I tested positive last Tuesday, I worked back the dates as best I could) to nausea and tiredness 24/7. I went to the GP today and when he examined me (he didn't have a doppler for heartbeat) he said that my uterus could definitely be felt above my pelvis so I'm definitely 10 - 12 weeks pregnant but based on the date of my last period, he's giving me a due date of December 6th!
    He's sending my forms off to Holles st but I've heard from loads of people that they don't scan you til nearly the 20 week mark. Hoping to get an early scan done this week (has anyone any recommendations?) so we can (please God) hear the heartbeat and so we can start sharing our news.
    Wishing all the mums-to-be on here health, happiness and baby dust xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 guesswhat

    He's sending my forms off to Holles st but I've heard from loads of people that they don't scan you til nearly the 20 week mark. Hoping to get an early scan done this week (has anyone any recommendations?) so we can (please God) hear the heartbeat and so we can start sharing our news.
    Wishing all the mums-to-be on here health, happiness and baby dust xx

    My GP told me for me to ring hospital directly and book appointment myself, which I did. I'm also in Dublin. I would suggest you contact hospital today

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Always number 1

    guesswhat wrote: »
    My GP told me for me to ring hospital directly and book appointment myself, which I did. I'm also in Dublin. I would suggest you contact hospital today

    Thanks :) rang them there and left a message. Had a miscarriage at 6 weeks a few years back and because I was so far gone when I found out, I'm a bit anxious that everything is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Excited!

    Hi all,

    Havent been on for awhile, hope everyone is doing well, and hi and congratulations to the newly joined mums to be :)

    I told my work this week, i was really nervous as i was afraid they'd move me to a more difficult area to work but i think they are leaving me put, which is good im glad to have it out of the way.

    Had my 12week scan last week, at my early scan @ 10weeks they told me i was actually 9 weeks, then when i went to my 12 week scan they put be forward again to 13weeks due to baby's measurements, it might change at the 20week scan. but due date is 13th or 20th dec. Hopefully 13th!

    Guesswhat: I know alot of people who have had bleeding and everything was fine, midwife talked about it and just said do get it checked out immediately to be on the safe side but dont panic because chances are everything will be fine, hope that helps x

    A completly unrelated topic.....but does anyone know any really nice dressy maternity shops?? I have a big family wedding in Aug and i dont want to look dowdy just coz im pregnant im looking for a really pretty full length maternity dress? But there doesnt seem to be much online. I cover alot of the country as i live in waterford, work i dublin and regulary travel M7 to waterford route or N11 to wex from work so could access alot of shops easily if i know where they are!! Thanks in advance for any help :) Hope everyone is well

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 guesswhat

    Yesterday I had my appointment in hospital and they confirmed 13 Weeks and due date on 18th December ;-) Exciting Christmas ahead! I have told more people and just can't wait to get some little baby clothes :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Hey girls, hope everyone is good. Welcome and congrats to the new mammy's :)

    Excited - would you have a look in coast /warehouse or somewhere like that? I got a gorgeous full length dress in coast when I was 7 months with dd. It flowed over bump so it was nice and comfortable I did to go up two sizes though to be able to zip it up!! But I felt great not been in an actual maternity dress :)
    I have to tell work soon aswel I'm so nervous, I'm taking 9 weeks unpaid starting beginning of July so when I'm back after this mat leave ends I have 3 months in work and off again on mat leave they are going to love me when I tell them!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Always number 1

    Getting an early scan done in Merrion Fetal Health clinic tomorrow morning. I'm quite nervous but hopefully we'll get a little heartbeat and maybe a more definitive due date :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Getting an early scan done in Merrion Fetal Health clinic tomorrow morning. I'm quite nervous but hopefully we'll get a little heartbeat and maybe a more definitive due date :)

    Best of luck tomorrow :):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,189 ✭✭✭Ophiopogon

    Hi new to the thread.

    Corkie, my due date is the 29th of Dec too! Will be my first.

    I ended up in hospital yesterday due to dehydration. I've had quite bad morning sickness the last few weeks but it took a turn for the worse over the weekend. I thought maybe that was normal but it turns out I actually had a virus. It's been a rough week but I'm on bed rest now so hopefully can calm down a bit.

    They gave me a scan to check the baby, It was pretty amazing. Was moving around like a mad thing. I couldn't stop crying when I saw it. Feels very real now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Excited!

    Fairie wrote: »
    Hey girls, hope everyone is good. Welcome and congrats to the new mammy's :)

    Excited - would you have a look in coast /warehouse or somewhere like that? I got a gorgeous full length dress in coast when I was 7 months with dd. It flowed over bump so it was nice and comfortable I did to go up two sizes though to be able to zip it up!! But I felt great not been in an actual maternity dress :)
    I have to tell work soon aswel I'm so nervous, I'm taking 9 weeks unpaid starting beginning of July so when I'm back after this mat leave ends I have 3 months in work and off again on mat leave they are going to love me when I tell them!!!

    Hi Fairie,

    Thanks a million, i dont know why i didnt think of that, i love coast especially for occassion wear, i just didnt even think of it but your right im sure i should be able to get a nice flowing dress there!! Thanks a million.

    You enjoy your mat/unpaid leave, i know its hard not to be abit nervous about telling them but this is a wonderful thing annd you are going to be working all your life so dont feel bad about being entitled to your mat leave. My sis in law has 3 kids and there's only a year between them all, actually less than a year between the first two! So she was the same as you going back for only a few months and being on maternity leave again. But it'll be fine.

    Just wondering about unpaid leave does it vary from company to company how much you can take? I know some of my collagues have taken 3 mths unpaid, but i was recently talking to a girl from work briefly who was saying shes taking the full 16 weeks shes entitled to! Id love to take that long but ill have to start saving to be able to afford it!!! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭Fairie

    Your welcome excited, it was actually my mum who said it to me. I blame pregnancy brain for not letting us think of the obvious ;)
    Three children under three wow!! But it's nice to know someone else went through the same. Suppose there isn't much work can do about it!
    I always thought unpaid mat was statutory right like parental leave? I do stand corrected though. I'm not sure what way it work re how many weeks you can take maybe check with your HR dept. I'm civil service, the dept is only too happy not to pay me!! Hopefully I'll be able to take the 16 weeks after this baby. I'd give up work if we could afford it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Always number 1

    Hi everyone, just to report back that I got on great in my scan on Thursday.
    I'm 12 weeks now and due on December 27th. Everything is as it should be and we're so relieved - now I just need to overcome this constant exhaustion :)
    Hope everyone else is doing well x
