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Out with the old in with the new!

  • 02-05-2013 6:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    Right, new log. Old one was cluttered with crap I dont care for much any more!

    Starting from a point on testing days.

    Bench 115
    Squat 160 ( could have prob went a bit higher but didnt want to risk it)
    Deadlift 160 (quite possibly more now)

    conditioning yesterday was 10,9,8,7..... wall balls and burpees for time. New PR at 4.35.

    Today. Couldnt face the hell hole that is Northwood so did a KB session out the back instead

    Warm up band pull aparts, dislocates, bw squats and leg swings.

    Work was as follows. sets were done with 10 seconds rest inbetween and 1 min rest between exercises.

    5x10 16kg split squat
    1 min break

    5x (10x24kg swings followed by 10 pushups)
    min break

    5x 10 double 16kg clean and press
    min break

    4x8 kb pushups and renegade rows (alternating every 2 reps)
    min break

    5x10 24kg rows each arm

    5x10 each leg 24kg goblet lunges (horrible)

    Was going to finish off on 5x10 modified burpy to deadlift, but the lunges were horrible so I decided to do 5x10 SL deadlift with 2 24kg bells instead.

    More pull aparts, flexor stretch and foam rolling to finish off.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    work tonight was

    5x8 military press and kb goblet squats 5x8 (2 20kg bells)

    second block was SL deadlifts 60kg 5x12 and ring rows 5x12.

    had to skip the conditioning as I hurt my arm so just played about with some core stuff nothin special.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Back to it tonight after a mosquito decided to send me into an antibiotic/anti inflamitory fuled hell hole!

    anyways, good session in the gym tonight.

    Work was done back to back with 45 second/1 minute rest inbetween sets.

    First was reverse lunges 8 reps each leg 15kg dumbells followed by 6-8 pull ups. That 4 times.

    Second block was 15 reps SLDL @60kg and 15 ring pushups. That 4 times

    Last block was 25 kb swings 1 handed (so 50 first round) with 25 db rows per hand that 3 times (kb swings changed to 2 hand after first round)

    Grand lil warm down and done. Was suitably sweating after it. Which is a good thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Training yesterday was as follows.

    Warm up

    then into:

    8 15kg dumbell shoulder press followed by 8...... cant remember! x4

    15 squats at 60kg followed by 12 rows with 20kg kettlebell x4

    25 tempo wall balls followed by 25 15kg floor press x3

    Stretch and then done.

    Today went as follows

    Warm up, some light gardening

    Work: Cut down bushes and dig up the roots (functional) x3

    100 20kb kettlebell snatches in 4.48 minutes


    Diet started back this week and gioing to introduce a bit of steady state cardio over the nexts few weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Tough session tonight

    Warm up was lunges band pull aparts foam roller arcs, spidermans, and then band squats.

    double 20kg KB swings followed by bench press 65kg 8 reps x4


    15 split squats each leg with 2 15kg dumbbells followed by 15 ring rows x4

    last set was 3x 25 goblet squats followed by 25 pushups.

    Was fit to die after and im sure my legs wont thank me in the morning. Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Yesterday: warm up and into:

    Reverse lunges with 15kg db 8 each leg
    Straight into 6 pullups. 4 rounds if that

    Next was 15 75kg sldl
    Straight into 15 ring pushups. 4 rounds.

    Last was 25 24kg kb swings
    Straight into 25 20kg db rows each arm. 3 rounds.

    Cool down and done . Good session. Gets the heart racing! Not feeling too bad today which has me worried for tomorrow.

    Today: kb circuit out the back. Consisted of

    No rest: 5 x 24kg kb shoulder press each arm, 15x double 16kg kb cleans and 10 burpee to deadlift with tge 2 16's.

    10 rounds for craic. 45 sec rest inbetween each set.
    Cleans sucked balls towards the end but good session none the less.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Warm up and into

    Db press 20kg bells 8 reps
    Into banded kb swings with 24kg bell 8 reps
    Above 4 times

    Next set 15 squats 60kg followed by 15 rows with 24kg kb x4 rounds

    Last was 25 tempo wallballs followed by 25 db floor press with 20kg db's.

    Cool down and home.

    Decided to walk down given the evening that was in it so 4km walk down and back too. Tight muscles are due!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Tough session again tonight. Split squats Monday is turning getting to be a bit ominous.

    Warm up was lunges band pull aparts foam roller arcs, spidermans, and then band squats.

    double 24kg KB swings followed by bench press 70kg 8 reps x4 felt very easy might have to up it a bit more next week


    15 split squats each leg with 2 15kg dumbbells followed by 15 ring rows x4

    last set was 3x 25 20kg goblet squats followed by 25 pushups.

    Cool down same as warm up.

    Walk to and back from the gym: 8km round trip.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    6.8Km walk 1 hour 15


    warm up and into:

    Reverse lunges with 20kg db 8 each leg
    Straight into 8 pullups. 4 rounds if that

    Next was 15 80kg sldl
    Straight into 15 ring pushups. 4 rounds.

    Last was 25 24kg kb swings
    Straight into 25 20kg db rows each arm. 3 rounds.

    Walk to and from the gym 8km round trip.


    8km walk 1hr 30 min.

    Doing a good bit of walking to get a bit of simple cardio in. Afraid to run becuase I had such problems with my knees last year. Might start doing a few sprints at the weekend and see how that goes

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Warm up and into

    Db press 20kg db's 8 reps
    Into banded kb swings with 28kg bell 8 reps
    Above 4 times

    Next set 15 squats 70kg followed by 15 rows with 24kg kb x4 rounds

    Last was 25 tempo wallballs followed by 25 db floor press with 20kg db's.

    Cool down and home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Work today was

    1 round of cutting down trees and digging up the garden for time.

    Did it in 6hrs 45minutes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Felt like death today in the gym. Various circumstances meant I didnt get to eat all day so was lacking the energy big time. However I soldiered through like the trooper that I am!

    Warm up and into

    8x Bench press 75kg followed by double 24kg kb swings. 4 rounds felt I definitely could have went heavier on the bench but didn't want to kill my self

    Next round 15 split squats with 2 15kg db's followed by 15 slow tempo ring rows. 4 rounds. This is where I felt like ****. Its not nice

    Last round was 25 goblet squats with 24kg kb followed by 25 pushups NOW FOLLOWED BY 20russian twists with wall bal (hex on you Hanley!)

    Warm down and done. Really felt it today mostly because of the lack of food in my system!!

    Walk down to the gym and back 8km round trip 30min each way.

    On a side note, weighed myself this morning and came in at JUST under the 14st mark. First time seeing the number 13 on a scales in 6 years so im doin somethin right!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Been a bit lax with this of late so here goes!

    Havent done a tap from last wednesday until today. Various different reasons. Mainly tho, alcohol before and hangover after related! That said, gym was closed yesterday so didnt get to go down so I hit the garden for another few hours digging and tree uprooting! As good as any workout in my opinion!

    Decided to get the kettlebells out tonight what with the lurvly weather n all. Was ambitious but went for

    100 swings: Started off with doubles 24's until about 30 and change to single handed 24's instead.
    100 double 16kg bell shoulder press
    100 16kg snatches (alternating arms)
    100 press ups and
    100 bent over rows 24kg bell alternating.

    As quick a time as possible. In my haste, i forgot to set my stop watch so I dont know how long it took, but im guessing it was in and around the 25 minute mark.

    Side note: Weighed by self this morning and I had crept back up to 90kg. So utterly frustraing. But I know why, and I know what I have to do to rectify it so at least thats something!

    EDIT: Ive been told it was more like 35-40 minutes! Im overestimating my awsomeness once again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Work was

    4 rounds 8 x pullups followd by 8 reverse lunges with 20kg db's

    3Minute rest

    4 rounds of 15 ring push ups followed by 15 90kg sldl. Felt like I was gonna die after this!

    3 Minute rest

    3 rounds 25 pressups followed by 25 goblet squat with 24kg bell finishimg with 20 russian twists with 7kg wall ball.

    Done thank f*ck.


    The doms. Oh the doms!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Missed last fridays session as I went to the ireland match. What a pile a sh*te, would have much rathered killing my self in the gym!

    Nothing yesterday. I got lazy.

    Toady, signed up for Gaelforce West again so had to dust off the running shoes. Did a 5.5km run in 32 mintes. Slow, but nor bad considering I havent run since last August!

    Bit of mobility work with the roller and a gold ball.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Warm up was lunges band pull aparts foam roller arcs, spidermans, and then band squats.

    double 24kg KB swings followed by bench press 80kg 8 reps x4


    12 split squats each leg with 2 20kg dumbbells followed by 15 ring rows x4

    last set was 3x 25 24kg goblet squats followed by 25 pushups followed by 20 russian twists with a 7kg wall ball.

    Cool down same as warm up.

    Walk to and back from the gym: 8km round trip.

    Was bored this morning so decided to head up to the gym:

    Warm up, 2 rounds of dislocates, lunges, spidermans and scap face pulls

    Work was:
    4 rounds of 10x90kg squats directly followed by 10x 30kg barbell shoulder press. 45 second rest between sets

    3 min rest

    4 rounds of 15x70kg ballistic deadlifts (from the ground) directly follwed by 15 (each arm) rows with 22.5kg dumbells 1 minute rest between sets

    3 min rest

    3 rounds of 20 incline DB chest press followed by 45 second hollow hold using a 5kg dumbell.

    Had a bit of a stretch and worked on my back a bit. I decided I didnt want to go home, so as a finisher and a bit of craic, I decided to do 20 reps of what ever weight had me just at failure on the last rep of all the gym machines in the gym with no rest in between. Worked it so it went in order of push, pull, legs and repeat.

    Shower and home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Work was

    4 rounds 8 x pullups followd by 8 reverse lunges with 20kg db's

    3Minute rest

    4 rounds of 15 ring push ups followed by 15 95kg sldl. Felt like I was gonna die after this!

    3 Minute rest

    3 rounds 25 pressups followed by 25 goblet squat with 24kg bell finishing with 20 russian twists with 7kg wall ball.


    Warm up and into

    Db press 20kg bells 8 reps
    Into banded kb swings with 24kg bell 8 reps
    Above 4 times

    Next set 15 squats 80kg followed by 15 rows with 24kg kb x4 rounds

    Last was 25 tempo wallballs followed by 25 db floor press with 15kg db's.

    Cool down and home.

    Weekend: spent most of it on a foam roller and a sliotar trying to loosen up a few muscles. Hip has been in bits over the past few days so gonna have to mobilise the funk out of it!!


    New Program started in in the gym tonight easy enough sessino just breaking into the new routine

    warm up and into

    Barbell split squats 30kg x 8 reps straight into 6-8 tempo kb rows with 24kg kettlebell. 4 rounds

    3 min rest

    15x 55kgBench press straight into 15 banded 24kg kettlebell swings 4 rounds

    3 min rest

    25 wall balls straight into 25 pushups and 30 russian twists 3 rounds.

    Not a bad session, looking forward to ramping up the weight. Also looking forward to working on the mobility stuff! Need to het these hips moving!

    Side note, weight is currently floating at 87kg on the button. Goal for this week is to get down to 86kg. Slow and steady!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Walk down to the gym 4 km

    Warm up and into

    4 rounds of 8x70kg bb floor press straight into 8 20kg e/a reverse lunge

    3 min rest

    4 rounds of 15 single leg dedlift followed by 15 chin grip rows

    3 min rest

    Last set was 3 rounds of 25 thrusters with 10kg db's each arm, followed by 25 rows each arm with 15kg db and then followed by 30 sec hollow hold.

    Walk home from gym and done.

    Decided to get stuck into a lil project so as soon as I got home went and started hauling a load of sand and cement to build a bbq out the back. That took a good 2 hours so id imagine I burned a few Kcals with that as well.

    I am now however, fit to die:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    10km walk

    A lot of mobility work on hips and back


    First half of the day hauling around a load of bricks, sand and cement which had me knackered

    Good sessionin the gym work was

    4 rounds of: 8x70kg squat followed by 8 chinups (first time ive done 4 sets of 8 chins)

    3 min rest

    4 rounds of: 15 ring dips followed by 15 double 20kg kettlebell swings. (managed 2 rounds of 15 and 2 of 10 on the ring dips)

    3 min rest

    3 rounds of: 25 24kg goblet squats, 25 ring rows and 30 second plank.

    Felt good, tho back is very much at me. Though I put that down to being bent over all day brick laying!
