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Time to suck it up (Total novice)

  • 07-05-2013 10:47am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭

    Hi folks,

    I’ve decided to suck it up, take a good hard long look at myself and dig myself out of the lazy hole I have found myself in.

    I am 28yo male, 5’10 and weigh 94 kg as from this morning, the heaviest i've ever been. Nearly 15 stone in old money.

    I have played rugby all of my life and have been pretty fit up until the last couple of years. Injuries have put an end to my playing days (shoulders) so for the last year or so I have been piling on the weight feeling sorry for myself and laying in front of the TV all evening eating ****e.

    I downloaded the C25K app about a month ago, did the first day of it and then conveniently forgot all about it.

    Purpose of this log is to motivate myself and get my arse into gear.

    I will update this as much as possible.

    I live next to Marley Park so that’s where I will be starting my C25K on the grass to help the knees so if anyone sees me struggling or not struggling enough say hello.

    • Lose weight (Goal weight 85kg)
    • Get fit & feel better
    • Complete the C25K
    • Do a 10k run before the end of the year.
    And it starts......



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Ok first training session is done and I am going to have to reevaluate my goals somewhat.

    Using Mapmyrun I did the following:

    Run 4.27km – Pace 6.06 min/km – Time 26.03 mins -406 Calories

    I actually found it much more enjoyable than I initially thought I would. It may have been the fact the weather was nice, or that the other half came with me (she is training for the women’s mini marathon in a few weeks), or that I saw quite a few like minded people on the way who were either serious runners or were in the same boat as me with red faces and sweating brows. The slight nods when passing the others as if to say ‘keep going mate’ really helped me along the route.

    I know I didn’t go far, didn’t go fast and looked like a new born horse trying to run at times but I must say I was very happy with myself. A bit annoyed I didn’t do the whole 5k but will make sure I do it the next time I’m out.

    Legs are stinging a bit today and my calves were killing me during it but that is to be expected I suppose. Better warm up required next time

    I am going to go back out again tonight just to get the 5k under my belt. I know training on consecutive days is probably not the best thing to do but I figure because I didn’t go very far or fast I should be ok to get a bit more mileage under my belt.

    Goals have now changed somewhat due to the fact I don’t think I need to do the Couch to 5k anymore because I’m nearly there already. Also, having read up a bit last night on the net I think I’m better off setting harder goals for myself so things don’t come so easy.

    New Goals

    1. Lose weight (Goal 80kg)
    2. Get fit and feel better
    3. Get out 3 or 4 times a week
    4. Do 10k training run before September
    5. Sign up for a 10k race before end of the year

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Second session in the bag...

    Ran a similar distance to my first one but my legs were killing me half way through it. Quads, calves, back and shoulder were all screaming at me to stop. Still haven't got to 5k yet though!

    Run 4.23km – Pace 5.32 min/km – Time 23.24 mins - 397 Calories

    I did it a little bit quicker than the previous day mainly because I was by myself this time.

    I actually can’t believe how rewarding it is to throw on the runners, get out of the house for a while and hit the pavement.

    I know my distances and times are pretty awful but we have to start somewhere.

    Seem to be losing a bit of water weight too. I am not eating heavy carbs after lunch and the sweet stuff has been binned from the house. The scales this morning read 92.2kg (I weighed myself in the morning for my first weight too).

    Also, signed up for my first 10k ‘race’ in Swords on 21-07-13

    Have been recommended to a training website by a couple of running friends which I have signed up to aswell. Today is a easy 3k run thankfully, then a well deserved rest day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,184 ✭✭✭Gavlor

    Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    best of luck with your running and log

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Third session done and this was a bit of an easier one.

    Run 3.00km – Pace 5.26 min/km – Time 16.19 mins - 280 Calories

    I am following a new 10k training plan online which told me just to do 3k yesterday which I was thankful for. My legs are really starting to wonder why I started this but my mind is telling them to mind their own business and do what they are told to do.

    Nothing major to report other than except for the legs I am feeling great, diet is 100% cleaner than it was before, sleeping much better and longer.

    Starting to enjoy this whole running thing.

    Rest day today to let the body calm down then another 3k on Sat and 6k on Sun (a new furthest distance if I manage it)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,017 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Third session done and this was a bit of an easier one.

    Run 3.00km – Pace 5.26 min/km – Time 16.19 mins - 280 Calories

    I am following a new 10k training plan online which told me just to do 3k yesterday which I was thankful for. My legs are really starting to wonder why I started this but my mind is telling them to mind their own business and do what they are told to do.

    Nothing major to report other than except for the legs I am feeling great, diet is 100% cleaner than it was before, sleeping much better and longer.

    Starting to enjoy this whole running thing.

    Rest day today to let the body calm down then another 3k on Sat and 6k on Sun (a new furthest distance if I manage it)

    Good luck with the running and the log. The bit I've highlighted made me smile as I often have a chat with the legs/lungs too. I sometimes even cut a deal with the body. Say I'm feeling ****e and I still have a few kms to go in a workout, I'll promise the body that I'll only do a portion of the initial plan but when the agreed time to stop arrives, I'll say, "Ah, c'mon, just one more km". It doesn't always work......... but usually does.

    Interesting to see you quickly revise the goals. I thought the weight one was a bit soft initially! Keep it up and you'll be in marathon training this time next year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Cheers mate, long term goal is a marathon I suppose. (can't believe i'm even saying that!)

    I will have a good chat with the legs tonight to let them know we are going out running tomorrow a little further than we have done together before after a nice 3k this morning!

    Re the weight, I have always been on the broad side. Don't think i've been 80kg since i was around 14 or 15

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭Darren 83

    Best of luck with the running and the log

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Ok 4th and 5th sessions done over the weekend.

    I am still following this 10k training plan hence some of the days I am doing less mileage

    Friday was a well deserved rest day so on Saturday morning at 8am I did the following instead of having a full Irish.

    Run 3.04km – Pace 5.29 min/km – Time 16.41 mins - 284 Calories

    I was feeling pretty good doing this but must make a mental note to never go out without getting some food inside me first. Schoolboy error. After 10 mins or so I just felt my body had run out of energy. I finished it though and hopped into the shower and stuck on Saturday Kitchen whilst feeling pretty good for the day.

    On to Sunday….

    My plan was telling me to run 6k at an easy pace. I was terrified of this one as I have never run 6k before in my life intentionally (except rugby matches where I doubt I would have gone even close during 80mins). Around half way through I got an awful pain in my calves so I had to pause the GPS, do a 60sec stretch and go again. I know this is cheating but had to be done or I felt as if the muscle was just going to pop out of my skin. After that the pain subsided. My upper and lower legs were in bits afterwards but nowhere near as bad as when I first started going out last week. I think my body is starting to believe I am serious about this!

    Run 6.03km – Pace 5.47 min/km – Time 34.54 mins - 566 Calories

    I know my pace is still pretty poor but at the moment I am just trying to concentrate on getting myself around whatever distance I am going in one piece. Mileage in the legs first and once the weight continues to drop and I am getting more comfortable I will start trying to drop the times.
    Another rest day today before 3 days out in the row from Tuesday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭Darren 83

    Ok 4th and 5th sessions done over the weekend.

    I am still following this 10k training plan hence some of the days I am doing less mileage

    Friday was a well deserved rest day so on Saturday morning at 8am I did the following instead of having a full Irish.

    Run 3.04km – Pace 5.29 min/km – Time 16.41 mins - 284 Calories

    I was feeling pretty good doing this but must make a mental note to never go out without getting some food inside me first. Schoolboy error. After 10 mins or so I just felt my body had run out of energy. I finished it though and hopped into the shower and stuck on Saturday Kitchen whilst feeling pretty good for the day.

    On to Sunday….

    My plan was telling me to run 6k at an easy pace. I was terrified of this one as I have never run 6k before in my life intentionally (except rugby matches where I doubt I would have gone even close during 80mins). Around half way through I got an awful pain in my calves so I had to pause the GPS, do a 60sec stretch and go again. I know this is cheating but had to be done or I felt as if the muscle was just going to pop out of my skin. After that the pain subsided. My upper and lower legs were in bits afterwards but nowhere near as bad as when I first started going out last week. I think my body is starting to believe I am serious about this!

    Run 6.03km – Pace 5.47 min/km – Time 34.54 mins - 566 Calories

    I know my pace is still pretty poor but at the moment I am just trying to concentrate on getting myself around whatever distance I am going in one piece. Mileage in the legs first and once the weight continues to drop and I am getting more comfortable I will start trying to drop the times.
    Another rest day today before 3 days out in the row from Tuesday.

    Don't worry about pace, just focus on the distance. Stopping on your run is not cheating in any way. Keep up the good work

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Ok 6th quick session done yesterday.

    I hadn’t planned on going out at all but my new running shoes arrived in the post yesterday to the office so I decided to bring them out for a quick test spin.

    Legs are feeling 100% better than any run I had before and did it in pretty good time for me. Need to pace myself better.

    Weight this morning was 91.9kg which is down 2.1kg from this day last week. I am not getting too excited about it though as I know its just water weight and it will slow down quite dramatically soon enough.

    Run 3.96km – Pace 5.15 min/km – Time 19.46 mins - 367 Calories

    Nice easy 3km to do tonight.
    Getting a bit bored of the same loop of the park. Might see if I can find another route soon or even do it the other way around.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    7th session in the bag (this is the last time I am going to mention the amount of sessions I have done, initially it was to give myself a tap on the back but realised I don’t need it anymore)

    I went out for a 3k as per my plan last night and was my most enjoyable yet.

    As I knew I was only doing 3km I decided to put my foot down a bit and push myself a little bit more then usual and in doing so got my PB for average km time

    Run 3.00km – Pace 5.01 min/km – Time 15.04 mins - 277 Calories

    I really don’t know why I was so scared of all this running lark! I think my mind was telling me that all the runners that I see in the Park if was ever over there for the food market or a walk or something were a group of super athletes who would turn their noses up at a pretty poor beginner stomping his way around the place heavy breathing and red faced.

    In reality it is the exact opposite. There are obviously very many very talented athletes that would put 95% of the country to shame running like they stole something and are no doubt in preparations for marathon distances etc but there are also so many average Joes out there doing their bit to live a cleaner lifestyle and get themselves back to some level of fitness/normality like myself.

    Both sets of individuals above just do whatever training they have to do any leave, the odd nod when passing as mentioned before definitely gives me a bit of a dig out if needed.

    Food intake is much less as I don’t seem to be as hungry as I was before for some reason. I thought it would be the opposite but I’m not complaining!

    Feeling better, weighing slightly less, sleeping better and more energy.

    Why didn’t I start this sooner?

    If by some chance you are reading this log and are thinking of getting out running for whatever reason and aren’t too sure if you can manage it or are a bit nervous JUST DO IT! It will be the best decision you have made so far this year!.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,824 ✭✭✭vitani

    You've caught the bug... :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Really hope so Vitani, I am notorious for catching bugs and managing to lose them as quickly as I get them but something tells me this time it is different.

    The whole log thing here is a real motivation factor, didnt really think anyone would want to read it but even looking back at my old posts gives me the get up and go i need to get out and come into the office at 9am each morning after a run to post on what i did.

    I even have an excel spreadsheet with times and distances which sits on my desktop and is the first thing I see each morning.

    Im looking forward to the next few months

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,824 ✭✭✭vitani

    Yeah, the logs are great. I've only been keeping one since February but even in three months, I've been able to look back on my early posts and see that I've improved.

    You should definitely sign up for a couple of races down the line as well. There's nothing as motivating as the fear of an impending race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Did interval training yesterday as per my training plan with a very slow 1km warm up followed by 3 x 1km intervals as quick as I could go.

    I was expecting a nice handy day. Sure how hard would it be to run 1km walk or jog for 3 mins and do another two?

    How incredibly wrong I was!

    I very nearly stopped during the last interval as I felt so unbelievably bad. Lungs were burning, legs were screaming and felt like I was going to either have a heart attack or throw up. Now I know I didn’t go too fast but bloody hell my body felt like it was going into shock at what I was telling it to do.

    Pain is just weakness leaving the body which is easy to say now but yesterday I would have liked to be anywhere else in the world other that that park!

    Intervals were as follows after slow warm up jog

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.09 min/km – Time 4.08 mins -92 Calories (PB for min/km)

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.15 min/km – Time 4.14 mins -90 Calories

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.40 min/km – Time 4.40 mins -93 Calories

    I am delighted with myself that I didn’t stop during the last km. God knows I wanted to and the thought crossed my mind several times but knowing I would have to own up today on this log made me follow it through.

    Handy 3k tonight but might stretch it out slightly and go for a slightly longer but slower run around.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,017 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Did interval training yesterday as per my training plan with a very slow 1km warm up followed by 3 x 1km intervals as quick as I could go.

    I was expecting a nice handy day. Sure how hard would it be to run 1km walk or jog for 3 mins and do another two?

    How incredibly wrong I was!

    I very nearly stopped during the last interval as I felt so unbelievably bad. Lungs were burning, legs were screaming and felt like I was going to either have a heart attack or throw up. Now I know I didn’t go too fast but bloody hell my body felt like it was going into shock at what I was telling it to do.

    Pain is just weakness leaving the body which is easy to say now but yesterday I would have liked to be anywhere else in the world other that that park!

    Intervals were as follows after slow warm up jog

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.09 min/km – Time 4.08 mins -92 Calories (PB for min/km)

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.15 min/km – Time 4.14 mins -90 Calories

    Run 1.00km – Pace 4.40 min/km – Time 4.40 mins -93 Calories

    I am delighted with myself that I didn’t stop during the last km. God knows I wanted to and the thought crossed my mind several times but knowing I would have to own up today on this log made me follow it through.

    Handy 3k tonight but might stretch it out slightly and go for a slightly longer but slower run around.

    John, good man on doing the first interval session. I'd say I was 2 years running before I tried one of those. You might want to think about pace for these. It's early days in your running career so of course you don't really know what your 10 or 5k pace is. (Intervals are often run at that kind of pace) You're right to be proud for not having stopped - everyone feels like stopping in the last rep! In fact when I'm doing say 6 or 8 reps, it's always the second last that I find hardest.

    Be careful with these and don't overdo em. If you take on too much too soon, you'll fall out of love with the game quickly. One last thing, obviously you'd like the reps to be in the same ballpark so next time I'd suggest taking it a tiny bit easier on the first! Would 4.20 say be a good pace? Anyway, you decide and good luck with it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Itziger thanks a million for the advice.

    I wasn’t 100% sure of what the intervals meant so I just went out hell for leather on the first which was my downfall obviously. Next time as you say I will try and pace myself an awful lot better

    Yeah I reckon 4.15min/km should be my goal for each and try and keep them all in or around the same. Don’t want to be too easy on myself either if you know what I mean.

    I dont have to do another one for a week so I will plod on for the next few days and next week will report back with what will hopefully be better news following your advice.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Had a pretty nice run yesterday in lovely warm weather.

    Run 4.00km – Pace 4.52 min/km – Time 19.30 mins -372 Calories

    Nothing major to report at all. I enjoyed this one and the pace wasn’t too bad for me.

    Day off today so I will enjoy the rugby tonight and get out again tomorrow morning before heading to the Aviva for the Heineken Cup tomorrow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Enjoy John. Home myself this weekend and should have tickets. Distinct lack of Leinster being in it though..

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Woden wrote: »
    Enjoy John. Home myself this weekend and should have tickets. Distinct lack of Leinster being in it though..

    Ah its still the Heineken Cup though and being played in Dublin should be a good atmosphere if they sell all the remaining tickets. Two good sides playing so will have to be enjoyable.

    I reckon Stade are in with a fighting chance tonight too! Leinsters team is far from their best. A gambling man would be looking favourably on their 6/1 tag!:D

    Enjoy mate

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Had a very poor weekend on the running front.

    Went out on the beer on Friday for the Leinster match and never really recovered until yesterday. Had a few family things on Sunday so didn’t get out at all I am ashamed to say.

    I also got a Chinese takeaway in my hungover state on Saturday night after the rugby.

    I’m not impressed with myself at all but I am going to make sure this is only a speed bump on the grand scheme of things and make up for it this week.

    I went out yesterday for what was supposed to be a short 3k. I ended up trying to do a bit further but through not eating very much at all during the day and having very little water on board I ended up with my calves cramping quite badly.

    Run 4.20km – Pace 5.09 min/km – Time 21.39 mins -387 Calories

    I was really dissapointed I couldn’t do better but I suppose getting out and doing something is better than nothing.
    Excuses stop here and now. I have to suck it up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Did a couple of ‘intervals’ last night.

    The program was to do 3 x 1 miles. I had never used miles as my distance before so it was a little bit different to say the least.

    After my last interval session last week I nearly died after going out way too strong so I decided to really pace myself and do them slow enough. On reflection I think I maybe went a bit too slowly but my calves were at me again following the day before so it was a decision not to go out too strong.

    Run 1.61km – Pace 5.11 min/km – Time 8.22 mins -148 Calories

    Run 1.61km – Pace 5.00 min/km – Time 8.04 mins -149 Calories

    Run 1.61km – Pace 5.05 min/km – Time 8.12 mins -148 Calories

    I was really trying to make sure all the times were relatively the same for all three which meant I was looking at the GPS on my phone much more than I should have which in turn messed up my rhythm.

    Another slow 3k or so to do tonight before a couple of longer ones over the weekend.

    I have two family functions at the weekend too but have promised myself not to drink or binge on food.

    On the plus side, I am down to 91kg as from this morning. Down 3kg since 08/05. So losing near on 1.5kg a week. I know this will probably slow down even further but id like to get to 85kg before my holiday in July. 6 kg in 6 weeks. It’s a possibility but will be very tough I know.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 15,237 Mod ✭✭✭✭FutureGuy

    7th session in the bag (this is the last time I am going to mention the amount of sessions I have done, initially it was to give myself a tap on the back but realised I don’t need it anymore)

    I went out for a 3k as per my plan last night and was my most enjoyable yet.

    As I knew I was only doing 3km I decided to put my foot down a bit and push myself a little bit more then usual and in doing so got my PB for average km time

    Run 3.00km – Pace 5.01 min/km – Time 15.04 mins - 277 Calories

    I really don’t know why I was so scared of all this running lark! I think my mind was telling me that all the runners that I see in the Park if was ever over there for the food market or a walk or something were a group of super athletes who would turn their noses up at a pretty poor beginner stomping his way around the place heavy breathing and red faced.

    In reality it is the exact opposite. There are obviously very many very talented athletes that would put 95% of the country to shame running like they stole something and are no doubt in preparations for marathon distances etc but there are also so many average Joes out there doing their bit to live a cleaner lifestyle and get themselves back to some level of fitness/normality like myself.

    Both sets of individuals above just do whatever training they have to do any leave, the odd nod when passing as mentioned before definitely gives me a bit of a dig out if needed.

    Food intake is much less as I don’t seem to be as hungry as I was before for some reason. I thought it would be the opposite but I’m not complaining!

    Feeling better, weighing slightly less, sleeping better and more energy.

    Why didn’t I start this sooner?

    If by some chance you are reading this log and are thinking of getting out running for whatever reason and aren’t too sure if you can manage it or are a bit nervous JUST DO IT! It will be the best decision you have made so far this year!.

    Great blog so far mate. I am completely and utterly 100% happy for a more experience runner to correct me here, but just wanted to give you some advice that has worked wonders for me and a few other novices on here. I'm running since Feb btw.

    As you start to get the longer runs under your belt (6-8km), you might feel that 3 runs a week at the pace you are running at is very tough. I felt it was taking it toll in a major way, and I was sore all the time. I was advised to just slow it down by about a minute per km on my longer runs. I instantly was able to run 10k without stopping and the constant soreness disaapeared.

    Keep it up, and well done on the weight loss! If you have a few quid handy, have a 7-point caliper test completed to monitor your body composition. It's better than the scales as you'll be building muscle mass.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    FutureGuy wrote: »
    Great blog so far mate. I am completely and utterly 100% happy for a more experience runner to correct me here, but just wanted to give you some advice that has worked wonders for me and a few other novices on here. I'm running since Feb btw.

    As you start to get the longer runs under your belt (6-8km), you might feel that 3 runs a week at the pace you are running at is very tough. I felt it was taking it toll in a major way, and I was sore all the time. I was advised to just slow it down by about a minute per km on my longer runs. I instantly was able to run 10k without stopping and the constant soreness disaapeared.

    Keep it up, and well done on the weight loss! If you have a few quid handy, have a 7-point caliper test completed to monitor your body composition. It's better than the scales as you'll be building muscle mass.

    Thanks for that mate,

    I fully understand where you are coming from and will certainly take your advice.

    My plan has me running a 10k on Sunday! That will be my longest distance ever by a long shot. I'm not overly looking forward to it but will be taking it super easy! As long as i can get around the track and finish it I will be delighted with myself.

    Will definately look into the caliper test. Im finding my clothes are fitting better already so know im heading in the right direction.

    Im off to Google to see where i can get it done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Went out for a nice run yesterday and felt really good during it.

    Was only supposed to be a 3k but I took a wrong turn so ended up doing slightly more.

    Day off today before a short one on Sat and a long one on Sun. (Well long for me anyway)

    Run 4.01km – Pace 5.00 min/km – Time 20.05 mins -371 Calories

    Incredibly nervous about the 10k training coming up on Sunday…. Really not sure if I will be able but slow and steady wins the race (I hope)
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    How a few weeks changes things in your life….

    I had a really busy weekend with an awful lot of sport to watch, a birthday party to go to and a communion to attend but I made sure to still get my runs in. Previously I would have made excuses about being too busy and knocked it all on the head.

    I didn’t drink at all at the party which is very surprising for me (and others) and had to leave the communion early to get my run in before returning.

    I must say I am feeling very proud of myself today but a little sore too to be honest as Sunday was the big one!

    On Saturday just before the rugby I headed out on my short 3k to loosen out the legs a bit. Really enjoyed this one in the beautiful weather.

    Run 3.01 km – Pace 4.58 min/km – Time 14.58 mins -278 Calories

    Then a nice relaxing day before a busy Sunday and back out again that evening.

    I, as you can imagine was terrified of the big 10k. I hadn’t run anywhere near this distance before in my life and was really questioning would I be able for it or not.

    I slapped on a bit of sun cream, put on the GPS and off I went. After about 2km I realised my GPS was on pause and wasn’t logging anything I had done. Instead of panicking, I stopped, reset the GPS, had a stretch and started again.

    I did a totally different route than what I normally do and for some reason didn’t want to listen to music. I just ran. My GPS through earphones tells me after I have done 1k so I was listening intently to each km to pass whilst I was still running and feeling good. I paid very little attention to my speed and time, I just wanted to try and enjoy this one.

    Run 10.00km – Pace 5.32 min/km – Time 55.20 mins -914 Calories

    I couldn’t believe I got around in one piece. I was feeling really good except for sweating buckets as it must have been 18 degrees during it. I also got pins and needles in my feet which turned them numb after a while but I just continued and forgot about them. Hopefully it’s nothing serious and just a bit of swelling due to the heat. I will loosen my laces a bit next time.

    So my fears of the big 10k were a bit unfounded. I ended up doing 12k and couldn’t have felt happier.

    The sense of pride, satisfaction, achievement afterwards was just incredible. My walk home was like walking on air!

    I know my time was hardly world beating and distance is what an awful lot of people here would do for fun on their lunch break but for me it was one hell of an achievement.

    I’m starting to feel like a runner now.

    Day off today thankfully.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    So after my 10k ON Sunday my legs on Monday were a little tired to say the least.

    I decided to head out for a walk to loosen them up a bit which worked a treat. Headed out on a nice leisurely 6.5k walk around the park.

    Yesterday my plan was telling me to do a 5k easy jog.

    As I will feeling pretty good I decided to pick out a nice flat course in the park and put the foot down a little bit (for me) and try and get a set a decent enough time for the 5k which turned out to be my PB.

    Run 5.00km – Pace 4.51 min/km – Time 24.20 mins -460 Calories

    Pretty happy with this one and now have a time to beat for the future.

    When I got home yesterday evening the other half asked me after realising this isn’t just one of my fads that I will forget about as soon as I get too lazy and I’m actually serious about it ‘do you find it is getting easier?’

    After thinking about if for a moment I concluded, no it’s not getting any easier than it was 3 weeks ago when I started. Sure I can get around the track with less leg problems, I can go further than I could at the start, I am faster than I was before and I am weighing slightly less but it’s not easier than when I started. The reason I explained is the fact that as soon I do a certain distance I want to go further, as soon I do a certain speed I want to go faster.

    The fact that I have nobody to report to (other than you lovely folk on Boards who don’t know me), I don’t have to be going out at a certain time, and I am not letting anyone down if I don’t go the distance or go out at all is a real motivation factor. The only person I have to report to is me and the only person I am letting down is me.

    I am slowly getting towards my goals I set at the start of this log, might have to change a few of them around over the coming weeks.

    1. Lose weight (Goal 80kg) – Down to 90.8 kg loss of 3.2kg
    2. Get fit and feel better – Feeling 100% better about myself so far and fitness getting better
    3. Get out 3 or 4 times a week – Getting out 5 days a week normally
    4. Do 10k training run before September – Already done
    5. Sign up for a 10k race before end of the year – Already done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Had a nice run around with herself last night.

    Jogged to the park and when we got there I went off on my own to do a 3k at race speed as per my plan.

    Run 3.00km – Pace 4.47 min/km – Time 14.22 mins -324 Calories PB for 3k

    After my jog I backtracked a little and met back up with herself and did another 3k or so at a very slow pace.

    Enjoyed this one.

    Since 07/05 (23 days ago) when I started to now I have done 77.12km & just over 7 hours.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Had an absolute disaster of a weekend.

    Thursday evening was spent clinging to the toilet bowl, eventually falling asleep on the bathroom floor. I came down with some sort of stomach bug which really knocked me for six.

    So I missed Thursday nights session. Then went into work on Friday only to go home about an hour after arriving (still not right)

    I tried then on Saturday to head out for a quick run which was a big mistake. I got to 2k and ended up vomiting on the side of the path.

    So I took Sunday and Monday off (went in to watch herself do the mini marathon)

    Going to get out tonight for a very slow run around. Fingers crossed its all out of my system by now.
