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Greasing the Grove

  • 13-05-2013 9:41pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭

    So decided to start a log coz I'm sick of writing my training down in a diary, plus I can access this any time on my phone. Feel free to offer advise, criticism, suggestions etc

    My training will be calisthenics focused with squatting. I always had a passion for calisthenics but never really done anything about it. So Last September I decided to direct my training towards calisthenics and have been doing it since. I'm also one of the lads who does the Paddy's Bars training on Saturdays.

    Age: 29.
    Height: 5'10.
    Weight: 75kg down from 83kg.
    BF: don't know, lean, abs are showing.

    DeadLift 160kg
    Squat 120kg
    Bench 100kg

    Pull up's 20+
    Chin up's 20+
    Muscle ups (bar) 6 - form needs to improve on these.
    Weighted dips 2 rm, 60kg's added - want to get this up to bw.

    1.) Stay injury free. I'm not a number chaser, I'm not a powerlifter or trying to be one. Calisthenics is my hobby and if I can stay in the shape I'm in, I'm gona continue doing it. That's not to say I don't love lifting, can't beat the adrenaline rush from squatting but Id rather have good form and be able to train year round. If my numbers increase, happy days. I've kept squatting in my routine coz I love doing it and it's one of the reasons my knees are in such good condition. This time last year I had just finished physio on my knee after I had my ACL reconstructed. 2 tendons were taken from my hamstring and put into my knee. I had to rebuild my leg from scratch starting with bw squats. Took a very long time to increase the weight under the bar but my patience paid off and within a year my 1rm has gone from 0 to 120.

    2.) Free standing HSPU. Decided to take a step back with my HSPU's. I can do wall hspu's but decided I need to focus more on doing them without the support of the wall. Hence my title 'greasing the grove'.

    3.) Perfect my muscle up form. Although I have the power and height to get over the bar, my form is not good enough, so this is something I will be working on.

    4.) Get stronger and get my bw weighted dips.

    5.) Slowly bulk and stay as lean as I can, will re-asses as I go.

    That's enough waffle.

    Today's training:

    Warm up

    1.) Dips - bw X 20
    weighted 20kg added x 8
    weighted 30kg added x 3 sets of 6.

    2.) Single Leg DL 2 sets of 6 x bw. Had planned on doing this weighted but my hamstring was feeling tight so I took it handy.

    3.) Diamond push ups 3 sets of 12

    4.) Pistol squats 2 sets of 5. Need to work on more hip mobility on these.

    5.) Planche lean 3 x 20 seconds lean. harder that I thought.

    6.) Handstand wall walks 3 times up and down by 3 sets.

    7.) Handstand balance work - 5 sets. For this I hop up against the wall then push my feet away from the wall and try hold the handstand for as long as I can. Need to engage my core more to hold myself steady.

    8.) Handstand holds - 10 seconds x 5 sets. In a handstand I lower myself but don't touch my head off the ground. Very touch.

    9.) Psuedo planche push ups 5 reps x 8 sets.

    This was my first session doing this. Looks like a lot, took just over an hour after a 10min warm up.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Light session.

    Foam rolling/stretching/mobility work.

    Scap routine - this involves band pull apart, face pulls n a few other stuff lying down that I don't know the names of.
    Scap push ups x 20
    Scap pull ups x 8 - engage scap, pull chin up over bar with a 2 sec hold.

    3 rounds.

    Bit of lower back work.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    First time training in the evening in about a year. Wasn't in the mood to go after being on my feet all day but glad I went now. Turned out to be a good session.

    Warm up - the usual foam rolling/stretching/mobility work/scap activation/band pull apart etc

    1.) Side DB raises 2 x 12 x 3kg
    2.) Front DB raises 2 x 12 x 3kg
    (Don't like going heavy of these).

    3.) squat bw x 20
    40 x 10
    60 x 8
    80 x 3
    90kg x 3 sets of 5 with pause in the hole.

    4.) muscle ups 4,4,4. Delighted with these. Think I finally figured out what was wrong with my form. Gona video it on Friday n compare to my old vids.

    5.) explosive pull ups - chest above bar 5,4, 4.

    6.) tucked front lever raises 4 sets x 3 reps with 3 sec hold. These are a lot harder when done properly. Think my scap work has paid off. Still hard to keep arms locked out n back straight but getting there.

    7.) tuck fr lever pulls ups 2 x 8.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Warm up

    1.) Muscle up x 4 just to get a video to compare - massive difference in form.

    2.) Dips - bw X 20
    weighted 32.5kg x 3 sets of 6.

    3.) Diamond push ups 15, 15, 10.

    4.) Planche lean 2 x 30 second hold.

    5.) Handstand wall walks 4 times up and down by 3 sets.

    6.) Handstand balance work.

    7.) Handstand bent arm holds - 10 seconds x 5 sets.

    8.) Psuedo planche push ups 8 reps x 5 sets. -had very little rest between these sets, serious pump in the chest.

    I tried these workouts this week to see how long they take time wise. Some re-adjusting needed as I missed out on a second day of squatting so will have to fit that in tomorrow. I think I'll move my handstand stuff to my off days and do it at home to free up time in the gym.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Had Paddys Bars session this morning in Ballyfermot park.

    Headed gym in afternoon to squat.

    Squat 95kg x 3 sets of 5.

    Calf programme.

    Muscle up 3 x 4.

    Edit: Did some scap pull ups and holds too.

    L-sit hold into front tuck. Have my tuck nice and high with straight arms, keeping my hips up so my back is straight. Next step is trying to straddle my legs and see if I can hold it with straight arms. I'm purposely not using bent arms, I'd rather learn it with correct form coz I don't want to develop bad habbits. It took long enough to figure out what was wrong with my muscle ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Did some handstand practice in the sun yesterday.

    This morning.

    Few muscle ups while waiting on the squat rack.

    squat bw x 10
    40 x 10
    60 x 8
    80 x 3
    100kg x 3 sets of 5. - tough but got through it.

    Wide grip weighted pull ups 3x6 x 10kg.

    explosive pull ups.

    tucked front lever raises 4x3. Tried to hold it as long as I could, which wasn't too long. 4/5 seconds each.

    tuck lever pulls ups 3x8.

    Finished with a few chins.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Training a bit all over the place coz I'm doing my finals in college. Missed training yesterday, didn't sleep well last night and 2 exams today. Went gym this evening and surprisingly the squatting is still going very well.

    Warm up

    1.) Side DB raises 2 x 15 x 3kg
    2.) Front DB raises 2 x 15 x 3kg

    3.) Weighted Dips
    Bw x 15
    20kg added x 4
    35kgs added x 3 sets of 6.

    4.) squat bw x 15
    40 x 8
    60 x 8
    80 x 3
    105 kg x 3 sets of 5.
    Delighted with this. Had to dig deep for the last set but still got there. Was wrecked after it.

    5.) diamond push ups 3 x 15

    6.) Psuedo Planche push ups with very little rest - 10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 4.

    7.) max push ups - very few after the above.

    And a bit of core work to finish off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Weekend was a write-off, finished my final exam of a 4 year degree on Thursday...drink is the devil.

    Back training today and to my surprise squatting is still progressing. Never got 107.5 for the full 3 sets before so happy with that particularly after the weekend I had. Will be interesting to see how the 110 goes on Wednesday.

    107.5kg - 3 sets of 5.

    Muscle ups, 4,4,4,4,3,3,3. Need to get wrist straps. Keep banging my wrists on the contraption I use for muscle ups.

    Pull ups - lots.

    Front tuck holds for max time x 3. Keeping the hips up.

    Front tuck press ups 3x6.

    L-sit and some core work

    finished with a few front lever scap holds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Quick one this morning.

    Pull ups 4 sets of 6 with 2 sec hold at top and slowly down into hang. - harder than it should be for me but prob from all the muscle ups yesterday.

    Some pistol squat work.

    Inverted rows 4 x 8

    Front lever tuck holds

    Chin ups same as pull ups.

    Calf programme B.

    Handstand practice this evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Gave the gym a miss this morning and went training out in the sun in Ballyfeemot Park. Did a bit of everything, was fairly tired after it but great training in the sun.

    Went gym in afternoon, wasnt really in the mood for it but didnt want to miss squatting. Plan was to squat 110kg x 3sets of 5.

    Got 4 the first set, I bottled the 5th.
    2nd set I squatted 2 and ****ed up the 3rd rep and dropped the bar onto the safety bars.

    As pissed off as I was, I took that as a sign to walk away. My head wasn't right for it today so I'm gona have a crack at it again Friday before moving to 3x3 next week.

    Positives ill take from it. That's the first time I've dropped the bar onto the safety bars so its good to know I can do it safely without hurting myself. Plus I'm pushing myself with my squat more and trusting that my legs aren't gona snap in two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    No gym this morning, woke up in the middle of the night with the scutters, stomach in bits all morning.

    Might head later depending on how I feel.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Ant11 wrote: »
    No gym this morning, woke up in the middle of the night with the scutters, stomach in bits all morning.

    Might head later depending on how I feel.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider

    You stay classy Ant:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Had some food and it stayed inside me so I decided to head the gym.

    Did about 30mins warm up waiting on squat rack. Fooking hate going the gym in afternoon. Planned to have a bash at 110 again but the warm ups were feeling heavy so I didn't bother.

    Bw x whatever
    40 x 10
    60 x 8
    80 x 3
    100 x 3
    107.5 x 3 x 3. Was solid so happy enough.

    Forward leaning weighted Dips. Love these. The lean really hits the chest.
    Bw x 15
    20added x 6
    37.5kg added by 3 sets of 6. First 2 sets were handy enough could of done more. Last set a bit tough.

    Supersetted the dips with 3x4 dragon flags.

    Diamond push-ups 18, 12, 10, 6.

    Planche lean holds. These are getting good. Right up on my toes. Was doing them with one foot elevated.

    Psuedo planche push-ups 15, 10, 8. Wrecked after that.

    DB side raises x 3kg 8, 8
    DB front raises x 3kg 8,8
    Normally do these first but forgot. The 3kgs felt like 20's after all the other stuff. Couldn't do anymore.

    Finished with some lower back stuff.

    Hopefully my bowel movements are back to normal coz I just ate a monster Pwo meal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Paddy's Bars training this morning, good laugh. Our group of regulars is growing which is good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Home training.

    Hamstrings are in a heap this morning from squatting Friday.

    Foam rolled/stretched/mobility work for over an hour - hips were a bit tight too.

    1.) Handstand balance work away from wall.

    Having to kick back up after falling down requires a lot patience and perseverance. It's a lot handier if there's someone there to push your feet back to the wall and you can reset again.

    2.) Handstand wall walks.

    3.) More balance work.

    4.) Handstand holds in the hole without touching the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Warm up

    1.) Muscle ups 5,5,5

    2A.) Pull ups 6,6,6,5- dead hand, 2 second hold at top, 4 sec lower.
    2B.) dragon flags.

    3A.) front lever tuck holds
    3B.) pistol squats - need to work on my balance

    4.) chin ups 5,5,5,5 - same as pulls.

    5.) inverted rows 8 x 4.

    6.) handstand balance practice at the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Nice to see you logging :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Nice to see you logging :D

    Was getting a pain in my hole writing it down, plus have boards on my phone anytime so it's handy.

    Have to say im enjoying LittleBeast program.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Skipped the gym today and headed out to Ballyfermot Park. One of the small pleasures of been a student. Might as well enjoy it while I can, as soon as I get my results it's back to the real world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Typical Irish man getting burned the minute the sun comes out. Shoulders got it bad yesterday. Got up at 6 to head the gym today but shoulders are in bits. Knew there was no way I could stick a barbell on my back to squat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    This is when you front squat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    This is when you front squat!

    Front of my shoulders got roasted too. Holding either squat position stretches the skin too much and I cry like a little girl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    So yeah if you don't want your training ruined, I advise not getting sunburnt.

    Tried to back squat, was way too sore on shoulder even with an empty bar.

    Tried to front squat and ended up pealing some skin off my shoulders.

    1A) DB side raises x 3kg 12 x 3
    1B) DB front raises x 3kg 12 x 3
    1C) Pistol squats 10 each leg x 3

    2A) Weighed leaning Dips
    BW + 10kg x 15
    BW + 20kg x 10
    BW + 40kg x 3 sets of 6. Getting harder but the weight is still going up. Going to keep adding 2.5 until I can't make the 3 sets.
    2B) did more pistols in between each set.

    3A) Slow diamond push ups with 30 second rest, 1 sec pause when chest touches hands at bottom
    15, 12, 10. A lot harder when done slowly.

    4A) Front tuck planche holds on dip bars, keeping the hips up and arms straight.
    4B) Slow psuedo planche push-ups

    5A) Front lever holds with my feet tucked in and knees sticking out in front of me.
    5B) more pistols
    5C) slow psuedo plance push-ups

    6.) calf programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Not my usual session this morning, spent an hour working on my squat technique. Kinda twisted my knee the weekend so sat on my hole all weekend resulting in my hips feeling very tight, even just sitting in a squat was tight. Warmed up with 30mins of foam rolling/stretching and hip mobility. Had an empty barbell on my back and could feel my right hip pushing me forward so my squats looked like good mornings.

    Got 60kg, squatted and just sat in the hole for a bit and worked on my technique coming back up. Did a lot of this.

    80kg few more reps of same ^ and then some normal squats.

    100kg just a couple 3x2. Knee felt fine with the weight, prob me being more paranoid then anything.

    Afternoon session

    Pull ups - varied
    Scap work
    Full handstand routine.


    Hip mobility & 10 min squat test.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Warm up

    1A) DB side raises x 3kg 15 x 3
    1B) DB front raises x 3kg 15 x 3
    1C) 45 degree back extensions 15 x 3

    2) Weighed leaning Dips

    BW x 15
    BW + 20kg x 10
    BW + 42.5kg x 3 sets of 6. Last 2 reps on last set was seriously tough. 1st set was comfortable, could have done more but gona stick to what I'm doing.

    3) Slow diamond push ups. getting harder the more weight I go up in weighted dips.
    15, 12, 10, 10

    4) Front tuck planche holds on dip bars.

    5A) Front lever holds with my feet tucked in and knees sticking out in front of me.
    5B) Psuedo planche push ups x6.

    5 rounds ^

    6A) front lever scap holds
    6B) slow psuedo plance push-ups x6.

    5 rounds ^

    Serious pump in chest and shoulders after that sess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Decided to test my squat this morning. I originally planned to do it next week after having 2 weeks of 3x3. Squatting has been a bit irregular the last wk or so plus I'm getting my results today so I would miss Fridays session so that's another session missed so I said better do it today and start fresh next week.

    Warm up

    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    100 x 3
    110 x 1
    115 x 1
    120 x 1 - Previous 1rm
    130 x 1 - Fail.

    Was very happy with the 120, got too cocky and went for 130. I knew I had more then 120, should of tried 125 instead. Anyway lesson learned.

    Decided to have a fun session after that. Just did loads of stuff that I enjoy. Muscle ups, levers, planche tucks, hand stands etc

    No holidays for me this summer so going to up the cals and focus on bulking my legs. Will start with 2 leg days and see how I go, might add in a 3rd if my hamstrings can handle it and I can fit it in around everything else.

    Now to work out a leg programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Dynamic movements! Jumping :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Dynamic movements! Jumping :D

    Ha ha v funny, I'm great at watching people jump though. It's a skill I've developed over the years :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Seriously though, working your way up to it would benefit you immensely.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Seriously though, working your way up to it would benefit you immensely.

    My knees don't like the impact of jumping, even when doing it on grass. I'm missing a lot of cartliage so don't have as much cushion as everyone else.

    I could try jumping up onto a platform and stepping down but don't have anything in my gym to do that.
