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Greasing the Grove



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Delighted with how this session went.

    A1.) 4 sets: Hanging varied grips/activations x 90 sec
    Single arm activations x 30seconds have improved. Felt strong and kept shoulders aligned.
    A2.) 5x3: Gollums (elevated & slower than previous).

    10 sets
    B.) Straddle L holds x 6 sec (on low parallettes) really feel this on aductors. Need them to open more.

    B.) HS kick ups x 30 sec

    C.) Bridge + transitions
    First time today I was able to transition into the bridge and back out the other side. Delighted with this, been trying to do it for weeks.

    D.) Front squat 65kg x 5x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    What are Gollums?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    What are Gollums?

    You've done them before. Start in a push up position and fully protract your shoulders. Keep the protraction without letting your scapula abduct as you press down and up. A lot harder than they look. I do them on boxes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ah yes, those are hard indeed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Had a personal victory this morning.

    Saturdays vary training wise depending on what I feel needs to be worked on. Sometimes it will be direct skill work, or mobility/stretching etc

    Today I mostly focused on loaded passive stretching for shoulders and shoulder prehab stuff.

    The big winner for me was being able to hold a 7 second freestanding handstand. Although it was short it's the first time in months I've been able to do it correctly without feeling tension in my back. Before Xmas I was plagued with knots in my lower back. I had to completely stop HS training and take everything back to basics until I sorted out my issues and technique. Approached the HS differently this morning and the penny finally dropped. Delighted :) looks like my patience is finally starting to pay off.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11


    A1 Wall runs x 30sec
    A2 pistol squats

    10 sets
    B1 Back lever adv tuck
    B2 precision jumps

    C1 Handstand practice
    C2 wide full elevated ring rows 3x8

    D1 90/90 holds
    D2 Ring forward rolls & muscle ups


    Disclocates with dowel x 3 x 10

    A1.) band pull apart pronated x 10 (red)
    A2.) band pull apart supinated x 10 (red)
    A3.) Triple threat x 10 (yellow)

    B1.) side lying external rotation 1kg x 20
    B2.) side lying rear delt raise 1kg x 20

    C.) Blackburns x 20 seconds each position

    3 hours climbing in AwesomeWalls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    This morning was horrible. Forearms are fried from climbing yesterday and Sunday. If that wasn't bad enough I've the skin gone from my pinky and ring fingers and today was supposed to do OAC's with pinky support and DL's.

    I did some OAC practice but decided to focus on HS, pistols, jumps. Box jump up to 44' now, just passed my belly button. I've more in me if I can learn to use my arms properly. Did 2 sets of DL's at the end but fingers were gone. Will repeat same weight 5x5 next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Climbing does that to the hands. Proper pain!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Climbing does that to the hands. Proper pain!

    I don't think me doing meat hooks and levers off the hand grips helped either. Great job if you wana build grip strength or forearm size.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11


    Disclocates with dowel x 3 x 10

    A1.) band pull apart pronated x 10 (red)
    A2.) band pull apart supinated x 10 (red)
    A3.) Triple threat x 10 (yellow)

    B1.) side lying external rotation 1kg x 20
    B2.) side lying rear delt raise 1kg x 20

    C.) Blackburns x 25 seconds each position

    2 hours climbing.


    Did mobility this morning instead since I'm heading to London tomorrow for a 2 day workshop.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Awesome weekend in London. Got into an overhead squat, which is a massive achievement for me. Body is definitely opening up ever so slowly.

    Got home late Sunday so didn't train Monday morning, went rock climbing that evening though. It's addictive, plus a cool place to chill out, practice HS and move about.

    Yesterday did my shoulder routine.

    This morning

    OAC archers with pinky support. Found it harder then normal with pinky support. Might change the supports on this. Don't want to do negatives as it burns my elbows up.

    HS floor drill and HS practice.

    Worked up to 45.25" box jump after bottling the 44" I did last week. Bottled it 2 or 3 times. Watching one of the lads smash his shins probably didn't help. Dropped to 42" to find my nerve.

    DL 120kg 5x5 (OH grip).

    Day off work so heading climbing later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    I've scraped my shins on a box jump before, not fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    I've scraped my shins on a box jump before, not fun.

    Richard broke a bone in his wrist from it. He's only back training this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    This morning

    A1 Wall runs x 30sec
    A2 pistol squats

    10 sets
    B1 Back lever progressions
    B2 precision jumps

    C1 Handstand practice
    C2 tuck front lever pull ups

    Core compression stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Getting lazy with my logging.

    All day climbing yesterday and a bit this afternoon.

    Did negative full back levers this morning - was better than expected.

    Finished the session with overhead squats, just with the 20kg BB, which is an achievement for me. Previous attempt was with the training bar (7.5kg).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Shoulder prehab/conditioning and some climbing & moving later today

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    OAC practice this morning with pinky support archer. Have started to add a more controlled negative too.

    H/S stuff

    RTO supports while being pushed in the back - very good challenge to hold position.

    Box jumps. 46.25 inch has been messing with my head for the last 2 weeks. It's only 1 inch higher than 2 weeks ago yet mentally it feels like 10. Need to get over the fear and fully comit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ant11 wrote: »
    Need to get over the fear and fully comit.

    Ask any woman out there. Most men have commitment issues. You aren't the only one :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    Ask any woman out there. Most men have commitment issues. You aren't the only one :pac:

    Ha ha! Well played sir.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Good session this morning, did some movement n skill stuff and front squatting.

    Back training this evening and messing about and decided to do some bar muscle up. Haven't done any in ages since I've been doing ring muscle ups. Was surprised I was still able to knock out reps comfortably and even repped out a good few close grip muscle ups. Pulling has definitely gotten stronger.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    Ant11 wrote: »
    Good session this morning, did some movement n skill stuff and front squatting.

    Back training this evening and messing about and decided to do some bar muscle up. Haven't done any in ages since I've been doing ring muscle ups. Was surprised I was still able to knock out reps comfortably and even repped out a good few close grip muscle ups. Pulling has definitely gotten stronger.

    I actually haven't done bar muscle ups in ages!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Good progress made this week. My pinky fingers are actually getting stronger even though I'm only using them as an archer support for the OAC progressions. I added a single arm hold at the top of the pull and a negative down. Wednesday was the first time I've been able to hold my body stable in the top position in an L-sit with one hand. Definitely benefitting from the shoulder conditioning work and 1 arm retractions/depressions. Negatives were very tough. 3 seconds was the best I could do. I've a fear of fcuking up my elbows so will see how they go.

    DL 140kg x 3x3 overhand grip with ease on Wednesday too. Grip is very solid, probably from all the climbing.

    Today I advanced onto the rings for Gollums. Opens a new world of difficulty.

    Front squatted 80kg x 5 comfortably without feeling like I'd to fight my body for position. Then did 1 rep of 90kg just to say I got a new PB.

    Also worked my floor L-sits today, with particular focus on hand position. I would generally find a floor l-sit relatively handy to do with my hands facing forward or to the sides but it's a different ball game facing hands backwards, which is the correct position for the Manna. Not that my body is anyway flexible or strong enough for a Manna but thought I'd practice the correct technique plus it puts more enmpasis on the upper back muscles, which most could benefit from. Anyway I was surprised I could hold an l-sit with hands backwards as I've failed in the past. I also got from an l-sit into a tuck and held it before falling over in style.

    Bit of training arrange later and work my overhead squat tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    climbing Sunday, loads of new routes:)

    Didn't get a chance to work my overhead squat Saturday so did some at the end of the session this morning.

    warm up

    Shoulder conditioning

    Back Lever - Played around with it a bit today. Don't feel it's progressing as quick as I'd like. Most of my attention is on my handstand stuff so that BL is second fiddle.

    Handstand practice - lots

    single arm elevated ring rows 5x5 (other hand supported for balance so technically not full single arm).

    Bit of core.

    OH squat - still sticking with just the bar until in 100% happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    It's a pain isn't it! There are so many moves you want to learn but you can't spread yourself too thin! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    It's a pain isn't it! There are so many moves you want to learn but you can't spread yourself too thin! :(

    Yep! Plan is to get one skill to a maintenance level and then spend more time on the other. Planning on building a pull up bar (if the weather ever gets better) out my back garden so I can stick my rings on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    OAC practice went very well yesterday. Very solid 1 arm hold at the top, more so on my right side, which is technically my weaker side. Negative has improved since last week but there's still comes a point half way down when the lat completely dies, so gona work that more.

    Handstand stuff, rows and DL's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Good day yesterday trained in the morning and evening.

    Lots of hanging wih scapula retraction/depression and different grips.

    Gollums on rings
    Rear delt flys (keep these)

    Floor l-sit (hands facing backwards) played around with moving side to side n going in n out of a tuck. Straddle is the next progression but don't have the flexibility for that yet.

    Handstand kick ups
    Back ext x 1 min holds (cobra hold)

    Front squats 85kg 3x5

    Had some time to kill and the end so one of the lads says why don't we try this box jump thing he seen on YouTube. Basically 4 people sit in a parallel squat around the box and took turns jumping up and back into a squat again. It looked alright from the video so I stupidly stuck the clock on 5 mins. Legs were burning after a 1min. We had 2 extra people on stand by who jumped in as we dropped out and we kept rotating. Horrible!!! When we finished and could stand again we tried it on one leg for 1min and then swapped to the other leg. That wasn't as bad probably because we weren't holding the squat as low, worked the fcuk out of the glute medius though.


    Lots of rolling my tender areas from the morning.

    Wrist & Shoulder mobility/conditioning

    L-sit Ring muscle ups ( was seeing how slow I could do it)
    Ring rows

    Back bridges with feet elevated. Find these better for working thoracic n shoulder part of the bridge instead of doing a floor bridge, which uses more lumbar spine.

    Overhead squat - worked up to a few reps of 30kgs with a good pause in the bottom. Wasn't counting sets/reps was just working on form. Never thought I'd be so happy to have a PB of 30kgs.

    Did a good bit of mobility afterwards and will do plenty today.

    Off to try some Parkour today, should be interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    Went to jump zone on Saturday after Parkour. Good laugh. Woke up in bits Sunday, stuff head to toe and my knee swollen. Instead of training this morning I did an hour and half of mobility to get my rom back to normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭ferike1

    I love and hate you for showing me that shoulder stuff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,433 ✭✭✭Ant11

    ferike1 wrote: »
    I love and hate you for showing me that shoulder stuff.

    Ha! Your shoulders will thank you for it.
