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Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN discussion thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    Location test announced for 9-12 August, and an interview hinting at a release next year (probably referring to the console version).



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    SRK has a translation of some new gameplay info:

    Apart from the new types of clash and the forward Dust, most of this will be familiar to fans of the series. Also revealed are move lists for Sol, Ky and Millia. A further four characters are to be playable at the location test next weekend, to be revealed on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭Scavenger XIII

    Four more characters revealed:

    They seem to be covering the original cast first, except Kliff/Justice presumably so I guess we'll see Faust/Axl/Testament/Baiken next.

    Anxious to see how Baiken turns out, not really a fan of the art direction we're seeing so far. Sol & Ky looked good ingame but some of the characters look really weird and awkward in their still shots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    How is May still so young-looking, I mean I know she's Japanese but still...

  • Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭Kanped

    The way she's drawn, she could be anywhere from 11-40 years old, I think. I don't mind how most of them look. Chipp in particular looks a bit weird but the rest seem fine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    Loads of stuff about the loketest in this Dustloop thread, starting on this page. Look out for posts by ElvenShadow, who was evidently at the test.

    e: Loads of pics:

    e: (this is missing a lot of the more recent posts, there should be an update to this article soon)

    e: (translation of interview with Ishiwatari)

    e: Another loketest report: And another:

    e: Videos!

    ElvenShadow's day 2 notes from Dustloop, starting here:
    May's beach ball goes away if she gets hit


    All other DI moves are like AC
    DI is time based and sol gets tired like always when it wares off


    I saw ride the lightening invuln frames on start up pass right through dark angel


    Venom has corner air loop combo vs PO for like 3 reps using the new dust. K s HS d, jump again repeat.
    Saw 2 reps work mid screen on Ky


    All Ky's projectiles including the super one are enhanced by the lightening seals. Each one gets different effects. RTL doesn't do anything w seal.


    Sol's stage is totally a mixed random mess of all things 'Merca! There's even a fat sherrif guy that one bites entire hamburgers at once, and he's very fat. Sitting under his American flag with his feet up on a barrel that says "danger"


    ALL RCs slow down time just to clarify


    Venom can charge his new QV move to make the balls as large as charge stinger aim


    If you have full bar, venom can summon his new super ball twice and they both remain on screen.


    Millias new 6hs does 2 hits and 2nd hit knocks down. Long range


    After you win a round you can still do an extra hit or so against opponent and you can even RC if you have meter for fun


    Forward follow up dust combos are possible mid screen but timing is a little stricter than in corner or using up follow up


    When one player is very high up and the other is off screen, a small red gear with their face can be seen on the bottom of screen to show location

    Edit: color if gear varies


    I have not seen any wall stick. Fafnir does ground slide but it is unclear what combining off it is like


    When Chipp's rapid ground hit super is blocked, he doesn't do the DP at the end making it harder to punish but I'm not sure exactly how safe it is


    Aside from his 4 attacks when on the wall, Chipp can climb up and down by pressing up or down. He can also press forward to dismount. He will automatically dismount after a couple seconds. You can throw up to 3 kunais while on wall

    Speed of shuriken varies for his air special


    Horizontal dolphin looks like it has more start up according to expert May player, Capps Indigo


    Ok guys. I'm on the train back to my city. I had a great time playing Xrd and just want to make sure that everyone knows you can trust me when I say we have nothing to worry about. The game is on good hands and the bottom line is this IS Guilty Gear! It feels true to the XX games while making things feel fresh and familiar at the same time. It lowers barriers to entry without taking away the complexity that veterans appreciate. Of course this is not even close to the final version but I'm sure based on all the feedback they are getting from surveys that any tweaks will be for the better. All the Tokyo area top players and regulars I fight were there so everyone will be giving smart and constructive feedback. So, today is a good day to be a GG player. Our scene shall thrive as it did in the glory days once more. For now, play that +R and start building your local scenes so that when Xrd drops we can hit the ground running! I hope to see a ton of you at my GG major, Frosty Faustings VI this winter (check tournaments and events forum for details).

    I can't test anything else but ill be posting a little more info and am happy to answer more Qs based on what I know. My friend Capps is still at the test and said he will be posting some more May stuff soon so check that out later as well. Keep rockin and stay metal.


    Here is all I know about danger time. I only saw it happen one time and never experienced it when playing. When the clash happens the game stops for a moment and a big "Danger" sign appears and the background changes. From there both players start neutral and can move freely. I guess the first one to get a hit gets something but I am not sure what. I'm uncertain but I think danger time wares off after a set ammount of time if no one scores a hit fast enough and I think this is what I witnessed. This is all I know for now.


    For Millias new rose super, I want to clarify a little more. Its like Rose Install lol. It activates like DI but when it wares off there is no penalty, it just wares off. Millia flashes white while activated. Wherever she moves, she sets roses behind her on the screen. I'm not sure if you need to be doing something specific like hitting buttons or if it constantly comes out. The roses remain for a couple seconds and the opponent gets hit if they touch without blocking. A good way to use it is activate after knockdown and the do roll or the air falling teleport move to cross over the opponent to surround them with roses. From there, mix that **** up. You could also use it to cover your ass when falling back and maybe make a shield to safely activate secret garden. I'm sure there will be others uses and maybe even awsome combos that use it but I haven't seen anyone try any yet.


    More on RC time slow. All RCs slow time. What it reminds me of is Amaterasu time slow super in Marvel 3 but of course it only lasts a very short time. This is mostly for the YRC like when you use on whiff or projectile cancel. For connected hits that you RC it reminds me of Johnny's air super in +R how the opponent slowly floats but it doesn't last nearly as long and isn't quotes as slow. Essentially it just makes it easier to combo more after an RCed hit. It will probably lead to a few more damaging combos but nothing rediculous and it makes combos with RCs easier for noob players. I also don't see there bring cheap unblockable a resulting from YRC projectiles. It essentially just recreates things like FRC you flame pressure but in a different way. Of course these are just my impressions and observations and anything is subject to change as it is still early. I hope that clarify things.


    Originally Posted by BladeOfJustice7 View Post
    Does he get any penalties for when it wears out, like in AC losing all fo his tension and/or increased likelyhood of being dizzy?
    Still wondering if Ky's DP can still be low profiled
    Does Venom's Bishop Run Out stay on the screen for the entirety of the remainder of a round?
    How is Chipp's health, is it still ass?
    Is Ky's lunge move, Split Ciel I think, a way for him to get in close, akin to Bandit Revolver, as in can he use it to extend his pressure and as a combo extender?
    How exactly are Ky's projectiles amplified by Grinders, more damage are they bigger, are they faster, increased hitstun/blockstun? I'm really curious about this.
    Based off of the Xrd announcement trailer, Sol's grand viper is back to its ****ty recovery ways, is it as unsafe as it used to be in older games before they changed it in AC?
    DI, I'm not sure sorry.

    Ky, not sure what you mean.

    Venom super ball, hell no lol. It wares off either by time or use but im not sure, but you can hit it several times. It bounces off walls and the opponent

    Chipp health, still lowest in the cast I'd say.

    Ky's lunge move is more of a combo ender and nets you a hit and a seal. You can OtG it to set a seal up right on the opponent or you can combo into it from non OTG and it knocks down. Not very safe on block but not super unsafe like his slide.

    Grand V, it's like reload, unsafe. I'm not sure if you can mash hits either. I couldn't seem to but maybe I suck at it?


    Oh and grinders, regular stun edge is like an instant vertical lightening bolt. Charge stun edge is like a lightening by that stays out for a little and does many hits. I saw Sol jump over Ky charge stun edge and air dash I. To punish but the stun edge got enhanced by a seal and sol landed on it while he hit Ky and was knocked away. Super one is an even bigger one and looks like a sword and does more hits and damage


    Basic PO combos should work. I did see FAB trying some stuff and missing but it might have been a distance thing and it was in an actual match and not just testing. I did personally ask him his impressions and he says right now PO is so-so in strength and be likes the new design. He says he isn't concerned because he expects many revisions over tests.


    Basically to put it simply for Ky, performing a ground dust not only hits like a dust up close but it also leaves a seal on hit or even whiff, and air dust leaves a seal too but it also acts like his old air dust to control space. I don't think ground seal hits opponent. The new lunge move also sets a ground seal. Regardless of the type of seal, if you shoot a projectile and it passes through the seal it shoots a lightneng bolt as I described earlier from the actual seal. The bolt is same trajectory as the original projectile, so all ground ones just go straight forward. Get it now? Also seals disappear after about 2 seconds.


    I am pretty sure you can YRC on recovery frames for normals. I couldn't test every frame of every move but aside from stuff that was intentionally designed to be unsafe on whiff like DPs, I think you can YRC most moves in the game. As I said, if u can't the game tells u by showing a red "X" over you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    (double post because I can't edit the previous post anymore)

    From Dustloop forums user stunedge:
    Just gonna summarize everything I have posted on Twitter here.
    Feel free to throw questions on me via Twitter cuz I barely check Dustloop now

    - check elvenshadow's post or watch vids
    - opening and winning screen is very SF4 alike
    - 3D models looked weird in screenshots to me but I feel perfect when I see it moving around
    - every super has nice cut-in (like ultra in SF4)

    Regular System
    - check official page, pretty much same as old GG
    - apparently many things are just borrowed from #R, so these could still change a lot
    - offers 5 sets of button mappings by default
    - instant block is still there, no slashback
    - Tension meter goes up and down in the same way as before, same as negative penalty
    - you can do HJ double-jump install and FD air-throw install (exactly same as #R)
    - S+HS throw option select works
    - No instant kill in this version

    - Dust + up has a cool rising animation, works just like old day dust
    - Dust + forward is like P4A's AoA, looks alike old day Impossible-Dust

    Roman Cancel
    - Roman cancel has different colors, Red, Yellow and Purple? They proly differ in the length of slow down time
    - Yellow one works like old FRC which happens when you cancel move beforehead
    - I never confirm purple one, so that one is quite mysterious
    - Red one is just regular RC (with slowdown ofcouse)
    - RC slowdown make opponent, VERY VERY SLOW, say for Ky's stundipper(RC), you can simply run for 2 sec and then do 5S to combo, Ky's VT(RC)>land>run VT works
    - RC makes opponent so slow, that if you just do Ky's 2D>chargeattack(RC), charge attack will actually go throw opponent before they wake up
    - You can RC pretty much everything, including backstep, regular dash and jump. Wake up backstep+RC looked very safe option to run away
    - You can do something like Potemkin buster (whiff) >RC>see opponent jump>do heavenly Pot. Buster
    - You can whiff RC pretty much anything except for few moves such as everybody's DP, aka you can't whiff VV and then RC it
    - when you RC, opponent can also counter RC you to make you slower

    Crash and Danger Time
    - didn't see it occur frequently
    - when crash happens, weaker move side will get certain disadvantage frames eg. Millia 5P crashes with Pot's JD, Millia will lose couple frames after
    - when HS move crashes with HS move (or some strong move), danger time with count down appears, and within the time, the one who gets first hit can get into a bigger combo?
    - danger time related occurs very rare, so not really sure at all

    Characters Impressions:
    everybody is based #R cuz they don't have time to make it all new, so whatever moves I didn't mention here, that means they are same as #Reload
    I am expecting huge changes from here so it doesn't really matter much

    - riot stamp is 2hit move and make opponent bounds up and you can combo afterwards, YRC possible
    - new move air 214+K is Ragna's Berial edge and bounds up on hit, free punish on block so its not safe
    - Dragon install turns him into "Zetman" like appearance. (sth like in GG2)
    - new Dragon install move P.B.B is like SF4 Oni's airdash, very fast dashmove in the air, and if opponent within the range, it turns into airgrab automatically.
    - Tyrant Rave during Dragon install becomes a gigantic beam, does 30% damage even on chip dmg. 60% dmg on the raw hit, broken move sofar
    - I miss Dloop

    - D is a new motion (Isuka's line change motion)
    - D and JD and new move Split Ciel sets a 'glinder' (sth like mirror) and it buffs projectile goes throw it
    - regular stunedge throw glinder turns into a very fast beam
    - charge attack throw glinder turns into huge sword setup does 6hit and very good for oki
    - sacrededge throw glinder turns into superfast beam hits entire screen
    - you can set up two glinders at the same time, but its hard to setup
    - SplitCiel is the new move that Ky does a slow attack and then sets the glinder, can be comboed from HS on crouch and you can goto charge attack oki after with glinder

    - new 2HS move looks very alike Johnny's 2HS
    - Ensenga is Johnny alike but you can not move until you land, looks hard to use, unsure if its overhead
    - new move sets a ball in the screen, ball will bound over and over and May can jump on it
    - 41236+P,K,S,H, dolphin set up move, now May can jump onto the dolphin and attack
    - Yamada-san does tons dmg + stun
    - VERY, VERY cute opening anime cut-scene. It's true cuz I really hated this character and even I thought it was cute.

    - 236236S super is like Hokuto Hyakuretsu-ken
    - another super Zanseirouga gets a very nice anime cut-scene as well
    - has a new wall-walk move (like taokaka), you can throw shuriken or do a command-grab from here. Command grab has two versions which one grabs opponent OTG, other grabs on the air
    - teleport changed a bit, both S and HS version goes up to air now (they proly gonna change it)
    - paper defense still, Ky's anti-air BnB took him half life-bar

    - HS version of Tandem looks different and slightly slower
    - Roll(214K) into K,S,HS variation, K to roll again, S for lustshaker, HS for a new move that looks like her far S but will cause slide-down on hit, very fast
    - erotic animation on every cut scene, biggest buffs ever
    - 6HS becomes a new motion which is a overhead (looks similar to old 6HS)
    - new super (Grooming Rose) is a buff super, that within certain amount of time, a rose with hitbox appear on whenever she is. You can just randomly airdash around or roll overand over to annoy opponent or for the oki.

    - QV is pretty much same as old 412 move, but you can charge it
    - almost no charge-up time for stinger-aim, 46S>46S>46S all the way
    - almost no charge-up time for 28S/HS as well, they proly gonna change it alot
    - new super generates a sun-look ball which will bound whereever in the screen for 3times, and when it hits other ball it will make other ball stationary.
    - They gonna make him more gay this version

    - 5P does not hit opponent on crouch
    - replaced old 6K with new forward shoulder attack
    - he acts exactly same as old Potemkin even with the armor
    - heavenly potemkin buster has a super well-made animation, you need see this sometime
    - ICPM is a airdive move (not UB, just a regular attack) looks alike Kanji's B buster or dive
    - another new move is like Kanji's DP but with fire
    - he looks cool, no joke
    New vids: (Potemkin vs Chipp) (Venom vs Ky) (Venom vs Millia) (Venom vs May) (May vs Sol, Ky vs Sol) (single-player playthrough with May)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    New trailer from the Sony Conference after they confirmed GGXrd was heading to PS4 in 2014.

    There's very brief appearances by Axel and I-No too.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    I'm gonna have to play this just because it looks so good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I've decided if this takes off, I'll try repping Potemkin.

    I've never played a grappler.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    You can juuuuuuuuuuuuuust make out Johnny on top of the airship as it flies away from May, 13 seconds in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval




  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    So... pretty... DO WANT.

    Please, ArkSys, don't **** us over again...

  • Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭Kanped

    I still think BB was a pretty decent game. people didn't like it because it was so dumbed down (and a few side effects resulting from that). The thing is, they were actively trying to make a more accessible game and succeeded in doing so, while making it less tournament / high level than GG. This time, they're actively trying to make a tournament fighter to appeal to the fans of the series and keep it faithful. I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll pull it off, and this game will be great. But hurry up and confirm Baiken, guys!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Kanped wrote: »
    I still think BB was a pretty decent game. people didn't like it because it was so dumbed down (and a few side effects resulting from that). The thing is, they were actively trying to make a more accessible game and succeeded in doing so, while making it less tournament / high level than GG. This time, they're actively trying to make a tournament fighter to appeal to the fans of the series and keep it faithful. I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll pull it off, and this game will be great. But hurry up and confirm Baiken, guys!
    I've always felt that BB's combos were LESS intuitive than GG's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Q from 3S + Hazama from Blazblue = Dude from the Guilty Gear Pachinko machine


  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    New location tests next weekend; I-no, Axl and possibly others to be playable.


    Special Moves

    Antidepressant Scale - 214+P (Air OK)
    Stroke the Big Tree - 41236+S or HS
    Sultry Performance - In air, 236+P or K or S or HS (Can be held)
    (1) Chemical Love - 214+K (Air OK)
    →Chemical Love (Follow-up) - During (1), 214+S (Air OK)
    Chemical Love (Vertical) - 214+S (Air OK)

    Longing Desperation - 632146+HS
    Ultimate Fortissimo - In air, 2363214+S
    Axl Low


    Special Moves

    (1) Rensengeki - [4]6+S
    →Kyokusageki - During (1), 8 or 9
    →Sensageki - During (1), 2 or 3
    Bentengari - 623+S
    Raiei Sageki - 63214+S
    Rashousen - [4]6+HS
    Tenhouseki (Mid) - 214+P
    Tenhouseki (Low) - 214+K
    Axl Bomber - In air, 623+HS
    (2) Haitaka no Kamae - 63214+HS
    →Mid - During (2), P
    →Overhead - During (2), K
    →Low - During (2), S
    →Cancel - During (2), HS

    Byakue Renshou - 2363214+HS
    Kairagi Yakou - 214214+S

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    Faust revealed:

    e: Slayer, too:
    Second Location Test System Changes

    The playing manual (PDF) for the second location test has also revealed a few changes that have been made to the system since the first test, including the removal of repelling clashes and its replacement by a new mechanic, Blitz Shield. Note that this is a test version and subject to change.

    Roman Cancel

    Roman Cancels are now listed as costing either 25% or 50% of the Tension Gauge (previously 50% only). This may be an indication of False Roman Cancels making a return. The conditions under which performing a Roman Cancel costs 25% ors 50% are unlisted however.


    Three types of clashes were present in the first location test: Normal clash, where two attacks of similar strength collide; Repel, where strength differences in attacks caused the weaker side to be repelled, open to counterattacks; and Danger Time, a special sequence activated by colliding powerful attacks, with the winner earning a Super Counter on the opponent.

    Repels have been removed for second location test, leaving only regular clashes and Danger Time. Danger Time is stated to rare. The exact trigger conditions are unlisted.

    Blitz Shield


    With no direction input, press 2 attack buttons at the same time (excluding the D Button) *Consumes 25% of the Tension Gauge

    Temporarily take a stance to repel the opponent’s attacks. While in the stance the opponent’s attacks are repelled, opening a chance for a counterattack!

    Can be done during a jump. Pressing ↓ + 2 buttons will activate Blitz Shield while in a crouching state. The repelled side is defenseless, but can perform certain actions such as their own Blitz Shield.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    Yreval wrote: »

    Loctest you say.


    I have played virtually no GG before (as indicated by virtually everything I was telling Onion being completely wrong on the day), but from dicking around with I-No for a bit, she feels waaaay easier to use than in +R. +R had actually made me a little afraid of trying her (it's harder to try out characters when you're pumping 100 yen in each time against real opponents), but when I finally did I really loved it. Her inputs have been made easier along with better movement options or something.

    Fun day at the loctest though. Not nearly as busy as the Chrono Phantasma one I went to before because they had way more cabs and there was no actual queuing. You just hopped onto a machine when one opened up (which was pretty quick) instead of a 30 minute line spanning 3 floors.

    The guy who wrote all those notes in the SRK post gave Onion and I a quick run down on how the game played for a while too which was great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION


    Sairus beasting at the GG LocTest!

    I really enjoyed the time I spent with the game. I only played as Ragna Sol Badguy but I learned a lot from just watching other people play. The game is a good bit faster than Blazblue. It's the first thing that struck me when I got in was how much quicker the gameplay seems.

    You've probably seen all the system mechanic changes stuff if you care about them, but the game seems very approachable as someone who's only played BB before. There was decent leniancy in cancelling and chaining, and I was able to string together a pretty sick little air combo off DP+K command grab with a little bit of trial and error.

    Most of the people I played totally obliterated me, but most of them let me win the second round so I could practise, which was pretty nice of them! I did win about 3 games, and a few against Sai too, which were great fun. Owning me with his I-no.

    Overall, I'm pretty excited to play it again, it's stunning (if a little tinted in orange like a computer running flux) and is a lot of fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    Where eddie? Please don't touch my imba unblockables plz arcsys

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Ramza wrote: »
    Where eddie? Please don't touch my imba unblockables plz arcsys
    Boss-only plz, don't wanna deal with that BS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

  • Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭Kanped

    Yreval wrote: »

    Looks like Zappa's crab-thing form, doesn't it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    Kanped wrote: »
    Looks like Zappa's crab-thing form, doesn't it?

    A well known player a while back said one of the new guys was going to be a guy strapped to a bed I think. This looks like that guy.

    You can see the legs at the bottom (supplemented by bigger robot legs) and the headboard at the top (with what looks like a puppet king's head coming out from behind it)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    Eddie yessssss BEAST

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭Scavenger XIII

    Looks I'll be continuing to dislike every new character after X, whatever that is it just looks like a mess to me.
