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The Windy Road to Nowhere



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Thurs 16th Jan: 4.6 miles in 7:16 pace

    Took it a bit handier on this run home, legs were a bit achy after the hill work Wednesday.

    Fri: Rest

    Sat 18th Jan: 13.1 miles in 1:30 (6:58 pace)

    Miserable old day today, but really enjoyed the run this afternoon. Took it out fairly easy for the first mile or two, then dropped the pace down to 6:40-6:50 for most of it. Took a bit of a meandering route through Tinure, Gallstown Rd, down to Sandpit and back home. Plenty of little hills to break it up. Roads were nice and quiet, and after warming up after the first mile or so, really didn't notice the conditions.

    Might get a few miles tomorrow evening on the treadmill or something.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sun 19th Jan: 4 miles in 31 mins (7:50 pace)

    Just a slow easy run on the treadmill to round out the week. Legs a bit sore, but I think that's due to messing about playing basketball on Friday as opposed to any running related niggles. I've become a ridiculously one-sport pony over the last couple of years; most times I engage in any sport that's not running, I'm sore as hell.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Mon 20th Jan: 5 miles in 37:20 (7:28 pace)

    Again, the treadmill, but will take it happily. Did this as a progressive run, starting at 12km'h, increasing by 0.1 every 400m the whole way, with pace topping out at 14km'h. Felt fairly comfortable.

    Tues 21st Jan: 4 miles at 6:45 pace

    Rejoice, back on the road!! Came home from work sharpish, then got out on the roads straight away. Lots of walkers about this afternoon, and I really found the conditions lovely. Feels like spring might be on the way.

    Contemplating the 3,000m at the Leinster indoors in a couple of weeks. I've absolutely no specific training done for it, so it could be a bit of an embarrassment to be traipsing around in 10:30+. Definitely don't think I'm in sub-10 shape, but then I've always found races a good way of getting back into shape. The following week would be the Rás Cross-Country. Not a big fan of the fields, but I generally do ok, so will most likely do that. This week's a bit of a balls with playing Lone Parent for the week, so hard to get out and do the training I want, but sure I'll struggle on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Weds 22nd - Tuesday 28th Jan: Around about 5 4-5 mile runs, can't remember

    A couple more days on the treadmill, and a couple of 4-5 miles runs on the road. We'd a crazy busy weekend between parties and other things, so never managed more than 5 miles any of the days. But, I suppose at least I got out most of the days...

    The log's been a bit of a car-crash this past couple of months, but sure, I'll straighten things out a bit in the next few weeks hopefully.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Weds 29th Jan: Wednesday: 7 miles w/8x600m + 4x200m

    Bit of a Copy and Paste job here from PConn's log. I might have done a half mile less of a warmup maybe, don't know.

    Made a balls of counting the laps on the Garmin, missing 2 of the 600m reps and a good bit of my warmup so don't know what I was at. Anyway, wasn't using the lap button in any case, and haven't a clue what pace I was running.

    First time in a long time doing any sort of a speed session. Felt grand on them all. If anything, I felt like the pace was a bit too slow, and I got a bit frustrated with the longish static recoveries between the reps. I'm not really much of a team player, but I suppose for the very rare occasion when I do decide to do speed work, I try and get the most out of it for myself. For the last couple of the 600s, a couple of us decided to push the pace on a small bit, from what had been about 5:40 pace down to maybe 5:25-5:30.. Gave it a bit of socks on the last one.

    Finished up the 600s, wondering would I look like a total plank if I started doing another 3 or 4 reps by myself, so was absolutely delighted when PConn said that the plan was to then do 4 200m reps. Didn't flat out sprint these, as that usually causes me to have pains for days, but ran them at a decent enough clip, 32 seconds per 200m maybe.

    Enjoyed the session, discussed the Cork marathon general plan with one of the lads whose looking to do a sub-3.

    Thurs 30th Jan: 5 miles in 7:26 pace

    Legs a bit stiff today at the start of the run, but loosened up alright, and probably ran a little bit faster here than I thought I would, but sure what harm.

    Hopefully get some sort of a long run in Sunday.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    The pace might have been a bit slow for you last night, but it's a progressive style plan with the reps getting longer and the recovery shorter. Maybe not that useful for one night but very effective over the course of a few weeks! Will give you a shout before Sunday about a long run if you can get out of the house.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Cheers PConn.. Yeah, I thought it was a bit easy for yourself too, to be honest, but as you say, part of a longer-term approach.. Suppose my strategy of doing 2-3 speed sessions a year isn't really optimal! I think with the Indoors in mind, I was trying to optimise things too.. Anyway, good to get a decent session in, one way or the other. Sound, hopefully catch up with ya Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Fri 31st Jan: Off
    Took yesterday off. Bit of a cold coming on, so decided more running around in the rubbish weather wasn't the trick. Not to sure who to blame for this cold, couldn't possibly be my own fault though.

    So, not a particularly impressive first month of the year, but steady enough, and hopefully enough not to lose too much conditioning. Couple of half decent long runs, two track sessions, and no races. Average speed is fairly high, I suppose I've been conscience of getting as much out of limited training as possible.

    Month|Runs|Av Speed|Mileage

    Sat 1st Feb: 4 miles in 30:40 (7:40 pace)

    Just jumped on the treadmill for 4 easy miles this evening. Feel a little better after it.

    I'll keep an open mind about whether or not to do a longish run tomorrow.. If I'm still dosed, might give it a miss, or just keep it short. Two races coming up on the next two weekends, the Leinster Indoor 3,000m next week, then Rás na hÉireann 6k X-Country the following week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sunday 2nd Feb: Rest/Sick

    Mon 3rd Feb: 5 miles in 38:40 (7:45 pace)

    Did this late enough in the evening time on the treadmill. Could've ran home from work, but this cold has been hanging around long enough, and the treadmill is the only way I can keep myself running at easy effort.

    Tues 4th Feb: 6 miles in 44:45 (7:27 pace)

    Still on the treadmill, due to both the cold and also the ridiculously stormy weather. I'm glad we live up on high ground, but we get absolutely battered by the wind up here. Anyway, certainly can't be complaining given the damage done to houses and property in lower lying areas.

    Starting to feel a bit healthier again, did the run as a progressive type effort on the treadmill, starting at 12km'h, increasing by .1 every 400m, up to 13.6, then easing back slightly. Effort felt fairly comfortable at that speed, which it should.

    I'd like to do another session at the track tomorrow to have myself feeling prepared for the race at the weekend, but just not sure if I should. Might be safer making sure I'm healthy by Saturday. I'm definitely under-trained regardless of whether or not I do a session tomorrow, so not sure what's to gain. Anyway, if I'm feeling good tomorrow evening, might go in.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Weds 5th Feb: Rest

    Thurs 6th Feb: 4 mile pyramid in 26:30 (6:38 avg pace)

    Walked out of work and realised I'd left the running gear behind me, so the run home was out!! Couple of hours got by on me, so it it was 8:30 before I knew it, and treadmill was the only option. With an eye on this 3,000m race, and due to absolutely minimal speed work, decided to do a bit of a session on the treadmill. I've found that the only type of speed work my body can handle properly on it is a progressive tempo type session.
    For this, I started at 12km/h, increasing by 0.5 every 400m, right up to 18km/h. I hope to be not far off that pace for the 3,000m so it was good to get even just a short bit at that type of speed. Yes, it felt fast, but I always find that I work harder at pace on the treadmill than I do on the road/track, so not overly bothered.

    Not sure if I'll bother doing any run tomorrow. In terms of what I think I'll run Saturday, I'd be absolutely astonished if I went under 10, I'd give that about a 3% chance. Sub 10:2x is the most likely outcome. I think I'd be disappointed with a time slower than 10:30. Should be a reasonably good gauge of where I am anyway, if nothing else.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Weds 5th Feb: Rest

    Thurs 6th Feb: 4 mile pyramid in 26:30 (6:38 avg pace)

    Walked out of work and realised I'd left the running gear behind me, so the run home was out!! Couple of hours got by on me, so it it was 8:30 before I knew it, and treadmill was the only option. With an eye on this 3,000m race, and due to absolutely minimal speed work, decided to do a bit of a session on the treadmill. I've found that the only type of speed work my body can handle properly on it is a progressive tempo type session.
    For this, I started at 12km/h, increasing by 0.5 every 400m, right up to 18km/h. I hope to be not far off that pace for the 3,000m so it was good to get even just a short bit at that type of speed. Yes, it felt fast, but I always find that I work harder at pace on the treadmill than I do on the road/track, so not overly bothered.

    Not sure if I'll bother doing any run tomorrow. In terms of what I think I'll run Saturday, I'd be absolutely astonished if I went under 10, I'd give that about a 3% chance. Sub 10:2x is the most likely outcome. I think I'd be disappointed with a time slower than 10:30. Should be a reasonably good gauge of where I am anyway, if nothing else.

    Sunday! And stop sandbagging, you would have broke 10 during the summer if you didn't jog the first two laps! Go for broke on Sunday, go out with the pack and run hard. In a 3000m race you should be working hard after 1k, and I mean hard. After 2k you should be barely hanging on and you should collapse across the line when you're done!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sunday?!! Ha. That would've been a whole new low for me, turning up on the wrong day for a race!! Cheers.

    Yeah, I'm not saying I won't go for broke, I definitely will go out at sub-10 pace, I'm just not sure I'll have it at this stage of my non-training. On the other hand, I'm not convinced my strategy of running a 16 mile run the day before my last 3,000 race was optimal, so maybe I could've ran 9:5x in that race if I'd had any cop-on. And I suppose, I am a stubborn Monaghan bastard, so I'll likely run myself into the ground. Who knows?! How you feeling, over your cold? I was sort of dosed for most of the week, think I'm about right now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Sunday?!! Ha. That would've been a whole new low for me, turning up on the wrong day for a race!! Cheers.

    Yeah, I'm not saying I won't go for broke, I definitely will go out at sub-10 pace, I'm just not sure I'll have it at this stage of my non-training. On the other hand, I'm not convinced my strategy of running a 16 mile run the day before my last 3,000 race was optimal, so maybe I could've ran 9:5x in that race if I'd had any cop-on. And I suppose, I am a stubborn Monaghan bastard, so I'll likely run myself into the ground. Who knows?! How you feeling, over your cold? I was sort of dosed for most of the week, think I'm about right now.

    Yeah over the worst of the cold now, feeling pretty good but not expecting much from Sunday, just a good blow out and a chance to run in the new stadium. Should be a bit of craic anyway. I just posted the full programme on facebook if you want to check it out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Yeah, saw that cheers. Early start for it.. I'll give ya a shout over the next couple of days, suppose a few of us can travel together. See ya then.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    So, first race of 2014, not an easy road race, or fun run or anything were I could comfortably finish in the top 1/4 of the race, but totally out of my depth, out of distance, carrying a bit of a cold and undertrained for a 3,000m indoor track race. No big goals for it, but was hoping to run under 10:20, and get a feel of where I was fitness wise.

    Got down to Athlone by about 9:30 for my first look at the indoor venue. Seriously impressed by the facilities there. With about 15 minutes to go to our race going off, there were still only about 4 Seniors about, so I was thinking I might sneak out of here with a provincial medal. No such luck, plenty arrived at check-in and it was organised that the Seniors and Juniors would run the first race.

    While hanging around, I got chatting to the guy who won the thing last year, he was the only Senior running in it then, a 2:51 marathoner similar to myself, but definitely in better shape than me. Got ourselves organised at the start line, PConn reminded me that it is a track race, and that my strategy should be to run, not jog and go out hard. Good enough advice, in fairness, but I think I took it too far.

    The gun sent us off, and I decided in my infinite wisdom that I should hang onto the coattails of the defending champion for the first bit. After the first lap, I didn't check the time, but it was obvious that the first group of runners were all a fair bit faster than me, and I sort of had myself positioned just at the back of this gang. Laps were so bloody short, by the end of the second, I think I was already running approximately 7 seconds quicker than I should have been for a 10:00 flat time!! Very quickly made a decision to give up on the lead group, and try and just keep myself going.

    The next couple of laps were a bit of a blur, but I was still keeping myself ticking around in around 40 seconds a lap. My kids and Mrs RFR were apparently shouting at me the whole way through the race, but I was just in a complete state of suffering from about 7-8 laps.

    A couple of lads from Dunboyne passed me out around here, at first I thought, what the hell, I'm being lapped, then realised, no, that we were on the same lap. That showed me exactly how ridiculous my early pace had been. I lost the ability to count, listen and make basic calculations, and just kept running. I might have caught a runner or two, or maybe not.

    It was very confusing when I got lapped by the leaders and I lapped a few of the backmarkers myself, really hadn't a clue what was going on until I checked my watch whenever the bell was hit for the last lap. Could I run a 32 second last lap for a sub-10? The hell I could. I think I tried to do something vaguely resembling a sprint, but there was no point really, nobody to catch, nobody catching me, and lungs were about to spontaneously combust. Fell over the line in ??th place in a time of 10:09

    After sitting on the ground trying to breathe for a few minutes, I realised I was quite happy with this. Faster than I'd expected, despite the suicidal early pacing. Had a nice handy warmdown with the family on the outdoor track before we headed back in to watch a bit more of the action. Lungs still feel a bit rattled from the effort, but happy with it. Great workout to get before next week's Cross-Country. The longer distance will suit me better. Having a chat with Mrs RFR on the way home, I know that if I really targeted a decent 3k, I could and shout run mid 9:30s. I'd like to think the next 3k I do on the track in July that a sub-10 should be a formality. However, it will take a bit more than 1 track session every 6 months to achieve that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    I agree with your dear wife, but the question is, will you the work in to get down to 9.30 for the 3k?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Monday 10th Feb: 5 miles in 37:30 (7:30 pace)

    Treadmill... Bored with the bloody thing over the past couple of weeks, but weather is just ridiculous.. Excuses, I know, but at least I'm running.

    Tuesday 11th Feb: 4 miles in 30:30 (7:40ish pace)

    Treadmill again.. Nothing intersting.

    Weds 12th Feb: Rest


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,184 ✭✭✭Gavlor

    Monday 10th Feb: 5 miles in 37:30 (7:30 pace)

    Treadmill... Bored with the bloody thing over the past couple of weeks, but weather is just ridiculous.. Excuses, I know, but at least I'm running.

    Tuesday 11th Feb: 4 miles in 30:30 (7:40ish pace)

    Treadmill again.. Nothing intersting.

    Weds 12th Feb: Rest


    That post points to a trend developing this week.... You'll do we'll to get out of bed tomorrow!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Yeah, fairly uninspiring stuff really.. I've got this bloody cold hanging around nearly 3 weeks now, hence the lack of running outdoors in poor weather. Will get back into proper routine after next weeks midterm.. Marathon on the horizon will focus my attention!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Thurs 13th Feb: 5 miles in 32:30 (6:30 pace)

    Was going to have a beer about 40 mins ago, then decided, nah, few miles on the treadmill. Did this as a pyramid tempo. Started at 13km'h, working up .5 every 800 metres, up to 16.5. Felt pretty good. Definitely a good decision to do a decent run instead of drinking a rubbish beer.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    Just catching up here....nice work in the indoors, good benchmark to start off the year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Cheers lad, aye, I was happy enough with how it went, considering the once again ridiculous pacing. I'll hopefully be able to start pushing the training on a bit in the next 1-2 weeks, get more consistency in.. You've had your share of frustrations, things starting to look up a bit hopefully, now you've gotten to the source of all the issues.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sat 15th Feb: 5.5 miles in 7:31 pace

    Finally, back running on the roads. Had a few things to do in town this afternoon, and it worked out well to run home. I'd a strong enough headwind the whole way out the road, which slowed me down a bit, but wasn't wanting to run fast anyway with tomorrow's race in mind.

    Not really looking forward to racing in the mud tomorrow, I'd say Oldbridge is like a swamp at the minute, but sure, I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I get there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    This was about revenge, pure and simple. Last year in a slightly hungover, but mostly just complete show of stupidity, I missed out on winning the cup for the first local runner in our race. If I'd have had my head screwed on at all last year, I'd have been taking home that cup. I was ready to fight for it this year.

    The sharp end of the field today was very sharp, couple of Polish lads with 8:0x 3,000 speed, a couple of other fast enough operators from the county, and another few lads, including Conor Duffy, a very promising athlete from my home county. I was never going to get among the top crowd today, but I didn't care about that.

    The race got off at a bit of a frantic pace. A couple of lads from the club set off fairly fast, and I was probably in about 20th place. Pace felt a bit fast, but I wasn't going to let anyone else from the club get a steal on me today, so kept with them. Towards the end of the first of four laps, I passed both of them out, but the lad who took the trophy last year was in close enough proximity. All to play for.

    Over the course of the second lap, I didn't really get away much from the pack. Conditions were tough enough, ground was soft, and it got very windy on the higher part of the course. Decided not to bust myself too much, and let it develop. On the third lap, I was actually catching a couple of people, but was easing back a bit, because wanted to keep a bit for a strong last lap.

    At the start of the last lap, I got a great ol shout out from Mrs RFR, the young ones, and a few from the club. Then cup winner from last year was only about 5 metres behind me, running a good race. Once I got up over the hill, I realised I'd stolen another couple of metres on him, and decided quickly that now was my chance to drive it home. Pushed very hard for about half a mile, in the process passing out another couple of runners. It was too early for it to be a run for home that I could sustain and ultimately, one of the lads I passed got back at me. No matter, I'd done enough to make it stick, and finished in about 15th I think, but most importantly, winner of The Louis Duffin Cup.

    Was absolutely buckled after it. I think my time was about 22:45, which isn't that great really, but I wasn't running for a time. Delighted with how I raced today. We picked up 2nd place team too which was good. Had a bit of a warmdown, chatting to couple of the lads. Fellow boardsies did well, PConn running very sensibly and finishing excellently despite a bit of a niggle. NiallG4 looks in good shape, looks like I'm a bit behind in the context of Frankfurt, but plenty of time for that. Very pleased with the race, time about 40 seconds faster than last year in tougher conditions. Looking forward to getting into proper road running over the coming weeks and months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Great run today, deserved winner of that cup. We'll have to work on winning the team cup next year as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Yeah, definitely.. I plan to be in better shape this time next year than I am now, and I'm sure with the group you have developing, a lot of us will be stepping things up. Nothing for it but to take responsibility for the Senior side of things ourselves really. We can't rely on the old guard forever...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Mon 17th Feb: 4 miles at 6:50 pace

    Got motoring nicely around this one, really enjoying the stretch in the evenings now, I can get home from work and then run in brightness no problem.

    Tues 18th Feb: 6 miles at 6:58 pace

    Didn't really push this one too hard, but legs felt a bit achey by the end of it, as they should I suppose. I think the couple of weeks where I was nursing myself on the treadmill led to a bit of loss of form on the hills. Definitely noticed it the other day in the race, was just lacking that bit of drive. A few weeks around the roads will sort that out.

    Can't figure out what half marathon I'll do this spring. Bohermeen out due to music commitments, the other possibility is Newry to Dundalk, which I'm a bit iffy about. I reckon those first two miles out of Newry will be an absolute killer. Might do it just to do it and see where I am, will see what happens.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Weds 19th Feb: Rest

    Long day, between working, and getting off to the Alps.

    Thurs 20th Feb: 6 hours skiing, then 5 miles in 7:53 pace

    Took it relatively easy on the skiing Thursday, only doing a few red runs and one or two blacks.

    Got back from the slopes about 5 and hit the roads. I pretty much just ran down the mountain, turned on my heel and ran back up again. 1,192 feet of elevation loss and gain. Did in or around 6:20 pace on the way down, and averaged 7:53 pace on the way back up. Loved it.

    Friday 21st Feb: 6 hours skiing then 7 miles in 54 mins (7:44 pace)

    Did a lot of falling in my efforts to ski over the roof of a house, and doing lots of jumps. No big injuries, but a few near misses.

    Got off the slopes a bit earlier and headed straight out on the road. Was just starting to snow in Foppolo, but was clear enough when I got down the mountain a bit. Kept the pace better, keeping some energy for the last couple of miles. Last one was very slow and tough but. 1,600 feet elevation gain in 3.5 miles. A couple of weeks of that sort of training would do wonders. One can only dream!

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    Weds 19th Feb: Rest

    Long day, between working, and getting off to the Alps.

    Thurs 20th Feb: 6 hours skiing, then 5 miles in 7:53 pace

    Took it relatively easy on the skiing Thursday, only doing a few red runs and one or two blacks.

    Got back from the slopes about 5 and hit the roads. I pretty much just ran down the mountain, turned on my heel and ran back up again. 1,192 feet of elevation loss and gain. Did in or around 6:20 pace on the way down, and averaged 7:53 pace on the way back up. Loved it.

    Friday 21st Feb: 6 hours skiing then 7 miles in 54 mins (7:44 pace)

    Did a lot of falling in my efforts to ski over the roof of a house, and doing lots of jumps. No big injuries, but a few near misses.

    Got off the slopes a bit earlier and headed straight out on the road. Was just starting to snow in Foppolo, but was clear enough when I got down the mountain a bit. Kept the pace better, keeping some energy for the last couple of miles. Last one was very slow and tough but. 1,600 feet elevation gain in 3.5 miles. A couple of weeks of that sort of training would do wonders. One can only dream!

    If you get a chance, snow shoeing can be a nice way to see off piste and get a bit of cardio done.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    So you do more training when you're on holidays than when you're at home?? :rolleyes:
